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Use HTTP Service

EMQX supports using external HTTP service for password authentication. After enabling, when a client initiates a connect request, EMQX will use the received information to construct an HTTP request and determine whether to accept the request based on the query result, achieving a complex authentication logic.

HTTP Request and Response

The authentication process is similar to an HTTP API call where EMQX, as the requesting client, constructs and initiates a request to the HTTP service in the format required by the "API", and the HTTP service returns the result as required by the "client".

  • The response encoding format content-type must be application/json.
  • The authentication result is marked by result in the body, option value: allow, deny, ignore.
  • Superuser is marked by is_superuser in the body, option value: true, false.
  • The HTTP response status code Status Code should be 200 or 204, the 4xx/5xx status code returned will ignore the body and determine the result to be ignore and continue with the authentication chain.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Headers: Content-Type: application/json
    "result": "allow", // options: "allow" | "deny" | "ignore"
    "is_superuser": true // options: true | fals, default value: false

EMQX 4.x Compatibility Notes

In EMQX 4.x, only HTTP status code is used, but body is discarded, for example, 200 for allow and 403 for deny. Due to the lack of expressiveness, it has been redesigned to make use of HTTP body, and thus is not compatible with EMQX 5.0.

Configure with Dashboard

You can use EMQX Dashboard to finish the relevant configuration.

On EMQX Dashboard, click Access Control -> Authentication on the left navigation tree to enter the Authentication page. Click Create at the top right corner, then click to select Password-Based as Mechanism, and HTTP Server as Backend, this will lead us to the Configuration tab, as shown below.



  • Method: Select HTTP request method, optional values: get, post


    The POST method is recommended. When using the GET method, some sensitive information (such as plain text passwords) may be exposed via HTTP server logs. Also, for untrusted environments, please use HTTPS.

  • URL: Enter the URL address of the HTTP service.

  • Headers (optional): HTTP request header. You can add several headers.

Connection Configuration:

  • Pool size (optional): Input an integer value to define the number of concurrent connections from an EMQX node to an HTTP server. Default: 8.
  • Connect Timeout (optional): Specify the waiting period before EMQX assumes the connection is timed out. Units supported include milliseconds, second, minute, and hour.
  • HTTP Pipelining (optional): Input a positive integer to specify the maximum number of HTTP requests that can be sent without waiting for a response; default value: 100.
  • Request Timeout (optional): Specify the waiting period before EMQX assumes the request is timed out. Units supported include milliseconds, second, minute, and hour.

TLS Configuration: Turn on the toggle switch if you want to enable TLS. For more information on enabling TLS, see Network and TLS.

Authentication configuration:

  • Body: Request template; for POST requests, it is sent as a JSON in the request body; for GET requests, it is encoded as a Query String in the URL. Mapping keys and values support using placeholder.

Now we can click Create to finish the settings.

Configure with Configuration Items

You can configure the EMQX HTTP authenticator with EMQX configuration items.

Below are the HTTP POST and GET request examples:

    mechanism = password_based
    backend = http
    enable = true

    method = post
    url = "${clientid}"
    body {
        username = "${username}"
        password = "${password}"
    headers {
        "Content-Type" = "application/json"
        "X-Request-Source" = "EMQX"