Running with Docker
Get the image
The neuron docker image can be downloaded from the docker hub website.docker hub
## pull Neuron
$ docker pull emqx/neuron:latest
To support the Alpine image with smaller occupation, please download it from the docker hub website.
## pull Neuron
$ docker pull emqx/neuron:2.3.0-alpine
The NeuronEX docker image can be downloaded from the docker hub website.docker hub
## pull NeuronEX
$ docker pull emqx/neuronex:latest
## run NeuronEX
$ docker run -d --name neuronex -p 7000:7000 --privileged=true -v /host/dir:/opt/neuron/persistence --device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyS0 --restart=always emqx/neuronex:latest
- tcp 7000: Used to access the web and http api port.
- --restart=always: Automatically restart the neuron container when the docker process is restarted.
- --privileged=true: Optional parameter for easy troubleshooting.
- --env DISABLE_AUTH=1: Optional parameter to turn off authentication.
- -v /host/dir:/opt/neuron/persistence: Used to store Neuron configuration information in docker to a local directory, e.g. /host/dir to /opt/neuron/persistence.
- --device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyS0: Used to map the serial port to docker. /dev/ttyUSB0 // Serial port device under Ubuntu; /dev/ttyS0 // Serial port device under Docker.
- --ulimit nofile=65535: The default value is 1024. When there are many connected devices, increase the value of this field, such as 65535.