EMQX 提供了 HTTP API 以实现与外部系统的集成,例如查询客户端信息、发布消息和创建规则等。
EMQX 的 HTTP API 服务默认监听 8081 端口,可通过 etc/plugins/emqx_management.conf
配置文件修改监听端口,或启用 HTTPS 监听。EMQX 4.0.0 以后的所有 API 调用均以 api/v4
EMQX 的 HTTP API 使用 Basic 认证 方式,id
和 password
须分别填写 AppID 和 AppSecret。 默认的 AppID 和 AppSecret 是:admin/public
。你可以在 Dashboard 的左侧菜单栏里,选择 "管理" -> "应用" 来修改和添加 AppID/AppSecret。
HTTP 状态码 (status codes)
EMQX 接口在调用成功时总是返回 200 OK,响应内容则以 JSON 格式返回。
Status Code | Description |
200 | 成功,返回的 JSON 数据将提供更多信息 |
400 | 客户端请求无效,例如请求体或参数错误 |
401 | 客户端未通过服务端认证,使用无效的身份验证凭据可能会发生 |
404 | 找不到请求的路径或者请求的对象不存在 |
500 | 服务端处理请求时发生内部错误 |
返回码 (result codes)
EMQX 接口的响应消息体为 JSON 格式,其中总是包含返回码 code
Return Code | Description |
0 | 成功 |
101 | RPC 错误 |
102 | 未知错误 |
103 | 用户名或密码错误 |
104 | 空用户名或密码 |
105 | 用户不存在 |
106 | 管理员账户不可删除 |
107 | 关键请求参数缺失 |
108 | 请求参数错误 |
109 | 请求参数不是合法 JSON 格式 |
110 | 插件已开启 |
111 | 插件已关闭 |
112 | 客户端不在线 |
113 | 用户已存在 |
114 | 旧密码错误 |
115 | 不合法的主题 |
API Endpoints
GET /status
作为节点的健康检查。 返回一个纯文本的响应,描述节点的状态。
如果 EMQX 应用程序已经启动并运行,返回状态代码 200,否则返回 503。
$ curl "http://localhost:8081/status"
Node emqx@ is started
emqx is running
当 EMQX 还没有完成启动,或者由于加入或离开集群时重新启动时:
$ curl "http://localhost:8081/status"
Node emqx@ is started
emqx is not_running
GET /api/v4
返回 EMQX 支持的所有 Endpoints。
Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array | Endpoints 列表 |
- data[0].path | String | Endpoint |
- data[0].name | String | Endpoint 名 |
- data[0].method | String | HTTP Method |
- data[0].descr | String | 描述 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4"
{"data":[{"path":"/auth_clientid","name":"list_clientid","method":"GET","descr":"List available clientid in the cluster"}, ...],"code":0}
Broker 基本信息
GET /api/v4/brokers/{node}
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
node | String | False | 节点名字,如 "emqx@。 不指定时返回所有节点的信息 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object/Array of Objects | node 参数存在时返回指定节点信息, 不存在时返回所有节点的信息 |
data.datetime | String | 当前时间,格式为 "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" |
data.node | String | 节点名称 |
data.node_status | String | 节点状态 |
data.otp_release | String | EMQX 使用的 Erlang/OTP 版本 |
data.sysdescr | String | 软件描述 |
data.uptime | String | EMQX 运行时间,格式为 "H hours, m minutes, s seconds" |
data.version | String | EMQX 版本 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/brokers"
{"data":[{"version":"develop","uptime":"4 hours, 21 minutes, 19 seconds","sysdescr":"EMQX Broker","otp_release":"R21/10.3.5","node_status":"Running","node":"emqx@","datetime":"2020-02-19 15:27:24"}],"code":0}
获取节点 emqx@ 的基本信息:
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/brokers/emqx@"
{"data":{"version":"develop","uptime":"1 minutes, 51 seconds","sysdescr":"EMQX Broker","otp_release":"R21/10.3.5","node_status":"Running","node":"emqx@","datetime":"2020-02-20 14:11:31"},"code":0}
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
node | String | False | 节点名字,如 "emqx@。 不指定时返回所有节点的信息 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object/Array of Objects | node 参数存在时返回指定节点信息, 不存在时以 Array 形式返回所有节点的信息 |
data.connections | Integer | 当前接入此节点的客户端数量 |
data.load1 | String | 1 分钟内的 CPU 平均负载 |
data.load5 | String | 5 分钟内的 CPU 平均负载 |
data.load15 | String | 15 分钟内的 CPU 平均负载 |
data.max_fds | Integer | 操作系统的最大文件描述符限制 |
data.memory_total | String | VM 已分配的系统内存 |
data.memory_used | String | VM 已占用的内存大小 |
data.node | String | 节点名称 |
data.node_status | String | 节点状态 |
data.otp_release | String | EMQX 使用的 Erlang/OTP 版本 |
data.process_available | Integer | 可用的进程数量 |
data.process_used | Integer | 已占用的进程数量 |
data.uptime | String | EMQX 运行时间 |
data.version | String | EMQX 版本 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes"
{"data":[{"version":"develop","uptime":"7 seconds","process_used":315,"process_available":2097152,"otp_release":"R21/10.3.5","node_status":"Running","node":"emqx@","memory_used":"96.75M","memory_total":"118.27M","max_fds":10240,"load5":"2.60","load15":"2.65","load1":"2.31","connections":0}],"code":0}
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"data":{"version":"develop","uptime":"2 minutes, 21 seconds","process_used":310,"process_available":2097152,"otp_release":"R21/10.3.5","node_status":"Running","node":"emqx@","memory_used":101379168,"memory_total":123342848,"max_fds":10240,"load5":"2.50","load15":"2.61","load1":"1.99","connections":0},"code":0}
GET /api/v4/clients
Query String Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
_page | Integer | False | 1 | 页码 |
_limit | Integer | False | 10000 | 每页显示的数据条数,未指定时由 emqx-management 插件的配置项 max_row_limit 决定 |
在 4.1 后,支持多条件和模糊查询,其包含的查询参数有:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | False | 客户端标识符 |
username | String | False | 客户端用户名 |
zone | String | False | 客户端配置组名称 |
ip_address | String | False | 客户端 IP 地址 |
conn_state | Enum | False | 客户端当前连接状态, 可取值有: connected ,idle ,disconnected |
clean_start | Bool | False | 客户端是否使用了全新的会话 |
proto_name | Enum | False | 客户端协议名称, 可取值有: MQTT ,CoAP ,LwM2M ,MQTT-SN |
proto_ver | Integer | False | 客户端协议版本 |
_like_clientid | String | False | 客户端标识符,子串方式模糊查找 |
_like_username | String | False | 客户端用户名,子串方式模糊查找 |
_gte_created_at | Integer | False | 客户端会话创建时间,大于等于查找 |
_lte_created_at | Integer | False | 客户端会话创建时间,小于等于查找 |
_gte_connected_at | Integer | False | 客户端连接创建时间,大于等于查找 |
_lte_connected_at | Integer | False | 客户端连接创建时间,小于等于查找 |
_gte_mqueue_len | Integer | False | 客户端消息队列当前长度,大于等于查找 | |
_lte_mqueue_len | Integer | False | 客户端消息队列当前长度,大于等于查找 | |
_gte_mqueue_dropped | Integer | False | 消息队列因超出长度而丢弃的消息数量丢弃个数,大于等于查找 | |
_lte_mqueue_dropped | Integer | False | 消息队列因超出长度而丢弃的消息数量丢弃个数,小于等于查找 | |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 所有客户端的信息 |
data[0].node | String | 客户端所连接的节点名称 |
data[0].clientid | String | 客户端标识符 |
data[0].username | String | 客户端连接时使用的用户名 |
data[0].proto_name | String | 客户端协议名称 |
data[0].proto_ver | Integer | 客户端使用的协议版本 |
data[0].ip_address | String | 客户端的 IP 地址 |
data[0].port | Integer | 客户端的端口 |
data[0].is_bridge | Boolean | 指示客户端是否通过桥接方式连接 |
data[0].connected_at | String | 客户端连接时间,格式为 "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" |
data[0].disconnected_at | String | 客户端离线时间,格式为 "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", 此字段仅在 connected 为 false 时有效并被返回 |
data[0].connected | Boolean | 客户端是否处于连接状态 |
data[0].zone | String | 指示客户端使用的配置组 |
data[0].keepalive | Integer | 保持连接时间,单位:秒 |
data[0].clean_start | Boolean | 指示客户端是否使用了全新的会话 |
data[0].expiry_interval | Integer | 会话过期间隔,单位:秒 |
data[0].created_at | String | 会话创建时间,格式为 "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" |
data[0].subscriptions_cnt | Integer | 此客户端已建立的订阅数量 |
data[0].max_subscriptions | Integer | 此客户端允许建立的最大订阅数量 |
data[0].inflight | Integer | 飞行队列当前长度 |
data[0].max_inflight | Integer | 飞行队列最大长度 |
data[0].mqueue_len | Integer | 消息队列当前长度 |
data[0].max_mqueue | Integer | 消息队列最大长度 |
data[0].mqueue_dropped | Integer | 消息队列因超出长度而丢弃的消息数量 |
data[0].awaiting_rel | Integer | 未确认的 PUBREC 报文数量 |
data[0].max_awaiting_rel | Integer | 允许存在未确认的 PUBREC 报文的最大数量 |
data[0].recv_oct | Integer | EMQX Broker(下同)接收的字节数量 |
data[0].recv_cnt | Integer | 接收的 TCP 报文数量 |
data[0].recv_pkt | Integer | 接收的 MQTT 报文数量 |
data[0].recv_msg | Integer | 接收的 PUBLISH 报文数量 |
data[0].send_oct | Integer | 发送的字节数量 |
data[0].send_cnt | Integer | 发送的 TCP 报文数量 |
data[0].send_pkt | Integer | 发送的 MQTT 报文数量 |
data[0].send_msg | Integer | 发送的 PUBLISH 报文数量 |
data[0].mailbox_len | Integer | 进程邮箱大小 |
data[0].heap_size | Integer | 进程堆栈大小,单位:字节 |
data[0].reductions | Integer | Erlang reduction |
meta | Object | 分页信息 | | Integer | 页码 |
meta.limit | Integer | 每页显示的数据条数 |
meta.count | Integer | 数据总条数 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients?_page=1&_limit=10"
{"meta":{"page":1,"limit":10,"count":1},"data":[{"zone":"external","recv_cnt":2,"max_mqueue":1000,"node":"emqx@","username":"test","mqueue_len":0,"max_inflight":32,"is_bridge":false,"mqueue_dropped":0,"inflight":0,"heap_size":2586,"max_subscriptions":0,"proto_name":"MQTT","created_at":"2020-02-19 17:01:26","proto_ver":4,"reductions":3997,"send_msg":0,"ip_address":"","send_cnt":0,"mailbox_len":1,"awaiting_rel":0,"keepalive":60,"recv_msg":0,"send_pkt":0,"recv_oct":29,"clientid":"example","clean_start":true,"expiry_interval":0,"connected":true,"port":64491,"send_oct":0,"recv_pkt":1,"connected_at":"2020-02-19 17:01:26","max_awaiting_rel":100,"subscriptions_cnt":0}],"code":0}
注:在 4.1 后,返回的 meta
:仍表示总数,但在 多条件/模糊查询时,固定为 -1。hasnext
GET /api/v4/clients/{clientid}
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 客户端的信息,详细请参见 GET /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/example"
{"data":[{"recv_cnt":2,"max_subscriptions":0,"node":"emqx@","proto_ver":4,"recv_pkt":1,"inflight":0,"max_mqueue":1000,"heap_size":2586,"username":"test","proto_name":"MQTT","subscriptions_cnt":0,"send_pkt":0,"created_at":"2020-02-20 13:38:51","reductions":3978,"ip_address":"","send_msg":0,"send_cnt":0,"expiry_interval":0,"keepalive":60,"mqueue_dropped":0,"is_bridge":false,"max_inflight":32,"recv_msg":0,"max_awaiting_rel":100,"awaiting_rel":0,"mailbox_len":1,"mqueue_len":0,"recv_oct":29,"connected_at":"2020-02-20 13:38:51","clean_start":true,"clientid":"example","connected":true,"port":54889,"send_oct":0,"zone":"external"}],"code":0}
DELETE /api/v4/clients/{clientid}
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/example"
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/clients
类似 GET /api/v4/clients,返回指定节点下所有客户端的信息,支持分页。
Query String Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
_page | Integer | False | 1 | 页码 |
_limit | Integer | False | 10000 | 每页显示的数据条数,未指定时由 emqx-management 插件的配置项 max_row_limit 决定 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 所有客户端的信息,详情请参看 GET /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"meta":{"page":1,"limit":10,"count":1},"data":[{"recv_cnt":2,"max_subscriptions":0,"node":"emqx@","proto_ver":4,"recv_pkt":1,"inflight":0,"max_mqueue":1000,"heap_size":2586,"username":"test","proto_name":"MQTT","subscriptions_cnt":0,"send_pkt":0,"created_at":"2020-02-19 18:25:18","reductions":4137,"ip_address":"","send_msg":0,"send_cnt":0,"expiry_interval":0,"keepalive":60,"mqueue_dropped":0,"is_bridge":false,"max_inflight":32,"recv_msg":0,"max_awaiting_rel":100,"awaiting_rel":0,"mailbox_len":1,"mqueue_len":0,"recv_oct":29,"connected_at":"2020-02-19 18:25:18","clean_start":true,"clientid":"example","connected":true,"port":49509,"send_oct":0,"zone":"external"}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/clients/{clientid}
类似 GET /api/v4/clients/{clientid},返回指定节点下指定客户端的信息。
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 客户端的信息,详细请参见 GET /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"data":[{"recv_cnt":4,"max_subscriptions":0,"node":"emqx@","proto_ver":4,"recv_pkt":1,"inflight":0,"max_mqueue":1000,"heap_size":2586,"username":"test","proto_name":"MQTT","subscriptions_cnt":0,"send_pkt":3,"created_at":"2020-02-20 13:38:51","reductions":5994,"ip_address":"","send_msg":0,"send_cnt":3,"expiry_interval":0,"keepalive":60,"mqueue_dropped":0,"is_bridge":false,"max_inflight":32,"recv_msg":0,"max_awaiting_rel":100,"awaiting_rel":0,"mailbox_len":0,"mqueue_len":0,"recv_oct":33,"connected_at":"2020-02-20 13:38:51","clean_start":true,"clientid":"example","connected":true,"port":54889,"send_oct":8,"zone":"external"}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/clients/username/{username}
通过 Username 查询客户端的信息。由于可能存在多个客户端使用相同的用户名的情况,所以可能同时返回多个客户端信息。
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
username | String | True | Username |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 客户端的信息,详细请参见 GET /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/username/steve"
{"data":[{"clean_start":true,"awaiting_rel":0,"recv_msg":0,"proto_name":"MQTT","recv_cnt":2,"mailbox_len":0,"node":"emqx@","mqueue_len":0,"max_subscriptions":0,"created_at":"2020-02-20 13:50:11","is_bridge":false,"heap_size":2586,"proto_ver":4,"subscriptions_cnt":0,"clientid":"example","expiry_interval":0,"send_msg":0,"inflight":0,"reductions":4673,"send_pkt":1,"zone":"external","send_cnt":1,"ip_address":"","keepalive":60,"max_inflight":32,"recv_oct":29,"recv_pkt":1,"max_awaiting_rel":100,"username":"steve","connected_at":"2020-02-20 13:50:11","connected":true,"port":56429,"send_oct":4,"mqueue_dropped":0,"max_mqueue":1000}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/clients/username/{username}
类似 GET /api/v4/clients/username/{username},在指定节点下,通过 Username 查询指定客户端的信息。
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
username | String | True | Username |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 客户端的信息,详细请参见 GET /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"data":[{"clean_start":true,"awaiting_rel":0,"recv_msg":0,"proto_name":"MQTT","recv_cnt":6,"mailbox_len":0,"node":"emqx@","mqueue_len":0,"max_subscriptions":0,"created_at":"2020-02-20 13:50:11","is_bridge":false,"heap_size":1598,"proto_ver":4,"subscriptions_cnt":0,"clientid":"example","expiry_interval":0,"send_msg":0,"inflight":0,"reductions":7615,"send_pkt":5,"zone":"external","send_cnt":5,"ip_address":"","keepalive":60,"max_inflight":32,"recv_oct":37,"recv_pkt":1,"max_awaiting_rel":100,"username":"test","connected_at":"2020-02-20 13:50:11","connected":true,"port":56429,"send_oct":12,"mqueue_dropped":0,"max_mqueue":1000}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/clients/{clientid}/acl_cache
查询指定客户端的 ACL 缓存。
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | ACL 详情 |
data[0].access | String | 发布/订阅 |
data[0].topic | String | MQTT 主题 |
data[0].result | String | 允许/拒绝 |
data[0].updated_time | Integer | ACL 缓存建立时间 |
查询 ACL 缓存
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/example/acl_cache"
DELETE /api/v4/clients/{clientid}/acl_cache
清除指定客户端的 ACL 缓存。
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
清除 ACL 缓存
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/example/acl_cache"
GET /api/v4/subscriptions
Query String Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
_page | Integer | False | 1 | 页码 |
_limit | Integer | False | 10000 | 每页显示的数据条数,未指定时由 emqx-management 插件的配置项 max_row_limit 决定 |
在 4.1 版本后,支持多条件和模糊查询:
Name | Type | Description |
clientid | String | 客户端标识符 |
topic | String | 主题,全等查询 |
qos | Enum | 可取值为:0 ,1 ,2 |
share | String | 共享订阅的组名称 |
_match_topic | String | 主题,匹配查询 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 所有订阅信息 |
data[0].node | String | 节点名称 |
data[0].clientid | String | 客户端标识符 |
data[0].topic | String | 订阅主题 |
data[0].qos | Integer | QoS 等级 |
meta | Object | 同 /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/subscriptions?_page=1&_limit=10"
注:在 4.1 后,返回的 meta
:仍表示总数,但在 多条件/模糊查询 时,固定为 -1。hasnext
GET /api/v4/subscriptions/{clientid}
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 所有订阅信息 |
data.node | String | 节点名称 |
data.clientid | String | 客户端标识符 |
data.topic | String | 订阅主题 |
data.qos | Integer | QoS 等级 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/subscriptions/123"
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/subscriptions
类似 GET /api/v4/subscriptions,返回指定节点下的所有订阅信息,支持分页机制。
Query String Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
_page | Integer | False | 1 | 页码 |
_limit | Integer | False | 10000 | 每页显示的数据条数,未指定时由 emqx-management 插件的配置项 max_row_limit 决定 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 所有订阅信息 |
data[0].node | String | 节点名称 |
data[0].clientid | String | 客户端标识符 |
data[0].topic | String | 订阅主题 |
data[0].qos | Integer | QoS 等级 |
meta | Object | 同 /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/subscriptions/{clientid}
类似 GET /api/v4/subscriptions/{clientid},在指定节点下,查询某 clientid 的所有订阅信息,支持分页机制。
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 所有订阅信息 |
data.node | String | 节点名称 |
data.clientid | String | 客户端标识符 |
data.topic | String | 订阅主题 |
data.qos | Integer | QoS 等级 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/routes
Query String Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
_page | Integer | False | 1 | 页码 |
_limit | Integer | False | 10000 | 每页显示的数据条数,未指定时由 emqx-management 插件的配置项 max_row_limit 决定 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 所有路由信息 |
data[0].topic | String | MQTT 主题 |
data[0].node | String | 节点名称 |
meta | Object | 同 /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/routes"
GET /api/v4/routes/{topic}
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
topic | Integer | True | 主题 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 所有路由信息 |
data.topic | String | MQTT 主题 |
data.node | String | 节点名称 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/routes/a%2fb%2fc"
POST /api/v4/mqtt/publish
发布 MQTT 消息。
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
topic | String | Optional | 主题,与 topics 至少指定其中之一 | |
topics | String | Optional | 以 , 分割的多个主题,使用此字段能够同时发布消息到多个主题 | |
clientid | String | Required | 客户端标识符 | |
payload | String | Required | 消息正文 | |
encoding | String | Optional | plain | 消息正文使用的编码方式,目前仅支持 plain 与 base64 两种 |
qos | Integer | Optional | 0 | QoS 等级 |
retain | Boolean | Optional | false | 是否为保留消息 |
properties | Object | Optional | {} | PUBLISH 消息里的 Property 字段 |
Name | Type | Description| |
payload_format_indicator | Integer | 载荷格式指示标识符,0说明载荷是未指定格式的字节,相当于没有发送载荷格式指示,说明载荷是 UTF-8 编码的字符数据。载荷中的 UTF-8 数据必须是按照 Unicode 的规范和 RFC 3629 的重申进行编码 |
message_expiry_interval | integer | 消息过期间隔标识符,以秒为单位,如果已过期,服务端还没有开始向匹配的订阅者交付该消息时,则服务端必须删除该订阅者的消息副本,不设置,则消息不会过期。 |
response_topic | String | 响应主题标识符, UTF-8 编码的字符串,用作响应消息的主题名,响应主题不能包含通配符,包含多个响应主题将 |
造成协议错误(Protocol Error)。响应主题的存在将消息标识为请求报文。服务端在收到应用消息时必须将响应主题原封不动的发送给所有的订阅者 | ||
correlation_data | String | 对比数据标识符,服务端在收到应用消息时必须原封不动的把对比数据发送给所有的订阅者。对比数据只对请求消息(Request Message)的发送端和响应消息(Response Message)的接收端有意义。 |
subscription_identifier | Integer | 订阅标识符标识符,订阅标识符取值范围从 1 到 268,435,455。订阅标识符的值为 0 将造成协议错误。如果某条发布消息匹配了多个订阅,则将包含多个订阅标识符。这种情况下他们的顺序并不重要。 |
content_type | String | 内容类型标识符,以 UTF-8 格式编码的字符串,用来描述应用消息的内容,服务端必须把收到的应用消息中的内容类型原封不动的发送给所有的订阅者 |
user_properties | Object | 用户属性(User Property)允许出现多次,以表示多个名字/值对,服务端在转发应用消息到客户端时必须原封不动的把所有的用户属性放在 PUBLISH 报文中 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/publish" -d \
'{"topic":"a/b/c", "payload":"Hello World", "qos":1, "retain":false, "clientid":"example", "properties": {"user_properties": { "id": 10010, "name": "emqx", "foo": "bar"}, "content_type": "text/plain"}}'
POST /api/v4/mqtt/subscribe
订阅 MQTT 主题。
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
topic | String | Optional | 主题,与 topics 至少指定其中之一 | |
topics | String | Optional | 以 , 分割的多个主题,使用此字段能够同时订阅多个主题 | |
clientid | String | Required | 客户端标识符 | |
qos | Integer | Optional | 0 | QoS 等级 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
同时订阅 a
, b
, c
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/subscribe" -d '{"topics":"a,b,c","qos":1,"clientid":"example"}'
POST /api/v4/mqtt/unsubscribe
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
topic | String | Required | 主题 | |
clientid | String | Required | 客户端标识符 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
取消订阅 a
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/unsubscribe" -d '{"topic":"a","qos":1,"clientid":"example"}'
POST /api/v4/mqtt/publish_batch
批量发布 MQTT 消息。
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
[0].topic | String | Optional | 主题,与 topics 至少指定其中之一 | |
[0].topics | String | Optional | 以 , 分割的多个主题,使用此字段能够同时发布消息到多个主题 | |
[0].clientid | String | Required | 客户端标识符 | |
[0].payload | String | Required | 消息正文 | |
[0].encoding | String | Optional | plain | 消息正文使用的编码方式,目前仅支持 plain 与 base64 两种 |
[0].qos | Integer | Optional | 0 | QoS 等级 |
[0].retain | Boolean | Optional | false | 是否为保留消息 |
[0].properties | Object | Optional | {} | PUBLISH 消息里的 properties 字段 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/publish_batch" -d '[{"topic":"a/b/c","payload":"Hello World","qos":1,"retain":false,"clientid":"example","properties": {"user_properties":{"id": 10010, "name": "emqx", "foo": "bar"}}},{"topic":"a/b/c","payload":"Hello World Again","qos":0,"retain":false,"clientid":"example","properties":{"user_properties": { "id": 10010, "name": "emqx", "foo": "bar"},"content_type": "text/plain"}}]'
POST /api/v4/mqtt/subscribe_batch
批量订阅 MQTT 主题。
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
[0].topic | String | Optional | 主题,与 topics 至少指定其中之一 | |
[0].topics | String | Optional | 以 , 分割的多个主题,使用此字段能够同时订阅多个主题 | |
[0].clientid | String | Required | 客户端标识符 | |
[0].qos | Integer | Optional | 0 | QoS 等级 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
一次性订阅 a
, b
, c
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/subscribe_batch" -d '[{"topic":"a","qos":1,"clientid":"example"},{"topic":"b","qos":1,"clientid":"example"},{"topic":"c","qos":1,"clientid":"example"}]'
POST /api/v4/mqtt/unsubscribe_batch
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
[0].topic | String | Required | 主题 | |
[0].clientid | String | Required | 客户端标识符 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
一次性取消订阅 a
, b
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/unsubscribe_batch" -d '[{"topic":"a","clientid":"example"},{"topic":"b","clientid":"example"}]'
GET /api/v4/plugins
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 所有路由信息 |
data[0].node | String | 节点名称 |
data[0].plugins | Array | 插件信息,由对象组成的数组,见下文 |
data[0] | String | 插件名称 |
data[0].plugins.version | String | 插件版本 |
data[0].plugins.description | String | 插件描述 |
data[0] | Boolean | 插件是否启动 |
data[0].plugins.type | String | 插件类型,目前有auth 、bridge 、feature 、protocol 四种类型 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/plugins"
{"data":[{"plugins":[{"version":"develop","type":"auth","name":"emqx_auth_clientid","description":"EMQX Authentication with ClientId/Password","active":false}, ...],"node":"emqx@"}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/plugins
类似 GET /api/v4/plugins,返回指定节点下的插件信息。
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 所有路由信息 |
data[0].name | String | 插件名称 |
data[0].version | String | 插件版本 |
data[0].description | String | 插件描述 |
data[0].active | Boolean | 插件是否启动 |
data[0].type | String | 插件类型,目前有auth 、bridge 、feature 、protocol 四种类型 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"data":[{"version":"develop","type":"auth","name":"emqx_auth_clientid","description":"EMQX Authentication with ClientId/Password","active":false}, ...],"code":0}
PUT /api/v4/nodes/{node}/plugins/{plugin}/load
Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X PUT "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
PUT /api/v4/nodes/{node}/plugins/{plugin}/unload
Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X PUT "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
PUT /api/v4/nodes/{node}/plugins/{plugin}/reload
Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X PUT "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/listeners
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 各节点的监听器列表 |
data[0].node | String | 节点名称 |
data[0].listeners | Array of Objects | 监听器列表 |
data[0].listeners[0].acceptors | Integer | Acceptor 进程数量 |
data[0].listeners[0].listen_on | String | 监听端口 |
data[0].listeners[0].protocol | String | 插件描述 |
data[0].listeners[0].current_conns | Integer | 插件是否启动 |
data[0].listeners[0].max_conns | Integer | 允许建立的最大连接数量 |
data[0].listeners[0].shutdown_count | Array of Objects | 连接关闭原因及计数 |
常见 shutdown_count
Name | Type | Description |
normal | Integer | 正常关闭的连接数量,仅在计数大于 0 时返回 |
kicked | Integer | 被手动踢除的连接数量,仅在计数大于 0 时返回 |
discarded | Integer | 由于 Clean Session 或 Clean Start 为 true 而被丢弃的连接数量 |
takeovered | Integer | 由于 Clean Session 或 Clean Start 为 false 而被接管的连接数量 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/listeners"
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/listeners
类似 GET /api/v4/listeners,返回指定节点的监听器信息。
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 各节点的监听器列表 |
data[0].acceptors | Integer | Acceptor 进程数量 |
data[0].listen_on | String | 监听端口 |
data[0].protocol | String | 插件描述 |
data[0].current_conns | Integer | 插件是否启动 |
data[0].max_conns | Integer | 允许建立的最大连接数量 |
data[0].shutdown_count | Array of Objects | 连接关闭原因及计数 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/modules
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 各节点上的内置模块列表 |
data[0].node | String | 节点名称 |
data[0].modules | Object | 内置模块信息列表,详见下面的 modules: |
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | 模块名 |
description | String | 模块功能描述 |
active | Boolean | 是否处于活跃状态(是否正在运行) |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/modules"
{"data":[{"node":"emqx@","modules":[{"name":"emqx_mod_delayed","description":"EMQX Delayed Publish Module","active":true},{"name":"emqx_mod_topic_metrics","description":"EMQX Topic Metrics Module","active":false},{"name":"emqx_mod_subscription","description":"EMQX Subscription Module","active":false},{"name":"emqx_mod_acl_internal","description":"EMQX Internal ACL Module","active":true},{"name":"emqx_mod_rewrite","description":"EMQX Topic Rewrite Module","active":false},{"name":"emqx_mod_presence","description":"EMQX Presence Module","active":true}]}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/modules
类似 GET /api/v4/modules,返回指定节点下所有内置模块信息。
PUT /api/v4/modules/{module}/load
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
message | String | 仅在发生错误时返回,用于提供更详细的错误信息 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X PUT "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/modules/emqx_mod_topic_metrics/load"
PUT /api/v4/nodes/{node}/modules/{module}/load
类似 PUT /api/v4/modules/{module}/load,加载指定节点下的指定内置模块。
PUT /api/v4/modules/{module}/unload
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
message | String | 仅在发生错误时返回,用于提供更详细的错误信息 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X PUT "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/modules/emqx_mod_topic_metrics/unload"
PUT /api/v4/nodes/{node}/modules/{module}/unload
类似 PUT /api/v4/modules/{module}/unload,卸载指定节点下的指定内置模块。
PUT /api/v4/modules/{module}/reload
重新加载集群下所有节点的指定内置模块,仅为 emqx_mod_acl_internal
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
message | String | 仅在发生错误时返回,用于提供更详细的错误信息 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X PUT "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/modules/emqx_mod_acl_internal/reload"
PUT /api/v4/nodes/{node}/modules/{module}/reload
类似 PUT /api/v4/modules/{module}/reload,重新加载指定节点下的指定内置模块,仅为 emqx_mod_acl_internal
GET /api/v4/metrics
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 各节点上的统计指标列表 |
data[0].node | String | 节点名称 |
data[0].metrics | Object | 监控指标数据,详见下面的 metrics: |
Name | Type | Description |
bytes.received | Integer | EMQX 接收的字节数 |
bytes.sent | Integer | EMQX 在此连接上发送的字节数 |
client.authenticate | Integer | 客户端认证次数 |
client.auth.anonymous | Integer | 匿名登录的客户端数量 |
client.connect | Integer | 客户端连接次数 |
client.connack | Integer | 发送 CONNACK 报文的次数 |
client.connected | Integer | 客户端成功连接次数 |
client.disconnected | Integer | 客户端断开连接次数 |
client.check_acl | Integer | ACL 规则检查次数 |
client.subscribe | Integer | 客户端订阅次数 |
client.unsubscribe | Integer | 客户端取消订阅次数 |
delivery.dropped.too_large | Integer | 发送时由于长度超过限制而被丢弃的消息数量 |
delivery.dropped.queue_full | Integer | 发送时由于消息队列满而被丢弃的 QoS 不为 0 的消息数量 |
delivery.dropped.qos0_msg | Integer | 发送时由于消息队列满而被丢弃的 QoS 为 0 的消息数量 |
delivery.dropped.expired | Integer | 发送时由于消息过期而被丢弃的消息数量 |
delivery.dropped.no_local | Integer | 发送时由于 No Local 订阅选项而被丢弃的消息数量 |
delivery.dropped | Integer | 发送时丢弃的消息总数 |
messages.delayed | Integer | EMQX 存储的延迟发布的消息数量 |
messages.delivered | Integer | EMQX 内部转发到订阅进程的消息数量 |
messages.dropped | Integer | EMQX 内部转发到订阅进程前丢弃的消息总数 |
messages.dropped.expired | Integer | 接收时由于消息过期而被丢弃的消息数量 |
messages.dropped.no_subscribers | Integer | 由于没有订阅者而被丢弃的消息数量 |
messages.forward | Integer | 向其他节点转发的消息数量 |
messages.publish | Integer | 除系统消息外发布的消息数量 |
messages.qos0.received | Integer | 接收来自客户端的 QoS 0 消息数量 |
messages.qos1.received | Integer | 接收来自客户端的 QoS 1 消息数量 |
messages.qos2.received | Integer | 接收来自客户端的 QoS 2 消息数量 |
messages.qos0.sent | Integer | 发送给客户端的 QoS 0 消息数量 |
messages.qos1.sent | Integer | 发送给客户端的 QoS 1 消息数量 |
messages.qos2.sent | Integer | 发送给客户端的 QoS 2 消息数量 |
messages.received | Integer | 接收来自客户端的消息数量,等于 messages.qos0.received ,messages.qos1.received 与 messages.qos2.received 之和 |
messages.sent | Integer | 发送给客户端的消息数量,等于 messages.qos0.sent ,messages.qos1.sent 与 messages.qos2.sent 之和 |
messages.retained | Integer | EMQX 存储的保留消息数量 |
messages.acked | Integer | 接收的 PUBACK 和 PUBREC 报文数量 |
packets.received | Integer | 接收的报文数量 |
packets.sent | Integer | 发送的报文数量 |
packets.connect.received | Integer | 接收的 CONNECT 报文数量 |
packets.connack.auth_error | Integer | 接收的认证失败的 CONNECT 报文数量 |
packets.connack.error | Integer | 接收的未成功连接的 CONNECT 报文数量 |
packets.connack.sent | Integer | 发送的 CONNACK 报文数量 |
packets.publish.received | Integer | 接收的 PUBLISH 报文数量 |
packets.publish.sent | Integer | 发送的 PUBLISH 报文数量 |
packets.publish.inuse | Integer | 接收的报文标识符已被占用的 PUBLISH 报文数量 |
packets.publish.auth_error | Integer | 接收的未通过 ACL 检查的 PUBLISH 报文数量 |
packets.publish.error | Integer | 接收的无法被发布的 PUBLISH 报文数量 |
packets.publish.dropped | Integer | 超出接收限制而被丢弃的消息数量 |
packets.puback.received | Integer | 接收的 PUBACK 报文数量 |
packets.puback.sent | Integer | 发送的 PUBACK 报文数量 |
packets.puback.inuse | Integer | 接收的报文标识符已被占用的 PUBACK 报文数量 |
packets.puback.missed | Integer | 接收的未知报文标识符 PUBACK 报文数量 |
packets.pubrec.received | Integer | 接收的 PUBREC 报文数量 |
packets.pubrec.sent | Integer | 发送的 PUBREC 报文数量 |
packets.pubrec.inuse | Integer | 接收的报文标识符已被占用的 PUBREC 报文数量 |
packets.pubrec.missed | Integer | 接收的未知报文标识符 PUBREC 报文数量 |
packets.pubrel.received | Integer | 接收的 PUBREL 报文数量 |
packets.pubrel.sent | Integer | 发送的 PUBREL 报文数量 |
packets.pubrel.missed | Integer | 接收的未知报文标识符 PUBREL 报文数量 |
packets.pubcomp.received | Integer | 接收的 PUBCOMP 报文数量 |
packets.pubcomp.sent | Integer | 发送的 PUBCOMP 报文数量 |
packets.pubcomp.inuse | Integer | 接收的报文标识符已被占用的 PUBCOMP 报文数量 |
packets.pubcomp.missed | Integer | 发送的 PUBCOMP 报文数量 |
packets.subscribe.received | Integer | 接收的 SUBSCRIBE 报文数量 |
packets.subscribe.error | Integer | 接收的订阅失败的 SUBSCRIBE 报文数量 |
packets.subscribe.auth_error | Integer | 接收的未通过 ACL 检查的 SUBACK 报文数量 |
packets.suback.sent | Integer | 发送的 SUBACK 报文数量 |
packets.unsubscribe.received | Integer | 接收的 UNSUBSCRIBE 报文数量 |
packets.unsubscribe.error | Integer | 接收的取消订阅失败的 UNSUBSCRIBE 报文数量 |
packets.unsuback.sent | Integer | 发送的 UNSUBACK 报文数量 |
packets.pingreq.received | Integer | 接收的 PINGREQ 报文数量 |
packets.pingresp.sent | Integer | 发送的 PUBRESP 报文数量 |
packets.disconnect.received | Integer | 接收的 DISCONNECT 报文数量 |
packets.disconnect.sent | Integer | 发送的 DISCONNECT 报文数量 |
packets.auth.received | Integer | 接收的 AUTH 报文数量 |
packets.auth.sent | Integer | 发送的 AUTH 报文数量 |
session.created | Integer | 创建的会话数量 |
session.discarded | Integer | 由于 Clean Session 或 Clean Start 为 true 而被丢弃的会话数量 |
session.resumed | Integer | 由于 Clean Session 或 Clean Start 为 false 而恢复的会话数量 |
session.takeovered | Integer | 由于 Clean Session 或 Clean Start 为 false 而被接管的会话数量 |
session.terminated | Integer | 终结的会话数量 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/metrics"
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/metrics
类似 GET /api/v4/metrics,返回指定节点下所有监控指标数据。
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 各节点上的统计指标列表,详见 GET /api/v4/metrics |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/topic-metrics
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 各节点上的统计指标列表 |
data[0].topic | String | 主题名 |
data[0].metrics | Object | 主题统计指标数据,详见下面的 metrics: |
Name | Type | Description |
messages.qos2.out.rate | Integer | QoS 2 消息 5 秒内平均发送速率 |
messages.qos2.out.count | Integer | QoS 2 消息发送数量统计 | | Integer | QoS 2 消息 5 秒内平均接收速率 | | Integer | QoS 2 消息接收数量统计 |
messages.qos1.out.rate | Integer | QoS 1 消息 5 秒内平均发送速率 |
messages.qos1.out.count | Integer | QoS 1 消息发送数量统计 | | Integer | QoS 1 消息 5 秒内平均接收速率 | | Integer | QoS 1 消息接收数量统计 |
messages.qos0.out.rate | Integer | QoS 0 消息 5 秒内平均发送速率 |
messages.qos0.out.count | Integer | QoS 0 消息发送数量统计 | | Integer | QoS 0 消息 5 秒内平均接收速率 | | Integer | QoS 0 消息接收数量统计 |
messages.out.rate | Integer | MQTT 消息 5 秒内平均发送速率 |
messages.out.count | Integer | MQTT 消息发送数量统计 | | Integer | MQTT 消息 5 秒内平均接收速率 | | Integer | MQTT 消息接收数量统计 |
messages.dropped.rate | Integer | MQTT 消息 5 秒内平均丢弃速率 |
messages.dropped.count | Integer | MQTT 消息丢弃数量统计 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/topic-metrics"
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/topic-metrics" -d '{"topic":"a/b/c"}'
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/topic-metrics"
GET /api/v4/topic-metrics/{topic}
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 主题统计指标数据,详见下面的 data: |
Name | Type | Description |
messages.qos2.out.rate | Integer | QoS 2 消息 5 秒内平均发送速率 |
messages.qos2.out.count | Integer | QoS 2 消息发送数量统计 | | Integer | QoS 2 消息 5 秒内平均接收速率 | | Integer | QoS 2 消息接收数量统计 |
messages.qos1.out.rate | Integer | QoS 1 消息 5 秒内平均发送速率 |
messages.qos1.out.count | Integer | QoS 1 消息发送数量统计 | | Integer | QoS 1 消息 5 秒内平均接收速率 | | Integer | QoS 1 消息接收数量统计 |
messages.qos0.out.rate | Integer | QoS 0 消息 5 秒内平均发送速率 |
messages.qos0.out.count | Integer | QoS 0 消息发送数量统计 | | Integer | QoS 0 消息 5 秒内平均接收速率 | | Integer | QoS 0 消息接收数量统计 |
messages.out.rate | Integer | MQTT 消息 5 秒内平均发送速率 |
messages.out.count | Integer | MQTT 消息发送数量统计 | | Integer | MQTT 消息 5 秒内平均接收速率 | | Integer | MQTT 消息接收数量统计 |
messages.dropped.rate | Integer | MQTT 消息 5 秒内平均丢弃速率 |
messages.dropped.count | Integer | MQTT 消息丢弃数量统计 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/topic-metrics/a%2Fb%2Fc"
POST /api/v4/topic-metrics
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
topic | String | Required | MQTT 主题名 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
开启对 a/b/c
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/topic-metrics" -d '{"topic":"a/b/c"}'
DELETE /api/v4/topic-metrics/{topic}
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
关闭对 a/b/c
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/topic-metrics/a%2Fb%2Fc"
DELETE /api/v4/topic-metrics
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/topic-metrics"
GET /api/v4/stats
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 各节点上的状态数据列表 |
data[0].node | String | 节点名称 |
data[0].stats | Array | 状态数据,详见下面的 stats |
Name | Type | Description |
connections.count | Integer | 当前连接数量 |
connections.max | Integer | 连接数量的历史最大值 |
channels.count | Integer | 即 sessions.count |
channels.max | Integer | 即 session.max |
sessions.count | Integer | 当前会话数量 |
sessions.max | Integer | 会话数量的历史最大值 |
topics.count | Integer | 当前主题数量 |
topics.max | Integer | 主题数量的历史最大值 |
suboptions.count | Integer | 即 subscriptions.count |
suboptions.max | Integer | 即 subscriptions.max |
subscribers.count | Integer | 当前订阅者数量 |
subscribers.max | Integer | 订阅者数量的历史最大值 |
subscriptions.count | Integer | 当前订阅数量,包含共享订阅 |
subscriptions.max | Integer | 订阅数量的历史最大值 |
subscriptions.shared.count | Integer | 当前共享订阅数量 |
subscriptions.shared.max | Integer | 共享订阅数量的历史最大值 |
routes.count | Integer | 当前路由数量 |
routes.max | Integer | 路由数量的历史最大值 |
retained.count | Integer | 当前保留消息数量 |
retained.max | Integer | 保留消息的历史最大值 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/stats"
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/stats
类似 GET /api/v4/stats,返回指定节点上的状态数据。
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 各节点上的状态数据列表,详见 GET /api/v4/stats |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/alarms
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 各节点上的告警列表 |
data[0].node | String | 节点名称 |
data[0].alarms | Array of Objects | 当前告警列表 |
data[0].alarms[0].name | String | 告警名称 |
data[0].alarms[0].message | String | 人类易读的告警信息 |
data[0].alarms[0].details | Object | 告警详情 |
data[0].alarms[0].activate_at | Integer | 告警激活时间,以微秒为单位的 UNIX 时间戳 |
data[0].alarms[0].deactivate_at | Integer | 告警取消激活时间,以微秒为单位的 UNIX 时间戳 |
data[0].alarms[0].activated | Boolean | 是否激活 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/alarms"
{"data":[{"node":"emqx@","alarms":[{"name":"high_system_memory_usage","message":"System memory usage is higher than 60%","details":{"high_watermark":60},"deactivate_at":"infinity","activated":true,"activate_at":1597996203658236},{"name":"high_system_memory_usage","message":"System memory usage is higher than 60%","details":{"high_watermark":60},"deactivate_at":1597994359335482,"activated":false,"activate_at":1597993108657522}]}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/alarms
返回指定节点下的告警信息。接口参数和返回请参看 GET /api/v4/alarms。
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"data":[{"name":"high_system_memory_usage","message":"System memory usage is higher than 60%","details":{"high_watermark":60},"deactivate_at":"infinity","activated":true,"activate_at":1597996203658236},{"name":"high_system_memory_usage","message":"System memory usage is higher than 60%","details":{"high_watermark":60},"deactivate_at":1597994359335482,"activated":false,"activate_at":1597993108657522}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/alarms/activated
返回集群下激活中的告警。接口参数和返回请参看 GET /api/v4/alarms。
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/alarms/activated"
{"data":[{"node":"emqx@","alarms":[{"name":"high_system_memory_usage","message":"System memory usage is higher than 60%","details":{"high_watermark":60},"deactivate_at":"infinity","activated":true,"activate_at":1597996203658236}]}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/alarms/activated
返回指定节点下激活中的告警。接口参数和返回请参看 GET /api/v4/alarms。
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"data":[{"name":"high_system_memory_usage","message":"System memory usage is higher than 60%","details":{"high_watermark":60},"deactivate_at":"infinity","activated":true,"activate_at":1597996203658236}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/alarms/deactivated
返回集群下已经取消的告警。接口参数和返回请参看 GET /api/v4/alarms/activated。
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/alarms/deactivated"
{"data":[{"node":"emqx@","alarms":[{"name":"high_system_memory_usage","message":"System memory usage is higher than 60%","details":{"high_watermark":60},"deactivate_at":1597994359335482,"activated":false,"activate_at":1597993108657522}]}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/alarms/deactivated
返回指定节点下已经取消的告警。接口参数和返回请参看 GET /api/v4/alarms/activated。
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"data":[{"name":"high_system_memory_usage","message":"System memory usage is higher than 60%","details":{"high_watermark":60},"deactivate_at":1597994359335482,"activated":false,"activate_at":1597993108657522}],"code":0}
POST /api/v4/alarms/deactivated
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
node | String | Required | 告警所在节点 | |
name | String | Required | 告警名称 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -vX POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/alarms/deactivated" -d '{"node":"emqx@","name":"high_system_memory_usage"}'
DELETE /api/v4/alarms/deactivated
Parameters (json): 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/alarms/deactivated"
DELETE /api/v4/nodes/{node}/alarms/deactivated
Parameters (json): 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
ACL 缓存
DELETE /api/v4/acl-cache
清除集群中所有的 ACL 缓存
Query String Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
message | String | 仅在发生错误时返回,用于提供更详细的错误信息 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/acl-cache"
DELETE /api/v4/node/{node}/acl-cache
清除指定节点的 ACL 缓存
Query String Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
message | String | 仅在发生错误时返回,用于提供更详细的错误信息 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/node/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/banned
Query String Parameters:
同 /api/v4/clients
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array | 由对象构成的数组,对象中的字段与 POST 方法中的 Request Body 相同 |
meta | Object | 同 /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -vX GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/banned"
POST /api/v4/banned
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
who | String | Required | 添加至黑名单的对象,可以是客户端标识符、用户名和 IP 地址 | |
as | String | Required | 用于区分黑名单对象类型,可以是 clientid ,username ,peerhost | |
reason | String | Required | 详细信息 | |
by | String | Optional | user | 指示该对象被谁添加至黑名单 |
at | Integer | Optional | 当前系统时间 | 添加至黑名单的时间,单位:秒 |
until | Integer | Optional | 当前系统时间 + 5 分钟 | 何时从黑名单中解除,单位:秒 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 与传入的 Request Body 相同 |
将 client 添加到黑名单:
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -vX POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/banned" -d '{"who":"example","as":"clientid","reason":"example"}'
DELETE /api/v4/banned/{as}/{who}
Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
message | String | 仅在发生错误时返回,用于提供更详细的错误信息 |
将 client 从黑名单中移除:
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/banned/clientid/example"
GET /api/v4/data/export
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 所有路由信息 |
data[0].filename | String | 文件名 |
data[0].created_at | String | "YYYY-MM-DD HH-mm-SS" 格式的文件创建时间 |
data[0].size | String | 文件大小,单位:字节 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/data/export"
{"data":[{"size":350,"filename":"emqx-export-2020-5-15-18-6-29.json","created_at":"2020-5-15 18:6:29"},{"size":388,"filename":"emqx-export-2020-5-15-17-39-0.json","created_at":"2020-5-15 17:39:0"}],"code":0}
POST /api/v4/data/export
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 文件信息 |
data.filename | String | 文件名 |
data.created_at | String | "YYYY-MM-DD HH-mm-SS" 格式的文件创建时间 |
data.size | String | 文件大小,单位:字节 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/data/export"
{"data":{"size":350,"filename":"emqx-export-2020-5-18-17-17-44.json","created_at":"2020-5-18 17:17:44"},"code":0}
POST /api/v4/data/import
Path Parameters: 无
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
filename | String | Required | 导入的文件名 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
message | String | 仅在发生错误时返回,用于提供更详细的错误信息 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/data/import" -d '{"filename":"emqx-export-2020-5-18-17-17-44.json"}'
GET /api/v4/data/file/{filename}
Path Parameters: 无
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
filename | String | Required | 导入的文件名 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
filename | String | 文件名 |
file | String | 文件内容 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/data/file/emqx-export-2020-5-18-17-17-44.json"
{"filename":"/Users/zhouzibo/emqx-rel/_build/emqx/rel/emqx/data/emqx-export-2020-5-18-17-17-44.json","file":"{\"version\":\"dev\",\"users\":[{\"username\":\"admin\",\"tags\":\"administrator\",\"password\":\"oKQPB1hbigv6+2ntALELNOb1fF0=\"}],\"schemas\":[],\"rules\":[],\"resources\":[],\"date\":\"2020-05-18 17:17:44\",\"blacklist\":[],\"auth_mnesia\":[],\"apps\":[{\"status\":true,\"secret\":\"public\",\"name\":\"Default\",\"id\":\"admin\",\"expired\":\"undefined\",\"desc\":\"Application user\"}],\"acl_mnesia\":[]}"}
POST /api/v4/data/file
Path Parameters: 无
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
filename | String | Required | 文件名 | |
file | String | Required | 文件内容 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
message | String | 仅在发生错误时返回,用于提供更详细的错误信息 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/data/file" -d '{"filename":"emqx-export-2020-5-18-17-17-44.json","file":"{\"version\":\"dev\",\"users\":[{\"username\":\"admin\",\"tags\":\"administrator\",\"password\":\"oKQPB1hbigv6+2ntALELNOb1fF0=\"}],\"schemas\":[],\"rules\":[],\"resources\":[],\"date\":\"2020-05-18 17:17:44\",\"blacklist\":[],\"auth_mnesia\":[],\"apps\":[{\"status\":true,\"secret\":\"public\",\"name\":\"Default\",\"id\":\"admin\",\"expired\":\"undefined\",\"desc\":\"Application user\"}],\"acl_mnesia\":[]}"}'
DELETE /api/v4/data/file/{filename}
Path Parameters: 无
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
filename | String | Required | 文件名 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
message | String | 仅在发生错误时返回,用于提供更详细的错误信息 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/data/file/emqx-export-2020-5-18-17-17-44.json"
GET /api/v4/rules/
获取规则列表,支持分页及模糊查找。包括规则的 SQL、Topics 列表、动作列表等。还会返回当前规则和动作的统计指标的值。
Query String Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
enable_paging | Boolean | False | 是否支持分页功能,如果开启,则返回带分页的元信息 |
enabled | Boolean | False | 过滤条件:规则是否开启状态 |
for | String | False | 返回 topic 完全匹配的规则 |
_like_id | String | False | 根据 id 子串方式模糊查找 |
_like_for | String | False | 根据 Topic 子串方式模糊查找 |
_match_for | String | False | 根据 Topic 匹配查询,比如: t/# 包括 t/1, t/2 |
_like_description | String | False | 根据描述子串方式模糊查找 |
_page | Integer | False | 页码 |
_limit | Integer | False | 每页显示的数据条数,未指定时由 emqx-management 插件的配置项 max_row_limit 决定 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
meta | Object | 分页信息,只在 enable_paging 为 true 时生效 | | Integer | 页码 |
meta.limit | Integer | 每页显示的数据条数 |
meta.count | Integer | 数据总条数 |
data | Array of Objects | 规则详情 |
data[0].id | String | Rule ID |
data[0].rawsql | String | SQL 语句,与请求中的 rawsql 一致 |
data[0].for | String | Topic 列表,表示哪些 topic 可以匹配到此规则 |
data[0].metrics | Array | 统计指标,具体可参看 Dashboard 上的 Rule Metrics |
data[0].description | String | 规则的描述信息,与请求中的 description 一致 |
data[0].created_at | Integer | 创建时间,以微秒为单位的 UNIX 时间戳 |
data[0].actions | Array | 动作列表 |
data[0].actions[0].id | String | Action ID |
data[0].actions[0].params | Object | 动作参数,与请求中的 actions.params 一致 |
data[0].actions[0].name | String | 动作名字,与请求中的 一致 |
data[0].actions[0].metrics | Array | 统计指标,具体可参看 Dashboard 上的 Rule Metrics |
GET /api/v4/rules/{rule_id}
获取某个规则的详情,包括规则的 SQL、Topics 列表、动作列表等。还会返回当前规则和动作的统计指标的值。
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
rule_id | String | False | 可选,Rule ID。如不指定 rule_id 则 以数组形式返回所有已创建的规则 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 规则对象 |
- | String | Rule ID |
- data.rawsql | String | SQL 语句,与请求中的 rawsql 一致 |
- data.for | String | Topic 列表,表示哪些 topic 可以匹配到此规则 |
- data.metrics | Array | 统计指标,具体可参看 Dashboard 上的 Rule Metrics |
- data.description | String | 规则的描述信息,与请求中的 description 一致 |
- data.created_at | Integer | 创建时间,以微秒为单位的 UNIX 时间戳 |
- data.actions | Array | 动作列表 |
- data.actions[0].id | String | Action ID |
- data.actions[0].params | Object | 动作参数,与请求中的 actions.params 一致 |
- data.actions[0].name | String | 动作名字,与请求中的 一致 |
- data.actions[0].metrics | Array | 统计指标,具体可参看 Dashboard 上的 Rule Metrics |
POST /api/v4/rules
创建规则,返回规则 ID。
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Description |
rawsql | String | True | 规则的 SQL 语句 |
actions | Array | True | 动作列表 |
- actions[0].name | String | True | 动作名称 |
- actions[0].params | Object | True | 动作参数。参数以 key-value 形式表示。 详情可参看添加规则的示例 |
description | String | False | 可选,规则描述 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 创建成功的规则对象,包含 Rule ID |
- | String | Rule ID |
- data.rawsql | String | SQL 语句,与请求中的 rawsql 一致 |
- data.for | String | Topic 列表,表示哪些 topic 可以匹配到此规则 |
- data.metrics | Array | 统计指标,具体可参看 Dashboard 上的 Rule Metrics |
- data.description | String | 规则的描述信息,与请求中的 description 一致 |
- data.created_at | Integer | 创建时间,以微秒为单位的 UNIX 时间戳 |
- data.actions | Array | 动作列表,每个动作是一个 Object |
- data.actions[0].id | String | Action ID |
- data.actions[0].params | Object | 动作参数,与请求中的 actions.params 一致 |
- data.actions[0].name | String | 动作名字,与请求中的 一致 |
- data.actions[0].metrics | Array | 统计指标,具体可参看 Dashboard 上的 Rule Metrics |
PUT /api/v4/rules/{rule_id}
更新规则,返回规则 ID。
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Description |
rawsql | String | True | 可选,规则的 SQL 语句 |
actions | Array | True | 可选,动作列表 |
- actions[0].name | String | True | 可选,动作名称 |
- actions[0].params | Object | True | 可选,动作参数。参数以 key-value 形式表示。 详情可参看添加规则的示例 |
description | String | False | 可选,规则描述 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 创建成功的规则对象,包含 Rule ID |
- | String | Rule ID |
- data.rawsql | String | SQL 语句,与请求中的 rawsql 一致 |
- data.for | String | Topic 列表,表示哪些 topic 可以匹配到此规则 |
- data.metrics | Array | 统计指标,具体可参看 Dashboard 上的 Rule Metrics |
- data.description | String | 规则的描述信息,与请求中的 description 一致 |
- data.created_at | Integer | 创建时间,以微秒为单位的 UNIX 时间戳 |
- data.actions | Array | 动作列表,每个动作是一个 Object |
- data.actions[0].id | String | Action ID |
- data.actions[0].params | Object | 动作参数,与请求中的 actions.params 一致 |
- data.actions[0].name | String | 动作名字,与请求中的 一致 |
- data.actions[0].metrics | Array | 统计指标,具体可参看 Dashboard 上的 Rule Metrics |
DELETE /api/v4/rules/{rule_id}
Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
添加一个规则,对于所有匹配到主题 "t/a" 的消息,打印其规则运行参数。
$ curl -XPOST -d '{
"rawsql": "select * from \"t/a\"",
"actions": [{
"name": "inspect",
"params": {
"a": 1
"description": "test-rule"
}' --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules'
{"data":{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/a\"","metrics":[{"speed_max":0,"speed_last5m":0.0,"speed":0.0,"node":"emqx@","matched":0}],"id":"rule:7fdb2c9e","for":["t/a"],"enabled":true,"description":"test-rule","actions":[{"params":{"a":1},"name":"inspect","metrics":[{"success":0,"node":"emqx@","failed":0}],"id":"inspect_1582434715354188116"}]},"code":0}
使用规则 ID 获取刚才创建的规则详情:
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules/rule:7fdb2c9e'
{"data":{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/a\"","metrics":[{"speed_max":0,"speed_last5m":0.0,"speed":0.0,"node":"emqx@","matched":0}],"id":"rule:7fdb2c9e","for":["t/a"],"enabled":true,"description":"test-rule","actions":[{"params":{"a":1},"name":"inspect","metrics":[{"success":0,"node":"emqx@","failed":0}],"id":"inspect_1582434715354188116"}]},"code":0}
获取所有的规则,注意返回值里的 data 是个规则对象的数组:
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules'
{"data":[{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/a\"","metrics":[{"speed_max":0,"speed_last5m":0.0,"speed":0.0,"node":"emqx@","matched":0}],"id":"rule:7fdb2c9e","for":["t/a"],"enabled":true,"description":"test-rule","actions":[{"params":{"a":1},"name":"inspect","metrics":[{"success":0,"node":"emqx@","failed":0}],"id":"inspect_1582434715354188116"}]}],"code":0}
更新一下规则的 SQL 语句,改为 select * from "t/b"
$ curl -XPUT --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules/rule:7fdb2c9e' -d '{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/b\""}'
{"data":{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/b\"","metrics":[{"speed_max":0,"speed_last5m":0.0,"speed":0.0,"node":"emqx@","matched":0}],"id":"rule:7fdb2c9e","for":["t/a"],"enabled":true,"description":"test-rule","actions":[{"params":{"a":1},"name":"inspect","metrics":[{"success":0,"node":"emqx@","failed":0}],"id":"inspect_1582434715354188116"}]},"code":0}
停用规则 (disable):
$ curl -XPUT --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules/rule:7fdb2c9e' -d '{"enabled": false}'
{"data":{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/b\"","metrics":[{"speed_max":0,"speed_last5m":0.0,"speed":0.0,"node":"emqx@","matched":0}],"id":"rule:7fdb2c9e","for":["t/a"],"enabled":false,"description":"test-rule","actions":[{"params":{"a":1},"name":"inspect","metrics":[{"success":0,"node":"emqx@","failed":0}],"id":"inspect_1582434715354188116"}]},"code":0}
$ curl -XDELETE --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules/rule:7fdb2c9e'
查询规则引擎的动作。注意动作只能由 emqx 提供,不能添加。
GET api/v4/actions/{action_name}
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
action_name | String | False | 可选,动作名。如不指定 action_name 则 以数组形式返回当前支持的所有动作。 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 规则对象 |
- data.types | String | 指示当前动作从属于那些资源类型 |
- data.title | Object | 动作的简述,中英文。 |
- data.params | Object | 动作的参数列表。参数以 key-value 形式表示。 详情可参看后面的示例 |
- data.description | Object | 动作的描述信息,中英文。 |
- | String | 动作的提供者 |
查询 inspect 动作的详情:
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/actions/inspect'
{"data":{"types":[],"title":{"zh":"检查 (调试)","en":"Inspect (debug)"},"params":{},"name":"inspect","for":"$any","description":{"zh":"检查动作参数 (用以调试)","en":"Inspect the details of action params for debug purpose"},"app":"emqx_rule_engine"},"code":0}
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/actions'
{"data":[{"types":[],"title":{"zh":"空动作 (调试)","en":"Do Nothing (debug)"},"params":{},"name":"do_nothing","for":"$any","description":{"zh":"此动作什么都不做,并且不会失败 (用以调试)","en":"This action does nothing and never fails. It's for debug purpose"},"app":"emqx_rule_engine"}, ...],"code":0}
查询规则引擎的资源类型。注意资源类型只能由 emqx 提供,不能添加。
GET api/v4/resource_types/{resource_type_name}
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
resource_type_name | String | False | 可选,资源类型名。如不指定 resource_type_name 则 以数组形式返回当前支持的所有资源类型。 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 规则对象 |
- data.title | Object | 资源类型的简述,中英文。 |
- data.params | Object | 资源类型的参数列表。参数以 key-value 形式表示。 详情可参看后面的示例 |
- data.description | Object | 资源类型的描述信息,中英文。 |
- data.provider | String | 资源类型的提供者 |
查询 web_hook 资源类型的详细信息:
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/resource_types/web_hook'
{"data":{"title":{"zh":"WebHook","en":"WebHook"},"provider":"emqx_web_hook","params":{"url":{"type":"string","title":{"zh":"请求 URL","en":"Request URL"},"required":true,"format":"url","description":{"zh":"请求 URL","en":"Request URL"}},"method":{"type":"string","title":{"zh":"请求方法","en":"Request Method"},"enum":["PUT","POST"],"description":{"zh":"请求方法","en":"Request Method"},"default":"POST"},"headers":{"type":"object","title":{"zh":"请求头","en":"Request Header"},"schema":{},"description":{"zh":"请求头","en":"Request Header"},"default":{}}},"name":"web_hook","description":{"zh":"WebHook","en":"WebHook"}},"code":0}
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/resource_types'
{"data":[{"title":{"zh":"WebHook","en":"WebHook"},"provider":"emqx_web_hook","params":{"url":{"type":"string","title":{"zh":"请求 URL","en":"Request URL"},"required":true,"format":"url","description":{"zh":"请求 URL","en":"Request URL"}},"method":{"type":"string","title":{"zh":"请求方法","en":"Request Method"},"enum":["PUT","POST"],"description":{"zh":"请求方法","en":"Request Method"},"default":"POST"},"headers":{"type":"object","title":{"zh":"请求头","en":"Request Header"},"schema":{},"description":{"zh":"请求头","en":"Request Header"},"default":{}}},"name":"web_hook","description":{"zh":"WebHook","en":"WebHook"}}, ...],"code":0}
GET api/v4/resources/{resource_id}
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
resource_id | String | False | 可选,资源类型 ID。如不指定 resource_id 则 以数组形式返回当前所有的资源。 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 规则对象 |
- | String | 资源 ID |
- data.type | String | 资源所从属的资源类型的名字。 |
- data.config | Object | 资源的配置。参数以 key-value 形式表示。 详情可参看后面的示例 |
- data.status | Array | 资源的状态信息。详情请参看 Dashboard 上资源的状态。 |
- data.description | Object | 资源的描述信息,中英文。 |
POST /api/v4/resources
创建规则,返回资源 ID。
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type | String | True | 资源类型名。指定要使用哪个资源类型创建资源。 |
config | Object | True | 资源参数。要跟对应的资源类型的 params 里指定的格式相一致。 |
description | String | False | 可选,资源描述 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | 规则对象 |
- | String | 资源 ID |
- data.type | String | 资源所从属的资源类型的名字。 |
- data.config | Object | 资源的配置。参数以 key-value 形式表示。 详情可参看后面的示例 |
- data.description | Object | 资源的描述信息,中英文。 |
GET api/v4/resources
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array | 规则对象列表 |
- | String | 资源 ID |
- data.type | String | 资源所从属的资源类型的名字。 |
- data.config | Object | 资源的配置。参数以 key-value 形式表示。 详情可参看后面的示例 |
- data.status | Array | 资源的状态信息。详情请参看 Dashboard 上资源的状态。 |
- data.description | Object | 资源的描述信息,中英文。 |
DELETE /api/v4/resources/{resource_id}
Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
创建一个 webhook 资源,webserver 的 URL 为 :
$ curl -XPOST -d '{
"type": "web_hook",
"config": {
"url": "",
"headers": {"token":"axfw34y235wrq234t4ersgw4t"},
"method": "POST"
"description": "web hook resource-1"
}' --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/resources'
{"data":{"type":"web_hook","id":"resource:b12d3e44","description":"web hook resource-1","config":{"url":"","method":"POST","headers":{"token":"axfw34y235wrq234t4ersgw4t"}}},"code":0}
使用资源 ID 查询刚创建的资源:
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/resources/resource:b12d3e44'
{"data":{"type":"web_hook","status":[{"node":"emqx@","is_alive":false}],"id":"resource:b12d3e44","description":"web hook resource-1","config":{"url":"","method":"POST","headers":{"token":"axfw34y235wrq234t4ersgw4t"}}},"code":0}
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/resources'
{"data":[{"type":"web_hook","id":"resource:b12d3e44","description":"web hook resource-1","config":{"url":"","method":"POST","headers":{"token":"axfw34y235wrq234t4ersgw4t"}}}],"code":0}
$ curl -XDELETE --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/resources/resource:b12d3e44'
PUT /api/v4/telemetry/status
Path Parameters: 无
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
enabled | Boolean | Required | 是否启用 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
message | String | 仅在发生错误时返回,用于提供更详细的错误信息 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X PUT "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/telemetry/status" -d '{"enabled":true}'
GET /api/v4/telemetry/status
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 遥测状态 |
data.enabled | Boolean | 是否启用 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/telemetry/status"
GET /api/v4/telemetry/data
Path Parameters: 无
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | 遥测数据 |
data.uuid | String | 由时间戳、随机数组成的 UUID |
data.up_time | Integer | Broker 启动时间,单位为毫秒 |
data.otp_version | String | Broker 使用的 Erlang OTP 版本 |
data.os_version | String | 操作系统版本 |
data.os_name | String | 操作系统名称 |
data.num_clients | Integer | 当前连接的客户端数量 |
data.nodes_uuid | Array of Objects | 集群中其他节点的 UUID |
data.nodes_uuid[0].uuid | String | 集群中其他节点的 UUID |
data.messages_sent | Integer | 发送的消息数量 |
data.messages_received | Integer | 接收的消息数量 |
data.license | Objects | 证书信息 |
data.license.edition | String | 版本 |
data.emqx_version | String | Broker 版本 |
data.active_plugins | Array of Objects | 启用插件列表 |
data.active_modules | Array of Objects | 启用模块列表 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/telemetry/data"
{"data":{"uuid":"856916F6-ECC1-11EA-87C9-F9385C1F4A9C","up_time":553357,"otp_version":"22","os_version":"10.13.6","os_name":"Mac OS X","num_clients":0,"nodes_uuid":[],"messages_sent":0,"messages_received":0,"license":{"edition":"community"},"emqx_version":"dev-v4.2-rc.3","active_plugins":["emqx_telemetry","emqx_rule_engine","emqx_retainer","emqx_recon","emqx_management","emqx_dashboard"],"active_modules":["emqx_mod_presence","emqx_mod_rewrite","emqx_mod_acl_internal"]},"code":0}