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This is to configure the license for EMQX.

license {
  key  =  "MjIwMTExCjAKMTAKRXZhbHVhdGlvbgpjb250YWN0QGVtcXguaW8KZGVmYXVsdAoyMDIzMDEwOQoxODI1CjEwMAo=.MEUCIG62t8W15g05f1cKx3tA3YgJoR0dmyHOPCdbUxBGxgKKAiEAhHKh8dUwhU+OxNEaOn8mgRDtiT3R8RZooqy6dEsOmDI="
  connection_low_watermark  =  "60%"
  connection_high_watermark  =  "80%"


  • key is the field contains a license key encoded in base64 format.
  • connection_low_watermark is to set a threshold below which license connection quota usage alarms are deactivated; default: "75%"
  • connection_high_watermark is to set a threshold above which license connection quota usage alarms are activated; default: "80%"


To configure the license via Dashboard, click Update License in the lower left corner of the Dashboard homepage. Once you configured these items with the Dashboard, your settings will override the same configuration items in emqx.conf.

EMQX has offered more configuration items to better serve customized needs, you can continue to read Configuration Manual.