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Script Instructions

Following instructions can be used in expressions.

RETURNThis instruction returns from the Neuron program to its calling program. The following part of this program is not executed. RETURN must be the last instruction in an expression.
GOTO POSxxxThis instruction continues the execution from the statement that contain the declaration of the label xxx (1-999). GOTO POSxxx must be the last instruction in an expression.
CALL SRxxxThis instruction calls the subroutine xxx (1-999) and executes the program in that subroutine. After completed the program in the subroutine, or executed a RETURN instruction, the execution continues with the instruction / statement that follows the CALL SRxxx.
AUTOThis instruction is to change machine mode from manual mode or service mode to auto mode. Then, it runs auto routine.
MANUThis instruction is to change machine mode from auto mode or service mode to manual mode. Then, it runs manu routine.
SERVThis instruction is to change machine mode from auto mode or manu mode to service mode. Then, it runs manu routine.