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Configuration Files

Users can configure EMQX with configuration files or environment variables. This chapter will introduce the EMQX configuration files. For configuration items and detailed introduction, see Configuration Manual.


Main Configuration File

EMQX will create a group of directories after installation, among which, etc is the folder that keeps all the configuration files. This section will focus on the main configuration file: emqx.conf.

Depending on your installation mode, emqx.conf is stored in:

Installed with RPM or DEB package/etc/emqx/emqx.conf
Running in docker container/opt/emqx/etc/emqx.conf
Extracted from portable compressed package./etc/emqx.conf

As the main configuration file, emqx.conf contains most of the commonly used configuration items. You can follow the examples provided in the examples directory (located within the same directory) to customize the settings. EMQX uses the default settings if a config item is not found in the config files.

Configuration Rewrite File

emqx.conf defines settings at a global level, for cases where you need to customize the settings for a cluster or a node, EMQX also provides a configuration rewrite file that extends but does not override emqx.conf:


Contains configuration items for the entire cluster, configuration changes made from Dashboard, REST API, and CLI will be persisted to this file.

If a certain cluster node is restarted or some new nodes are added, the node will automatically copy and apply the configuration file from other nodes within the cluster, therefore there is no need nor recommended to configure it manually.

The configuration rewrite files are located in the $data/configs/ directory, and the path of the data directory varies according to the installation method:

Installed with RPM or DEB package/var/lib/emqx
Running in docker container/opt/emqx/data
Extracted from portable compressed package./data


It is possible to change data directory from config node.data_dir or environment variable EMQX_NODE__DATA_DIR, however, when running a cluster, all nodes should have the same path.

By default, most global settings are defined in the emqx.conf file, if you perform certain operations on the cluster level from Dashboard, REST API or CLI, the changes will be stored in cluster.hocon. And this whole process is called hot reload.

For override rules, see Configure override rules.


Some configuration items cannot be overridden, for example,

Since version 5.1, when cluster configuration changes, EMQX backups the cluster.hocon file before overwriting it. The backup files are suffixed with a timestamp of the node's local time. At most 10 backup files can be kept.

HOCON Configuration Format

Since EMQX 5.0, we have begun to use Human-Optimized Config Object Notation (HOCON) as the configuration file format.

HOCON is a format for human-readable data and a superset of JSON. With features like inheritance, combined, and quotes, HOCON further simplifies the configuration work.

HOCON syntax:

HOCON values can be represented as JSON-like objects, for example:

node {
  name = "emqx@"
  cookie = "mysecret"
  cluster_call {
    retry_interval  =  1m

or in flattening:

bash = ""
node.cookie = "mysecret"
node.cluster_call.retry_interval = "1m"

This cuttlefish-like flattening format is backward compatible with the previous EMQX versions, but it is used differently:

HOCON recommends adding quotes at both ends of the string. Strings without special characters can also be unquoted, for example foo, foo_bar, while cuttlefish regards all characters to the right of = as values.

For more information about HOCON syntax, please refer to HOCON Documentation.

Environment Variables

Besides configuration files, you can also use environment variables to configure EMQX.

For example, environment variable EMQX_NODE__NAME=emqx2@ will override the following configuration:

# emqx.conf
node {
  name = "emqx@"

Configuration items and environment variables can be converted by the following rules:

  1. Since the . separator in the configuration file cannot be used in environment variables, EMQX uses double underscores __ as the configuration separator;
  2. To distinguish the converted configuration items from other environment variables, EMQX also adds a prefix EMQX_ to the environment variable;
  3. The value of the environment variable is parsed according to the HOCON value, making it possible to use the environment variable to pass the value of complex data types, but please note that special characters such as and = need to be wrapped in double quotes ".

Conversion example:

# Environment variables

## localhost:1883 will be parsed into a struct `{"localhost": 1883}`, so it needs to be wrapped in double quotes

## Pass the HOCON array directly by character

# Configuration file
listeners.ssl.default {
    bind = ""
    ssl_options {
      ciphers = ["TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384"]


EMQX will ignore undefined root paths, for example, EMQX_UNKNOWN_ROOT__FOOBAR , because UNKNOWN_ROOT is not a pre-defined root path.

When a known root path is set with an unknown field name, EMQX will output a warning log at startup, for example, when enable is incorrectly configured as enabled, it will output:

[warning] unknown_env_vars: ["EMQX_AUTHENTICATION__ENABLED"]

Configure Override Rules

The value of HOCON will be overridden hierarchically, the rules are as follows:

  • In the same file, the value defined in the later section will override any previous key value.
  • A higher-level value will replace that of a lower-level.

The EMQX configuration is prioritized (overlayed) in the following order: cluster.hocon < emqx.conf < environment variables.

Settings in environment variables that begin with 'EMQX_' have the highest priority and will override any settings in the etc/emqx.conf file.

Changes made through EMQX Dashboard UI, HTTP API, or CLI are persisted in data/configs/cluster.hocon at runtime and will take effect immediately. However, if the same configuration items are set differently in the etc/emqx.conf file, the runtime updates will be overridden by the settings in etc/emqx.conf after the node restarts.

To avoid confusion, it is highly recommend NOT to have the same config keys in both cluster.hocon and emqx.conf.


  1. If you're using an older version of EMQX, specifically version e5.0.2/v5.0.22 or earlier(i.e. the cluster-override.conf file still exists in EMQX's data directory), then the order of priority for configuring your settings is as follows: emqx.conf < ENV < HTTP API(cluster-override.conf).
  2. If you're upgrading from e5.0.2/v5.0.22 or earlier to the latest version of EMQX, the configuration overriding order will remain unchanged, cluster.hocon will not be created to keep compatibility.
  3. The cluster-override.conf mechanism is removed in version 5.1.


In the following configuration, the debug value of level defined in the last line will overwrite the previously defined error, but the enable field remains unchanged:

log {
    enable = true
    level = error

## Set the console log printing level to debug, and keep the other configurations
log.console_handler.level = debug

The packet size limit was first set to 1MB, then overridden to 10MB:

zones {
  zone1 {
    mqtt.max_packet_size = 1M
zones.zone1.mqtt.max_packet_size = 10M

List Element Override

EMQX array has two expression ways:

  • List, for example, [1, 2, 3]
  • Map (subscribing), for example: {"1"=1, "2"=2, "3"=3}

The following 3 formats are equivalent:

authentication.1 = {...}
authentication = {"1": {...}}
authentication = [{...}]

Based on this feature, we can easily override the value of an element in an array, for example:

authentication  = [
    enable = true,
    backend = "built_in_database",
    mechanism = "password_based"

# The `enable` field of the first element can be overridden in the following way:
authentication.1.enable = false


Arrays (in list format) will be fully overwritten and the original value cannot be kept, for example:

authentication = [
    enable = true
    backend = "built_in_database"

## With the following method, all fields except `enable` of the first element will be lost.
authentication = [{ enable = true }]

Zone Override

A zone in EMQX is a concept for grouping configurations. Zones can be associated with listeners by setting the zone field to the name of the desired zone. MQTT clients connected to listeners associated with a zone will inherit the configurations from that zone, which may override global settings.


By default, listeners are linked to a zone named default. The default zone is a logical grouping and does not exist in the configuration files.

The following configuration items can be overridden at the zone level:

  • mqtt: MQTT connection and session settings, such as allowing a greater maximum packet size for MQTT messages in a specific zone.
  • force_shutdown: Policies for forced shutdowns.
  • force_gc: Fine-tuning for Erlang process garbage collection.
  • flapping_detect: Detection of client flapping.
  • session_persistence: Session persistence settings, such as enabling durable storage for MQTT sessions in a specific zone.

In EMQX version 5, the default configuration file does not include any zones, which differs from version 4, where there are two default zones: internal and external.

To create a zone, you need to define it in emqx.conf, for example:

zones {
  # Multiple zones can be defined
  my_zone1 {
    # Zones share the same configuration schema as the global configurations
    mqtt {
      # Allow a larger packet size for connections in this zone
      max_packet_size = 10M
    force_shutdown {
      # Configuration specific to this zone
    session_persistence {
      # Enable durable storage for sessions in this zone
  my_zone2 {

In a listener, set the zone field to associate it with a zone that has been created.

listeners.tcp.default {
    bind = 1883
    zone = my_zone1


To make the HOCON objects type-safe, EMQX introduced a schema for it. This schema defines data types, field names, and metadata, allowing for configuration value validation and more.

The Configuration Manual is generated from the schema.


The zone configuration schema is not included in the configuration manual because it is identical for each group. For example, zones.my_zone1.mqtt {...} has the same schema as mqtt {...}.

Primitive Data Types

Primitive data types in the configuration manual are largely self-explanatory, requiring minimal documentation. Below is a comprehensive list of all primitive types you will encounter.


Represents a whole number. Examples include 42, -3, 0.


An integer that falls within a specified range. For example, 1..+inf means from 1 to positive infinity (+inf), indicating that only positive integers are acceptable.

Enum(symbol1, symbol2, ...)

Defines an enumerated type that can only take one of the predefined symbols. For instance, Enum(debug,info,warning,error) defines acceptable logging levels.


The String data type represents a sequence of characters and supports several formats for diverse use cases:

  • Unquoted: Ideal for simple identifiers or names that avoid special characters (see below for details).

  • Quoted Strings: For strings that include special characters or whitespace, use double quotes ("), utilizing the backslash (\) to escape characters as needed. Example: "line1\nline2".

  • Triple-quoted String: Enclosed with triple quotes ("""), these strings do not require escapes (except for \), simplifying the inclusion of complex content. Note that quotes adjacent to the triple-quotes must be escaped to be considered part of the string.

  • Triple-quoted String with Indentation: Surrounded by """~ and ~""", introduced since EMQX 5.6, this format allows for indentation within the string for better layout in the configuration file, ideal for multi-line or formatted text.

Special Considerations for Unquoted Strings:

  • Avoid "forbidden characters": $, ", {, }, [, ], :, =, ,, +, #, `, ^, ?, !, *, &, \, or whitespace.
  • Do not start with // (which introduces a comment).
  • Do not begin with true, false, or null in a way that could be misinterpreted as boolean or null values.

Guidelines for Triple-quoted Strings:

  • To include a quote character adjacent to the triple-quotes, escape it or use the ~ delimiter for clarity.
  • Multiline strings support indentation with spaces (not tabs) for readability. The indentation level is determined by the smallest number of leading spaces on any line.

For example:

rule_xlu4 {
  sql = """~

For additional details on string quoting conventions in HOCON, consult the HOCON specification.

For insights into EMQ's specialized adaptations of the triple-quoted string with indentation, refer to the emqx/hocon.git README.


A constant string value, effectively acting as a single-value enumeration (Enum). This could be used to define a static value that doesn't change, such as a specific setting or mode.


Either true or false, which is case sensitive.


A floating-point number, supporting decimals. Examples include 3.14, -0.001.


Represents a span of time in a human-readable format. Examples and explanation of format.


Specifies a Duration type with a precision level of seconds. Further details and examples.


A type intended for sensitive information, such as passwords and tokens. Explanation of its usage and importance.

Complex Data Types

Complex data types in EMQX's HOCON configuration are designed to encapsulate data structures that can include both other complex types and primitive values. These data types enable flexible and hierarchical data representation.

Struct Struct(name)

Represents a structure with fields enclosed between curly braces {}. The name parameter is a reference to a schema that specifies the structure's fields and their respective types.

Map Map($name-\>Type)

Similar to Struct, a Map holds key-value pairs without predefined names for the fields.

The $name variable indicates that the keys can be any string (except for a string with dot . in it), representing the name of an entity or attribute. The Type specifies that all values in the map must be of the same data type, allowing for uniform collections of data items.

OneOf OneOf(Type1, Type2, ...)

Defines a union type that can include two or more types to indicate that one struct field can be any one of the member types. For example, this allows a configuration entry to be either String(infinity) or a Duration.

Array Array(Type)

Defines an array consisting of elements that adhere to the specified Type.


If a Map field name is a positive integer number, it is interpreted as an alternative representation of an Array. For example:

myarray.1 = 74
myarray.2 = 75

will be interpreted as myarray = [74, 75], which is handy when trying to override array elements.

Configuration Paths

If we consider the whole EMQX config as a tree, to reference a primitive value, we can use dot-separated names from string for the path from the tree root (always a Struct) down to the primitive values at tree-leaves.

Each segment of the dotted string is a Struct filed name or Map key. For Array elements, 1-based index is used.

Below are some examples

bash = "emqx."
zone.zone1.max_packet_size = "10M"
authentication.1.enable = true