# Configuration

# Cluster

# cluster.name

Type Default
string emqxcl

# Description

Cluster name.

# cluster.proto_dist

Type Optional Value Default
enum inet_tcp, inet6_tcp, inet_tls inet_tcp

# Description

Distributed Erlang cluster protocol type. Available values are:

  • inet_tcp: using IPv4
  • inet6_tcp: using IPv6
  • inet_tls: using TLS, required to be used with node.ssl_dist_optfile configuration

# cluster.discovery

Type Optional Value Default
enum manual, static, mcast, dns, etcd, k8s manual

# Description

Cluster node discovery method. Available values are:

  • manual: join the cluster manually
  • static: Configure static nodes. Configure several fixed nodes, and the new node joins the cluster by connecting one of the fixed nodes.
  • mcast: Use UDP multicast to discover nodes.
  • dns: Use DNS A records to discover nodes.
  • etcd: Use etcd to discover nodes.
  • k8s: Use Kubernetes to discover nodes.

# cluster.autoheal

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Enable or disable the automatic recovery mechanism for cluster network partitions.

# cluster.autoclean

Type Default
duration 5m

# Description

Specify how long to delete offline nodes from the cluster.

# cluster.static.seeds

Type Default Example
string - emqx1@,emqx2@

# Description

When using static clustering, specify a fixed list of nodes, separated by commas , between multiple nodes.

# cluster.mcast.addr

Type Default

# Description

When using the mcast cluster, specify the multicast address.

# cluster.mcast.ports

Type Default
string 4369

# Description

When using the mcast cluster, specify the multicast port. If there are multiple ports, separate them with commas ,.

# cluster.mcast.iface

Type Default

# Description

When using mcast cluster, specify which local IP address the node discovery service needs to bind to.

# cluster.mcast.ttl

Type Default
integer 255

# Description

When using mcast cluster, specify the Time-To-Live value of multicast.

# cluster.mcast.loop

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

When using mcast clustering, set whether multicast packets are delivered to the local loopback address.

# cluster.dns.name

Type Default Example
string - mycluster.com

# Description

When using the dns cluster, specify the name of the DNS A record. emqx will access the DNS A record to obtain a list of IP addresses, and then splice the APP name specified in cluster.dns.app to get a list of all nodes in the cluster.

# Example

Set cluster.dns.app = emqx, and configure a DNS: mycluster.com, which points to 3 IP addresses:

Then get the list of cluster nodes as follows:


# cluster.dns.app

Type Default Example
string - emqx

# Description

When using dns cluster, it is used to splice the IP list obtained from cluster.dns.name to get a list of node names.

# cluster.etcd.server

Type Default Example
string -

# Description

When using etcd cluster, specify the address of etcd service. If there are multiple services, use commas to separate them.

# cluster.etcd.prefix

Type Default Example
string - emqxcl

# Description

When using etcd cluster, specify the prefix of etcd path. Each node creates a path in etcd:


# cluster.etcd.node_ttl

Type Default Example
duration - 1m

# Description

When using etcd cluster, specify the expiration time of the node path in etcd.

# cluster.etcd.ssl.keyfile

Type Default Example
string - etc/certs/client-key.pem

# Description

When using SSL to connect to etcd, specify the client's private key file.

# cluster.etcd.ssl.certfile

Type Default Example
string - etc/certs/client.pem

# Description

When using SSL to connect to etcd, specify the SSL client certificate file.

# cluster.etcd.ssl.cacertfile

Type Default Example
string - etc/certs/ca.pem

# Description

When using SSL to connect to etcd, specify the CA certificate file for SSL.

# cluster.k8s.apiserver

Type Default Example
string -

# Description

When using the k8s cluster, specify the Kubernetes API Server. If there are multiple Servers, separate them with commas ,.

# cluster.k8s.service_name

Type Default Example
string - emqx

# Description

When using k8s cluster, specify the service name of EMQX Broker in Kubernetes.

# cluster.k8s.address_type

Type Optional Value Default
enum ip, dns, hostname ip

# Description

When using k8s cluster, address_type is used to obtain the host list from the response of the Kubernetes interface.

# Example

Specifying cluster.k8s.address_type as ip, it will get the list of IP addresses of emqx services from the Kubernetes interface:

Then splice with the app name specified by cluster.k8s.app_name configuration to get a list of emqx nodes:


# cluster.k8s.app_name

Type Default Example
string - emqx

# Description

When using k8s clustering, app_name is used to splice with the obtained Host list to get the node list.

# cluster.k8s.suffix

Type Default Example
string - pod.cluster.local

# Description

When using the k8s method and specifying cluster.k8s.address_type as the dns type, you can set the suffix of the emqx node name, and splice with cluster.k8s.namespace to get a list of node names.

# cluster.k8s.namespace

Type Default Example
string - default

# Description

When using the k8s method and specifying cluster.k8s.address_type as the dns type, you can set the namespace of the emqx node name, and splice with cluster.k8s.suffix to get a list of node names.

# Example

Setting cluster.k8s.address_type to dns, you will get the dns list of emqx service from the Kubernetes interface:


Then splice with cluster.k8s.app_name = emqxcluster.k8s.suffix = pod.cluster.localcluster.k8s.namespace = default to get a list of emqx node names in the form of dns:


# node.name

Type Default
string emqx@

# Description

The node name. The format is <name> @ <host>. Where <host> can be an IP address or FQDN. See http://erlang.org/doc/reference_manual/distributed.html (opens new window) for details

Type Default
string emqxsecretcookie

# Description

The cookie value used by the distributed Erlang cluster.

# node.data_dir

Type Default
folder ./data

# Description

The node's data directory, which is used to store Mnesia data files.

# node.heartbeat

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

System tuning parameters. This configuration will override the -heart parameter in the vm.args file.

Enable or disable Erlang runtime detection mechanism, and restart automatically when the runtime terminates. Use with care to avoid restarting the monitored process when emqx is closed manually.

# node.async_threads

Type Optional Value Default
integer 0 - 1024 4

# Description

System tuning parameters. This configuration will override the +A parameter in the vm.args file.

Set the number of threads in the asynchronous thread pool in Erlang runtime, see http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html (opens new window) for details.

# node.process_limit

Type Optional Value Default
integer 1024 - 134217727 2097152

# Description

System tuning parameters. This configuration will override the +P parameter in the vm.args file.

Set the maximum number of processes allowed by Erlang, which will affect the number of connections that emqx nodes can process. See http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html (opens new window) for details.

# node.max_ports

Type Optional Value Default
integer 1024 - 134217727 1048576

# Description

System tuning parameters. This configuration will override the +Q parameter in the vm.args file.

Set the maximum number of ports allowed by Erlang. See http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html (opens new window) for details.

# node.dist_buffer_size

Type Optional Value Default
bytesize 1KB - 2GB 8MB

# Description

System tuning parameters. This configuration will override the +zdbbl parameter in the vm.args file.

Set the maximum cache size used by Erlang distributed communication. See http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html (opens new window) for details.

# node.max_ets_tables

Type Default
integer 262144

# Description

System tuning parameters. This configuration will override the +e parameter in the vm.args file.

Set the maximum number of ETS tables allowed in Erlang runtime. See http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html (opens new window) for details.

# node.global_gc_interval

Type Default
duration 15m

# Description

System tuning parameters, which set how often Erlang runs to force a global garbage collection.

# node.fullsweep_after

Type Optional Value Default
integer 0 - 65535 1000

# Description

System tuning parameters. This configuration will override the -env ERL_FULLSWEEP_AFTER parameter in the vm.args file.

Set how many times the generational GC will run before Erlang runs a fullsweep GC. For details, see http://erlang.org/doc/man/erlang.html#spawn_opt-4 (opens new window).

# node.crash_dump

Type Default
string log/crash.dump

# Description

Set the storage path and file name of the Erlang crash_dump file.

# node.ssl_dist_optfile

Type Default
string etc/ssl_dist.conf

# Description

This configuration will override the -ssl_dist_optfile parameter in the vm.args file.

If you use SSL to establish an emqx cluster, you need to specify the SSL distributed protocol configuration file. It needs to be used with cluster.proto_dist = inet_tls.

# node.dist_net_ticktime

Type Default
integer 120

# Description

System tuning parameters. This configuration will override the -kernel net_ticktime parameter in the vm.args file.

Specifying how long time when a node has been unresponsive, it is considered to be down and disconnected. For details, see http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/kernel_app.html#net_ticktime (opens new window).

# node.dist_use_interface

Type Default

# Description

The default is to use to specify all network-interfaces to listen to, or to specify the IP of the network-interface to listen to.

# node.dist_listen_min

Type Optional Value Default
integer 1024 - 65535 6369

# Description

Set a TCP port range together with node.dist_listen_max. This port ranget is used for distribution to distributed Erlang as a listening port for distributed channels. Note that if a firewall is set between nodes, this port range needs to be placed into the firewall's whitelist.

# node.dist_listen_max

Type Optional Value Default
integer 1024 - 65535 6369

# Description

Set a TCP port range together with node.dist_listen_min. This port range is used for distribution to distributed Erlang as a listening port for distributed channels. Note that if a firewall is set up between nodes, this port rangeneeds to be put in The firewall's whitelist.

# rpc.mode

Type Optional Value Default
enum sync, async async

# Description

RPC mode. Synchronous or asynchronous mode is optional.

# rpc.async_batch_size

Type Default
integer 256

# Description

The maximum number of batch messages sent in asynchronous mode. Note that this configuration does not work in synchronous mode.

# rpc.port_discovery

Type Optional Value Default
enum manual, stateless

# Description

manual: discover ports by tcp_server_port and tcp_client_port. stateless: discover ports in a stateless manner. If node name is emqx<N>@, where the <N> is an integer, then the listening port will be 5370 + <N>

Default is manual when started from docker (environment variable override from docker-entrypoint) otherwise stateless.

# rpc.tcp_server_ip

Type Optional Value Default
ipaddr [0-255].[0-255].[0-255].[0-255]

# Description

Set the listening network-interface used by RPC local service. Use to listen to all network-interfaces. NOTE: this config only takes effect when rpc.port_discovery is set to manual

# rpc.tcp_server_port

Type Optional Value Default
integer 1024 - 65535 5369

# Description

Set the listening port used by RPC local service NOTE: this config only takes effect when rpc.port_discovery is set to manual

# rpc.tcp_client_num

Type Optional Value Default
integer 1 - 256 CPU core number / 2

# Description

Set the number of RPC communication channels initiated by this node to each remote node. Set to 1 to ensure the order of messages. Keep the default value (half the number of CPU cores) to improve RPC throughput.

# rpc.driver

Type Optional Value Default
enum tcp, ssl tcp

# Description

Transport-layer protocol used for communication between the brokers.

# rpc.default_client_driver

Type Optional Value Default
enum tcp, ssl tcp

# Description

Transport-layer protocol used for communication between the brokers (client side). This parameter should match the value of rpc.driver.

# rpc.enable_ssl

Type Optional Value Default
integer 1024 - 65535 5369

# Description

Listening port used by RPC local service. Note that this config only takes effect when rpc.port_discovery is set to manual and driver is set to ssl.

# rpc.certfile

Type Optional Value Default

# Description

Path to TLS certificate file used to validate identity of the cluster nodes. This configuration is mandatory when rpc.driver is set to ssl, otherwise it doesn't take any effect.

# rpc.cacertfile

Type Optional Value Default

# Description

Path to certification authority TLS certificate file used to validate rpc.certfile. This configuration is mandatory when rpc.driver is set to ssl, otherwise it doesn't take any effect.

# rpc.keyfile

Type Optional Value Default

# Description

Path to the private key file for the rpc.certfile. This configuration is mandatory when rpc.driver is set to ssl, otherwise it doesn't take any effect. Note: contents of this file are secret, so it's necessary to set permissions to 600.

# rpc.connect_timeout

Type Default
duration 5s

# Description

Timeout for establishing an RPC connection. It means how long will it give up after trying if the remote node does not respond when establishing a connection, .

# rpc.send_timeout

Type Default
duration 5s

# Description

Timeout for sending, which means how long to give up after sending the message.

# rpc.authentication_timeout

Type Default
duration 5s

# Description

RPC authentication timeout. It means how long it will give up if the remote node does not respond, .

# rpc.call_receive_timeout

Type Default
duration 15s

# Description

The timeout period of RPC synchronous mode. It means how long it will take before giving up if the RPC synchronous call fails to receive a reply.

# rpc.socket_keepalive_idle

Type Default
duration 900s

# Description

It means how long after the last packet was sent, keepalive probe packets are sent.

# rpc.socket_keepalive_interval

Type Default
duration 75s

# Description

The interval between keepalive detection messages.

# rpc.socket_keepalive_count

Type Default
integer 9

# Description

For how many times if the keepalive probe message fails to receive a reply, the RPC connection is considered lost.

# rpc.socket_sndbuf

Type Default
bytesize 1MB

# Description

TCP tuning parameters. TCP sending buffer size.

# rpc.socket_recbuf

Type Default
bytesize 1MB

# Description

TCP tuning parameters. TCP receiving buffer size.

# rpc.socket_buffer

Type Default
bytesize 1MB

# Description

TCP tuning parameters. Socket buffer size in user mode.

# log.to

Type Optional Value Default
enum off, file, console, both file

# Description

Where to output the log. The optional values are:

  • off: Disable logging completely
  • file: Only output log to file
  • console: Only output logs to standard output (emqx console)
  • both: output log to file and standard output at the same time (emqx console)

# log.level

Type Optional Value Default
enum debug, info, notice, warning
error, critical, alert, emergency

# Description

Global log level. This includes the primary log level and all log handlers. For details, see log level and log handlers.

# log.dir

Type Default
dir ./log

# Description

Log file directory.

# log.file

Type Default
string emqx.log

# Description

The prefix of the log file. For example, if you use the default value (log.file = emqx.log), the log file name will be emqx.log.1, emqx.log.2, ...

# log.chars_limit

Type Default
integer -1

# Description

Set the maximum length of a single log message. If this length is exceeded, the log message will be truncated. -1 means no limit.

# log.max_depth

Type Default
union(integer, 'unlimited') 20

# Description

Maximum depth for Erlang term log formatting and Erlang process message queue inspection. Set 'unlimited' (without quotes) to print Erlang terms without depth limit.

# log.rotation.size

Type Default
bytesize 10MB

# Description

Set the size of a single log file. If it exceeds this size, the log file will be rolled to create a new log file.

# log.rotation.count

Type Default
integer 5

# Description

Set the total number of log files. If this number is exceeded, the next log file will overwrite the first file.

# log.<level>.file

Type Default
string -

# Description

Set a separate log file for a certain log level.

# Example

Separately output info and above logs to info.log.N file:

log.info.file = info.log

Output error and error logs separately to the error.log.N file

log.error.file = error.log

# log.max_depth

Type Default
integer 20

# Description

Max depth when printing large data blob to log. Exceeding parts will be logge as '...'.

# log.single_line

Type Default
boolean true

# Description

Print logs in a single line if set to true. If set to false, information like stacktraces in crash logs may span multiple lines.

# log.formatter

Type Optional Value Default
enum text, json text

# Description

Choose log format. text for free text, and json for structured logging.

# log.formatter.text.date.format

Type Optional Value Default
enum rfc3339 FORMAT

NOTE: This config is available start from EMQX Opensource 4.3.15, 4.4.4 and EMQX Enterprise 4.3.10, 4.4.4.

# Description

The timestamp format for the text logger. Can be one of rfc3339 or a FORMAT string.

Supported specifiers in the FORMAT string are:

Specifiers Annotation Format Example
%Y year 2022
%m month (01..12) 11
%d day of month 01
%H hour (00..23) 06
%M minute (00..59) 43
%S second (00..60) 31
%N nanoseconds (000000000..999999999) 019085000
%6N microseconds (00000..999999) 019085
%3N milliseconds (000..999) 019
%z +HHMM numeric time zone -0400
%:z +HH:MM numeric time zone -04:00
%::z +HH:MM:SS numeric time zone -04:00:00


## 2022-06-02T14:23:09.230000 +08:00
log.formatter.text.date.format = %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%6N %:z

## To make the timestamp look the same as that of version 4.2.x (2022-06-02 14:24:36.124):
log.formatter.text.date.format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N

# authacl

# allow_anonymous

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

Whether to allow anonymous users to log in to the system.


It is recommended to disable this option in the production environment.

# acl_nomatch

Type Optional Value Default
enum allow, deny allow

# Description

When the ACL is not hit, allow or deny the publish/subscribe operation.

# acl_file

Type Default
string etc/acl.conf

# Description

The default path of ACL file.

# enable_acl_cache

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Whether to enable ACL caching.

# acl_cache_max_size

Type Default
integer 32

# Description

Maximum cache number of ACL rule.

# acl_cache_ttl

Type Default
duration 1m

# Description

Maximum cache time of ACL rule.

# acl_deny_action

Type Optional Value Default
enum ignore, disconnect ignore

# Description

What to do after the ACL check fails.

  • ignore:No operation
  • disconnect:disconnect.

# acl_order

Type Default
string none

# Description

When using multiple ACL backends, this config can be used to define their order. The default value none means no explicit ordering, in which case the order depends on the plugin (or module) start/restart order. Use comma to separate the names (or aliases), for example jwt,http means jwt authentication should be checked before http. Supported aliases are: internal (or file), http, jwt, ldap, mnesia, mongo (or mongodb), mysql, pgsql (or postgres), redis. It is not necessary to enumerate all the in-use ACL backends here, if only a part of the backends are listed here, the ones not listed will be ordered at the end. When using a third-party plugin, there is no alias support for it, so it has to be the specific callback module name, e.g. my_auth_plugin_module.


Unknown names are silently discarded.

# auth_order

Type Default
string none

# Description

When using multiple authentication backends, this config can be used to define their order. This config is similar to acl_order, only there is no internal authentication backend.


Unknown names are silently discarded.

# alias_enrichment_module

Type Default
string -

# Description


This is a very specific, advanced option that should not be used unless recommended by EMQ.

Introduced in 4.4.11.

Specify a module that defines the enrich_with_aliases/2 function. This function will be used to enrich the client/channel information with clientid and/or common name aliases (or other enrichments the module may implement).

# special_auth_module

Type Default
string -

# Description


This is a very specific, advanced option that should not be used unless recommended by EMQ.

Introduced in 4.4.11.

Specify a module that defines the check_authn/2 function. This function will be used in the client.authenticate hook as a way to implement custom authentication logic.

# mqtt

# flapping_detect_policy

Type Default
string 30, 1m, 5m

# Description

Specify the Flapping inspection strategy.

Format: <threshold>,<duration>,<banned>.

For example, 30, 1m, 5m, it means that if the client disconnects 30 times within 1 minute, then login is prohibited for the next 5 minutes

# mqtt.max_packet_size

Type Default
bytesize 1MB

# Description

The maximum allowed length of MQTT messages.

# mqtt.max_clientid_len

Type Default
integer 65535

# Description

The maximum allowed length of Client ID string.

# mqtt.max_topic_levels

Type Default
integer 128

# Description

The maximum allowed level of topics for client subscription. 0 means no limit.

::: Warning Too many topic levels may cause performance problems during subscription. :::

# mqtt.max_qos_allowed

Type Optional Value Default
enum 0, 1, 2 2

# Description

The maximum allowed QoS level for client to publish.

# mqtt.max_topic_alias

Type Default
integer 65535

# Description

The maximum allowed number of topic aliases. 0 means that topic aliases are not supported.

# mqtt.retain_available

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

Whether to support Retain message.

# mqtt.wildcard_subscription

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

Whether to support subscribing to wildcard topics.

# mqtt.shared_subscription

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

Whether to support shared subscriptions.

# mqtt.ignore_loop_deliver

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Whether to ignore the message sent by itself. If it is ignored, it means that EMQX Broker will not deliver this message to the sender of the message.

# mqtt.strict_mode

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Whether to enable the strict check mode. The strict check mode will check the correctness of the MQTT message in more detail.

# mqtt.response_information

Type Default
string -

# Description

Configures the Response-Information property returned in the server's CONNACK packet (MQTT 5.0). For more details, see: CONNACK: Response Information (opens new window)

# mqtt.message_expiry_interval

Type Default
duration infinity

# Description

Sets the message expiration interval.

  • For MQTT 5.0 clients, this configuration only takes effect when the Message-Expiry-Interval property is not set in the message; otherwise, the value of the Message-Expiry-Interval property is used.
  • For MQTT versions below 5.0, this configuration always takes effect.

Note: Setting message_expiry_interval to a value greater than session_expiry_interval is meaningless, as all messages will be cleared when the session expires.

# zone.external.idle_timeout

Type Default
duration 15s

# Description

The daze time after the TCP connection is established. If no packets are received within this time, the connection will be shutdown.

# zone.external.enable_acl

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Whether to enable ACL check.

# zone.external.enable_ban

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Whether to enable blacklist.

# zone.external.enable_stats

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Whether to enable client status statistics.

# zone.external.acl_deny_action

Type Optional Value Default
enum ignore, disconnect ignore

# Description

What to do after the ACL check fails.

  • ignore:No any operation.
  • disconnect:disconnect.

# zone.external.force_gc_policy

Type Default
string 16000|16MB

# Description

When a certain number of messages, or bytes, are received, a garbage collection is forced.

Format: <Number> | <Bytes>.

For example, 16000|16MB means that when 16000 messages are received, or a byte of 16MB flows in, a garbage collection is forced.

# zone.external.force_shutdown_policy

Type Default
string -

# Description

When the process message queue length, or the memory bytes reaches a certain value, the process is forced to close.

The "message queue" here refers to the "message mailbox" of the Erlang process, not the "mqueue" of QoS 1 and QoS 2.

Format: <Number> | <Bytes>.

For example, 32000|32MB means that when the process accumulates 32000 messages, or the process occupies memory up to 32MB, the process is closed.

# zone.external.max_packet_size

Type Default
bytesize -

# Description

The maximum allowed length of MQTT packet.

# zone.external.max_clientid_len

Type Default
integer -

# Description

The maximum length of Client ID string.

# zone.external.max_topic_levels

Type Default
integer -

# Description

The maximum allowed level of topics for client subscription. 0 means no limit.

::: Warning Too many topic levels may cause performance problems during subscription. :::

# zone.external.max_qos_allowed

Type Optional Value Default
enum 0, 1, 2 -

# Description

The maximum QoS level allowed for the client to publish.

# zone.external.max_topic_alias

Type Default
integer -

# Description

The maximum number of topic aliases. 0 means that topic aliases are not supported.

# zone.external.retain_available

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false -

# Description

Whether to support Retain message.

# zone.external.wildcard_subscription

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false -

# Description

Whether to support subscribing to wildcard topics.

# zone.external.shared_subscription

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false -

# Description

Whether to support shared subscriptions.

# zone.external.server_keepalive

Type Default
integer -

# Description

Keepalive time specified by the server, used for MQTT v5.0 CONNACK messages

# zone.external.keepalive_backoff

Type Optional Value Default
float > 0.5 0.75

# Description

Keepalive backoff index. If no data packet is received from the client within the time of Keepalive * backoff * 2, it is considered that the client has heartbeat timeout.

# zone.external.max_subscriptions

Type Default
integer 0

# Description

The maximum number of topics that a single client is allowed to subscribe to. 0 means no limit.

# zone.external.upgrade_qos

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

Allow EMQX Broker to force the QoS level of the message upgrading to the subscribed QoS level when publishing the message.

# zone.external.max_inflight

Type Default
integer 32

# Description

Inflight window size: The inflight window is used to store unacknowledged QoS 1 and QoS 2 messages.

# zone.external.retry_interval

Type Default
duration 30s

# Description

Message retransmission interval: EMQX Broker checks whether message retransmission is required at each interval.

# zone.external.max_awaiting_rel

Type Default
integer 100

# Description

The maximum receiving window for QoS 2 messages, which configures how many QoS 2 messages from the client can be processed by EMQX Broker simultaneously. 0 means no limit.

# zone.external.await_rel_timeout

Type Default
duration 300s

# Description

Time for QoS 2 message processing timeout. If the QoS PUBREL message has not been received after the timeout, the message is dropped from the receiving window.

# zone.external.session_expiry_interval

Type Default
duration 2h

# Description

The default timeout period of the session, which is mainly used for MQTT v3.1 and v3.1.1 protocols. In MQTT v5.0, this value is usually carried in the client's connection message.

# zone.external.max_mqueue_len

Type Default
integer 1000

# Description

The maximum length of the message queue. When the flight window is full, or the client is offline, the message will be stored in the queue. 0 means no limit.

# zone.external.mqueue_priorities

Type Optional Value Default
string none, <Spec> none

# Description

Queue message priority configuration:

  • none:no prioritization.
  • <Spec>:A message priority table, which configures the priority of messages under a certain topic. For example:
    • topic/1=10: indicates that the message priority of the topic topic/1 is 10.
    • topic/1=10,topic/2=8: indicates that the priority of two topics is configured, which are 10 and 8 respectively.
    • Among them, the higher the priority value, the higher the priority level.

When the length of the message queue is limited, low priority messages will be dropped first.

# zone.external.mqueue_default_priority

Type Optional Value Default
enum highest, lowest highest

# Description

The default priority level of the message.

# zone.external.mqueue_store_qos0

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

Whether the message queue stores QoS 0 messages.

# zone.external.enable_flapping_detect

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

Whether to enable Flapping check.

# zone.external.mountpoint

Type Default
string -

# Description

After topic mount point is configured, all subscribed and published topics will be prefixed by EMQX Broker.

The available placeholders are:

  • %c:Client ID.
  • %u:Username.

For example, if the mount point is set to user/%c/. , when the client with client ID tom publishes the topic open message, the topic actually routed in EMQX Broker is user/tom/open.

# zone.external.use_username_as_clientid

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Whether to use the client's Username as its Client ID.

# zone.external.ignore_loop_deliver

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Whether to ignore the message sent by yourself. If ignored, it means that EMQX Broker will not deliver this message to the sender of the message.

# zone.external.strict_mode

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Whether to enable the strict check mode. The strict check mode will check the correctness of the MQTT message in more detail.

# zone.internal.allow_anonymous

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

Whether to allow anonymous users to log in to the system.

# zone.internal.enable_stats

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Whether to enable client status statistics.

# zone.internal.enable_acl

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

Whether to enable ACL check.

# zone.internal.acl_deny_action

Type Optional Value Default
enum ignore, disconnect ignore

# Description

What to do after the ACL check fails.

  • ignore:No operation.
  • disconnect:Disconnect.

# zone.internal.force_gc_policy

Type Default
string -

# Description

When a certain number of messages, or bytes, are received, a garbage collection is forced.

Format: <Number> | <Bytes>.

For example, 16000|16MB means that when 16000 messages are received, or a byte of 16MB flows in, a garbage collection is forced.

# zone.internal.wildcard_subscription

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false -

# Description

Whether to support subscribing to wildcard topics.

# zone.internal.shared_subscription

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false -

# Description

Whether to support shared subscriptions.

# zone.internal.max_subscriptions

Type Default
integer 0

# Description

The maximum number of topics that a single client is allowed to subscribe to. 0 means no limit.

# zone.internal.max_inflight

Type Default
integer 128

# Description

Inflight window size: The flight window is used to store unanswered QoS 1 and QoS 2 messages.

# zone.internal.max_awaiting_rel

Type Default
integer 1000

# Description

The maximum receiving window for QoS 2 messages, that configures how many QoS 2 messages from the client can be processed by EMQX Broker simultaneously. 0 means no limit.

# zone.internal.max_mqueue_len

Type Default
integer 10000

# Description

The maximum length of the message queue. When the flight window is full, or the client is offline, the message will be stored in the queue. 0 means no limit.

# zone.internal.mqueue_store_qos0

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

Whether the message queue stores QoS 0 messages.

# zone.internal.enable_flapping_detect

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

Whether to enable Flapping check.

# zone.internal.force_shutdown_policy

Type Default
string -

# Description

When the process message queue length, or the memory bytes reaches a certain value, the process is forced to close.

The "message queue" here refers to the "message mailbox" of the Erlang process, not the "mqueue" of QoS 1 and QoS 2.

Format: <Number> | <Bytes>.

For example, 32000|32MB means that when the process accumulates 32000 messages, or the process occupies memory up to 32MB, the process is closed.

# zone.internal.mountpoint

Type Default
string -

# Description

After topic mount point is configured, all subscribed and published topics will be prefixed by EMQX Broker.

The available placeholders are:

  • %c:Client ID.
  • %u:Username.

For example, if the mount point is set to user/%c/. , when the client with client ID tom publishes the topic open message, the topic actually routed in EMQX Broker is user/tom/open.

# zone.internal.ignore_loop_deliver

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Whether to ignore the message sent by itself. If ignored, it means that EMQX Broker will not deliver this message to the sender of the message.

# zone.internal.strict_mode

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Whether to enable the strict check mode. The strict check mode will check the correctness of the MQTT message in more detail.

# zone.internal.bypass_auth_plugins

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

Whether to allow clients under this zone to bypass the authentication step of the authentication plugin.

# listener.tcp.external

Type Default

# Description

Configure the listening address of the MQTT / TCP listener named external, both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.

# Example

To configure an IPv4 address, you may refer to:

  • Listen to activities from all IPs on port 1883.
  • Listen to all activities from IP on port 1883.

To configure an IPv6 address, you may refer to:

  • ::1:1883: Listen to all activities from IP ::1 on port 1883.

# listener.tcp.external.acceptors

Type Default
integer 8

# Description

The size of the listener's receiving pool.

# listener.tcp.external.max_connections

Type Default
integer 1024000

# Description

The maximum number of concurrent connections allowed by the listener.

# listener.tcp.external.max_conn_rate

Type Default
integer 1000

# Description

The maximum access rate allowed by the listener. Unit: pcs / sec

# listener.tcp.external.active_n

Type Default
integer 100

# Description

The number of times the listener continues to receive TCP packets.

# listener.tcp.external.zone

Type Default
string external

# Description

The configuration zone to which the listener belongs.

# listener.tcp.external.rate_limit

Type Default
string -

# Description

The rate limit of the listener. The format is <limit>,<duration>.

# Example

100KB,10s:Limit the number of incoming bytes within 10 seconds not to exceed 100 KB.

# listener.tcp.external.access.1

Type Default
string allow all

# Description

List of ACL rules of the listener. It is used to set the white/black list of the connection layer.

# Example

allow all:Allow all TCP connections. allow TCP connection with network address

At the same time, this configuration can configure multiple rules:

listener.tcp.external.access.1 = deny
listener.tcp.external.access.2 = allow all

It means that all TCP connections except are allowed.

# listener.tcp.external.proxy_protocol

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off -

# Description

Whether the listener enables Proxy Protocol support.

If the EMQX cluster is deployed behind HAProxy or Nginx, and you need to get the client's real source IP address and port, you need to enable this configuration.

Proxy Protcol : https://www.haproxy.com/blog/haproxy/proxy-protocol (opens new window).

# listener.tcp.external.proxy_protocol_timeout

Type Default
duration -

# Description

Set the timeout for Proxy Protocol parsing. If no Proxy Protocol packet is received within this time, EMQX Broker will close its connection.

# listener.tcp.external.peer_cert_as_username

Type Optional Value Default
enum cn, dn, crt, pem, md5 cn

# Description

Use the client certificate to override the value of the Username field. The optional values are:

  • cn: the Common Name of the client certificate
  • dn: the Subject Name of the client certificate
  • crt: the DER-encoded binary of the client certificate
  • pem: base64 encoded string based on the DER-encoded binary
  • md5: MD5 hash of the DER-encoded binary

Note: Under TCP listener, this configuration is only available if the load balancing server terminates the SSL deployment; and the load balancing server needs to be configured to send the content of the certificate domain to EMQX. For example, for HAProxy, see send-proxy-v2-ssl (opens new window)

# listener.tcp.external.peer_cert_as_clientid

Type Optional Value Default
enum cn, dn, crt, pem, md5 cn

# Description

Use the client certificate to override the value of the ClientID field. The meaning of the optional values is the same as above.

# listener.tcp.external.backlog

Type Default
integer 1024

# Description

The maximum length of the TCP connection queue. It indicates the maximum number of TCP connection queues that are allowed in the system to undergo three-time handshake.

# listener.tcp.external.send_timeout

Type Default
duration 15s

# Description

Timeout for sending TCP packets.

# listener.tcp.external.send_timeout_close

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Whether to close the connection after TCP packet sending timeout.

# listener.tcp.external.recbuf

Type Default
bytesize -

# Description

TCP receiving buffer size (operating system kernel parameter)

Reference: http://erlang.org/doc/man/inet.html

# listener.tcp.external.sndbuf

Type Default
bytesize -

# Description

TCP sending buffer size (operating system kernel parameter).

Reference:http://erlang.org/doc/man/inet.html (opens new window).

# listener.tcp.external.buffer

Type Default
bytesize -

# Description

TCP buffer size (user level).

This value is recommended to be greater than or equal to the maximum value of sndbuff and recbuff to avoid some performance problems. Without configuration, it equals to the maximum value of sndbuff and recbuff by default.

Reference: http://erlang.org/doc/man/inet.html (opens new window).

# listener.tcp.external.tune_buffer

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off -

# Description

If this configuration is enabled, please set the value equal to the maximum value of sndbuff and recbuff.

# listener.tcp.external.nodelay

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

This is the TCP_NODELAY parameter. Enabling this option allows small TCP data packets to be sent immediately.

# listener.tcp.external.reuseaddr

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

This is the SO_REUSEADDR parameter. Enabling this option allows the local port to be reused without waiting for the end of the TIME_WAIT state.

# listener.tcp.internal

Type Default

# Description

Configure the listening address of the MQTT / TCP listener named internal, both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.

# Example

To configure an IPv4 address, you may refer to:

  • Listen to activities from all IPs on port 11883.
  • Listen to all activities from IP on port 11883.

To configure an IPv6 address, you may refer to:

  • ::1:11883: Listen to all activities from IP ::1 on port 11883.

# listener.tcp.internal.acceptors

Type Default
integer 4

# Description

The size of the listener's receiving pool.

# listener.tcp.internal.max_connections

Type Default
integer 1024000

# Description

The maximum number of concurrent connections allowed by the listener.

# listener.tcp.internal.max_conn_rate

Type Default
integer 1000

# Description

The maximum access rate allowed by the listener. Unit: pcs / sec

# listener.tcp.internal.active_n

Type Default
integer 1000

# Description

The number of times the listener continues to receive TCP packets.

# listener.tcp.internal.zone

Type Default
string internal

# Description

The configuration zone to which the listener belongs.

# listener.tcp.internal.rate_limit

Type Default
string -

# Description

The rate limit of the listener. The format is <limit>,<duration>.

# Example

100KB,10s:Limit the number of incoming bytes within 10 seconds no tot exceed 100 KB.

# listener.tcp.internal.backlog

Type Default
integer 512

# Description

The maximum length of the TCP connection queue. It indicates the maximum number of TCP connection queues that are allowed in the system to undergo three-time handshake.

# listener.tcp.internal.send_timeout

Type Default
duration 5s

# Description

Timeout for sending TCP packets.

# listener.tcp.internal.send_timeout_close

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Whether to close the connection after TCP packet sending timeout.

# listener.tcp.internal.recbuf

Type Default
bytesize 64KB

# Description

TCP receiving buffer size (operating system kernel parameter)

# listener.tcp.internal.sndbuf

Type Default
bytesize 64KB

# Description

TCP sending buffer size (operating system kernel parameter)

# listener.tcp.internal.buffer

Type Default
bytesize -

# Description

TCP buffer size (user level).

# listener.tcp.internal.tune_buffer

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off -

# Description

If this configuration is enabled, please set the value equal to the maximum value of sndbuff and recbuff.

# listener.tcp.internal.nodelay

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

This is the TCP_NODELAY parameter. Enabling this option allows small TCP data packets to be sent immediately.

# listener.tcp.internal.reuseaddr

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

This is the SO_REUSEADDR parameter. Enabling this option allows the local port to be reused without waiting for the end of the TIME_WAIT state.

# listener.ssl.external

Type Default

# Description

Configure an SSL listener named external, both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.

# Example

To configure an IPv4 address, you may refer to:

  • Listen to activities from all IPs on port 8883.
  • Listen to all activities from IP on port 8883.

To configure an IPv6 address, you may refer to:

  • ::1:8883: Listen to all activities from IP ::1 on port 8883.

# listener.ssl.external.acceptors

Type Default
integer 16

# Description

The size of the listener's receiving pool.

# listener.ssl.external.max_connections

Type Default
integer 102400

# Description

The maximum number of concurrent connections allowed by the listener.

# listener.ssl.external.max_conn_rate

Type Default
integer 500

# Description

The maximum access rate allowed by the listener. Unit: pcs / sec.

# listener.ssl.external.active_n

Type Default
integer 100

# Description

The number of times the listener continues to receive TCP packets.

# listener.ssl.external.zone

Type Default
string external

# Description

The configuration group to which the listener belongs.

# listener.ssl.external.access.1

Type Default
string allow all

# Description

List of ACL rules of the listener. It is used to set the white/black list of the connection layer.

For example:

allow all:Allow all TCP connections. allow TCP connection with network address to access.

At the same time, the configuration can configure multiple rules:

listener.ssl.external.access.1 = deny
listener.ssl.external.access.2 = allow all

# listener.ssl.external.rate_limit

Type Default
string -

# Description

Listener rate limit, with the format of <limit>,<duration>.

# listener.ssl.external.proxy_protocol

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off -

# Description

Whether the listener enables Proxy Protocol support.

If the EMQX cluster is deployed behind HAProxy or Nginx, and it is required to get the client's real source IP address and port, you need to enable this configuration.

Proxy Protcol reference: https://www.haproxy.com/blog/haproxy/proxy-protocol (opens new window).

# listener.ssl.external.proxy_protocol_timeout

Type Default
duration -

# Description

Set the timeout for Proxy Protocol parsing. If no Proxy Protocol packet is received within this time, EMQX Broker will close its connection.

# listener.ssl.external.tls_versions

Type Default
string tlsv1.3,tlsv1.2,tlsv1.1,tlsv1

# Description

Specify the SSL version list supported by the server. For details, see http://erlang.org/doc/man/ssl.html (opens new window).

# listener.ssl.external.handshake_timeout

Type Default
duration 15s

# Description

Specify the timeout period for the SSL handshake process.

# listener.ssl.external.depth

Type Default
number 10

# Description

Maximum number of non-self-issued intermediate certificates that can follow the peer certificate in a valid certification path.

# listener.ssl.external.key_password

Type Default
string -

# Description

String containing the user's password. Only used if the private keyfile is password-protected.

# listener.ssl.external.keyfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/key.pem

# Description

File path to the server's private key.

# listener.ssl.external.certfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/cert.pem

# Description

File path to the server's certificate.

# listener.ssl.external.cacertfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/cacert.pem

# Description

File path to the CA certificates. It should include all intermediate CA certificates and root CA certificate of the server certificate. It should also include trusted CAs to validate client certificates when verify configuration is set to verify_peer.

# listener.ssl.external.enable_ocsp_stapling

Type Default
boolean false

# Description

Introduced in e4.4.11.

Whether to enable OCSP stapling for the listener. If set to true, requires definining the OCSP responder URL. Such responses will be cached and sent to the connecting clients as part of the TLS handshake. This is only supported for TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3.

# listener.ssl.external.ocsp_responder_url

Type Default
string -

# Description

Introduced in e4.4.11.

URL for the OCSP responder to check the server certificate against when OCSP stapling is enabled. This response is cached and refresh periodically.

# listener.ssl.external.ocsp_issuer_pem

Type Default
string -

# Description

Introduced in e4.4.11.

Path to the file containing PEM-encoded certificate of the OCSP Stapling issuer. This certificate is used to validate that the stapling sent by a trusted server.

# listener.ssl.external.ocsp_refresh_interval

Type Default
duration 5m

# Description

Introduced in e4.4.11.

The period to refresh the OCSP response for the server. Even if the response fails to be fetched during a refresh, the previously cached response will still be used until a newer response is successfully retrieved from the OCSP responder. Cannot be shorter than 1 minute.

# listener.ssl.external.ocsp_refresh_http_timeout

Type Default
duration 15s

# Description

Introduced in e4.4.11.

The timeout for the HTTP request when fetching OCSP responses from the OCSP responder.

# listener.ssl.external.enable_crl_check

Type Default
boolean false

# Description

Introduced in e4.4.11.

Whether to enable CRL verification and caching for this listener.

Note: In the event of cache miss, EMQX will attempt to fetch the CRL on the fly from the URL declared in the client certificate's distribution point(s). If no corresponding CRL is cached or fetched successfully and CRL check is enabled, then the client will be denied connection.

# listener.ssl.external.crl_cache_urls

Type Default
string -

# Description

Introduced in e4.4.11.

Comma-separated URL list for CRL servers to fetch and cache CRLs from. Must include the path to the CRL file(s) in the paths (e.g.: http://my.crl.server/intermediate.crl.pem, http://my.other.crl.server/another.crl.pem).

# crl_cache_http_timeout

Type Default
duration 15s

# Description

Introduced in e4.4.11.

The timeout for the HTTP request when fetching CRLs. This is global for all listeners.

# crl_cache_refresh_interval

Type Default
duration 15m

# Description

Introduced in e4.4.11.

The period to refresh the CRLs from the servers. This is global for all URLs and listeners. Cannot be shorter than 1 minute.

# listener.ssl.external.dhfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/dh-params.pem

# Description

If using the Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman algorithm, specify the key file used by the algorithm.

# listener.ssl.external.verify

Type Optional Value Default
enum verify_peer, verify_none verify_peer

# Description

Specifies whether to verify the client during the handshake.

# listener.ssl.external.partial_chain

Type Optional Value Default
enum false, true, cacert_from_cacertfile, two_cacerts_from_cacertfile false

# Description

When EMQX verifies a client certificate during the x509 path validation process, it constructs a certificate chain that starts with the client certificate and ends with a trust anchor.

By default, if the setting is set to false, the trust anchor is the rootCA, and the certificate chain must be complete.

However, if the setting is set to true or cacert_from_cacertfile, the last certificate in the cacertfile will be used as the trust anchor certificate (such as an intermediate CA). This creates a partial chain in the path validation.

Alternatively, if the setting is set to two_cacerts_from_cacertfile, one of the last two certificates in the cacertfile will be used as the trust anchor certificate, forming a partial chain. This option is particularly useful for CA certificate rotation. However, please note that it incurs some additional overhead, so it should only be used for certificate rotation purposes.

# listener.ssl.external.verify_peer_ext_key_usage

Type Default
string undefined

# Description

For additional client certificate validation, the value defined here must present in the 'Extended Key Usage' of client certificate defined in rfc5280 (opens new window).

Allowed values are

  • "clientAuth"
  • "serverAuth"
  • "codeSigning"
  • "emailProtection"
  • "timeStamping"
  • "ocspSigning"
  • raw OID, example: "OID:"

Comma-separated string is also supported for validating the subset of key usages.

example, "serverAuth,OID:"

# listener.ssl.external.fail_if_no_peer_cert

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

If the client does not have a certificate during the SSL handshake, it determines whether to let the handshake fail.

# listener.ssl.external.ciphers

Type Default

# Description

Specify the cipher suite supported by the server.

# listener.ssl.external.psk_ciphers

Type Default

# Description

If using the PSK algorithm, specify the PSK Cipher list supported by the server. Note that only one of 'listener.ssl.external.ciphers' and 'listener.ssl.external.psk_ciphers' can be configured.

# listener.ssl.external.secure_renegotiate

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

Specifies whether to reject renegotiation requests if the client does not follow RFC 5746

# listener.ssl.external.reuse_sessions

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Specify whether to support SSL session reuse. For details, seehttp://erlang.org/doc/man/ssl.html (opens new window).

# listener.ssl.external.honor_cipher_order

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Specify whether to use the server's preferences to select Ciphers.

# listener.ssl.external.peer_cert_as_username

Type Optional Value Default
enum cn, dn, crt, pem, md5 cn

# Description

Use the client certificate to override the value of the Username field. The optional values are:

  • cn: the Common Name of the client certificate
  • dn: the Subject Name of the client certificate
  • crt: the DER-encoded binary of the client certificate
  • pem: base64 encoded string based on the DER-encoded binary
  • md5: MD5 hash of the DER-encoded binary

Note that listener.ssl.external.verify should be set to verify_peer.

# listener.tcp.external.peer_cert_as_clientid

Type Optional Value Default
enum cn, dn, crt, pem, md5 cn

# Description

Use the client certificate to override the value of the ClientID field. The meaning of the optional values is the same as above.

# listener.ssl.external.backlog

Type Default
integer 1024

# Description

The maximum length of the TCP connection queue. It indicates the maximum number of TCP connection queues that are allowed in the system to undergo three-time handshake.

# listener.ssl.external.send_timeout

Type Default
duration 15s

# Description

Timeout for sending TCP packets.

# listener.ssl.external.send_timeout_close

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Whether to close the connection after TCP packet sending timeout.

# listener.ssl.external.recbuf

Type Default
bytesize -

# Description

TCP receiving buffer size (operating system kernel level parameter).

Reference:http://erlang.org/doc/man/inet.html (opens new window).

# listener.ssl.external.sndbuf

Type Default
bytesize -

# Description

TCP sending buffer size (operating system kernel level parameter).

Reference:http://erlang.org/doc/man/inet.html (opens new window).

# listener.ssl.external.buffer

Type Default
bytesize -

# Description

CP buffer size (user level).

This value is recommended to be greater than or equal to the maximum value of sndbuff and recbuff to avoid some performance problems. Without configuration, it equals to the maximum value of sndbuff and recbuff by default.

Reference:http://erlang.org/doc/man/inet.html (opens new window).

# listener.ssl.external.tune_buffer

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off -

# Description

If this configuration is enabled, please set the value equal to the maximum value of sndbuff and recbuff.

# listener.ssl.external.nodelay

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

This is the TCP_NODELAY parameter. Enabling this option means that the Nagle algorithm is disabled and small packets will be sent immediately.

# listener.ssl.external.reuseaddr

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

This is the SO_REUSEADDR parameter. Enabling this option allows the local port to be reused without waiting for the end of the TIME_WAIT state.

# listener.ws.external

Type Default
string 8083

# Description

Configure the listening address of the MQTT/WS listener named external, both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.

# Example

To configure an IPv4 address, you may refer to:

  • Listen to activities from all IPs on port 8083.
  • Listen to all activities from IP on port 8083.

To configure an IPv6 address, you may refer to:

  • ::1:8083: Listen to all activities from IP ::1 on port 8083.

# listener.ws.external.mqtt_path

Type Default
string /mqtt

# Description

WebSocket's MQTT protocol path. So the address of EMQX Broker's WebSocket is: ws://{ip}:{port}/mqtt.

# listener.ws.external.acceptors

Type Default
integer 4

# Description

The size of the listener's receiving pool.

# listener.ws.external.max_connections

Type Default
integer 102400

# Description

The maximum number of concurrent connections allowed by the listener.

# listener.ws.external.max_conn_rate

Type Default
integer 1000

# Description

The maximum access rate allowed by the listener. Unit: pcs/sec

# listener.ws.external.active_n

Type Default
integer 100

# Description

The number of times the listener continues to receive TCP packets.

# listener.ws.external.rate_limit

Type Default
string 100KB,10s

# Description

The rate limit of the listener. The format is <limit>,<duration>.

# Example

100KB,10s: Limit the number of incoming bytes within 10 seconds to not exceed 100 KB.

# listener.ws.external.zone

Type Default
string external

# Description

The configuration zone to which the listener belongs.

# listener.ws.external.access.1

Type Default
string allow all

# Description

List of ACL rules of the listener. It is used to set the white/black list of the connection layer.

# listener.ws.external.verify_protocol_header

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Whether to verify that the HTTP header carried by WebSocket is correct. WeChat applet needs to disable this verification.

# listener.ws.external.fail_if_no_subprotocol

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

If set to true, the server will return an error when the client does not carry the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol field. WeChat applet needs to disable this verification.

# listener.ws.external.supported_subprotocols

Type Default
string mqtt, mqtt-v3, mqtt-v3.1.1, mqtt-v5

# Description

Specify the supported subprotocols, separated by commas.

# listener.ws.external.proxy_address_header

Type Optional Value Default
string X-Forwarded-For -

# Description

If the EMQX cluster is deployed behind HAProxy or Nginx, you can open the configuration to obtain the real IP address of the client.

# listener.ws.external.proxy_port_header

Type Optional Value Default
string X-Forwarded-Port -

# Description

If the EMQX cluster is deployed behind HAProxy or Nginx, you can open the configuration to get the real port of the client.

# listener.ws.external.proxy_protocol

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off -

# Description

Whether the listener enables Proxy Protocol support.

If the EMQX cluster is deployed behind HAProxy or Nginx, and you need to get the client's real source IP address and port, you need to open this configuration.

Proxy Protcol reference: https://www.haproxy.com/blog/haproxy/proxy-protocol (opens new window).

# listener.ws.external.proxy_protocol_timeout

Type Default
duration -

# Description

Set the timeout for Proxy Protocol parsing. If no Proxy Protocol packet is received within this time, EMQX Broker will close its connection.

# listener.ws.external.backlog

Type Default
integer 1024

# Description

The maximum length of the TCP connection queue. It indicates the maximum number of TCP connection queues that are allowed in the system to undergo three-time handshake.

# listener.ws.external.send_timeout

Type Default
duration 15s

# Description

Timeout for sending TCP packets.

# listener.ws.external.send_timeout_close

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Whether to close the connection after TCP packet sending timeout.

# listener.ws.external.recbuf

Type Default
bytesize -

# Description

TCP receiving buffer size (operating system kernel level parameter)

# listener.ws.external.sndbuf

Type Default
bytesize -

# Description

TCP sending buffer size (operating system kernel level parameter)

# listener.ws.external.buffer

Type Default
bytesize -

# Description

TCP buffer size (user level).

# listener.ws.external.tune_buffer

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off -

# Description

If this configuration is enabled, please set the value equal to the maximum value of sndbuff and recbuff.

# listener.ws.external.nodelay

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

This is the TCP_NODELAY parameter. Enabling this option allows small TCP data packets to be sent immediately.

# listener.ws.external.compress

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false -

# Description

Whether to compress WebSocket messages. The implementation of compression depends on zlib (opens new window).

The configuration items under defalte_opts belong to the compression-related parameter configuration, if not necessary, please do not modify it.

# listener.ws.external.deflate_opts.level

Type Optional Value Default
enum none, default, best_compression, best_speed -

# Description

compression level

# listener.ws.external.deflate_opts.mem_level

Type Optional Value Default
integer 1 - 9 -

# Description

Compression parameters. It means memory usage limit level, and configure how much memory can be opened to participate in the compression process.

1: The least memory, but will reduce the compression rate. 9: The most memory, and will increase the calculation speed and compression rate.

If not configured, the default is 8.

# listener.ws.external.deflate_opts.strategy

Type Optional Value Default
enum default, filtered, huffman_only, rle -

# Description

Compression strategy for tuning compression ratio:

  • default: for ordinary data.
  • filtered: data generated by filters or predictors, suitable for content with strong randomness.
  • huffman_only: Mandatory use of Huffman algorithm. Better than filtered.
  • rle: limit the matching distance to 1 (Run-Lenght Encoding), faster than huffman_only, but mainly used for PNG images.

These strategies only affect the compression ratio and will not have any impact on correctness.

# listener.ws.external.deflate_opts.server_context_takeover

Type Optional Value Default
enum takeover, no_takeover -

# Description

Whether to allow the server's compression context to be passed between frames.

# listener.ws.external.deflate_opts.client_context_takeover

Type Optional Value Default
enum takeover, no_takeover -

# Description

Whether to allow the client's compression context to be passed between frames.

# listener.ws.external.deflate_opts.server_max_window_bits

Type Optional Value Default
integer 8 - 15 -

# Description

Maximum window value on the server side. Setting a larger value will result in better compression ratio, but will consume additional memory.

# listener.ws.external.deflate_opts.client_max_window_bits

Type Optional Value Default
integer 8 - 15 -

# Description

Client maximum window value. Setting a larger value will result in better compression ratio, but will consume additional memory.

# listener.ws.external.idle_timeout

Type Default
duration -

# Description

The daze time after the TCP connection is established. If no packets are received within this time, the connection will be closed.

# listener.ws.external.max_frame_size

Type Default
integer -

# Description

The maximum allowed length of a single MQTT packet.

# listener.wss.external

Type Default

# Description

Configure a WSS (MQTT/WebSocket/SSL) listener named external, both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.

# Example

To configure an IPv4 address, you may refer to:

  • Listen to activities from all IPs on port 8084.
  • Listen to all activities from IP on port 8084.

To configure an IPv6 address, you may refer to:

  • ::1:8084: Listen to all activities from IP ::1 on port 8084.

# listener.wss.external.mqtt_path

Type Default
string /mqtt

# Description

WebSocket URL Path.

# listener.wss.external.acceptors

Type Default
integer 4

# Description

The size of the listener's receiving pool.

# listener.wss.external.max_connections

Type Default
integer 16

# Description

The maximum number of concurrent connections allowed by the listener.

# listener.wss.external.max_conn_rate

Type Default
integer 1000

# Description

The maximum access rate allowed by the listener. Unit: pcs/sec.

# listener.wss.external.active_n

Type Default
integer 100

# Description

The number of times the listener continues to receive TCP packets.

# listener.wss.external.rate_limit

Type Default
string -

# Description

The rate limit of the listener. The format is <limit>,<duration>.

# listener.wss.external.zone

Type Default
string external

# Description

The configuration group to which the listener belongs.

# listener.wss.external.access.1

Type Default
string allow all

# Description

List of ACL rules of the listener. It is used to set the white/black list of the connection layer.


allow all: Allow all TCP connections. allow Allow TCP connections with a network address of / 24 to access.

At the same time, the configuration can configure multiple rules:

listener.wss.external.access.1 = deny
listener.wss.external.access.2 = allow all

# listener.wss.external.fail_if_no_subprotocol

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

If set to true, the server will return an error when the client does not carry the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol field. WeChat applet needs to disable this verification.

# listener.wss.external.supported_subprotocols

Type Default
string mqtt, mqtt-v3, mqtt-v3.1.1, mqtt-v5

# Description

Specify the supported subprotocols, separated by commas.

# listener.wss.external.proxy_address_header

Type Default
string X-Forwarded-For

# Description

If the EMQX cluster is deployed in HAProxy or Nginx, you can open the configuration to obtain the real IP address of the client.

# listener.wss.external.proxy_protocol

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off -

# Description

Whether the listener enables Proxy Protocol support.

If the EMQX cluster is deployed behind HAProxy or Nginx, and you need to get the client's real source IP address and port, you need to open this configuration.

Proxy Protcol reference:https://www.haproxy.com/blog/haproxy/proxy-protocol (opens new window).

# listener.wss.external.proxy_protocol_timeout

Type Default
duration -

# Description

Set the timeout for Proxy Protocol parsing. If no Proxy Protocol packet is received within this time, EMQX Broker will close its connection.

# listener.wss.external.peer_cert_as_username

Type Optional Value Default
enum cn, dn, crt, pem, md5 cn

# Description

Use the client certificate to override the value of the Username field. The optional values are:

  • cn: the Common Name of the client certificate
  • dn: the Subject Name of the client certificate
  • crt: the DER-encoded binary of the client certificate
  • pem: base64 encoded string based on the DER-encoded binary
  • md5: MD5 hash of the DER-encoded binary

Note that listener.wss.external.verify should be set to verify_peer.

# listener.wss.external.peer_cert_as_clientid

Type Optional Value Default
enum cn, dn, crt, pem, md5 cn

# Description

Use the client certificate to override the value of the ClientID field. The meaning of the optional values is the same as above.

# listener.wss.external.tls_versions

Type Default
string tlsv1.3,tlsv1.2,tlsv1.1,tlsv1

# Description

Specify the SSL version list supported by the server. For details, see http://erlang.org/doc/man/ssl.html (opens new window).

# listener.wss.external.keyfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/key.pem

# Description

File path to server's private key.

# listener.wss.external.certfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/cert.pem

# Description

File path to the server's certificate.

# listener.wss.external.cacertfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/cacert.pem

# Description

File path to the CA certificates. It should include all intermediate CA certificates and root CA certificate of the server certificate. It should also include trusted CAs to validate client certificates when verify configuration is set to verify_peer.

# listener.wss.external.depth

Type Default
number 10

# Description

Maximum number of non-self-issued intermediate certificates that can follow the peer certificate in a valid certification path.

# listener.wss.external.key_password

Type Default
string -

# Description

String containing the user's password. Only used if the private keyfile is password-protected.

# listener.wss.external.dhfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/dh-params.pem

# Description

If using the Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman algorithm, specify the key file used by the algorithm.

# listener.wss.external.verify

Type Optional Value Default
enum verify_peer, verify_none verify_peer

# Description

Specifies whether to verify the client during the handshake.

# listener.wss.external.fail_if_no_peer_cert

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

If the client does not have a certificate during the SSL handshake, it determines whether to let the handshake fail.

# listener.wss.external.ciphers

Type Default

# Description

Specifies the cipher suite supported by the server.

# listener.wss.external.psk_ciphers

Type Default

# Description

If using the PSK algorithm, specify the PSK Cipher list supported by the server. Note that only one of 'listener.wss.external.ciphers' and 'listener.wss.external.psk_ciphers' can be configured.

# listener.wss.external.secure_renegotiate

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

Specifies whether to reject renegotiation requests if the client does not follow RFC 5746

# listener.wss.external.reuse_sessions

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Specifies whether to support SSL session reuse. For details, see http://erlang.org/doc/man/ssl.html (opens new window).

# listener.wss.external.honor_cipher_order

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Specify whether to use the server's preferences to select Ciphers.

# listener.wss.external.peer_cert_as_username

Type Optional Value Default
enum cn, dn, crt cn

# Description

Use the value of the CN, DN, or CRT field in the client certificate as the value of the Username field in the MQTT CONNECT packet. Note that listener.wss.external.verify should be set to verify_peer.

# listener.wss.external.backlog

Type Default
integer 1024

# Description

The maximum length of the TCP connection queue. It indicates the maximum number of TCP connection queues that are allowed in the system to undergo three-time handshake.

# listener.wss.external.send_timeout

Type Default
duration 15s

# Description

Timeout for sending TCP packets.

# listener.wss.external.send_timeout_close

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Whether to close the connection after TCP packet sending timeout.

# listener.wss.external.recbuf

Type Default
bytesize -

# Description

TCP receiving buffer size (operating system kernel level parameter)


# listener.wss.external.sndbuf

Type Default
bytesize -

# Description

TCP sending buffer size (operating system kernel level parameter)


# listener.wss.external.buffer

Type Default
bytesize -

# Description

TCP buffer size (user level).

This value is recommended to be greater than or equal to the maximum value of sndbuff and recbuff to avoid some performance problems. Without configuration, it equals to the maximum value of sndbuff and recbuff by default.


# listener.wss.external.tune_buffer

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off -

# Description

If you open this configuration, please set the value equal to the maximum value of sndbuff and recbuff.

# listener.wss.external.nodelay

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

This is the TCP_NODELAY parameter. Enabling this option allows small TCP data packets to be sent immediately.

# listener.wss.external.compress

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

If this option is set to true, Websocket messages will be compressed.

# listener.wss.external.deflate_opts.level

Type Optional Value Default
enum none, default, best_compression, best_speed default

# Description

Compression level.

# listener.wss.external.deflate_opts.mem_level

Type Optional Value Default
integer 1 - 9 -

# Description

Compression parameters. It means memory usage limit level, configures how much memory can be opened to participate in the compression process.

1: The least memory, but will reduce the compression rate. 9: The most memory, and will increase the calculation speed and compression rate.

If not configured, the default is 8.

# listener.wss.external.deflate_opts.strategy

Type Optional Value Default
enum default, filtered, huffman_only, rle -

# Description

Compression strategy for tuning compression ratio:

  • default: for ordinary data.
  • filtered: data generated by filters or predictors, suitable for content with strong randomness.
  • huffman_only: Mandatory use of Huffman algorithm. Better than filtered.
  • rle: limit the matching distance to 1 (Run-Lenght Encoding), faster than huffman_only, but mainly used for PNG images.

These strategies only affect the compression ratio and will not have any impact on correctness.

# listener.wss.external.deflate_opts.server_context_takeover

Type Optional Value Default
enum takeover, no_takeover -

# Description

Whether to allow the server's compression context to be passed between frames.

# listener.wss.external.deflate_opts.client_context_takeover

Type Optional Value Default
enum takeover, no_takeover -

# Description

Whether to allow the client's compression context to be passed between frames.

# listener.wss.external.deflate_opts.server_max_window_bits

Type Optional Value Default
integer 8 - 15 -

# Description

Maximum window value on the server side. Setting a larger value will result in better compression ratio, but will consume additional memory.

# listener.wss.external.deflate_opts.client_max_window_bits

Type Optional Value Default
integer 8 - 15 -

# Description

Client maximum window value. Setting a larger value will result in better compression ratio, but will consume additional memory.

# listener.wss.external.idle_timeout

Type Default
duration -

# Description

The daze time after the TCP connection is established. If no packets are received within this time, the connection will be closed.

# listener.wss.external.max_frame_size

Type Default
integer -

# Description

The maximum length of a single MQTT packet.

# plugins.etc_dir

Type Default
string etc/plugins

# Description

The configuration directory of the plugin.

# plugins.loaded_file

Type Default
string etc/loaded_plugins

# Description

The configuration file path of the plugin startup list.

# plugins.expand_plugins_dir

Type Default
string plugins/

# Description

External plugin storage directory.

# broker.sys_interval

Type Default
duration 1m

# Description

Set the system topic ($SYS) message release interval.

# broker.sys_heartbeat

Type Default
duration 30s

# Description

Set the system heartbeat message release interval. The system heartbeat message includes the following two topics:

  • "$SYS/brokers/<node>/uptime"
  • "$SYS/brokers/<node>/datetime"

# broker.enable_session_registry

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Enable or disable global session registration.

# broker.session_locking_strategy

Type Optional Value Default
enum local, leader, quorum, all quorum

# Description

Set the type of session cluster lock. The session cluster lock is used to prevent the same client from creating multiple sessions on multiple different nodes, which is common when clients frequently switch between nodes for logging.

# broker.shared_subscription_strategy

Type Optional Value Default
enum hash_clientid, hash_topic, local, random, round_robin, sticky, -

# Description

Set a dispatch strategy for shared subscribers. Options are:

  • hash_clientid: Map (hash) publisher ClientID to subscriber.
  • hash_topic: Map (hash) source MQTT topic to subscriber.
  • local: Select a random subscriber in the group locally in the node which is processing the shared-publish request. If there is no such local subscriber, it fallbacks to random strategy
  • random: Choose randomly among all subscribers.
  • round_robin: Enumerate subscribers in (unsorted) order.
  • sticky: First dispatch is random, then stick to it for all subsequent messages until that subscriber goes disconnected or that publisher reconnects.

# broker.sample_group.shared_subscription_strategy

Type Optional Value Default
enum hash_clientid, hash_topic, local, random, round_robin, sticky, -

Overrides the dispatch strategy for a shared subscription group named sample_group. If not configured, broker.shared_subscription_strategy is used,

Where sample_group can be configured to any group name.

The available strategies are the same as broker.shared_subscription_strategy.

# broker.shared_dispatch_ack_enabled

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Enable or disable the ACK check function for qos1/qos2 messages in shared subscriptions. After enabling, if it is delivered to a subscriber but fails to receive the ACK, it will try to deliver to the next subscriber in the subscription group.

# broker.route_batch_clean

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

Enable or disable batch cleanup routing information. Batch cleanup routing can be used in a short period of time when a large number of clients go offline to improve cleanup efficiency.

# broker.perf.route_lock_type = key

Type Optional Value Default
enum key, tab, global key

# Description

Choose the granularity of the database lock when updating the routing information for whildcard subscriptions.

  • key (default) is to take a lock for each key representing prefixes of a wildcard topic;
  • tab is to take the lock for the entire table which stores prefixes of wildcard topics;
  • global is to take a global lock.

Options tab and global are recommended for large scale clusters (e.g. more than 7 nodes) especially when network latency between the nodes is at milliseconds level. NOTE: It requires entire cluster to be stopped before changing this config.

# broker.perf.trie_compaction

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Set to true to compact the routing information table for wildcard topics. Compaction is optimized for writes, handles high rate subscription requests quicker, it also requires half of the RAM comparing to non-compacted. Non-compaction is optimized for reads (e.g. large number of topic levels in publish requests).

NOTE: Changing from false to true can be done by rolling-restart the nodes in a cluster. The safe way of changing from true to false is to stop all nodes in the cluster, otherwise some message may not get routed before all nodes have restarted.

# sysmon.long_gc

Type Default
duration 0ms

# Description

Enable garbage collection time monitoring and trigger an alarm when the collection time exceeds the set value, 0 means disabling this monitoring.

# monitor

# sysmon.long_schedule

Type Default
duration 240ms

# Description

Enable process scheduling time monitoring and trigger an alarm when the scheduling time exceeds the set value, 0 means disabling this monitoring.

# sysmon.large_heap

Type Default
bytesize 8MB

# Description

Enable stack size monitoring and trigger an alarm when the stack size is still greater than the set value after the process performs garbage collection. 0 means disabling this monitoring.

# sysmon.busy_port

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Specifies whether to enable inter-process message channel busy monitoring.

# sysmon.busy_dist_port

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

Specifies whether to enable cluster RPC channel busy monitoring.

# os_mon.cpu_check_interval

Type Default
duration 60s

# Description

CPU usage rate check cycle.

# os_mon.cpu_high_watermark

Type Default
percent 80%

# Description

An alarm will be triggered when the CPU usage exceeds os_mon.cpu_high_watermark.

# os_mon.cpu_low_watermark

Type Default
percent 60%

# Description

The alarm will be cleared when the CPU usage drops back below os_mon.cpu_low_watermark .

# os_mon.mem_check_interval

Type Default
duration 60s

# Description

Memory usage check cycle.

# os_mon.sysmem_high_watermark

Type Default
percent 70%

# Description

When the memory allocated by EMQX Broker for all processes as a percentage of system memory exceeds os_mon.procmem_high_watermark, an alarm will be triggered.

# os_mon.procmem_high_watermark

Type Default
percent 5%

# Description

When the memory allocated by EMQX Broker for a single process as a percentage of system memory exceeds os_mon.procmem_high_watermark, an alarm will be triggered.

# vm_mon.check_interval

Type Default
duration 30s

# Description

Check interval for process number.

# vm_mon.process_high_watermark

Type Default
percent 80%

# Description

When the current process number as a percentage of the maximum process number exceeds vm_mon.process_high_watermark, an alarm will be triggered. The maximum process number is determined by the node.process_limit configuration item.

# vm_mon.process_low_watermark

Type Default
percent 60%

# Description

When the percentage of the current number of processes in the maximum number of processes falls below vm_mon.process_low_watermark, an alarm will be triggered. The maximum number of processes is determined by the node.process_limit configuration item.

# Plugin emqx_auth_http

# auth.http.auth_req.url

Type Default

# Description

Specify the target URL of the authentication request.

# auth.http.auth_req.method

Type Optional Value Default
enum get, post post

# Description

Specify the request method of the authentication request.

# auth.http.auth_req.headers.<Any>

# Example

auth.http.auth_req.headers.content-type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded
auth.http.auth_req.headers.accept = */*

# Description

Specify the data in the HTTP request header. <Key> Specify the field name in the HTTP request header, and the value of this configuration item is the corresponding field value. <Key> can be the standard HTTP request header field. User can also customize the field to configure multiple different request header fields.

# auth.http.auth_req.params

Type Format Default
string K=v key-value pairs separated by,,v can be fixed content or placeholder clientid=%c,username=%u,password=%P

# Description

Specify the data carried in the authentication request. When using the GET method, the value of auth.http.auth_req.params will be converted into k=v key-value pairs separated by & and sent as query string parameters. When using the POST method, the value of auth.http.auth_req.params will be converted into k=v key-value pairs separated by & and sent in the form of Request Body. All placeholders will be replaced by run-time data , and the available placeholders are as follows:

Placeholder Replace content
%u Username
%c MQTT Client ID
%a Client's network IP address
%r The protocol used by the client can be:mqtt, mqtt-sn, coap, lwm2m and stomp
%P Password
%p Server port for client connection
%c Common Name in client certificate
%d Subject in client certificate

# auth.http.super_req.url

Type Default

# Description

Specify the target URL for the superuser authentication request.

# auth.http.super_req.method

Type Optional Value Default
enum get, post post

# Description

Specifies the request method of the super user authentication request.

# auth.http.super_req.headers.<Any>

# Example

auth.http.super_req.headers.content-type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded
auth.http.super_req.headers.accept = */*

# Description

Specify the data in the HTTP request header. <Key> Specify the field name in the HTTP request header, and the value of this configuration item is the corresponding field value. <Key> can be the standard HTTP request header field. User can also customize the field to configure multiple different request header fields.

# auth.http.super_req.params

Type Format Default
string K=v key-value pairs separated by,,v can be fixed content or placeholder clientid=%c,username=%u

# Description

Specify the data carried in the authentication request. When using the GET method, the value of auth.http.auth_req.params will be converted into k=v key-value pairs separated by & and sent as query string parameters. When using the POST method, the value of auth.http.auth_req.params will be converted into k=v key-value pairs separated by & and sent in the form of Request Body. All placeholders will be replaced by run-time data , and the available placeholders are the same as those of auth.http.auth_req.params.

# auth.http.acl_req.url

Type Default

# Description

Specify the target URL for ACL verification requests.

# auth.http.acl_req.method

Type Optional Value Default
enum get, post post

# Description

Specifies the request method for ACL verification requests.

# auth.http.acl_req.headers.<Any>

# Example

auth.http.acl_req.headers.content-type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded
auth.http.acl_req.headers.accept = */*

# Description

Specify the data in the HTTP request header. <Key> Specify the field name in the HTTP request header, and the value of this configuration item is the corresponding field value. <Key> can be the standard HTTP request header field. User can also customize the field to configure multiple different request header fields.

# auth.http.acl_req.params

Type Format Default
string K=v key-value pairs separated by,,v can be fixed content or placeholder access=%A,username=%u,clientid=%c,ipaddr=%a,topic=%t,mountpoint=%m

# Description

Specify the data carried in the authentication request. When using the GET method, the value of auth.http.auth_req.params will be converted into k=v key-value pairs separated by & and sent as query string parameters. When using the POST method, the value of auth.http.auth_req.params will be converted into k=v key-value pairs separated by & and sent in the form of Request Body. All placeholders will be replaced by run-time data , and the available placeholders are as follows:

Placeholder Replace content
%A Permission to be verified, 1 means subscription, 2 means publish
%u MQTT Client ID
%c Client identifier
%a Client network IP address
%r The protocol used by the client can be: mqtt, mqtt-sn, coap, lwm2m and stomp
%m Mount point
%t Topic

# auth.http.timeout

Type Default
duration 5s

# Description

HTTP request timeout. Any setting equivalent to 0s means never timeout.

# auth.http.connect_timeout

Type Default
duration 5s

# Description

Connection timeout for HTTP requests. Any setting value equivalent to 0s means never time out.

# auth.http.pool_size

Type Default
integer 32

# Description

HTTP client connection process pool size.

# auth.http.ssl.cacertfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/ca.pem

# Description

CA certificate file path.

# auth.http.ssl.certfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/client-cert.pem

# Description

Client certificate file path.

# auth.http.ssl.keyfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/client.key.pem

# Description

Client private key file path.

# Plugin emqx_auth_jwt

# auth.jwt.secret

Type Default
string emqxsecret

# Description

Set HMAC Secret.

# auth.jwt.from

Type Optional Value Default
enum username, password password

# Description

Where to get JWT. Optional values are

  • username: The username field of the MQTT CONNECT packet is used as JWT.
  • password: The password field of the MQTT CONNECT packet is used as JWT.

# auth.jwt.pubkey

Type Default
string etc/certs/jwt_public_key.pem

# Description

If you use RSA or ECDSA encryption algorithm, you must specify the private key file.

# auth.jwt.verify_claims

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

Enable or disable Claims verification.

# auth.jwt.verify_claims.<claims>

Type Default
string -

# Description

When the Claims verification function is enabled, you can set optional values for fields in the JWT.

For example, if the value of sub in the Claim in JWT is expected to be" abc ", the following rules can be configured:

auth.jwt.verify_claims.sub = abc

The expected value supports two wildcards:

  • %u: username
  • %c: clientid

For example, if the value of the sub field in the JWT is expected to be the same as the username field in the MQTT CONNECT message, the following rules can be configured:

auth.jwt.verify_claims.sub = %u

# Plugin emqx_auth_ldap

# auth.ldap.servers

Type Default

# Description

LDAP service address.

# auth.ldap.port

Type Default
integer 389

# Description

LDAP service port.

# auth.ldap.pool

Type Optional Value Default
integer > 0 8

# Description

Connection pool size.

# auth.ldap.bind_dn

Type Default
string cn=root,dc=emqx,dc=io

# Description

The DN for logging into the LDAP service.

# auth.ldap.bind_password

Type Default
string public

# Description

The password for logging into the LDAP service.

# auth.ldap.timeout

Type Default
duration 30s

# Description

The query timeout.

# auth.ldap.device_dn

Type Default
string ou=device,dc=emqx,dc=io

# Description

The DN to which the client belongs.

# auth.ldap.match_objectclass

Type Default
string mqttUser

# Description

The name of the client object.

# auth.ldap.username.attributetype

Type Default
string uid

# Description

The data type of the Username attribute.

# auth.ldap.password.attributetype

Type Default
string userPassword

# Description

The data type of the Password attribute.

# auth.ldap.ssl

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Whether to enable SSL.

# auth.ldap.ssl.certfile

Type Default
string -

# Description

SSL server certificate path.

# auth.ldap.ssl.keyfile

Type Default
string -

# Description

SSL server key file path.

# auth.ldap.ssl.cacertfile

Type Default
string -

# Description

CA certificate file path.

# auth.ldap.ssl.verify

Type Optional Value Default
enum verify_peer, verify_none -

# Description

SSL authentication method:

  • verify_none:One-way authentication.
  • verify_peer:Two-way authentication.

# auth.ldap.ssl.fail_if_no_peer_cert

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

If the client does not provide an SSL certificate, disconnect it.

# Plugin emqx_auth_mongo

# auth.mongo.type

Type Optional Value Default
enum single, unknown, sharded, rs single

# Description

Set the topology type of MongoDB:

  • single: single node
  • unknown: unknown
  • sharded: sharding mode
  • rs: replicated set

# auth.mongo.rs_set_name

Type Default

# Description

Set the address of MongoDB service. If there are multiple items, use comma , to separate them.

# auth.mongo.pool

Type Default
integer 8

# Description

Set the number of processes in the MongoDB connection pool.

# auth.mongo.login

Type Default
string -

# Description

Set the MongoDB's username.

# auth.mongo.password

Type Default
string -

# Description

Set the MongoDB's password.

# auth.mongo.auth_source

Type Default
string mqtt

# Description

Set the MongoDB authentication source database name.

# auth.mongo.database

Type Default
string mqtt

# Description

Set MongoDB database name.

# auth.mongo.query_timeout

Type Default
duration 5s

# Description

Set the timeout for accessing MongoDB.

# auth.mongo.ssl

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Set whether to use SSL to access MongoDB.

# auth.mongo.ssl_opts.keyfile

Type Default
string -

# Description

If using SSL to access MongoDB, set the private key file of the SSL client.

# auth.mongo.ssl_opts.certfile

Type Default
string -

# Description

If using SSL to access MongoDB, set the SSL client certificate file.

# auth.mongo.ssl_opts.cacertfile

Type Default
string -

# Description

If you use SSL to access MongoDB, set the SSL certificate file.

# auth.mongo.w_mode

Type Optional Value Default
enum unsafe, safe, undef undef

# Description

Set the write mode of MongoDB.

# auth.mongo.r_mode

Type Optional Value Default
enum master, slave_ok, undef undef

# Description

Set the read mode of MongoDB.

# auth.mongo.auth_query.collection

Type Default
string mqtt_user

# Description

Collection name used in the authentication process.

# auth.mongo.auth_query.password_field

Type Default
string password

# Description

The main fields used in the authentication process. To add salt after the password, it can be configured as:

auth.mongo.auth_query.password_field = password,salt

# auth.mongo.auth_query.password_hash

Type Optional Value Default
enum plain, md5, sha, sha256, bcrypt sha256

# Description

Set the hash algorithm used for the password field. To add salt after the sha256 password, you can set it to:

auth.mongo.auth_query.password_hash = sha256,salt

To add salt before the sha256 password, you can set it to:

auth.mongo.auth_query.password_hash = salt,sha256

To add salt before the bcrypt password, you can set it to:

auth.mongo.auth_query.password_hash = salt,bcrypt

# auth.mongo.auth_query.selector

Type Default
string username=%u

# Description

MongoDB statements are executed during the authentication process. Commands can support following wildcards:

  • %u: username
  • %c: clientid
  • %C: Common Name in client TLS certificate
  • %d: Subject in the client's TLS certificate

# auth.mongo.auth_query.super_query

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Whether to use SuperUser in authentication.

# auth.mongo.super_query.collection

Type Default
string mqtt_user

# Description

If using SuperUser, specify the MongoDB Collection of SuperUser.

# auth.mongo.super_query.selector

Type Default
string username=%u, clientid=%c

# Description

If SuperUser is used, specify the MongoDB statement used to query SuperUser.

# auth.mongo.acl_query

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Whether to enable the ACL function.

# auth.mongo.acl_query.collection

Type Default
string mqtt_acl

# Description

If using the ACL function, specify the MongoDB Collection that queries the ACL rules.

# auth.mongo.acl_query.selector

Type Default
string username=%u

# Description

If the ACL function is used, specify the MongoDB statement used to query the ACL rules. It can support multiple ACL statements, and "or" is used to connect multiple statements.

For example, configure the following two access rules:

auth.mongo.acl_query.selector.1 = username=%u
auth.mongo.acl_query.selector.2 = username=$all

And the username of the client equals 'ilyas'. When querying acl rules, the following MongoDB statement will be executed:

db.mqtt_acl.find({$or: [{username: "ilyas"},  {username: "$all"}]});

# auth.mongo.topology.pool_size

Type Default
integer 1

# Description

MongoDB topology parameters, that set the thread pool size.

# auth.mongo.topology.max_overflow

Type Default
integer 0

# Description

MongoDB topology parameter, which determines how many additional worker threads are allowed to be created when all workers in the thread pool are busy.

# auth.mongo.topology.overflow_ttl

Type Default
integer 1000

# Description

MongoDB topology parameter, which determines how long to release additional worker threads when a worker is idle. Unit: ms

# auth.mongo.topology.overflow_check_period

Type Default
integer 1000

# Description

MongoDB topology parameters, which determines how often to check for idle threads to release additional workers.

# auth.mongo.topology.local_threshold_ms

Type Default
integer 1000

# Description

MongoDB topology parameters, which is to select the strategy of the secondary node used to process user requests. The minimum value of the RTT of all nodes is LowestRTT, then only those secondary nodes with RTT <LowestRTT + local_threshold_ms will be selected.

# auth.mongo.topology.connect_timeout_ms

Type Default
integer 20000

# Description

MongoDB topology parameter, means MongoDB connection timeout, unit: ms.

# auth.mongo.topology.socket_timeout_ms

Type Default
integer 100

# Description

MongoDB topology parameter, that means MongoDB message sending timeout period, unit: ms.

# auth.mongo.topology.server_selection_timeout_ms

Type Default
integer 30000

# Description

Specifies how long (in milliseconds) to block for server selection.

# auth.mongo.topology.wait_queue_timeout_ms

Type Default
integer 1000

# Description

The maximum time in milliseconds for a worker to wait for a connection to become available.

# auth.mongo.topology.heartbeat_frequency_ms

Type Default
integer 10000

# Description

MongoDB topology parameters, the interval between topological scans, unit: ms.

# auth.mongo.topology.min_heartbeat_frequency_ms

Type Default
integer 1000

# Description

MongoDB topology parameter, the minimum allowed value of heartbeat_frequency_ms, unit: milliseconds.

# Plugin emqx_auth_mysql

# auth.mysql.server

Type Default

# Description

MySQL server address.

# auth.mysql.pool

Type Default
integer 8

# Description

Database connection thread pool size.

# auth.mysql.username

Type Default
string -

# Description

MySQL username.

# auth.mysql.password

Type Default
string -

# Description

MySQL password.

# auth.mysql.database

Type Default
string mqtt

# Description

MySQL database name.

# auth.mysql.query_timeout

Type Default
duration 5s

# Description

MySQL data query timeout. The query timeout means user data was not found.

# auth.mysql.auth_query

Type Default
string select password from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1

# Description

The MySQL select statement used during authentication, the selected data will be compared with the password encrypted by the encryption method specified by auth.mysql.password_hash, and the client with the same content after the comparison will be allowed to log in. The stored password with salt needs to select the fields corresponding to the salt at the same time, such as select password, salt from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1.Password and salt field names cannot be modified, the table name and the field name in the WHERE clause can change depending on the situation. The WHERE clause supports the following placeholders:

Placeholder Description
%u username specified in the CONNECT packet by the MQTT client that will be replaced
%c ClientID specified in the CONNECT packet by the MQTT client that will be replaced
%C Common Name in the client certificate when TLS that will be replaced is connected
%d Subject in the client certificate when TLS that will be replaced is connected

# auth.mysql.password_hash

Type Default
string sh256

# Description

The encryption method used for the password stored in the database. The following encryption methods are supported:

  • plain, both forward and backward salting is supported, such as salt, plain
  • md5, both forward and backward salting is supported
  • sha, both forward and backward salting is supported
  • sha256, both forward and backward salting is supported
  • sha512, both forward and backward salting is supported
  • pbkdf2, the format is pbkdf2,<Hashfun>,<Iterations>,<Dklen>. Among them, <Hashfun>is the hash function used, which supports md4, md5,ripemd160 sha,sha224, sha256,sha384, sha512. <Iterations>is the number of iterations and <Dklen>is the length of the derived key. Example: pbkdf2, sha256,1000,20
  • bcrypt, only forward salting is supported, eg salt, bcrypt

# auth.mysql.super_query

Type Default
string select is_superuser from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1

# Description

The SQL select statement used for super user authentication. All table names and field names in this statement can be modified as appropriate. If and only if the value of the selected field is 1, the user is a super user. In the WHERE clause, the supported placeholders are the same as auth.mysql.auth_query.

# auth.mysql.acl_query

Type Default
string select allow, ipaddr, username, clientid, access, topic from mqtt_acl where ipaddr = '%a' or username = '%u' or username = '$all' or clientid = '%c'

# Description

The SQL selection statement used in ACL verification. All table names and field names in this statement can be modified as appropriate. The placeholders supported in the WHERE clause are as follows:

Tag Description
%a To be replaced with the client IP address
%u To be replaced with the username specified by the MQTT client in the CONNECT packet
%c To be replaced with the client identifier specified by the MQTT client in the CONNECT packet

# Plugin emqx_auth_pgsql

# auth.pgsql.server

Type Default

# Description

PostgreSQL server address.

# auth.pgsql.pool

Type Default
integer 8

# Description

Database connection thread pool size.

# auth.pgsql.username

Type Default
string root

# Description

PostgreSQL username.

# auth.pgsql.password

Type Default
string -

# Description

PostgreSQL password.

# auth.pgsql.database

Type Default
string mqtt

# Description

PostgreSQL database name.

# auth.pgsql.encoding

Type Default
string utf8

# Description

PostgreSQL database character encoding format.

# auth.pgsql.ssl

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Whether to enable TLS connection.

# auth.pgsql.ssl_opts.keyfile

Type Default
string -

# Description

Client private key file path.

# auth.pgsql.ssl_opts.certfile

Type Default
string -

# Description

Client certificate file path.

# auth.pgsql.ssl_opts.cacertfile

Type Default
string -

# Description

Client CA certificate file path.

# auth.pgsql.auth_query

Type Default
string select password from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1

# Description

The SQL selection statement used for authentication, that is the same as auth.mysql.auth_query.

# auth.pgsql.password_hash

Type Default
string sh256

# Description

The encryption method used for the password stored in the database, that is the same as auth.mysql.password_hash.

# auth.pgsql.super_query

Type Default
string select is_superuser from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1

# Description

The SQL select statement used for super user authentication, that is the same as auth.mysql.super_query.

# auth.pgsql.acl_query

Type Default
string select allow, ipaddr, username, clientid, access, topic from mqtt_acl where ipaddr = '%a' or username = '%u' or username = '$all' or clientid = '%c'

# Description

The SQL selection statement used in ACL verification, the same as auth.mysql.acl_query.

# Plugin emqx_auth_redis

# auth.redis.type

Type Optional Value Default
enum single, sentinel, cluster single

# Description

Redis Service cluster type:

  • single:Single node service.
  • sentinel:sentinel pattern.
  • cluster:cluster pattern.

# auth.redis.server

Type Default

# Description

Redis service addresses, if there are multiple, they are separated by commas. For example,,

# auth.redis.sentinel

Type Default
string -

# Description

The cluster name in Redis sentinel mode. If it is not in sentinel mode, no configuration is required.

# auth.redis.pool

Type Optional Value Default
integer > 0 8

# Description

Connection pool size.

# auth.redis.database

Type Default
integer 0

# Description

The serial number of the Redis database to be connected.

# auth.redis.password

Type Default
string -

# Description

Redis password.

# auth.redis.query_timeout

Type Default
duration 5s

# Description

Redis query timeout.

# auth.redis.auth_cmd

Type Default
string HMGET mqtt_user:%u password

# Description

Authentication query commands, available placeholders are:

  • %u: client username.
  • %c: client ID.
  • %C: cn of client SSL certificate.
  • %d: dn of client SSL certificate.

# auth.redis.password_hash

Type Optional Value Default
enum plain, md5, sha, sha256, bcrypt plain

# Description

The encoding format of the password field stored by Redis.

# auth.redis.super_cmd

Type Default
string HGET mqtt_user:%u is_superuser

# Description

Authentication query commands for superuser, available placeholders are:

  • %u: client username.
  • %c: client ID.
  • %C: cn of client SSL certificate.
  • %d: dn of client SSL certificate.

# auth.redis.acl_cmd

Type Default
string HGETALL mqtt_acl:%u

# Description

ACL query commands. Available placeholders are:

  • %u: client username.
  • %c: client ID.

# Plugin emqx_bridge_mqtt

# bridge.mqtt.aws.address

Type Default

# Description

Bridge address, supports two formats, for example:

  • emqx @ EMQX Broker node name, which means that the message of this node is bridged to another EMQX node.
  • 1883: IP address and port,which means that the message of the node is bridged to another MQTT server through an MQTT connection.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.proto_ver

Type Optional Value Default
enum mqttv3, mqttv4, mqttv5 mqttv4

# Description

The client protocol version of the MQTT bridge.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.start_type

Type Optional Value Default
eunm manual, auto manual

# Description

Start type:

  • auto: start automatically with the plugin.
  • manual: start the bridge manually.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.bridge_mode

Type Optional Value Default
boolean true, false true

# Description

Whether to enable bridging mode, only MQTT bridging is supported. After being enabled, the MQTT client started by emqx_bridge_mqtt will carry a flag bit when sending a connection message, indicating that this is a bridging client.


RabbitMQ currently does not support this flag.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.clientid

Type Default
string bridge_aws

# Description

The client ID of the MQTT bridge.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.clean_start

Type Optional Value Default
boolean true, false true

# Description

The clean_start flag of the MQTT bridge. It indicates whether the client connects to the remote MQTT Broker in the manner of clean session.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.username

Type Default
string user

# Description

The username of the MQTT bridge client.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.password

Type Default
string passwd

# Description

The password of the MQTT bridge client.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.forwards

Type Default
string topic1/#,topic2/#

# Description

Bridge forwarding rules. For example:

  • topic1/#, topic2/#emqx_bridge_mqtt will forward all topic messages in EMQX Broker that match topic1/#topic2/# .

# bridge.mqtt.aws.forward_mountpoint

Type Default
string bridge/aws/${node}/

# Description

The prefix of the forwarding topic. When forwarding the message to the target system, it is supported to add a uniform prefix to the topic.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.subscription.1.topic

Type Default
string -

# Description

Topic of the peer system subscribed.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.subscription.1.qos

Type Optional Value Default
enum 0, 1, 2 1

# Description

QoS of the peer system topic subscribed.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.receive_mountpoint

Type Default
string receive/aws/

# Description

The topic prefix of the received message.emqx_bridge_mqtt supports adding a unified topic prefix to the message from the peer.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.ssl

Type Optional Value Default
boolean true, false true

# Description

Whether the MQTT bridge client enables SSL.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.cacertfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/cacert.pem

# Description

The path of the CA certificate file of the MQTT bridge client.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.certfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/client-cert.pem

# Description

The path of the SSL certificate file of the MQTT bridge client.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.keyfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/client-key.pem

# Description

The path of the SSL key file of the MQTT bridge client.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.ciphers

Type Default

# Description

Cipher suite supported by SSL handshake.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.psk_ciphers

Type Default

# Description

Cipher suite supported by SSL PSK handshake.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.keepalive

Type Default
duration 60s

# Description

Heartbeat interval of the MQTT bridge client.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.tls_versions

Type Default
string tslv1.3,tlsv1.2,tlsv1.1,tlsv1

# Description

The SSL version of the MQTT bridge client.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.reconnect_interval

Type Default
duration 30s

# Description

Reconnection interval.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.retry_interval

Type Default
duration 20s

# Description

QoS 1/2 message retransmission interval.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.batch_size

Type Default
integer 32

# Description

The batch size of the EMQX bridge. The EMQX bridge mode of emqx_bridge_mqtt supports batch sending of messages to increase throughput.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.max_inflight_size

Type Default
integer 32

# Description

Inflight window size.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.queue.replayq_dir

Type Default
string etc/emqx_aws_bridge/

# Description

Set the message queue file path. If not configured, only memory storage is used.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.queue.replayq_seg_bytes

Type Default
bytesize 10MB

# Description

The single file size of the message queue stored on disk.

# bridge.mqtt.aws.queue.max_total_size

Type Default
bytesize 5GB

# Description

The maximum allowed message queue storage.

# Plugin emqx_coap

# coap.port

Type Default
integer 5683

# Description

Specify the UDP binding port of the CoAP plug-in.

# coap.enable_stats

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

Enable or disable CoAP statistics function.

# coap.dtls.port

Type Default
integer 5684

# Description

Specify the DTLS binding port of the CoAP plugin.

# coap.dtls.verify

Type Optional Value Default
enum verify_peer, verify_none verify_peer

# Description

When using DTLS, specify whether to verify the client during the DTLS handshake.

# coap.dtls.keyfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/key.pem

# Description

When using DTLS, specify the DTLS private key file.

# coap.dtls.certfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/cert.pem

# Description

When using DTLS, specify the DTLS certificate file.

# coap.dtls.cacertfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/cacert.pem

# Description

When using DTLS, specify the CA certificate file for DTLS.

# coap.dtls.fail_if_no_peer_cert

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

When using DTLS, if the client does not have a certificate during the DTLS handshake, whether to let the handshake fail.

# coap.dtls.ciphers

Type Default

# Description

When using DTLS, specify the Cipher list supported by the DTLS server.

# Plugin emqx_dashboard

# dashboard.default_user.login&dashboard.default_user.password

Type Default
string -

# Description

Default user authentication data of Dashboard. dashboard.default_user.login and dashboard.default_user.password must exist at the same time.

# dashboard.listener.http

Type Default
integer 18083

# Description

The listening port of the HTTP listener.
Use the ip:port format to specify which network interface and port to listen to. Defaults to, which listens on all network interfaces.

# dashboard.listener.http.acceptors

Type Default
integer 4

# Description

The number of listening processes this listener will create.

# dashboard.listener.http.max_clients

Type Default
integer 512

# Description

The maximum number of connections allowed by this listener at the same time.

# dashboard.listener.http.inet6

Type Optional Value Default
enum ture, false false

# Description

Whether to set the socket to allow IPv6 connections.

# dashboard.listener.http.ipv6_v6only

Type Optional Value Default
enum ture, false false

# Description

Whether to restrict the socket that only IPv6 can be ued, and prohibit any IPv4 connections. Only applicable to IPv6 sockets, that is, the value of this configuration item has practical significance only when dashboard.listener.http.inet6 is set to true. It should be noted that on some operating systems, such as Windows, the only allowed value for this configuration item is true.

# dashboard.listener.https

Type Default
integer 18084

# Description

The listening port of the HTTPS listener, which is disabled by default.

# dashboard.listener.https.acceptors

Type Default
integer 2

# Description

Same as dashboard.listener.http.acceptors.

# dashboard.listener.https.max_clients

Type Default
integer 512

# Description

Same as dashboard.listener.http.max_clients.

# dashboard.listener.https.inet6

Type Optional Value Default
enum ture, false false

# Description

Same as dashboard.listener.http.inet6.

# dashboard.listener.https.ipv6_v6only

Type Optional Value Default
enum ture, false false

# Description

Same as dashboard.listener.http.ipv6_v6only.

# dashboard.listener.https.keyfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/key.pem

# Description

File path to the server's private key.

# dashboard.listener.https.certfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/cert.pem

# Description

File path to the server's certificate.

# dashboard.listener.https.cacertfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/cacert.pem

# Description

File path to the CA certificates. It should include all intermediate CA certificates and root CA certificate of the server certificate. It should also include trusted CAs to validate client certificates when verify configuration is set to verify_peer.

# dashboard.listener.https.dhfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/dh-params.pem

# Description

If a cipher suite exchanged from Diffie Hellman key is used, you can use this configuration item to specify a file path that contains PEM-encoded Diffie Hellman parameters. If not specified, the default parameters are used.

# dashboard.listener.https.verify

Type Optional Value Default
enum verify_peer, verify_none verify_peer

# Description

verify_none means to disable peer certificate verification, and the server will not send a certificate request to the client. verify_peer means to enable peer certificate verification, and the server will send a certificate request to the client. When this configuration item is set to verify_peer, it usually need to be used together with dashboard.listener.https.fail_if_no_peer_cert to specify whether to force the client to provide a certificate.

# dashboard.listener.https.fail_if_no_peer_cert

Type Optional Value Default
enum ture, false true

# Description

It should be used together with dashboard.listener.https.verify. If set to true, the server will request a certificate from the client. If the client does not provide a certificate, the handshake will fail. If set to false, the handshake can be successful even if the terminal does not provide a certificate.

# dashboard.listener.https.tls_versions

Type Default
string tlsv1.3,tlsv1.2,tlsv1.1,tlsv1

# Description

Specify the TLS protocol version supported by the server. The versions are separated by ,. The supported TLS protocol versions are: tlsv1.3, tlsv1.2, tlsv1.1, tlsv1, sslv3.

# dashboard.listener.https.ciphers

Type Default

# Description

Specify the cipher suite supported by the server.

# dashboard.listener.https.secure_renegotiate

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

Specifies whether to start the secure renegotiation mechanism.

# dashboard.listener.https.reuse_sessions

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Specifies whether to enable the session resuing mechanism.

# dashboard.listener.https.honor_cipher_order

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

If set to on, use the server ’s preferences for password selection. If set to off, use the client ’s preferences.

# Plugin emqx_lwm2m

# lwm2m.port

Type Default
integer 5683

# Description

Specify the UDP port used by LwM2M.

# lwm2m.lifetime_min

Type Default
duration 1s

# Description

Specify the minimum allowed LwM2M lifetime with the unit of second.

# lwm2m.lifetime_max

Type Default
duration 86400s

# Description

Specify the maximum allowed LwM2M lifetime with the unit of second.

# lwm2m.qmode_time_window

Type Default
integer 22

# Description

Specifies the window size used in LwM2M Q mode, with the unit of second.

Within this window period, it can be sent to the Q mode device, and after the window period, the downlink data is cached.

# lwm2m.lb

Type Optional Value Default
enum coaproxy, undefined undefined

# Description

Set whether to use coaproxy. undefined means not to use coaproxy.

# lwm2m.auto_observe

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

Whether to automatically issue the observe command after device registration.

# lwm2m.mountpoint

Type Default
string lwm2m/%e/

# Description

Set the mount point of the LwM2M topic. The following wildcards are supported:

  • '%e': Endpoint Name
  • '%a': IP Address

# lwm2m.topics.command

Type Default
string dn/#

# Description

The command line topic that need to be subscribd after the device registration is completed.

# lwm2m.topics.response

Type Default
string up/resp

# Description

Which topic the device's upstream response needs to be published to.

# lwm2m.topics.notify

Type Default
string up/notify

# Description

Which topic the device's upstream report message (notify) needs to be published to.

# lwm2m.topics.register

Type Default
string up/resp

# Description

Which topic the device's upstream registration message (register) needs to be published to.

# lwm2m.topics.update

Type Default
string up/resp

# Description

Which topic the device's upstream update message (update) needs to be published to.

# lwm2m.update_msg_publish_condition

Type Optional Value Default
enum contains_object_list, always contains_object_list

# Description

When to publish the update message. Can be one of:

  • contains_object_list: only if the update message contains object list

  • always: always publish the update message

# lwm2m.opts.buffer

Type Default
bytesize 1024KB

# Description

UDP tuning parameters, specify the UDP user mode cache size.

# lwm2m.opts.recbuf

Type Default
bytesize 1024KB

# Description

UDP tuning parameters, specify the UDP receiving buffer size.

# lwm2m.opts.sndbuf

Type Default
bytesize 1024KB

# Description

UDP tuning parameters, specify the UDP sending buffer size.

# lwm2m.opts.read_packets

Type Default
integer 20

# Description

UDP tuning parameters, specify how many packets to read from UDP socket each time.

# lwm2m.certfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/cert.pem

# Description

Specify the certificate file used by UDP DTLS.

# lwm2m.keyfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/key.pem

# Description

Specify the private key file used by UDP DTLS.

# lwm2m.xml_dir

Type Default
dir etc/lwm2m_xml

# Description

Specify the directory where the LwM2M Object definition file is stored.

# Plugin emqx_management

# management.max_row_limit

Type Default
integer 10000

# Description

Maximum number of records returned during paging query.

# management.default_application.id

Type Default
string admin

# Description

Default AppId.

# management.default_application.secret

Type Default
string public

# Description

Default AppSecret.

# management.listener.http

Type Default
integer 8081

# Description

The listening port of the HTTP listener.
Use the ip:port format to specify which network interface to listen to, default will listening on all network interfaces.

# management.listener.http.acceptors

Type Default
integer 2

# Description

The number of listening processes this listener will create.

# management.listener.http.max_clients

Type Default
integer 512

# Description

The maximum number of connections allowed by this listener at the same time

# management.listener.http.backlog

Type Default
integer 512

# Description

The maximum length of the TCP connection queue. It indicates the maximum number of TCP connection queues that are allowed in the system to undergo three-time handshake.

# management.listener.http.send_timeout

Type Default
duration 15s

# Description

HTTP packet sending timeout.

# management.listener.http.send_timeout_close

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Whether to close the connection after the HTTP packet sending is timeout.

# management.listener.http.inet6

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Whether to set the socket to allow IPv6 connections.

# management.listener.http.ipv6_v6only

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Whether to restrict the socket that only IPv6 can be ued, and prohibit any IPv4 connections. Only applicable to IPv6 sockets, that is, the value of this configuration item has practical significance only when dashboard.listener.http.inet6 is set to true. It should be noted that on some operating systems, such as Windows, the only allowed value for this configuration item is true.

# management.listener.https

Type Default Example
integer - 8081
string -

# Description

The listening port of the HTTPS listener.
Use the ip:port format to specify which network interface to listen to, default will listening on all network interfaces.

# management.listener.https.acceptors

Type Default
integer 2

# Description

The number of listening processes this listener will create.

# management.listener.https.max_clients

Type Default
integer 512

# Description

The maximum number of connections allowed by this listener at the same time.

# management.listener.https.backlog

Type Default
integer 512

# Description

The maximum length of the TCP connection queue. It indicates the maximum number of TCP connection queues that are allowed in the system to undergo three-time handshake.

# management.listener.https.send_timeout

Type Default
duration 15s

# Description

Timeout for sending HTTPS packets.

# management.listener.https.send_timeout_close

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Whether to close the connection after the HTTPS packet sending is timeout.

# management.listener.https.keyfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/key.pem

# Description

File path to server's private key.

# management.listener.https.certfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/cert.pem

# Description

File path to server's certificate.

# management.listener.https.cacertfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/cacert.pem

# Description

File path to the CA certificates. It should include all intermediate CA certificates and root CA certificate of the server certificate. It should also include trusted CAs to validate client certificates when verify configuration is set to verify_peer.

# management.listener.https.verify

Type Optional Value Default
enum verify_peer, verify_none verify_peer

# Description

verify_none means to disable peer certificate verification, and the server will not send a certificate request to the client. verify_peer means to enable peer certificate verification, and the server will send a certificate request to the client. When this configuration item is set to verify_peer, it usually need to be used together with dashboard.listener.https.fail_if_no_peer_cert to specify whether to force the client to provide a certificate.

# management.listener.https.fail_if_no_peer_cert

Type Optional Value Default
enum ture, false true

# Description

It should be used together with management.listener.https.verify. If set to true, the server will fail the handshake if the client does not provide a certificate when requesting a certificate from the client. If set to false, the handshake can be successful even if the terminal does not provide a certificate.

# management.listener.https.inet6

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Whether to set the socket to allow IPv6 connections.

# management.listener.https.ipv6_v6only

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Whether to restrict the socket that only IPv6 can be ued, and prohibit any IPv4 connections. Only applicable to IPv6 sockets, that is, the value of this configuration item has practical significance only when dashboard.listener.http.inet6 is set to true. It should be noted that on some operating systems, such as Windows, the only allowed value for this configuration item is true.

# Plugin emqx_retainer

# retainer.storage_type

Type Optional Value Default
enum ram, disc, disc_only ram

# Description

Storage type of the message, the following options are available:


Retained messages are only stored in memory.


Retained messages are stored in both memory and disk.


Retained messages are only stored on disk.

# retainer.max_retained_messages

Type Default
integer 0

# Description

Limit of retained messages. Once the number of stored messages reaches the limit, you can replace existing retained messages, but you cannot store retained messages for new topics. 0 means no limit.

# retainer.max_payload_size

Type Default
bytesize 1MB

# Description

The maximum length of Payload allowed to store retained messages. If the Payload exceeds the maximum limit, the retained message can be processed normally, but it will not be stored on the server.

# retainer.expiry_interval

Type Default
duration 0

# Description

The expiration interval of retained messages which is only valid for clients with protocol versions lower than MQTT v5.0. The expiration interval of retained messages for MQTT v5.0 clients will be based on the value of Message Expiry Interval. 0 means never expire.

# Plugin emqx_rule_engine

# rule_engine.ignore_sys_message

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

Ignore system messages ($SYS). The rule engine will not process system messages if this option is enabled.

# rule_engine.events.<event-name>

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

Set whether to publish event messages. You can specify the QoS of event messages, for example:

rule_engine.events.client_connected = on, qos1


If this option is enabled, the rules engine will publish system messages using the topic of $events/<event-name>. Supported <event-name> are:

  • client_connected
  • client_disconnected
  • session_subscribed
  • session_unsubscribed
  • message_delivered
  • message_acked
  • message_dropped

If this option is disabled, event messages will not be published, but event rules can still be used. For example, even if rule_engine.events.client_connected = off, the following rules can still be used:

SELECT * FROM "$events/client_connected"

# Plugin emqx_sn

# mqtt.sn.port

Type Default
string 1884

# Description

The UDP port that emqx_sn listens on.

# mqtt.sn.advertise_duration

Type Default
duration 15s

# Description

ADVERTISE message broadcast interval, unit: second.

# mqtt.sn.gateway_id

Type Default
integer 1

# Description


# mqtt.sn.enable_stats

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

Whether to enable client status statistics.

# mqtt.sn.enable_qos3

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

Whether to process messages with QoS of -1.

# mqtt.sn.idle_timeout

Type Default
duration 30s

# Description

The idle time after the establishment, if no message is received within this time, the connection will be closed.

# mqtt.sn.predefined.topic.0

Type Default
string reserved

# Description

The predefined mapping of Topic and TopicId. Topics with an Id of 0 are reserved and fixed to reserved. For example, the Id of the predefined topic foo / bar is 1:

mqtt.sn.predefined.topic.1 = foo/bar

# mqtt.sn.username

Type Default
string mqtt_sn_user

# Description

emqx_sn username to connect to EMQX Broker.

# mqtt.sn.password

Type Default
string abc

# Description

emqx_sn password to connect to EMQX Broker.

# Plugin emqx_statsd

# statsd.push.gateway.server

Type Default

# Description

Specify the URI of the Statsd gateway.

# statsd.interval

Type Default
integer 15000

# Description

Specify the collection interval of Statsd data in milliseconds.

# prometheus.collector.<N>

Type Default
string emqx_statsd

# Description

Specify Prometheus Collector.

# Plugin emqx_stomp

# stomp.listener

Type Default
integer 61613

# Description

Specify the local port where the Stomp plugin listens.

# stomp.listener.acceptors

Type Default
integer 4

# Description

Specify the size of the thread pool for Stomp service Acceptor

# stomp.listener.max_connections

Type Default
integer 512

# Description

Specify the maximum number of connections supported by the Stomp service.

# stomp.listener.ssl

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

Specify whether to use SSL.

# stomp.listener.keyfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/key.pem

# Description

If using SSL, specify the SSL private key file.

# stomp.listener.certfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/cert.pem

# Description

If using SSL, specify the SSL certificate file.

# stomp.listener.cacertfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/cacert.pem

# Description

If using SSL, specify the CA certificate file for SSL.

# stomp.listener.dhfile

Type Default
string etc/certs/dh-params.pem

# Description

If using SSL, specify the key file used by the Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman algorithm.

# stomp.listener.verify

Type Optional Value Default
enum verify_peer, verify_none verify_peer

# Description

If using SSL, specify whether to verify the client during the handshake.

# stomp.listener.fail_if_no_peer_cert

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Specify whether the handshake fail if SSL is used, and the client does not have a certificate during the SSL handshake.

# stomp.listener.tls_versions

Type Default
string tlsv1.2,tlsv1.1,tlsv1

# Description

If using SSL, specify the list of SSL versions supported by the server.

# stomp.listener.handshake_timeout

Type Default
duration 15s

# Description

If using SSL, specify the timeout period for the SSL handshake process.

# stomp.listener.ciphers

Type Default

# Description

If using SSL, specify the Cipher list supported by the server

# stomp.listener.secure_renegotiate

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off off

# Description

If using SSL, specify whether to reject the renegotiation request if the client does not follow RFC 5746.

# stomp.listener.reuse_sessions

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

If using SSL, specify whether to support SSL session reuse.

# stomp.listener.honor_cipher_order

Type Optional Value Default
enum on, off on

# Description

If using SSL, specify whether to use the server's preferences to select Ciphers.

# stomp.default_user.login

Type Default
string guest

# Description

Specify the Username used by the Stomp plugin to log in.

# stomp.default_user.passcode

Type Default
string guest

# Description

Specify the password used for Stomp plugin login.

# stomp.allow_anonymous

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false true

# Description

Whether to allow anonymous login.

# stomp.frame.max_headers

Type Default
integer 10

# Description

Specify the maximum number of Stomp headers

# stomp.frame.max_header_length

Type Default
integer 1024

# Description

Specify the maximum Stomp header length

# stomp.frame.max_body_length

Type Default
integer 8192

# Description

Specify Stomp maximum message body length.

# Plugin emqx_web_hook

# web.hook.url

Type Default

# Description

The web server address to which the webhook request is forwarded.

# web.hook.headers.<Any>

# Example

web.hook.headers.content-type = application/json
web.hook.headers.accept = */*

# Description

Specify the data in the HTTP request header. <Key> Specify the field name in the HTTP request header, and the value of this configuration item is the corresponding field value. <Key> can be the standard HTTP request header field. User can also customize the field to configure multiple different request header fields.

# web.hook.encoding_of_payload_field

Type Optional Value Default
enum plain, base62, base64 -

# Description

The encoding format of the Payload field in the PUBLISH packet.

# web.hook.ssl.cacertfile

Type Default
string -

# Description

CA certificate file path.

# web.hook.ssl.certfile

Type Default
string -

# Description

Client certificate file path.

# web.hook.ssl.keyfile

Type Default
string -

# Description

Client private key file path.

# web.hook.ssl.verify

Type Optional Value Default
enum true, false false

# Description

Specify whether to verify the peer certificate.

# web.hook.ssl.pool_size

Type Default
integer 32

# Description

HTTP connection process pool size.

# web.hook.rule.client.connect.1

Type Default
string {"action": "on_client_connect"}

# Description

Forward the on_client_connect event.

# web.hook.rule.client.connack.1

Type Default
string {"action": "on_client_connack"}

# Description

Forward the on_client_connack event.

# web.hook.rule.client.connected.1

Type Default
string {"action": "on_client_connected"}

# Description

Forward the on_client_connected event.

# web.hook.rule.client.disconnected.1

Type Default
string {"action": "on_client_disconnected"}

# Description

Forward the on_client_disconnected event.

# web.hook.rule.client.subscribe.1

Type Default
string {"action": "on_client_subscribe"}

# Description

Forward the on_client_subscribe event.

# web.hook.rule.client.unsubscribe.1

Type Default
string {"action": "on_client_unsubscribe"}

# Description

Forward the on_client_unsubscribe event.

# web.hook.rule.session.subscribed.1

Type Default
string {"action": "on_session_subscribed"}

# Description

Forward the on_client_subscribe event.

# web.hook.rule.session.unsubscribed.1

Type Default
string {"action": "on_session_unsubscribed"}

# Description

Forward the on_session_unsubscribe event.

# web.hook.rule.session.terminated.1

Type Default
string {"action": "on_session_terminated"}

# Description

Forward the on_session_terminated event.

# web.hook.rule.message.publish.1

Type Default
string {"action": "on_message_publish"}

# Description

Forward the on_client_publish event.

# web.hook.rule.message.delivered.1

Type Default
string {"action": "on_message_delivered"}

# Description

Forward the on_message_delivered event.

# web.hook.rule.message.acked.1

Type Default
string {"action": "on_message_acked"}

# Description

Forward the on_message_acked event.

# license.file

Type Default
string etc/emqx.lic

# Description

Licence file of the node.

### license.connection_high_watermark_alarm
Type Default
percent 80%

# Description

The alarm is raised when this threshold is reached. As percentage of alive connections/max connections.

  • After the alarm occurs, you can refer to [How to update the license?] (../faq/use-guide.md#how-to-update-emq-x-license) for hot update.
  • When the number of connections exceeds the maximum allowed value, new client connections will be rejected, but the already connected clients will not be affected.

### license.connection_low_watermark_alarm
Type Default
percent 75%

# Description

The alarm is cleared when it goes below this threshld. As percentage of alive connections/max connections.