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Neuron KUKA Ethernet KRL TCP plugin accesses KUKA robot devices with the KUKA Ethernet KRL module installed through TCP protocol. Currently, the Neuron KUKA plugin supports the robot device server mode, and the plugin actively connects as a client.

Parameter Configuration

hostTarget Device IP address
portTarget Device port, default 5000

Support Data Type

  • uint8
  • int8
  • uint16
  • int16
  • uint32
  • int32
  • uint64
  • int64
  • float
  • double
  • bool
  • string

KUKA Ethernet KRL script setting

On-site robot devices need to have the KUKA Ethernet KRL module installed in advance. Neuron provides sample TCP Server scripts demo and configuration documents. You can directly contact us to obtain the scripts and configuration documents.


The plugin address is in the form of XML XPATH.

Address Examples

/RobotState/Current/@A1floatcurrent of A1 axis
/RobotState/Current/@A2floatcurrent of A2 axis
/RobotState/Torque/@A1floattorque of A1 axis
/RobotState/Torque/@A2floattorque of A2 axis
/RobotState/Err/@numberint32error number