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Configuration Setup

These functions are used to setup the protocol communication details in terms of channel, object, attributes and tag address for data exchange with machine. Events and alarms are also defined in configuration for advance functions.

Object Setup

Select the object settings option under the configuration menu. This option contains settings for protocol communication details in terms of channels, objects, attributes, and tag addresses.

Channel Setup

Select "New Driver" button on the page, there are two kinds of channels, hardware communication channel and cloud platform communication channel, as shown in the figure.

Driver communication are used to setup the details for hardware device or PLC communication. Cloud communication are used to setup the communication with cloud platform. MQTT is the only selection at the moment. However, both channels have its own specific communication parameters in a list box.

For driver communication, there are two types communication driver.

Ethernet driverIP address/hostname and port number.
Serial driverDevice file location, baud rate, data bit, stop bit and parity bit.

Here are some notes on the specific parameters of the northbound protocol.

TOPPICHEADERMQTT Subscribe to the topic prefix nameAlphabet、Number、-、/,No more than 20 characters in length
USERNAMEMQTT UsernameNONE,No more than 14 characters in length
PASSWORDMQTT PasswordNONE,No more than 20 characters in length
CLIENTIDUUIDAlphabet start,Alphabet,number,-,Length 36
TOPICMQTT Subscribe to the themeAlphabet,number,-, /,No more than 20 characters in length
CERTIFICATECertificate file path/ start,Alphabet、number、/,No more than 254 characters in length
KEYFILEKey file path/ start,Alphabet、number、/,No more than 254 characters in length

Here are some notes on the specific parameters of the southbound driver.

DLYCSCLOSE=5Wait time for creating a serial connection, in ms0-max(int),No more than 65535
TIMEOUT=20Timeout time for connecting to the serial port,in ms0-max(int),No more than 65535
SRC_ABKGSource address0,8
PROC3964RBlock check character0,1
BYTEORDER=1endian,four cases:0 -> BE4321,1 -> BE3412,2 -> LE1234,3 -> LE21430,1,2,3
DLYCRESOCKAFTCLOSE=50Create network port connection wait time,in ms0-max(int),No more than 65535
TORECEIVETCP=0Receive data timeout time,in ms0-max(int),No more than 65535
NAPTIMEREAD=10Wait time before read data,in ms0-max(int),No more than 65535
NAPTIMEWRITE=10Wait time before writing data,in ms0-max(int),No more than 65535
S7P_SRCTSAPSource slot numberNumber of hexadecimal digits
S7P_DSTTSAPDestination slot numberNumber of hexadecimal digits
USERNAMEUser name(opc)Character length not to exceed 254
PASSWORDPassword(opc)Character length not to exceed 254
CERTIFICATECertificate pathCharacter length not to exceed 254
KEYFILEKey PathCharacter length not to exceed 254
ADDRSUFFIXNODEIDCharacter length not to exceed 254

Object Setup Details

After finishing the setup of Channel, start to setup object details.

To add an object to the list, press the "Create" button on the right. An object settings dialog will appear.

NameThis is the name of the object. (30 characters)
SizeThis is the number of objects that share the same attributes and characteristics.
TimeThis is time interval of data transmission rate. (in second)
Log TimeThis is time interval of data logging on the disk. (in second)
TimestampA flag that whether transfer timestamp with data. (Y/N)

After finishing the object setup, the following figure shows.

Attribute/Tag Setup

After finishing the object settings, press the "Properties" button to enter the property settings. Press the "Create" button and an input dialog box for property settings will be displayed, as shown in the following figure. You can set the name, property type and details, and click Submit to complete the settings. You can also modify them by using the "Edit" button. After modifying, press "Submit" to save the changes.

NameThis is the name of the attributes.
TypeThis is data type of the attributes. It includes
word – 2 bytes integer
uword – 2 bytes unsigned integer
dword – 4 bytes integer
udword – 4 bytes unsigned integer
bit – Boolean (Y/N)
datetime – Unix timestamp value
float – IEEE floating value
double – IEEE double floating value
DecimalThis is a decimal point for data type for word, uword, dword, udword only. Other data type will display '-'.
RWRead/Write direction for PLC, this represents the direction of read or write, or both read/write for PLC
RtimeThis is read polling time interval for PLC when RW is read or

The following figure is shown after the setup is completed.

Then follow the prompts to set the address. After clicking the "Address" button, a dialog box will be prompted. Set the hardware address in this dialog box. Please refer to the address setting documentation for details of the address string for each driver. If no address is specified or if it is a dummy address, use "-" to indicate that '-' will be displayed in the field.

Alarm/Event Message Setup

Select the "Event Settings" option under the configuration menu for alarm/event settings.Some object attribute values can be setup to trigger an alarm or event by checking up its condition or comparing its own value with other preset values.

Object1This is first object of the message.
Attribute1This is first attribute of the message.
TypeThis is the operation type of message. It indicates whether bit operation, value operation, or text operation of an alarm.
Object2This is second object of the message.
Attribute2This is second attribute of the message.
CatThis column is to distinguish the level of importance of each alarm such as, alarm, warning, event, log, command, etc.
SubIf the field has Tag type, it would store the subroutine number of being called when there is a change to this tag in running mode.

Configuration Overview

The configuration overview page is only for overall configuration checking.

Save New Configuration

After finishing the configuration setup, press the "Send" button to transfer the configuration settings the Neuron system would check up. If it passes the checkup, it would restarts the system to initiate the new configuration. The web interface would be forcibly to logout once system restarts.