# Access EMQX Cluster Through LoadBalancer

# Task Target

Access the EMQX cluster through the Service of LoadBalancer type.

# Configure EMQX Cluster

The following is the relevant configuration of EMQX Custom Resource. You can choose the corresponding APIVersion according to the version of EMQX you want to deploy. For the specific compatibility relationship, please refer to EMQX Operator Compatibility:

# Connect To EMQX Cluster By MQTT X CLI

  • Obtain the External IP of the EMQX cluster

  • Use MQTT X CLI to connect to EMQX cluster

    $ mqttx conn -h ${external_ip} -p 1883
    [4/17/2023] [5:17:31 PM] › … Connecting...
    [4/17/2023] [5:17:31 PM] › ✔ Connected

# Add New Listener Through EMQX Dashboard


The screenshots of the Dashboard below are from EMQX 5, EMQX 4 Dashboard (opens new window) also supports the corresponding function, please operate by yourself.

  • Add new Listener

    Open the browser to login the EMQX Dashboard and click Configuration → Listeners to enter the listener page, we first click the Add Listener button to add a name called test, port 1884 The listener, as shown in the following figure:

    Then click the Add button to create the listener, as shown in the following figure:

    As can be seen from the figure, the test listener we created has taken effect.

  • Check whether the newly added listener is injected into the Service

    kubectl get svc
    NAME             TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                         AGE
    emqx-dashboard   NodePort   <none>        18083:32012/TCP                                 13m
    emqx-listeners   NodePort      <none>        1883:32010/TCP,1884:30763/TCP                   12m

    From the output results, we can see that the newly added listener 1884 has been injected into the emqx-listeners Service.