CRL/OCSP Stapling
EMQX supports SSL/TLS, you can use X.509 certificate to enable client authentication and transport encryption.
Before the X.509 certificate expires, if the private key is exposed or the certificate is wrong, you need to revoke it to make sure your device is not being used illegally. In this case, you can use the CRL or OCSP Stapling feature to achieve a more secure setup.
The Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is a list maintained by the CA that contains the serial numbers and revocation times of certificates that have been revoked.
You can configure the request endpoint of the CA on EMQX and refresh the CRLs regularly. Unlike CRLs on the browser, the MQTT client need not manage CRLs and EMQX is in charge of the verification during the connection handshake.
All operations are run by EMQX, no special scripts or adaptations to the client are required.
Use CRL Feature
The instructions below demonstrate the revocation of a self-signed client certificate and the deployment process in EMQX.
You have enabled SSL/TLS connection and have generated a self-signed CA certificate for the client. You also possess the CA private key.
For detailed instructions on enabling SSL/TLS in EMQX, refer to Enable SSL/TLS for EMQX MQTT broker.
Revoke Client Certificate
- Generate the
file andindex.txt
database file.
cat > openssl.cnf <<EOF
[ ca ]
default_ca = myca
[ myca ]
dir = .
database = \$dir/index.txt
certificate = \$dir/ca.crt
private_key = \$dir/ca.key
default_days = 365
default_md = sha256
default_crl_days = 365
touch index.txt
The following configuration items are included:
Configuration Item | Meaning |
dir | Directory for storing the certificate |
database | Certificate database file |
certificate | CA certificate |
private_key | CA private key |
default_days | Certificate validity period |
default_md | Message digest algorithm |
default_crl_days | CRL validity period |
- Generate a CRL file through CA certificate, private key, and configuration file.
openssl ca -gencrl -keyfile ca.key -cert ca.crt -out ca.crl -config openssl.cnf
- Revoke client certificate.
$ openssl ca -revoke client.crt -config openssl.cnf
Adding Entry with serial number 36071A4116484CEA69F906B3CDE74507CC2939F4 to DB for /C=CN/ST=YN/L=KM/O=EMQ/OU=EMQX/CN=emqx-c
Revoking Certificate 36071A4116484CEA69F906B3CDE74507CC2939F4.
Data Base Updated
- Regenerate the CRL file.
openssl ca -gencrl -keyfile ca.key -cert ca.crt -out ca.crl -config openssl.cnf
Configure EMQX
Store the CRL file on the web server, assuming that the URL of the CRL file is http://localhost:8080/ca.crl.
Configure the CRL request endpoint to ensure that EMQX can access the CRL file. Below is an example of CRL configuration:
# Enable CRL check
listener.ssl.external.enable_crl_check = true
# Use comma to separate URL files if more than one
listener.ssl.external.crl_cache_urls = http://localhost:8080/ca.crl
# CRL Request timeout, global for all listeners
crl_cache_http_timeout = 15s
# The period to refresh the CRLs from the servers, global for all listeners
crl_cache_refresh_interval = 15m
You can request the list of CRL files by consulting CA or using the following command, taking the domain certificate as an example:
$ openssl x509 -in -noout -text | grep crl
For more detailed configuration, refer to Enable CRL.
- Restart EMQX to apply the configurations.
Use MQTTX CLI to Verify
Use the MQTTX CLI to connect to EMQX.
mqttx conn -h localhost -p 8883 --ca ca.crt --cert client.crt --key client.key --insecure
MQTTX CLI fails to establish a connection due to verification failure, and EMQX logs the following error message:
2023-05-05T16:19:59.117098+08:00 [error] supervisor: 'esockd_connection_sup - <0.2576.0>', errorContext: connection_shutdown, reason: {ssl_error,{tls_alert,{certificate_revoked,"TLS server: In state wait_cert at ssl_handshake.erl:2098 generated SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Certificate Revoked\n"}}}...
Now you have successfully revoked the client certificate, and EMQX is able to recognize the revoked client certificate correctly.
OCSP Stapling
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) is another certificate revocation solution, and OCSP Stapling is the latest improvement to OCSP technology.
OCSP Stapling checks the status of certificates via EMQX without each client sending a request to the OCSP Responder. When OCSP Stapling is enabled, EMQX will request the certificate from the OCSP server and cache the result.
When the client sends an SSL handshake request to EMQX, EMQX sends the OCSP info of the certificate to the client along with the certificate chain (Stapling), and the client verifies the certificate validity.
OCSP Stapling improves the speed of client-side certificate checking and reduces the load on OCSP Responder.
Configure OCSP Stapling
Below is an example of OCSP stapling configuration:
# Enable OCSP Stapling
listener.ssl.external.enable_ocsp_stapling = true
# OCSP Responder URL
## Get from CA or with this command
## openssl x509 -in -noout -ocsp_uri
listener.ssl.external.ocsp_responder_url =
# OCSP Responder PEM
listener.ssl.external.ocsp_issuer_pem = etc/certs/ocsp-issuer.pem
# OCSP Stapling request interval and timeout
listener.ssl.external.ocsp_refresh_interval = 5m
listener.ssl.external.ocsp_refresh_http_timeout = 15s
Take the domain certificate as an example, you can consult CA or use the following command to obtain the OCSP responder URL:
$ openssl x509 -in -noout -ocsp_uri
Verify OCSP Stapling
You can use this command to verify if OCSP Stapling is successfully enabled:
$ openssl s_client -connect -status -tlsextdebug < /dev/null 2>&1 | grep -i "OCSP response"
# Not enabled
OCSP response: no response sent
# Successfully enabled
OCSP response:
OCSP Response Data:
OCSP Response Status: successful (0x0)
Response Type: Basic OCSP Response
For more detailed configuration, refer to Enable OCSP Stapling.