EMQX 提供了 ./bin/emqx_ctl
的管理命令行,用于用户对 EMQX 进行管理、配置、查询。
status 命令
查询 EMQX 运行状态:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl status
Node 'emqx@' is started
emqx v4.0.0 is running
mgmt 命令
mgmt 命令查询应用程序。
命令 | 描述 |
mgmt list | 列出应用程序列表 |
mgmt insert <AppId> <Name> | 添加允许访问 HTTP API 的应用程序 |
mgmt update <AppId> <status> | 更新允许访问 HTTP API 的应用程序 |
mgmt lookup <AppId> | 获取允许访问 HTTP API 的应用程序详情 |
mgmt delete <AppId> | 删除允许访问 HTTP API 的应用程序 |
mgmt list
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl mgmt list
app_id: 901abdba8eb8c, secret: MjgzMzQ5MjM1MzUzMTc4MjgyMjE3NzU4ODcwMDg0NjQ4OTG, name: hello, desc: , status: true, expired: undefined
mgmt insert <AppId> <Name>
添加 HTTP API 的应用程序:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl mgmt insert dbcb6e023370b world
mgmt update <AppId> <status>
更新 HTTP API 的应用程序:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl mgmt update dbcb6e023370b stop
update successfully.
mgmt lookup <AppId>
获取 HTTP API 的应用程序详情:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl mgmt lookup dbcb6e023370b
app_id: dbcb6e023370b
name: world
desc: Application user
status: stop
expired: undefined
mgmt delete <AppId>
删除 HTTP API 的应用程序:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl mgmt delete dbcb6e023370b
broker 命令
broker 命令查询服务器基本信息,启动时间,统计数据与性能数据。
命令 | 描述 |
broker | 查询 EMQX 描述、版本、启动时间 |
broker stats | 查询连接 (Connection)、会话 (Session)、主题 (Topic)、订阅 (Subscription)、路由 (Route) 统计信息 |
broker metrics | 查询 MQTT 报文 (Packet)、消息 (Message) 收发统计 |
查询 EMQX 基本信息,包括版本、启动时间等:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl broker
sysdescr : EMQX Broker
version : 4.0.0
uptime : 4 minutes, 52 seconds
datetime : 2020-02-21 09:39:58
broker stats
查询服务器客户端连接 (Connections)、主题 (Topics)、订阅 (Subscriptions)、路由 (Routes) 统计:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl broker stats
channels.count : 1
channels.max : 1
connections.count : 1
connections.max : 1
live_connections.count : 1
live_connections.max : 1
modules.count : 6
modules.max : 6
retained.count : 0
retained.max : 5
routes.count : 1
routes.max : 1
sessions.count : 1
sessions.max : 1
suboptions.count : 1
suboptions.max : 1
subscribers.count : 1
subscribers.max : 1
subscriptions.count : 1
subscriptions.max : 1
subscriptions.shared.count : 0
subscriptions.shared.max : 0
topics.count : 1
topics.max : 1
broker metrics
查询服务器流量 (Bytes)、MQTT 报文 (Packets)、消息 (Messages) 收发统计:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl broker metrics
bytes.received : 0
bytes.sent : 0
client.auth.anonymous : 0
client.authenticate : 0
client.check_acl : 0
client.connack : 0
client.connect : 0
client.connected : 0
client.disconnected : 0
client.subscribe : 0
client.unsubscribe : 0
delivery.dropped : 0
delivery.dropped.expired : 0
delivery.dropped.no_local : 0
delivery.dropped.qos0_msg : 0
delivery.dropped.queue_full : 0
delivery.dropped.too_large : 0
messages.acked : 0
messages.delayed : 0
messages.delivered : 0
messages.dropped : 0
messages.dropped.expired : 0
messages.dropped.no_subscriber: 0
messages.forward : 0
messages.publish : 0
messages.qos0.received : 0
messages.qos0.sent : 0
messages.qos1.received : 0
messages.qos1.sent : 0
messages.qos2.received : 0
messages.qos2.sent : 0
messages.received : 0
messages.retained : 3
messages.sent : 0
packets.auth.received : 0
packets.auth.sent : 0
packets.connack.auth_error : 0
packets.connack.error : 0
packets.connack.sent : 0
packets.connect.received : 0
packets.disconnect.received : 0
packets.disconnect.sent : 0
packets.pingreq.received : 0
packets.pingresp.sent : 0
packets.puback.inuse : 0
packets.puback.missed : 0
packets.puback.received : 0
packets.puback.sent : 0
packets.pubcomp.inuse : 0
packets.pubcomp.missed : 0
packets.pubcomp.received : 0
packets.pubcomp.sent : 0
packets.publish.auth_error : 0
packets.publish.dropped : 0
packets.publish.error : 0
packets.publish.received : 0
packets.publish.sent : 0
packets.pubrec.inuse : 0
packets.pubrec.missed : 0
packets.pubrec.received : 0
packets.pubrec.sent : 0
packets.pubrel.missed : 0
packets.pubrel.received : 0
packets.pubrel.sent : 0
packets.received : 0
packets.sent : 0
packets.suback.sent : 0
packets.subscribe.auth_error : 0
packets.subscribe.error : 0
packets.subscribe.received : 0
packets.unsuback.sent : 0
packets.unsubscribe.error : 0
packets.unsubscribe.received : 0
session.created : 0
session.discarded : 0
session.resumed : 0
session.takeovered : 0
session.terminated : 0
cluster 命令
cluster 命令可以管理由多个 EMQX 节点(进程)组成的集群:
命令 | 描述 |
cluster join <Node> | 加入集群 |
cluster leave | 离开集群 |
cluster force-leave <Node> | 从集群删除节点 |
cluster status | 查询集群状态 |
为更好地展示 cluster 命令,我们可以先在单机上启动两个节点并组成集群,这称之为伪分布式启动模式。由于我们要在单机上启动两个 emqx 实例,为避免端口冲突,我们需要对其它节点的监听端口做出调整。
基本思路是复制一份 emqx 文件夹然后命名为 emqx2 ,将原先所有 emqx 节点监听的端口 port 加上一个偏移 offset 作为新的 emqx2 节点的监听端口。例如,将原先 emqx 的MQTT/TCP 监听端口由默认的 1883 改为了 2883 作为 emqx2 的 MQTT/TCP 监听端口。完成以上操作的自动化脚本可以参照 集群脚本,具体配置请参见 配置说明 与 配置项。
启动 emqx1 :
$ cd emqx1 && ./bin/emqx start
启动 emqx2 :
$ cd emqx2 && ./bin/emqx start
使用 cluster join <Node>
$ cd emqx2 && ./bin/emqx_ctl cluster join emqx1@
Join the cluster successfully.
Cluster status: [{running_nodes,['emqx1@','emqx2@']}]
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl cluster status
Cluster status: [{running_nodes,['emqx2@','emqx1@']}]
集群消息路由测试: MQTT 命令行工具使用由 EMQX 团队开发的 emqtt 客户端。
# emqx1 节点(1883 端口)订阅主题 x
$ ./bin/emqtt sub -t x -q 1 -p 1883
Client emqtt-a7de8fffbe2fbeb2fadb sent CONNECT
Client emqtt-a7de8fffbe2fbeb2fadb subscribed to x
# 向 emqx2 节点(2883 端口 )发布消息
$ ./bin/emqtt pub -t x -q 1 -p 2883 --payload hello
Client emqtt-0898fa447676e17479a5 sent CONNECT
Client emqtt-0898fa447676e17479a5 sent PUBLISH (Q1, R0, D0, Topic=x, Payload=...(5 bytes))
Client emqtt-0898fa447676e17479a5 sent DISCONNECT
# emqx1 节点(1883 端口)收到消息
$ ./bin/emqtt sub -t x -q 1 -p 1883
emqx2 节点离开集群:
$ cd emqx2 && ./bin/emqx_ctl cluster leave
强制 emqx2 节点离开集群,需要在集群下的目标节点以外的节点上进行操作:
$ cd emqx1 && ./bin/emqx_ctl cluster force-leave emqx2@
注意,EMQX 不支持一个已经在一个集群中的节点加入另外一个集群,因为这会导致两个集群数据不一致,但支持加入过集群的节点在离开该集群后加入另一个集群。
acl 命令
从 v4.1 之后引入了 modules
的命令,我们使用以下命令重新加载 ACL:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl modules reload emqx_mod_acl_internal
Module emqx_mod_acl_internal reloaded successfully.
在 v4.1 之前,则仍然使用:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl acl reload
acl cache-clean
在 v4.3 之后,引入了的命令来清理 ACL 缓存:
命令 | 描述 |
acl cache-clean all | 清除集群中所有的 ACL 缓存 |
acl cache-clean node <Node> | 清除指定节点的 ACL 缓存 |
acl cache-clean <ClientId> | 清除指定客户端的 ACL 缓存 |
clients 命令
clients 命令查询连接的 MQTT 客户端。
命令 | 描述 |
clients list | 列出所有客户端连接 |
clients show <ClientId> | 查询指定 ClientId 的客户端 |
clients kick <ClientId> | 踢除指定 ClientId 的客户端,连接与会话将一并终结。 |
clients list
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl clients list
Client (mosqsub/43832-airlee.lo, username=test1, peername=, clean_start=true, keepalive=60, session_expiry_interval=0, subscriptions=0, inflight=0, awaiting_rel=0, delivered_msgs=0, enqueued_msgs=0, dropped_msgs=0, connected=true, created_at=1582249657, connected_at=1582249657)
Client (mosqsub/44011-airlee.lo, username=test2, peername=, clean_start=true, keepalive=60, session_expiry_interval=0, subscriptions=0, inflight=0, awaiting_rel=0, delivered_msgs=0, enqueued_msgs=0, dropped_msgs=0, connected=true, created_at=1582249657, connected_at=1582249657, disconnected_at=1582249702)
返回 Client 对象的属性:
Name | 描述 |
username | 用户名 |
peername | 客户端 IP 与端口 |
clean_start | MQTT Clean Start |
keepalive | MQTT KeepAlive |
session_expiry_interval | 会话过期间隔 |
subscriptions | 当前订阅数量 |
inflight | 当前正在下发的 QoS 1 和 QoS 2 的消息总数 |
awaiting_rel | 等待客户端发送 PUBREL 的 QoS2 消息数 |
delivered_msgs | EMQX 向此客户端转发的消息数量 (包含重传) |
enqueued_msgs | 消息队列当前长度 |
dropped_msgs | 消息队列达到最大长度后丢弃的消息数量 |
connected | 是否在线 |
created_at | 会话创建时间戳 |
connected_at | 客户端连接时间戳 |
disconnected_at | 客户端断开连接时间戳(仅当断开连接还保留会话时才会出现) |
clients show <ClientId>
查询指定 ClientId 的客户端:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl clients show "mosqsub/43832-airlee.lo"
Client (mosqsub/43832-airlee.lo, username=test1, peername=, clean_start=false, keepalive=60, session_expiry_interval=7200, subscriptions=0, inflight=0, awaiting_rel=0, delivered_msgs=0, enqueued_msgs=0, dropped_msgs=0, connected=true, created_at=1576479557, connected_at=1576479557)
clients kick <ClientId>
踢除指定 ClientId 的客户端:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl clients kick "clientid"
routes 命令
routes 命令用于查询路由信息。
EMQX 中路由是指主题与节点的映射关系,用于在多个节点之间路由消息。
命令 | 描述 |
routes list | 列出所有路由 |
routes show <Topic> | 查询指定 Topic 的路由 |
routes list
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl routes list
t2/# -> emqx2@
t/+/x -> emqx2@,emqx@
routes show <Topic>
查询指定 Topic d的路由:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl routes show t/+/x
t/+/x -> emqx2@,emqx@
subscriptions 命令
subscriptions 命令查询消息服务器的订阅 (Subscription) 表。
命令 | 描述 |
subscriptions list | 列出所有订阅 |
subscriptions show <ClientId> | 查询指定 ClientId 客户端的订阅 |
subscriptions add <ClientId> <Topic> <QoS> | 手动添加静态订阅 |
subscriptions del <ClientId> <Topic> | 手动删除静态订阅 |
subscriptions list
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl subscriptions list
mosqsub/91042-airlee.lo -> t/y:1
mosqsub/90475-airlee.lo -> t/+/x:2
subscriptions show <ClientId>
查询某个 Client 的订阅:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl subscriptions show 'mosqsub/90475-airlee.lo'
mosqsub/90475-airlee.lo -> t/+/x:2
subscriptions add <ClientId> <Topic> <QoS>
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl subscriptions add 'mosqsub/90475-airlee.lo' '/world' 1
subscriptions del <ClientId> <Topic>
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl subscriptions del 'mosqsub/90475-airlee.lo' '/world'
plugins 命令
plugins 命令用于加载、卸载、查询插件应用。EMQX 通过插件扩展认证、定制功能,插件配置位于 etc/plugins/
命令 | 描述 |
plugins list | 列出全部插件 (Plugin) |
plugins load <Plugin> | 加载插件 (Plugin) |
plugins unload <Plugin> | 卸载插件 (Plugin) |
plugins reload <Plugin> | 重载插件 (Plugin) |
当配置文件发生更改,如果需要配置立即生效,你可以执行 emqx_ctl reload <Plugin\> 命令,即使插件在配置修改时并未处于运行状态,你也应当使用此命令而不是
emqx_ctl load <Plugin>,因为 `emqx_ctl load <Plugin> 不会编译新的配置文件。
plugins list
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl plugins list
Plugin(emqx_auth_http, description=EMQX Authentication/ACL with HTTP API, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_auth_jwt, description=EMQX Authentication with JWT, active=false)
Plugin(emqx_auth_ldap, description=EMQX Authentication/ACL with LDAP, active=false)
Name | 描述 |
version | 插件版本 |
description | 插件描述 |
active | 是否已加载 |
plugins load <Plugin>
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_lua_hook
Plugin emqx_lua_hook loaded successfully.
plugins unload <Plugin>
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl plugins unload emqx_lua_hook
Plugin emqx_lua_hook unloaded successfully.
plugins reload <Plugin>
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl plugins reload emqx_lua_hook
Plugin emqx_lua_hook reloaded successfully.
modules 命令
自 v4.1 之后,引入了 modules
命令用于在运行时管理 EMQX 内置的模块。
命令 | 描述 |
modules list | 列出全部内置模块 (Module) |
modules start <Module> | 启动内置模块 (Module) |
modules stop <Module> | 停止内置模块 (Module) |
modules list
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl modules list
Module(emqx_mod_delayed, description=EMQX Delayed Publish Module, active=false)
Module(emqx_mod_topic_metrics, description=EMQX Topic Metrics Module, active=false)
Module(emqx_mod_subscription, description=EMQX Subscription Module, active=false)
Module(emqx_mod_acl_internal, description=EMQX Internal ACL Module, active=true)
Module(emqx_mod_rewrite, description=EMQX Topic Rewrite Module, active=false)
Module(emqx_mod_presence, description=EMQX Presence Module, active=true)
modules start
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl modules start emqx_mod_delayed
Module emqx_mod_delayed started successfully.
modules stop
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl modules stop emqx_mod_delayed
Module emqx_mod_delayed stopped successfully.
vm 命令
vm 命令用于查询 Erlang 虚拟机负载、内存、进程、IO 信息。
命令 | 描述 |
vm | 等同于 vm all |
vm all | 查询 VM 全部信息 |
vm load | 查询 VM 负载 |
vm memory | 查询 VM 内存 |
vm process | 查询 VM Erlang 进程数量 |
vm io | 查询 VM io 最大文件句柄 |
vm ports | 查询 VM 的端口 |
vm all
查询 VM 全部信息,包括负载、内存、Erlang 进程数量等:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm all
cpu/load1 : 4.22
cpu/load5 : 3.29
cpu/load15 : 3.16
memory/total : 99995208
memory/processes : 38998248
memory/processes_used : 38938520
memory/system : 60996960
memory/atom : 1189073
memory/atom_used : 1173808
memory/binary : 100336
memory/code : 25439961
memory/ets : 7161128
process/limit : 2097152
process/count : 315
io/max_fds : 10240
io/active_fds : 0
ports/count : 18
ports/limit : 1048576
vm load
查询 VM 负载:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm load
cpu/load1 : 2.21
cpu/load5 : 2.60
cpu/load15 : 2.36
vm memory
查询 VM 内存:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm memory
memory/total : 23967736
memory/processes : 3594216
memory/processes_used : 3593112
memory/system : 20373520
memory/atom : 512601
memory/atom_used : 491955
memory/binary : 51432
memory/code : 13401565
memory/ets : 1082848
vm process
查询 Erlang 进程数量及其限制:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm process
process/limit : 2097152
process/count : 314
vm io
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm io
io/max_fds : 10240
io/active_fds : 0
vm ports
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl vm ports
ports/count : 18
ports/limit : 1048576
mnesia 命令
查询 mnesia 数据库系统状态。
log 命令
log 命令用于设置日志等级。访问 Documentation of logger 以获取详细信息
命令 | 描述 |
log set-level <Level> | 设置主日志等级和所有 Handlers 日志等级 |
log primary-level | 查看主日志等级 |
log primary-lelvel <Level> | 设置主日志等级 |
log handlers list | 查看当前安装的所有 Handlers |
log handlers start <HandlerId> | 启动某个已停止的 Handler |
log handlers stop <HandlerId> | 停止某个 Handler |
log handlers set-level <HandlerId> <Level> | 设置指定 Handler 的日志等级 |
日志的等级由低到高分别为:debug | info | notice | warning | error | critical | alert | emergency
,日志等级越低,系统输出的日志数量越多,消耗的系统资源越大。为提高系统运行性能,默认的主日志等级是 error。
log set-level <Level>
设置主日志等级和所有 Handlers 日志等级:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log set-level debug
log primary-level
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log primary-level
log primary-level <Level>
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log primary-level info
log handlers list
查看当前安装的所有 Handlers:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log handlers list
LogHandler(id=ssl_handler, level=debug, destination=console, status=started)
LogHandler(id=file, level=warning, destination=log/emqx.log, status=started)
LogHandler(id=default, level=warning, destination=console, status=started)
log handlers start <HandlerId>
启动 log handler 'default'
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log handlers start default
log handler default started
log handlers stop <HandlerId>
停止 log handler 'default'
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log handlers stop default
log handler default stopped
log handlers set-level <HandlerId> <Level>
设置指定 Handler 的日志等级:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log handlers set-level emqx_logger_handler error
trace 命令
trace 命令用于追踪某个 Client 或 Topic,打印日志信息到文件,详情请查看 日志与追踪。
命令 | 描述 |
trace list | 列出所有开启的追踪 |
trace start client <ClientId> <File> [<Level>] | 开启 Client 追踪,存储指定等级的日志到文件 |
trace stop client <ClientId> | 关闭 Client 追踪 |
trace start topic <Topic> <File> [<Level>] | 开启 Topic 追踪,存储指定等级的日志到文件 |
trace stop topic <Topic> | 关闭 Topic 追踪 |
trace start client <ClientId> <File> [ <Level> ]
开启 Client 追踪:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log primary-level debug
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace start client clientid log/clientid_trace.log
trace clientid clientid successfully
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace start client clientid2 log/clientid2_trace.log error
trace clientid clientid2 successfully
trace stop client <ClientId>
关闭 Client 追踪:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace stop client clientid
stop tracing clientid clientid successfully
trace start topic <Topic> <File> [ <Level> ]
开启 Topic 追踪:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl log primary-level debug
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace start topic topic log/topic_trace.log
trace topic topic successfully
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace start topic topic2 log/topic2_trace.log error
trace topic topic2 successfully
trace stop topic <Topic>
关闭 Topic 追踪:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace topic topic off
stop tracing topic topic successfully
trace list
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl trace list
Trace (clientid=clientid2, level=error, destination="log/clientid2_trace.log")
Trace (topic=topic2, level=error, destination="log/topic2_trace.log")
listeners 命令用于查询开启的 TCP 服务监听器。
命令 | 描述 |
listeners | # List listeners |
listeners stop <Identifier> | # Stop a listener |
listeners stop <Proto> <Port> | # Stop a listener |
listeners restart <Identifier> | # Restart a listener |
listeners list
查询开启的 TCP 服务监听器:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl listeners
listen_on :
acceptors : 16
max_conns : 102400
current_conn : 0
shutdown_count : []
listen_on :
acceptors : 8
max_conns : 1024000
current_conn : 0
shutdown_count : []
listen_on :
acceptors : 4
max_conns : 1024000
current_conn : 0
shutdown_count : []
listen_on :
acceptors : 4
max_conns : 512
current_conn : 0
shutdown_count : []
listen_on :
acceptors : 2
max_conns : 512
current_conn : 0
shutdown_count : []
listen_on :
acceptors : 4
max_conns : 102400
current_conn : 0
shutdown_count : []
listen_on :
acceptors : 4
max_conns : 16
current_conn : 0
shutdown_count : []
listener 参数说明:
Name | 描述 |
acceptors | TCP Acceptor 池 |
max_conns | 最大允许连接数 |
current_conns | 当前连接数 |
shutdown_count | 连接关闭原因统计 |
listeners stop
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl listeners stop mqtt:tcp:external
Stop mqtt:tcp:external listener on successfully.
listeners restart
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl listeners restart http:dashboard
Stop http:dashboard listener on successfully.
Start http:dashboard listener on successfully.
recon 命令
EMQX 的 recon 命令基于 Erlang Recon 库实现,用于帮助 DevOps 人员诊断生产节点中的问题,普通用户无需关心。使用 recon 命令会耗费一定的性能,请谨慎使用。
命令 | 描述 |
recon memory | recon_alloc:memory/2 |
recon allocated | recon_alloc:memory (allocated_types, current/max) |
recon bin_leak | recon:bin_leak (100) |
recon node_stats | recon:node_stats_print(10, 1000) |
recon remote_load Mod | recon:remote_load (Mod) |
recon proc_count Attr N | recon:proc_count(Attr, N) |
访问 Documentation for recon 以获取详细信息。
retainer 命令
命令 | 描述 |
retainer info | 显示保留消息的数量 |
retainer topics | 显示当前存储的保留消息的所有主题 |
retainer clean | 清除所有保留的消息 |
retainer clean <Topic> | 清除指定的主题下的保留的消息 |
retainer info
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl retainer info
retained/total: 3
retainer topics
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl retainer topics
retainer clean
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl retainer clean
Cleaned 3 retained messages
retainer clean <Topic>
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl retainer clean topic
Cleaned 1 retained messages
admins 命令
命令 | 描述 |
admins add <Username> <Password> <Tags> | 创建 admin 账号 |
admins passwd <Username> <Password> | 重置 admin 密码 |
admins del <Username> | 删除 admin 账号 |
admins add <Username> <Password> <Tags>
创建 admin 账户:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl admins add root public test
admins passwd <Username> <Password>
重置 admin 账户密码:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl admins passwd root private
admins del <Username>
删除 admin 账户:
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl admins del root
规则引擎(rule engine) 命令
rules 命令
命令 | 描述 |
rules list | List all rules |
rules show <RuleId> | Show a rule |
rules create <sql> <actions> [-d [<descr>]] | Create a rule |
rules delete <RuleId> | Delete a rule |
rules create
: 规则 SQL<actions>
: JSON 格式的动作列表-d <descr>
: 可选,规则描述信息
## 创建一个测试规则,简单打印所有发送到 't/a' 主题的消息内容
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl rules create \
'select * from "t/a"' \
'[{"name":"inspect", "params": {"a": 1}}]' \
-d 'Rule for debug'
Rule rule:9a6a725d created
上例创建了一个 ID 为 rule:9a6a725d
的规则,动作列表里只有一个动作:动作名为 inspect,动作的参数是 {"a": 1}
rules list
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl rules list
rule(id='rule:9a6a725d', for='['t/a']', rawsql='select * from "t/a"', actions=[{"metrics":...,"name":"inspect","params":...}], metrics=..., enabled='true', description='Rule for debug')
rules show
## 查询 RuleID 为 'rule:9a6a725d' 的规则
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl rules show 'rule:9a6a725d'
rule(id='rule:9a6a725d', for='['t/a']', rawsql='select * from "t/a"', actions=[{"metrics":...,"name":"inspect","params":...}], metrics=..., enabled='true', description='Rule for debug')
rules delete
## 删除 RuleID 为 'rule:9a6a725d' 的规则
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl rules delete 'rule:9a6a725d'
rule-actions 命令
命令 | 描述 |
rule-actions list | List actions |
rule-actions show <ActionId> | Show a rule action |
动作可以由 EMQX 内置(称为系统内置动作),或者由 EMQX 插件编写,但不能通过 CLI/API 添加或删除。
rule-actions show
## 查询名为 'inspect' 的动作
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl rule-actions show 'inspect'
action(name='inspect', app='emqx_rule_engine', types=[], title ='Inspect (debug)', description='Inspect the details of action params for debug purpose')
rule-actions list
## 列出当前所有的动作
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl rule-actions list
action(name='data_to_rabbit', app='emqx_bridge_rabbit', types=[bridge_rabbit], title ='Data bridge to RabbitMQ', description='Store Data to Kafka')
action(name='data_to_timescaledb', app='emqx_backend_pgsql', types=[timescaledb], title ='Data to TimescaleDB', description='Store data to TimescaleDB')
resources 命令
命令 | 描述 |
resources create <type> [-c [<config>]] [-d [<descr>]] | Create a resource |
resources list [-t <ResourceType>] | List resources |
resources show <ResourceId> | Show a resource |
resources delete <ResourceId> | Delete a resource |
resources create
- type: 资源类型
- -c config: JSON 格式的配置
- -d descr: 可选,资源的描述
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl resources create 'web_hook' -c '{"url": "http://host-name/chats"}' -d 'forward msgs to host-name/chats'
Resource resource:a7a38187 created
resources list
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl resources list
resource(id='resource:a7a38187', type='web_hook', config=#{<<"url">> => <<"http://host-name/chats">>}, status=#{is_alive => false}, description='forward msgs to host-name/chats')
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl resources list --type='web_hook'
resource(id='resource:a7a38187', type='web_hook', config=#{<<"url">> => <<"http://host-name/chats">>}, status=#{is_alive => false}, description='forward msgs to host-name/chats')
resources show
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl resources show 'resource:a7a38187'
resource(id='resource:a7a38187', type='web_hook', config=#{<<"url">> => <<"http://host-name/chats">>}, status=#{is_alive => false}, description='forward msgs to host-name/chats')
resources delete
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl resources delete 'resource:a7a38187'
resource-types 命令
命令 | 描述 |
resource-types list | List all resource-types |
resource-types show <Type> | Show a resource-type |
资源类型可以由 EMQX 内置(称为系统内置资源类型),或者由 EMQX 插件编写,但不能通过 CLI/API 添加或删除。
resource-types list
./bin/emqx_ctl resource-types list
resource_type(name='backend_mongo_rs', provider='emqx_backend_mongo', title ='MongoDB Replica Set Mode', description='MongoDB Replica Set Mode')
resource_type(name='backend_cassa', provider='emqx_backend_cassa', title ='Cassandra', description='Cassandra Database')
resource-types show
$ ./bin/emqx_ctl resource-types show backend_mysql
resource_type(name='backend_mysql', provider='emqx_backend_mysql', title ='MySQL', description='MySQL Database')
EMQX 内置数据库 Auth 与 ACL 命令
此命令只有在开启 emqx_auth_mnesia 插件后生效
clientid 命令
命令 | 描述 |
clientid list | List clientid auth rules |
clientid add <ClientID> <Password> | Add clientid auth rule |
clientid update <ClientID> <Password> | Update clientid auth rule |
clientid del <ClientID> <Password> | Delete clientid auth rule |
clientid list
列出所有的 clientid 验证规则
./bin/emqx_ctl clientid list
clientid add <ClientID>
增加 clientid 验证规则
./bin/emqx_ctl clientid add emqx public
clientid update <ClientID>
更新 ClientID 验证的密码
./bin/emqx_ctl clientid update emqx new_password
clientid del <ClientID>
删除 clientid 验证规则码
./bin/emqx_ctl clientid del emqx new_password
user 命令
命令 | 描述 |
user list | List username auth rules |
user add <Username> <Password> | Add username auth rule |
user update <Username> <Password> | Update username auth rule |
user del <Username> <Password> | Delete username auth rule |
user list
列出所有的 username 验证规则
./bin/emqx_ctl user list
user add <Username>
增加 username 验证规则
./bin/emqx_ctl user add emqx public
user update <Username>
更新 ClientID 验证的密码
./bin/emqx_ctl user update emqx new_password
user del <Username>
删除 username 验证规则码
./bin/emqx_ctl user del emqx new_password
acl 命令
命令 | 描述 |
acl list clientid | List clientid acls |
acl list username | List username acls |
acl list _all | List $all acls |
acl show clientid <Clientid> | Lookup clientid acl detail |
acl show username <Username> | Lookup username acl detail |
acl aad clientid <Clientid> <Topic> <Action> <Access> | Add clientid acl |
acl add Username <Username> <Topic> <Action> <Access> | Add username acl |
acl add _all <Topic> <Action> <Access> | Add $all acl |
acl del clientid <Clientid> <Topic> | Delete clientid acl |
acl del username <Username> <Topic> | Delete username acl |
acl del _all \<Topic> | Delete $all acl |
acl list
acl list
列出 clientid 的 ACL 规则
bash./bin/emqx_ctl acl list clientid Acl(clientid = <<"emqx_clientid">> topic = <<"Topic/A">> action = pub access = allow)
acl list
列出 username 的 ACL 规则
bash./bin/emqx_ctl acl list username Acl(username = <<"emqx_username">> topic = <<"Topic/B">> action = sub access = deny)
acl list
列出 $all 的 ACL 规则
bash./bin/emqx_ctl acl list _all Acl($all topic = <<"Topic/C">> action = pubsub access = allow)
acl show
acl show clientid
展示某一的 clientid ACL 规则
bash./bin/emqx_ctl acl show clientid emqx_clientid Acl(clientid = <<"emqx_clientid">> topic = <<"Topic/A">> action = pub access = allow)
acl show username
展示某一的 username ACL 规则
bash./bin/emqx_ctl acl show username emqx_username Acl(username = <<"emqx_username">> topic = <<"Topic/B">> action = sub access = deny)
acl add
acl aad clientid
增加一条 clientid 的 ACL 规则
bash./bin/emqx_ctl acl add clientid emqx_clientid Topic/A pub allow ok
acl aad username
增加一条 username 的 ACL 规则
bash./bin/emqx_ctl acl add username emqx_username Topic/B sub deny ok
acl aad
增加一条 $all 的 ACL 规则
bash./bin/emqx_ctl acl add _all Topic/C pubsub allow ok
acl del
acl del clientid
删除一条 clientid 的 ACL 规则
bash./bin/emqx_ctl acl del clientid emqx_clientid Topic/A ok
acl del username
删除一条 username 的 ACL 规则
bash./bin/emqx_ctl acl del clientid emqx_username Topic/B ok
acl del
删除一条 $all 的 ACL 规则
bash./bin/emqx_ctl acl del _all Topic/C ok
pem_cache 命令
命令用于清理所有 PEM 证书的缓存。例如,在替换了 SSL 监听器的证书 文件后,你可以使用该命令让新的证书文件生效,而不是重启 EMQX 的 SSL 监听器。
命令 | 描述 |
pem_cache clean | 清理所有节点的 x509 的证书缓存 |
pem_cache clean node <Node> | 清理指定节点的 x509 的证书缓存 |
注: 更新证书并不会影响当前已建立的 TLS 连接。
该命令在 v4.3.13 版本中引入。在这之前都版本都不支持该命令