Functional Services
Neuron would provide a series of API services for IIoT platform, to query the basic information, to control gateway behaviors or to setup the polling configuration. IIoT platform must initiate the communication by sending request message to Neuron. By return, Neuron would send back the required information or execute the deserved action. If there is error, a error code would be returned to tell the reason of failure.
MQTT Topics for Neuron
Subscribe: Neuron/Request/%UUID%
Publish: Neuro/Response/%UUID%
MQTT Topics for IIoT platform
Subscribe: Neuron/Response/%UUID%
Publish: Neuron/Request/%UUID%
MQTT topic string list
where %UUID% is a 36 characters UUID string of Neuron.
Neuron gateways subscribe topics
Neuron gateway publish topics
IIoT Platform subscribe topics
IIoT Platform publish topics
Function 10 Login
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno10
Content-Type: application/json
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 10,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778824_1",
"name": "admin",
"pass": "0000"
Response body syntax
"func": 10,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778824_1",
"errc": 0,
"tout": 15,
"defl": -1,
"nalw": 3,
"alwl": [
"atxt": "VIEW",
"anum": 0
"atxt": "MANAGER",
"anum": 1
"atxt": "ALL",
"anum": -1
Request | |
func | Function code 10 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
name | Username |
pass | User password |
Response | |
func | Function code 10 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
tout | Time out |
defl | Default level |
nalw | No of allowed levels |
alwl | Allowed level |
anum | Allowed number -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
Functions | Allowed Level |
Exit to shell | 4,5,7 |
Restart/Newrestart/Shutdown | 2,3,4,5,6,7 |
Login/Logout | 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
New password | 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
User administration | 4,5,7 |
Browse system ID | 4,5,7 |
Status control | 2,3,4,5,7 |
Write value to object | 4,5,7 |
Read instance list | 4,5,7 |
Setup configuration | 4,5,7 |
Read configuration | 4,5,7 |
Read global variable | 4,5,7 |
List all subroutine | 4,5,7 |
Read a subroutine | 4,5,7 |
Create a subroutine | 4,5,7 |
Delete a subroutine | 4,5,7 |
Compiler a subroutine | 4,5,7 |
Search string in a subroutine | 4,5,7 |
Check alarm status | 1,2,3,4,5,7 |
Alarm acknowledge | 2,3,4,5,7 |
Change alarm mode | 2,3,4,5,7 |
Alarm Log report | 4,5,7 |
Read trend data | 2,3,4,5,7 |
Read object screen | 2,3,4,5,7 |
Read License Information | 4,5,7 |
Function 11 Logout
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno11
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 11,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"name": "admin"
Response body syntax
"func": 11,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 11 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
name | Username |
Response | |
func | Function code 11 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 12 New Password
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno12
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 12,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"name": "admin",
"pass": "0000",
"npwd": "1234"
Response body syntax
"func": 12,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 12 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
name | Username |
pass | Password |
npwd | New Password |
Response | |
func | Function code 12 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 13 Read User List
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno13
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 13,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240"
Response body syntax
"func": 13,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"errc": 0,
"nusr": 3,
"user": [
Request | |
func | Function code 13 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
Response | |
func | Function code 13 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
nusr | No of users |
user | A list of users name |
Function 14 Read User Information
HTTP API header
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno14
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 14,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778824_1",
"name": "joey"
Response body syntax
"func": 14,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778824_1",
"errc": 0,
"usrn": "joey",
"tout": 15,
"defl": -1,
"nalw": 3,
"alwl": [
"atxt": "VIEW",
"anum": 0
"atxt": "MANAGER",
"anum": 1
"atxt": "ALL",
"anum": -1
Request | |
func | Function code 14 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
name | Username |
Response | |
func | Function code 14 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
usrn | User name |
tout | Time out |
defl | Default level |
nalw | No of allowed levels |
alwl | Allowed level |
anum | Allowed number -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
Function 15 Save User Information
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno15
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 15,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"cusr": 1,
"name": "joey",
"pass": "0000",
"tout": 15,
"defl": 7,
"nalw": 3,
"alwl": [
Response body syntax
"func": 15,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 15 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
cusr | Check user already exist if exist, return error |
name | User name |
pass | New password |
tout | Timeout (0-999 in minutes, 0 means never time-out) |
defl | Default level (0-9) |
nalw | No of allowed level |
alwl | Array of allowed level |
Response | |
func | Function code 15 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 16 Remove User
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno16
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 16,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"name": "user"
Response body syntax
"func": 16,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 16 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
name | Username |
Response | |
func | Function code 16 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 21 Configuration
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno21
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request boy syntax
Response body syntax
"func": 21,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 21 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
chnl | Channel Details |
chdv | Channel driver name |
tcph | Hostname or IP address of PLC/hardware device |
tcpp | Port number of a device |
ttyc | Linux device file name (ttyS0, ttyS1) |
ttyb | Baud rate 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 |
ttyd | Data bit 5 6 7 8 |
ttys | Stop bit (string) 1 1.5 2 |
ttyp | Parity bit (char) E - Even O - Odd N - None |
parm | Parameter array Details |
vars | Variables name |
pars | Parameters |
objd | Object Details |
objn | Object name |
obsz | Number of same objects |
updt | Time interval for data transfer to platform cloud |
logt | Time interval for data to be logged on file |
tstd | Timestamp display 0 (no display) 1 (display) |
disp | All object attributes need to be displayed 0 (no display) 1 (display) |
logs | Need logging once connection drop 0 (no need) 1 (need) |
oatt | Object Attribute Details |
attn | Attribute name |
attt | Attribute value type: word uword dword udword float double bit datetime |
deci | No of decimal place |
adis | Attribute transferred to platform 0 (no need) 1 (need) |
achg | Attribute can be changed 0 (not allow) 1 (allow) |
attr | Attribute Read/Write indicator R W R/W S SW |
rtim | Read time (for only attr: R) |
aadd | Attribute Address Details |
obix | Start from 0 index number |
pref | Object name prefix |
suff | Object name suffix |
addr | Tag address (device address) Note: For internal register, both tagaddr and tagattr use "-" |
msgd | Message Details |
msgt | Message type < <= > >= == != & ^ | |
sobj | Source object name |
satt | Source attribute name |
cobj | Compared object name |
catt | Compared attribute name |
acat | Alarm Category critical alarm warning event view |
subr | Subroutine number (1-999) |
Response | |
func | Function code 21 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 22 Read Configuration
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno22
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 22,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240"
Response body syntax
"func": 22,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"errc": 0
// The structure is same as Function 21 request message
// Not repeat here
Function 23 Read Drivers
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno23
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 23,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778824_1",
"type": 1
Response body syntax
"func": 23,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778824_1",
"errc": 0,
"nrow": 3,
"rows": [
"name": "mbsrtu",
"desc": "Modbus RTU",
"type": "tty",
"attr": [
"name": "mbstcp",
"desc": "Modbus TCP",
"type": "tcp",
"attr": [
"name": "mbsrot",
"desc": "Modbus RTU over TCP",
"type": "tcp",
"attr": [
"name": "opcua",
"desc": "OPC UA",
"type": "tcp",
"attr": [
Request | |
func | Function code 23 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
type | 1: Driver Channel 2: Server Channel |
Response | |
func | Function code 23 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
nrow | Number of rows |
name | Short name of driver |
desc | Full description of driver |
type | Type of driver tty Serial driver tcp Network driver |
attr | Attribute Read/Write indicator R W RW S SW |
Function 24 Read Driver Parameters
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno24
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 24,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778824_1",
"drvn": "i61850"
Response body syntax
"func": 24,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778824_1",
"errc": 0,
"drvn": "i61850",
"parm": [
"pars": "300"
"pars": "300"
"vars": "NAPTIMEREAD",
"pars": "40"
"pars": "20"
"vars": "USERNAME",
"pars": ""
"vars": "PASSWORD",
"pars": ""
"vars": "CERTIFICATE",
"pars": ""
"vars": "KEYFILE",
"pars": ""
"vars": "ADDRSUFFIX",
"pars": ""
Request | |
func | Function code 24 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
drvn | driver name |
Response | |
func | Function code 24 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
drvn | driver name |
parm | parameter array |
Function 25 Check PLC Addresses
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno25
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 25,
"wtrm": "d0fdb943-cff1-44bc-887d-0a3b3ba856b0",
"chdv": "mbtcp",
"attt": "word",
"deci": 0,
"attr": "R",
"addr": "1!400002"
Response body syntax
"func": 25,
"wtrm": "d0fdb943-cff1-44bc-887d-0a3b3ba856b0",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 25 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
chdv | Channel driver name |
attt | Attribute value type, allow text: word uword dword udword float double bit datetime |
deci | No of decimal place |
attr | Attribute Read/Write indicator, allow text: R W R/W |
addr | Tag address (device address) Note: For internal register, both tagaddr and tagattr use "-" |
Response | |
func | Function code 25 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 26 Read Device List
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno25
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 26,
"wtrm": "d0fdb943-cff1-44bc-887d-0a3b3ba856b0"
Response body syntax
"func": 26,
"wtrm": "d0fdb943-cff1-44bc-887d-0a3b3ba856b0",
"rows": [
"name": "/dev/tty",
"fdrw": 0
"name": "/dev/ttyS0",
"fdrw": 0
"name": "/dev/ttyS1",
"fdrw": -1
"name": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
"fdrw": -1
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 26 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
Response | |
func | Function code 26 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
rows | Device list |
name | Device name |
fdrw | File descriptor read and write permission, 0: Got permission, -1: No permission |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 30 Read Global Variable
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno30
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 30,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778824_1"
Response body syntax
"func": 30,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778824_1",
"errc": 0,
"nrow": 7,
"rows": [
"glov": "time",
"leng": 1,
"comt": "unix timestamp"
"glov": "year",
"leng": 1,
"comt": "current year"
"glov": "month",
"leng": 1,
"comt": "current month"
"glov": "day",
"leng": 1,
"comt": "day of the month"
"glov": "hour",
"leng": 1,
"comt": "hour of the day"
"glov": "min",
"leng": 1,
"comt": "minute of the hour"
"glov": "dayofweek",
"leng": 1,
"comt": "day of the week"
Request | |
func | Function code 30 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
Response | |
func | Function code 30 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
nrow | Number of rows |
glov | Global variable name |
leng | Variable size |
comt | Comments |
Function 31 Save Global Variable
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno31
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 31,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778824_1",
"nrow": 7,
"rows": [
"glov": "time",
"leng": 1,
"comt": "unix timestamp"
"glov": "year",
"leng": 1,
"comt": "current year"
"glov": "month",
"leng": 1,
"comt": "current month"
"glov": "day",
"leng": 1,
"comt": "day of the month"
"glov": "hour",
"leng": 1,
"comt": "hour of the day"
"glov": "min",
"leng": 1,
"comt": "minute of the hour"
"glov": "dayofweek",
"leng": 1,
"comt": "day of the week"
Response body syntax
"func": 31,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778824_1",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 31 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
nrow | Number of rows |
glov | Global variable name |
leng | Variable size |
comt | Comments |
Response | |
func | Function code 31 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 32 Read Subroutine List
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno32
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 32,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778823_1"
Response body syntax
"func": 32,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778823_1",
"errc": 0,
"nsub": 3,
"msub": 999,
"rows": [
"subr": 200,
"subr": 201,
"subr": 202,
Request | |
func | Function code 32 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
Response | |
func | Function code 32 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
nsub | Number of subroutines |
msub | Maximum number of subroutines |
subr | Subroutine number |
name | Subroutine name |
Function 33 Read Subroutine
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno33
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 33,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"subr": 200
Response body syntax
"func": 33,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"errc": 0,
"subr": 200,
"nrow": 5,
"rows": [
"stmt": "COMMENT",
"stmt": "",
"expr": ""
"stmt": "IF",
"expr": "Tank[0].buzzer == 0"
"stmt": "THEN",
"expr": "Tank[0].buzzer = 1;"
"stmt": "",
"expr": ""
Request | |
func | Function code 33 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
subr | Subroutine number |
Response | |
func | Function code 33 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
subr | Subroutine number MAIN is -10 MANUAL is -20 AUTO is -22 |
name | Subroutine name |
nrow | Number of rows |
stmt | Statement |
expr | Expression |
Function 34 Save Subroutine
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno34
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 34,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"csub": 0,
"subr": 200,
"nrow": 5,
"rows": [
"stmt": "COMMENT",
"stmt": "",
"expr": ""
"stmt": "IF",
"expr": "Tank[0].buzzer == 0"
"stmt": "THEN",
"expr": "Tank[0].buzzer = 1;"
"stmt": "",
"expr": ""
Response body syntax
"func": 34,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 34 |
wtrm | A string that copied to the response message |
csub | Check Subroutine Exist before save (0 -- don't check, 1 -- check) |
subr | Routine Number MAIN is -10 MANUAL is -20 AUTO is -22 Or any number (1-999) for subroutine |
name | Subroutine Name |
nrow | No of Lines |
stmt | Statement |
expr | Expression |
Response | |
func | Function code 34 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 35 Remove Subroutine
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno35
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 35,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"subr": 200
Response body syntax
"func": 35,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 35 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
subr | Subroutine Number |
Response | |
func | Function code 35 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 36 Test Subroutine
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno36
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 36,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"nrow": 5,
"rows": [
"stmt": "COMMENT",
"stmt": "",
"expr": ""
"stmt": "IF",
"expr": "Tank[0].buzzer == 0"
"stmt": "THEN",
"expr": "Tank[0].buzzer = 1;"
"stmt": "",
"expr": ""
Response body syntax
"func": 36,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 36 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
subr | Subroutine Number |
nrow | No of Lines |
stmt | Statement |
expr | Expression |
Response | |
func | Function code 36 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 37 Search in Subroutine
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno37
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 37,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"srhm": "main",
"upca": 0,
"wwrd": 0,
"srhs": "temperature"
Response body syntax
"func": 37,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"errc": 0,
"rows": [
"modu": "main",
"line": 1,
"chnu": 8,
"modu": "main",
"line": 7,
"chnu": 9,
"desc": "IF Tank[i].temperature > Temp[0].high && Tank[i].switch == 1"
"modu": "main",
"line": 9,
"chnu": 9,
"desc": "ELSE IF Tank[i].temperature < Temp[0].low && Tank[i].switch == 0"
Request | |
func | Function code 37 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
srhm | Search mode globalvar main man auto subroutine |
upca | Match upper lower case (1 match, 0 no need) |
wwrd | Match whole word (1 match whole, 0 match part) |
srhs | Search string |
Response | |
func | Function code 37 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
rows | Row number index |
modu | Module globalvar main man auto subroutine |
subr | Subroutine number |
line | Line number |
chnu | Start at character position |
desc | Description |
Function 38 Execute Script
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno38
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 38,
"wtrm": "d0fdb943-cff1-44bc-887d-0a3b3ba856b0",
"subr": 200
Response body syntax
"func": 38,
"wtrm": "d0fdb943-cff1-44bc-887d-0a3b3ba856b0",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 38 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
subr | Subroutine number (1-999) |
Response | |
func | Function code 38 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 50 Read Register
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno50
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 50,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"srcn": "test"
Response body syntax
"func": 50,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"erroc": 0,
"tele": [
"objn": "test",
"tstp": 1643180286,
"data1": 123,
"data2": 789,
"data3": 3,
"data4": 4,
"data5": 5,
"data6": 6,
"data7": 7,
"data8": 8,
"data9": 9,
"data10": 10
Request | |
func | Function code 50 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
srcn | Object Name with prefix and suffix |
Response | |
func | Function code 50 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Error code |
tele | Telemetry Array |
objn | Object Name |
tstp | TimeStamp |
Function 51 Write Register
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno51
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 51,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"srcn": "Temp",
"attn": "high",
"valn": 860
Response body syntax
"func": 51,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 51 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
srcn | Object Name with prefix and suffix |
attn | Attribute Name |
valn | Value |
Response | |
func | Function code 51 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 60 Object Screen
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno60
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 60,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1"
Response body syntax
"func": 60,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"errc": 0,
"tele": [
"objn": "Tank_1",
"logs": 0,
"temperature": 0,
"energy": 0,
"switch": 1,
"buzzer": 1
"objn": "Tank_2",
"logs": 0,
"temperature": 0,
"energy": 0,
"switch": 1,
"buzzer": 1
"objn": "Tank_3",
"logs": 0,
"temperature": 0,
"energy": 0,
"switch": 1,
"buzzer": 1
"objn": "Temp",
"logs": 1,
"high": 1,
"temp1": 0,
"temp2": 0,
"temp3": 0,
"low": 1
"objn": "Energy",
"logs": 1,
"energy1": 0,
"energy2": 0,
"energy3": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 60 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
Response | |
func | Function code 60 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Error code |
tele | Telemetry object screen description |
objn | Object name |
logs | Logging (Y/N) |
Function 61 System Status
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno61
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 61,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"actn": "act_en"
Response body syntax
"func": 61,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"errc": 0,
"tstp": 1581515618,
"comm": "UP",
"mach": "MANU",
"mode": "ACTIVE",
"mqcn": "MQCONNECT",
"dalm": "NON-EXIST",
"ngal": 4,
"grow": [
"acat": "alarm",
"astt": "OFF",
"amod": "UNACKALARM",
"atim": 1581513580,
"alid": 1,
"comt": "temp1@Temp (812) < low@Temp (800)"
"acat": "alarm",
"astt": "ON",
"amod": "UNACKALARM",
"atim": 1581515415,
"alid": 3,
"comt": "temp2@Temp (791) < low@Temp (800)"
"acat": "critical",
"astt": "ON",
"amod": "UNACKALARM",
"atim": 1581515415,
"alid": 4,
"comt": "temp3@Temp (864) > high@Temp (850)"
"acat": "alarm",
"astt": "OFF",
"amod": "UNACKALARM",
"atim": 1581513592,
"alid": 5,
"comt": "temp3@Temp (864) < low@Temp (800)"
Request | |
func | Function code 61 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
actn | Action can be anyone of following act_en Active enabled alarms act_unack Active Unack alarms act_all Active all alarms all_alm All alarms all_en All enabled alarms all_dis All disabled alarms |
Response | |
func | Function code 61 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Error code |
tstp | TimeStamp |
comm | PLC or hardware communication status UP DOWN |
mach | Machine Mode AUTO MANU SERV |
mode | Please refer to Status Mode section. Inactive Mode Standby Mode / Semi-Standby Mode Active Mode / Semi-Active Mode |
mqcn | MQ broker connection status MQCONNECT MQDISCONNECT |
dalm | Device Alarm which specify which device has communication problem. |
ndal | Number of device alarms |
drow | Device alarm rows |
chnl | Channel number of devices |
addr | Address of devices |
galm | General Alarm which user define their own alarms and triggers |
ngal | Number of general alarms |
grow | General alarm rows |
acat | Alarm Category critical alarm warning event view |
astt | Alarm Status ON OFF |
amod | Alarm Mode UNACKALARM DISABLE |
atim | Alarm TimeStamp |
alid | Alarm ID must be copied this ID when user acknowledge function 80 |
comt | Alarm Comments |
Function 62 Ping
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno62
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Function 70 Gateway Control
HTTP API header
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno70
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 70,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"acts": "restartnew"
Response body syntax
"func": 70,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 70 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
acts | Request action restart - restart gateway restartnew - restart gateway with new configuration shutdown - shutdown gateway |
Response | |
func | Function code 70 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 71 Status Control
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno71
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 71,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"stat": "standby"
Response body syntax
"func": 71,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 71 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
stat | Request action standby - standby mode (telemetry will stop) active - active mode |
Response | |
func | Function code 71 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 73 Instance Information
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno73
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 73,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240"
Response body syntax
"func": 73,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"errc": 0,
"agts": [
"uuid": "16538d28-4592-11e9-a787-00e067109f12",
"time": "2019/11/10 13:42:17",
"expd": "2070/01/01 08:00:00",
"rest": "00:00:00:00",
"data": "2.113112",
"natt": "34",
"nalr": "10",
"tatt": "50",
"talr": "102",
"tusg": "10.3426",
"matt": "100",
"malr": "500",
"musg": "1000",
"self": "Y"
"uuid": "87244d28-4592-11e9-a787-00e097109f12",
"time": "2019/11/10 13:42:17",
"expd": "2070/01/01 08:00:00",
"rest": "00:00:00:00",
"data": "0.1276532",
"natt": "19",
"nalr": "13",
"tatt": "50",
"talr": "102",
"tusg": "10.3426",
"matt": "100",
"malr": "500",
"musg": "1000",
"self": "N"
"uuid": "11133d28-4592-11e9-a787-00e077109f12",
"time": "2019/11/10 13:42:17",
"expd": "2070/01/01 08:00:00",
"rest": "00:00:00:00",
"data": "1.2367209",
"natt": "21",
"nalr": "8",
"tatt": "50",
"talr": "102",
"tusg": "10.3426",
"matt": "100",
"malr": "500",
"musg": "1000",
"self": "N"
Request | |
func | Function code 73 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
Response | |
func | Function code 73 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
nagt | Number of instances |
agts | Neuron instance list |
uuid | UUID |
time | Last information update time |
expd | System expired date |
rest | Time left for the system inactive |
data | Data usage |
natt | No of attributes |
nalr | No of alarm points |
tatt | Total no. of attributes |
talr | Total no. of alarm points |
tusg | Total data usage amount |
matt | Maximum no. of attributes |
malr | Maximum no. of alarm points |
musg | Maximum data usage amount |
self | Self Flag (Y/N) |
Function 74 About Information
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno74
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 74,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240"
Response body syntax
"func": 74,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"errc": 0,
"sysn": "NEURON SYSTEM v1.1.1",
"cpyr": "Copyright (C) 2020, EMQ Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights<br />reserved.",
"modl": "ENT-x86_64-1-0101",
"srno": "SN010101200227",
"bver": " 1.1.1",
"pver": 1,
"host": "Instance 0",
"expd": "2020/12/30 11:59:00",
"rest": "306:23:03:07",
"tatt": 2,
"matt": 10000,
"talr": 2,
"malr": 1600,
"tusg": 0.00010799,
"musg": 100000000,
"cont": "Joey Cheung (",
"uuid": "16538d28-4592-11e9-a787-00e067109f12"
Request | |
func | Function code 74 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
Response | |
func | Function code 74 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
sysn | System Name |
cpyr | Copyright message |
modl | System model number |
modl | System serial number |
srno | Serial no |
bver | Software build version |
pver | Protocol number |
host | Hostname |
expd | Expired date |
rest | Remaining available time |
tatt | Total no. of attributes in use |
matt | Max no. of attributes allowed |
talr | Total no. of alarms in use |
malr | Max no. of alarms allowed |
tusg | Total data usage |
tusg | Max data usage |
cont | Contact information |
uuid | UUID |
Function 79 Show Alarms
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno79
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 79,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"actn": "act_en"
Response body syntax
"func": 79,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 79 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
actn | Action can be anyone of following act_en Active enabled alarms act_unack Active Unack alarms act_all Active all alarms all_alm All alarms all_en All enabled alarms all_dis All disabled alarms |
Response | |
func | Function code 79 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 80 Alarm Acknowledge
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno80
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 80,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"alid": 0,
"actn": "acknowledge"
Response body syntax
"func": 80,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 80 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
alid | This ID is given out by the gateway in the heartbeat message. Copy the one which is being acknowledge. |
actn | Action can be anyone of following acknowledge enable disable |
Response | |
func | Function code 80 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 81 Read Historical Alarm
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno81
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 81,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"srch": "FromFirst",
"sett": "",
"tokn": "",
"ofst": 0,
"frti": 1607335939,
"toti": 1607335950,
"cate": "alarm",
"patn": "Temp"
Response body syntax
"func": 81,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"errc": 0,
"frti": 1577930400,
"toti": 1582552859,
"nalm": 10,
"ordr": "ascending",
"rows": [
"anum": 1,
"tstp": 1581482963,
"uack": "",
"cate": "alarm",
"stat": "on",
"comt": "temp2@Temp (791) < low@Temp (800)"
"anum": 2,
"tstp": 1581484493,
"uack": "",
"cate": "alarm",
"stat": "off",
"comt": "temp2@Temp (0) < low@Temp (0)"
"anum": 3,
"tstp": 1581485070,
"uack": "",
"cate": "alarm",
"stat": "ack",
"comt": "temp2@Temp (791) < low@Temp (790)"
"anum": 4,
"tstp": 1581513521,
"uack": "",
"cate": "alarm",
"stat": "on",
"comt": "temp1@Temp (0) < low@Temp (790)"
"anum": 5,
"tstp": 1581513521,
"uack": "",
"cate": "alarm",
"stat": "on",
"comt": "temp2@Temp (0) < low@Temp (790)"
"anum": 6,
"tstp": 1581513521,
"uack": "",
"cate": "alarm",
"stat": "on",
"comt": "temp3@Temp (0) < low@Temp (790)"
"anum": 7,
"tstp": 1581513580,
"uack": "",
"cate": "alarm",
"stat": "off",
"comt": "temp1@Temp (0) < low@Temp (0)"
"anum": 8,
"tstp": 1581513584,
"uack": "",
"cate": "alarm",
"stat": "off",
"comt": "temp2@Temp (0) < low@Temp (0)"
"anum": 9,
"tstp": 1581513592,
"uack": "",
"cate": "alarm",
"stat": "off",
"comt": "temp3@Temp (0) < low@Temp (0)"
"anum": 10,
"tstp": 1581515415,
"uack": "",
"cate": "alarm",
"stat": "on",
"comt": "temp2@Temp (791) < low@Temp (800)"
"tokn": "5e44029700000003"
Request | |
func | Function code 81 |
wtrm | A string that copied to the response message |
srch | Search Method |
FromFirst -- means forwards | |
FromLast -- means backwards | |
UseID -- use for consecutive search | |
Blank -- means use FromYear | |
sett | Today Yesterday ThisWeek LastWeek ThisMonth LastMonth Blank if using FromYear or ToYear below, can only be combined with UseID or blank for first in SearchMethod above |
tokn | ID string from previous request for next search. (only together with UseID above) |
ofst | Offset for next search. positive or negative, only together with UseID above, still using the search pattern below |
frti | From Datetime (timestamp) |
toti | To Datetime (timestamp) |
cate | Alarm Category |
patn | Search Pattern - check matching string anywhere in the alarm text. |
Response | |
func | Function code 81 |
wtrm | A string that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
frti | From Datetime (timestamp) |
toti | To Datetime (timestamp) |
nalm | Total number of alarms found |
ordr | Order ascending descending |
anum | Alarm index number |
tstp | Alarm happening time |
uack | User who acknowledge this alarm |
cate | Alarm Category |
stat | Status on -- alarm on time off -- alarm off time ack -- alarm ack time |
comt | Alarm message |
tokn | ID string for next search |
Function 82 Read Historical Trend
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno82
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 82,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"scrn": "test",
"attn": "data1",
"fend": 0,
"tokn": -1,
"frti": 1632978564,
"toti": 1632982164
Response body syntax
"func": 82,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"errc": 0,
"frti": 1632978564,
"toti": 1632982164,
"npts": 500,
"itvl": 1,
"tokn": 500,
"ntps": 500,
"tele": [
"objn": "test",
"tstp": 1632980285,
"t": 1
"objn": "test",
"tstp": 1632980286,
"t": 1
"objn": "test",
"tstp": 1632980287,
"t": 1
Request | |
func | Function code 82 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
srcn | Object name with prefix and suffix |
attn | Attribute name (empty means all attributes) |
fend | Include the last point 1 -- include 0 -- not include |
tokn | File index number for next search |
frti | From Datetime (timestamp) |
toti | To Datetime (timestamp) |
Response | |
func | Function code 82 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
frti | From Datetime (timestamp) |
toti | To Datetime (timestamp) |
itvl | Time Interval between trend points |
npts | Number of trend points found |
tokn | Token to implement next search |
tele | Telemetry array |
objn | Object name |
tstp | TimeStamp |
Function 83 Read Log
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno83
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 83,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"logl": "all",
"srtt": 1604311512,
"stpt": 1604311517,
"srtl": 0,
"proc": "all"
Response body syntax
"func": 83,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419775357_240",
"nrow": 500,
"rows": [
"tstp": 1532419775,
"logl": "warning",
"proc": "CORE",
"data": "extractlicense: loading certificate into memory"
"tstp": 1532419775,
"logl": "debug",
"proc": "DRVR",
"data": "debuglog: Cannot connect"
"tstp": 1532419775,
"logl": "err",
"proc": "SERV",
"data": "serverdisconnect: send disconnection request failed return code -3"
"tstp": 1532419775,
"logl": "warning",
"proc": "CORE",
"data": "update_process: process /home/neuron/ /bin/neuron_o_mbstcp was killed by uncaught signal 9 "
"last": 400,
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 83 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
logl | Log level, allow text : all, debug, info, warning, err |
srtt | Sart timestamp(s), default none |
stpt | End timestamp(s), default none, must with a nonempty "srtt" if set value for "stpt" |
srtl | Start line number of the log file, also can be got from "last" of response message,default 0 |
proc | Process name |
Response | |
func | Function code 83 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
nrow | Number of rows, <= 500 |
rows | Rows of Log content, json array |
tstp | log timestamp (s) |
logl | Log level |
proc | Process name |
data | Log string data |
last | Last line number , useful for "strl" of request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 84 Log Switch
Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 84,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1002_1532419775357_240",
"logn": "SCRIPTLOG",
"vars": 100
Response body syntax
"func": 84,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1002_1532419775357_240",
"errc": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 84 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
vars | Variable for maximum of log lines can be reported |
Response | |
func | Function code 84 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
Function 93 Read Attribute
Resource Path: /api/v1/funcno93
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
HTTP API or Websockets or MQTT Communication
Request body syntax
"func": 93,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"srcn": "object1",
"attn": "data1"
Response body syntax
"func": 93,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532421778827_1",
"erroc": 0,
"tele": [
"objn": "object1",
"tstp": 1643177359,
"data1": 0
Request | |
func | Function code 93 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied to the response message |
srcn | Object Name with prefix and suffix |
Response | |
func | Function code 93 |
wtrm | A water mark that copied from the request message |
errc | Error code |
tele | Telemetry Array |
objn | Object Name |
tstp | TimeStamp |
File Update HTTP API only
Resource Path: /api/v1/{NAME}
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Authorization: Bearer <token>
NAME | Description |
license | neuron license file |
logo | neuron dashboard logo file |
HTTP status code | Description |
200 | Successful operation |
400 | Invalid Operation |
Error Response
The above gateway responses are assumed the request function are successfully handled. In case of failure to process the request, the gateway will return the following error message to the response topic.
Error response body syntax
"func": 14,
"wtrm": "DEMO-Neuron-1001_1532419203896_239",
"errc": 1001,
"emsg": " Statement expected for this row "
Response Compiler Error | |
func | Function code |
wtrm | A string that copied from the request message |
errc | Compiler error code |
emsg | Error code Error text 0 , "No Error" 2 , "Function no has not found!" 3 , "Missing JSON item" 4 , "Invalid JSON structure" 10 , "Object locked" 11 , "Object not found" 12 , "Attribute locked" 13 , "Attribute not found" 14 , "Object number invalid" 15 , "Modification not allowed" 16 , "Attribute type invalid" 20 , "Operation not allowed" 21 , "Wrong password" 22 , "Wrong user name" 23 , "Not super user account" 24 , "System function error" 25 , "User not found" 26 , "Time out" 27 , "Default level" 28 , "Wrong number of levels" 29 , "User already exist" 30 , "Too many users" 40 , "Alarm not found" 41 , "Report empty" 42 , "Data format error" 43 , "Wrong revision" 44 , "Need rebuild file" 50 , "Too many global variables" 51 , "Global variable name length exceed" 52 , "Duplicated Global variables found" 53 , "Subroutine number not found" 54 , "Subroutine already exist" 55 , "No disk space for subroutine" 56 , "Search program number error" 57 , "No search string" 70 , "Wrong status change request" 71 , "Wrong gateway control request" 72 , "Wrong key" 73 , "Function not allowed in SEMI mode" 80 , "Attribute read only" 81 , "Object name error" 82 , "Data range error" 502 , "Too many channels" 503 , "Channel driver length size exceed maximum" 504 , "Channel driver invalid" 505 , "Channel driver type invalid" 506 , "Too many dummy variables" 507 , "Hostname length exceed maximum" 508 , "Port number is invalid" 509 , "Device file length too long" 510 , "Baud rate number is invalid" 511 , "Data bit invalid" 512 , "Stop bit invalid" 513 , "Parity bit invalid" 514 , "Too many objects" 515 , "Object ID length exceed maximum" 516 , "Object name length exceed maximum" 517 , "Duplicated object ID found" 518 , "Duplicated object name found" 519 , "Object size incorrect" 520 , "Update time incorrect" 521 , "Logging time incorrect" 522 , "Object status invalid" 523 , "Too many attributes" 524 , "Attribute status invalid" 525 , "Attribute type incorrect" 526 , "Attribute ID length exceed maximum" 527 , "Attribute name length exceed maximum" 528 , "Duplicated attribute ID found" 529 , "Duplicated attribute name found" 530 , "Decimal value invalid" 531 , "Attribute R/W length exceed maximum" 532 , "Attribute object number is not match" 533 , "Attribute object index is not match" 534 , "Prefix length exceed maximum" 535 , "Suffix length exceed maximum" 536 , "Prefix and Suffix string empty" 537 , "Tag address length exceed maximum" 538 , "Tag address invalid" 539 , "Tag address delimiter invalid" 540 , "Dummy sign invalid" 541 , "Tag address overlap" 542 , "Tag RW direction invalid" 543 , "Tag attribute is not match" 544 , "Tag bit type is not match" 545 , "Tag bit type error" 546 , "Tag ix exceed limit" 547 , "Tag array member invalid" 548 , "Alarm object name length exceed" 549 , "Alarm attribute name length exceed" 550 , "Alarm subroutine number not found" 551 , "Alarm category not found" 552 , "Alarm attribute not match" 553 , "Alarm ID not found" 554 , "Alarm type not found" 555 , "Alarm object name not found" 556 , "Tag name length exceed maximum" 557 , "Tag name invalid" 558 , "Duplicated tag name found" 559 , "Attribute tag length exceed" 560 , "Attribute tag not found" 561 , "Attribute tag index invalid" 562 , "Tag array invalid" 563 , "Tag type invalid" 564 , "Tag R/W direction invalid" 1001, "Statement expected for this row" 1002, "Statement does not exist" 1003, "INIT follows a normal statement (except REM, INIT)" 1004, "THEN expected after test statement" 1005, "Unexpected THEN, not a test above" 1006, "Unexpected ELIF/ELSE, not a THEN above" 1007, "Unknown statement" 1008, "GOTO undefined position (POSxxx)" 1009, "Error in POSxxx statement" 1010, "FATAL! Cannot solve all jump instruction" 2001, "Too many local variables in one file" 2002, "Syntax error in INIT (only assign local vars)" 2003, "INIT: assign (=) expected" 2004, "INIT: assign value expected" 2005, "INIT: expression delimiter (;) expected" 2006, "Syntax error in token" 2007, "Too long local variable name" 2008, "Syntax error in local variable" 2009, "Syntax error in constant" 2010, "Too long DB variable name" 2011, "Syntax error in [..] construction" 2012, "Syntax error in DB variable" 2013, "Syntax error in object variable" 2014, "Illegal label number" 2015, "Illegal subroutine number" 2016, "Too long global variable name" 2017, "Syntax error in global variable" 2018, "Syntax error in [index] construction" 2019, "Too long [index] name" 2020, "Syntax error in GOTO POSxxx instruction" 2021, "Syntax error in CALL SRxxx instruction" 2023, "Declaring a control variable" 2024, "Declaring too many local variables" 2025, "Local variable not declared/not a control variable" 2029, "Too long object name" 2030, "Too long field name" 2101, "Not an executable instruction/variable" 2102, "; expected after instruction" 2103, "No statement should follow RETURN/GOTO" 2104, "= expected after variable for assign" 2105, "; not allowed in test or inside parenthesis" 2106, "Instruction not allowed in test or inside parenthesis" 2107, "Operand expected" 2108, "Instruction should be first token in expression" 2109, "Operand/expression not expected" 2110, "Assign not allowed after test" 2111, "Assign variable is read-only" 2112, ") unexpected" 2113, "Object variable does not exist" 2114, "Index of Object variable not inside array" 2115, "Tag variable does not exist" 2116, "Index of Tag variable not inside array" 2117, "Unary used twice on same operand" 2118, "Unrecognized operator" 2119, "Application part for station does not exist" 2120, "Global variable does not exist" 2121, "Index of global variable not inside array" 2122, ", expected after variable declaration" 2123, "Index must be used on variable array" 2124, "Index cannot be used on single variable" 2125, "Operator is not allowed in double calculation" 2132, "Local variable as index is not used before" 2201, "Expression not completed" 2202, "Expression ended before resolving last parenthesis" 2300, "Global variable name too long" 2301, "Global variable name have capital letter" 2302, "Global variable length too large < 1000" 2303, "Global variable comment too long" |