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Quick Start with MQTT File Transfer

This page provides a step-by-step guide to quickly get started with the File Transfer over MQTT feature in EMQX. It covers two scenarios: using a local disk and using S3 buckets for file storage. Follow the instructions below to set up the necessary configurations, upload files, and access them using the provided APIs.

Upload a File and Store It on Local Disk

  1. Enable the file transfer feature by setting the following configuration in the EMQX configuration file etc/emqx.conf:

    file_transfer {
       enable = true

    This configuration uses local disk storage for the uploaded fragment files, and the fragment files will not be merged after the transfer is completed.

  2. Start EMQX by executing the following command:

    ./bin/emqx start
  3. Run the following command to download the file transfer example program emqx-ft, and set up the test client environment:

    git clone
    cd emqx-ft
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip install .
  4. Upload a file by using the emqx-ft command-line tool to run the following command:

    emqx-ft --file test-file.txt \
       --file-id file-id-1 --segment-size 10 \
       --client-id client-1 \
       --file-name uploaded-test-file.txt

    Here are the parameter descriptions of the command:

    --fileThe path of the file to be uploaded.
    --file-idThe unique identifier for the file being uploaded.
    --segment-sizeThe segment size of the file, in bytes. This parameter is used to divide a large file into smaller segments for uploading.
    --client-idThe client ID, used to identify the client performing the file upload operation.
    --file-nameThe name of the file after uploading.
  5. Manually list the uploaded files by using the following command to navigate to the file storage directory.

    $ tree /var/lib/emqx/file_transfer/exports
    ├── 8E
       └── B5
           └── 7023DA998C12F0B2A6CA586027E48BEC6271
               └── client-1
                   └── file-id-1
                       ├── uploaded-test-file.txt
                       └── uploaded-test-file.txt.MANIFEST.json
    └── tmp
  6. Retrieve a list of uploaded files through the HTTP API by running the following command.

    The response contains details about the uploaded file, including its name, size, and timestamp.

    $ curl -u '...' -s '' | jq
      "files": [
          "clientid": "client-1",
          "fileid": "file-id-1",
          "metadata": {
            "checksum": "8CFE0BE8A1A5C9BF0F019ABAA8AEEA5D1E26251A0B000883C8875C99A5CFF2F8",
            "name": "uploaded-test-file.txt",
            "size": 168
          "name": "uploaded-test-file.txt",
          "size": 168,
          "timestamp": "2023-06-13T00:43:25+02:00",
          "uri": "/api/v5/file_transfer/file?node=emqx%40127.0.0.1&fileref=8E%2FB5%2F7023DA998C12F0B2A6CA586027E48BEC6271%2Fclient-1%2Ffile-id-1%2Fuploaded-test-file.txt"
  7. Download the file through the provided API endpoint by using the following command.

    The downloaded file will be retrieved from EMQX.

    curl -u '...' -s ''

Upload a File and Store It on S3 Buckets

The file transfer allows exporting uploaded files to an S3-compatible object storage system, such as Amazon S3 and Mino. In the case of using S3 buckets, EMQX only stores the file transfer list, not the files themselves.


Before you start, you need to ensure that s3cmd is installed and configured correctly. You can refer to Official s3cmd repo) for more information.

  1. Enable the file transfer feature in the EMQX configuration file etc/emqx.conf and configure the S3 bucket:

    file_transfer {
       # Enable file transfer feature
       enable = true
       # Enable file export to s3 bucket
       storage.local.exporter.s3 {
          enable = true
          host = ""
          port = 443
          # Credentials for accessing S3
          access_key_id = "AKIA27EZDDM9XLINWXFE"
          secret_access_key = "******"
          # Bucket for exporting files
          bucket = "my-bucket"
          # Settings for the underlying HTTP(S) connection with S3, allowing secure file upload and connection pool management.
          transport_options {
             ssl.enable = true
             connect_timeout = 15s
  2. Start EMQX by executing the following command:

    ./bin/emqx start
  3. Run the following command to download the file transfer example program emqx-ft, and set up the test client environment:

    git clone
    cd emqx-ft
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip install .
  4. Upload a file by using the emqx-ft command-line tool to run the following command:

    emqx-ft --file test-file.txt \
       --file-id file-id-1 --segment-size 10 \
       --client-id client-1 \
       --file-name uploaded-test-file.txt

    Here are the parameter descriptions of the command:

    --fileThe path of the file to be uploaded.
    --file-idThe unique identifier for the file being uploaded.
    --segment-sizeThe segment size of the file, in bytes. This parameter is used to divide a large file into smaller segments for uploading.
    --client-idThe client ID, used to identify the client performing the file upload operation.
    --file-nameThe name of the file after uploading.
  5. Manually list the uploaded files by using the S3 command-line tool to run the following command:


    Make sure that s3cmd is installed and configured correctly. You can refer to Official s3cmd repo) for more information.

    $ s3cmd ls -r s3://YOURBUCKET/
    2023-06-12 22:58          168  s3://YOURBUCKET/client-1/file-id-1/uploaded-test-file.txt

    The output will display the uploaded file in the specified S3 bucket.

  6. Retrieve a list of uploaded files through the HTTP API by using the following command:

    $ curl -u '...' -s '' | jq
      "files": [
          "clientid": "client-1",
          "fileid": "file-id-1",
          "name": "uploaded-test-file.txt",
          "size": 168,
          "timestamp": "2023-06-13T00:58:53+02:00",
          "uri": ""
  7. Download the file directly from the S3 storage through the provided URI by using the following command.


    In the S3 Exporter scenario, the download link provided does not lead to EMQX but directly to the S3 storage, so the file is not stored locally on EMQX.

    $ curl ""