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The directory structure of EMQX Broker obtained by different installation methods will be different:

Executable file directory./bin/usr/lib/emqx/bin
Data files./data/var/lib/emqx/
Erlang Virtual machine files./erts-*/usr/lib/emqx/erts-*
Configuration file directory./etc/etc/emqx/
Dependency directory./lib/usr/lib/emqx/lib
Log file./log/var/log/emqx
Start related scripts and schema files./releases/usr/lib/emqx/releases

In the above directories, bin, etc, data andlog are commonly used by users.

bin directory


The executable file of EMQX Broker can be found in Basic Command.


The executable file of EMQX Broker management command, you can check Management Command CLI for specific use.

etc directory

EMQX Broker is set by configuration files in the etc directory. The main configuration files include:

Configuration fileDescription
emqx.confEMQX Broker configuration file
acl.confEMQX Broker default ACL rule configuration file
plugins/*.confEMQX Broker various plug-in configuration files
certsEMQX Broker SSL certificate file

The specific configuration content of EMQX Broker can be viewed in Configuration Item.

data directory

EMQX Broker stores the running data in the data directory. The main files include:


EMQX Broker reads the configuration in etc/emqx.conf and etc/plugins/*.conf, converts it to the Erlang native configuration file format, and reads the configuration at runtime.


The loaded_plugins file records the list of plug-ins that was started by EMQX Broker by default. You can modify this file to add or delete plug-ins. The startup item format in loaded_plugins is {<Plugin Name>, <Enabled>}. , the <Enabled> field is a Boolean type, and EMQX Broker will determine whether to start this plugin according to the value of <Enabled> . For more information about plugins, please see plug-ins.

$ cat loaded_plugins


Mnesia database is a distributed DBMS in Erlang, which can directly store various data structures of Erlang.

EMQX Broker uses the Mnesia database to store its own running data, such as alarm records, resources and rules created by the rule engine, Dashboard user information, etc. These data will be stored under the mnesia directory. Once the directory is deleted, EMQX Broker will lose all business data.

You can query the system information of the Mnesia database in EMQX Broker through the emqx_ctl mnesia command. For details, please see Management Command CLI.

log directory


For the log file generated when EMQX Broker is running, please check Log and Trace.


The crash dump file of EMQX Broker can be modified through etc/emqx.conf , and the specific content can be viewed in configuration item.


It can control the copy of the console log when EMQX Broker is started in the background with emqx start.