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The SECS GEM HSMS driver supports accessing devices that comply with the SEMI E37 HSMS standard through the TCP/IP protocol. Currently, it supports passive mode for devices and acts as the active host connection.

Parameter Configuration

hostTarget Device IP address
portTarget Device port, default 5000
deviceidTarget Device ID, default 0

Support Data Type

  • uint8
  • int8
  • uint16
  • int16
  • uint32
  • int32
  • uint64
  • int64
  • float
  • double
  • bool
  • string

Streams and Functions

SECS-II messages are referred to as Streams and Functions. Each message has a Stream value (Sx) and a Function value (Fy). In the case of a Stream 1 Function 1, it is written as S1F1, and spoken as “S1F1”. Streams are categories of messages while Functions are specific messages within the category. The function value is always an odd number in a primary message, and one greater, or even, in the associated secondary reply.

1Equipment Status
2Equipment Control
3Material Status
4Material Control
5Alarm Handling
6Data Collection
7Recipe Management
8Control Program Transfer
9System Errors
10Terminal Services
11(Not Used)
12Wafer Mapping
13Unformatted Data Set Transfers

Some SxFy

Stream FunctionDescription
S1F1Are You There Request (R)
S1F2On Line Data (D)
S1F3Selected Equipment Status Request (SSR)
S1F4Selected Equipment Status Data (SSD)
S6F7Data Transfer Request (DDR)
S6F8Data Transfer Data (DDD)
S6F15Event Report Request (ERR)
S6F16Event Report Data (ERD)

Special Type Processing

The SECS-II message definition defines the LIST type, which is also supported by the plugin through the string type. However, there is a deserialization process involved, with specific rules as follows.

SECS-II TypedeserializationDescription
LIST<L[n] xxx>(.)n is the length of the LIST, and when the LIST is empty set n to 0. The outermost LIST includes . at the end
ASCII<A[n] xxx>n is the length of the ASCII, and when the ASCII is empty set n to 0.
Binary<B[n] xxx>n is the length of the Binary, and when the Binary is empty set n to 0.
Boolean<Boolean x>
UINT8<U1 x>
UINT16<U2 x>
UINT32<U4 x>
UINT64<U8 x>
INT8<I1 x>
INT16<I2 x>
INT32<I4 x>
INT64<I8 x>
32FLOAT<F4 x>
64FLOAT<F8 x>


  • How to fill in the Device ID? The Device ID can usually be viewed on the SECS GEM HSMS protocol configuration page of the device.

  • How to serialize ASCII type in LIST? This plugin serializes ASCII in LIST as <A[n] xxx>, without quotes for the content. For example, "ABC" is serialized as <A[3] ABC>, not <[3] "ABC">.

  • How to serialize Binary type in LIST? This plugin serializes Binary in LIST as <B[n] xx>, without quotes for the content. For example, 0xFF is serialized as <B[1] FF>, not <[2] "FF">.

  • What type should be selected when creating a new point for data of LIST type? For points with device data type LIST, select string type when creating a new point.

  • How to create a new point for events actively reported by the device, such as "S6F11"? For points actively reported by the device, such as "S6F11", simply create the corresponding point.

  • How to create a new point for obtaining data that requires passing parameters? For example, "S1F3" requires passing a LIST type parameter, and its return value will be returned through "S1F4", which also has LIST type. For this point, we need to create two points, with one having address "S1F3" and property configuration Write, and type string. The other has address "S1F4" and property configuration Read or Sub, and type string. Use the first point to write the parameter, and the second point to obtain the return value.

  • How to create a new point for obtaining data without passing parameters? For example, "S1F1" does not require passing parameters. Simply create one point, and its return value will be displayed directly on this point.