Ingest Data into TimescaleDB
TimescaleDB (Timescale) is a database specifically designed for storing and analyzing time-series data. Its exceptional data throughput and reliable performance make it an ideal choice for the Internet of Things (IoT) domain, providing efficient and scalable data storage and analysis solutions for IoT applications.
EMQX Enterprise Edition features. EMQX Enterprise Edition provides comprehensive coverage of key business scenarios, rich data integration, product-level reliability, and 24/7 global technical support. Experience the benefits of this enterprise-ready MQTT messaging platform today.
- Knowledge about EMQX data integration rules
- Knowledge about data bridge
Quick Start Tutorial
This section introduces how to install Timescale and create a data table, create a rule and data bridge for forwarding data to Timescale, and test the rule and data bridge.
The instructions below assume that you run both EMQX and Timescale (if self-deployed) on the local machine. If you have Timescale and EMQX running remotely, adjust the settings accordingly.
Install Timescale and Create Data Table
EMQX supports integration with self-deployed TimescaleDB or Timescale Service on the cloud. You can use Timescale Service as a cloud service or deploy a TimescaleDB instance using Docker.
If you do not have a Timescale account, create an account by referring to Create your Timescale account.
Log in to Timescale portal and Create Timescale service. Save the password for your service.
Get the connection information from the service overview page. The fields required by EMQX include Database name, Host, Port, and Username.
Connect to service with
psql client
.bash# Connect to service by service URL psql "postgres://" # Use password in you saved in previous step Password for user tsdbadmin:
Create a table
to save the data in the message from the client.sqlCREATE TABLE sensor_data ( time TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL, location TEXT NOT NULL, temperature DOUBLE PRECISION NULL, humidity DOUBLE PRECISION NULL ); SELECT create_hypertable('sensor_data', 'time');
After the table is successfully created, you can view the information of the table sensor_data
under the Explorer tab in Services.
Create Rule and Data Bridge
Go to EMQX Dashboard and click Integration -> Rules from the left navigation menu.
Click + Create on the top right corner of the page.
Input a rule ID
. Input the following SQL rule in SQL Editor to save the MQTT message with the topict/#
to TimescaleDB:sqlSELECT payload.temp as temp, payload.humidity as humidity, payload.location as location FROM "t/#"
Click + Add Action. Select
Forwarding with Data Bridge
from the Action drop-down list. Click + beside the Data bridge dropdown to enter the Create Data Bridge pop-up page.Select
from the Type of Data Bridge drop-down list. Input a name for the data bridge. The name should be a combination of upper/lower case letters and numbers.Input the connection information according to how the TimescaleDB is deployed. If it is deployed using Docker, input
as Server Host,tsdb
as Database Name,postgres
as Username, andpublic
as Password.Configure the SQL Template using the following SQL statement for data inserting.
Note: This is a preprocessed SQL, so the fields should not be enclosed in quotation marks, and do not write a semicolon at the end of the statements.
sqlINSERT INTO sensor_data (time, location, temperature, humidity) VALUES (NOW(), ${location}, ${temp}, ${humidity})
Advanced settings (optional): Choose whether to use sync or async query mode as needed.
Click Add to finish the data bridge creation and return to the Add Actions page. Click + Add to add the Timescale data bridge to the rule action.
Click Create to finish the rule creation.
Now you have successfully created the data bridge to Timescale. You can click Integration -> Flows to view the topology. It can be seen that the messages under topic t/#
are sent and saved to Timescale after parsing by the rule my_rule
Test Data Bridge and Rule
Use MQTTX to send a message to topic t/1
and trigger an online/offline event at the same time:
mqttx pub -i emqx_c -t t/1 -m '{"temp":24,"humidity":30,"location":"hangzhou"}'
Check the running status of the data bridge, there should be one new Matched and one Sent Successfully message.
Verify the Timescale table sensor_data
. New records should be inserted:
tsdb=# select * from sensor_data;
time | location | temperature | humidity
2023-07-10 08:28:48.813988+00 | hangzhou | 24 | 30
2023-07-10 08:28:57.737768+00 | hangzhou | 24 | 30
2023-07-10 08:28:58.599537+00 | hangzhou | 24 | 30
(3 rows)