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Ingest Data into Cassandra

Cassandra is a popular open-source, distributed NoSQL database management system. EMQX's integration with Apache Cassandra provides the ability to store messages and events in Cassandra database.

The current implementation only supports Cassandra v3.x, not yet compatible with v4.x.


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Quick Start Tutorial

This section introduces how to configure a Cassandra data bridge, including how to set up a Cassandra server, configure a Cassandra data bridge to connect to the Cassandra server, and test the data bridge and rule.

This tutorial assumes that you run both EMQX and Cassandra on the local machine. If you have Cassandra and EMQX running remotely, adjust the settings accordingly.

Install Cassandra Server

Start the simple Cassandra service via docker:

docker run --name cassa --rm -p 9042:9042 cassandra:3.11.14

Create Keyspace and Table

You need to create keyspace and tables before you create the data bridge for Cassandra.

  1. Create a Keyspace named mqtt:
docker exec -it cassa cqlsh "-e CREATE KEYSPACE mqtt WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1}"
  1. Create a table in Cassandra: mqtt_msg:
docker exec -it cassa cqlsh "-e \
    CREATE TABLE mqtt.mqtt_msg( \
        msgid text, \
        topic text, \
        qos int,    \
        payload text, \
        arrived timestamp, \
        PRIMARY KEY(msgid, topic));"

Create Cassandra Data Bridge

  1. Go to EMQX Dashboard, and click Integration -> Data Bridge.

  2. Click Create on the top right corner of the page.

  3. In the Create Data Bridge page, click to select Cassandra, and then click Next.

  4. Input a name for the data bridge. The name should be a combination of upper/lower case letters and numbers.

  5. Input the connection information. Input for the Servers, mqtt as the Keyspace, and leave others as default.

  6. Configure the CQL template to save topic, id, clientid, qos, palyload and timestamp to Cassandra. This template will be executed via Cassandra Query Language, and the sample code is as follows:

    insert into mqtt_msg(msgid, topic, qos, payload, arrived) values (${id}, ${topic}, ${qos}, ${payload}, ${timestamp})
  7. Advanced settings (optional): Choose whether to use sync or async query mode as needed. For details, see Integration.

  8. Before clicking Create, you can click Test Connectivity to test that the bridge can connect to the Cassandra server.

  9. Click Create to finish the creation of the data bridge.

    A confirmation dialog will appear and ask if you like to create a rule using this data bridge, you can click Create Rule to continue creating rules to specify the data to be saved into Cassandra. You can also create rules by following the steps in Create Rules for Cassandra Data Bridge.

Now the Cassandra data bridge should appear in the data bridge list (Integration -> Data Bridge) with Resource Status as Connected.

Create a Rule for Cassandra Data Bridge

Now that you have successfully created the data bridge, you can continue to create rules to specify the data to be stored in Cassandra.

  1. Go to EMQX Dashboard, and click Integration -> Rules.

  2. Click Create on the top right corner of the page.

  3. Input my_rule as the rule ID, and set the rules in the SQL Editor. Suppose you want to forward the MQTT messages under topic t/# to Cassandra, you can use the SQL syntax below.

    Note: If you want to specify your own SQL syntax, make sure that you have included all fields required by the data bridge in the SELECT part.

  4. Click the Add Action button, select Forwarding with Data Bridge from the dropdown list, and then select the data bridge you just created under Data Bridge. Click the Add button.

  5. Click the Create button to finish the setup.

After creating the data bridge to Cassandra. You can click Integration -> Flows to view the topology. It can be seen that the messages under topic t/# are sent and saved to Cassandra after parsing by rule my_rule.

Test Data Bridge and Rule

Use MQTTX to send messages to topic t/1:

mqttx pub -i emqx_c -t t/1 -m '{ "msg": "Hello Cassandra" }'

Check the running status of the rule and bridge, the statistical count here should increase somewhat.

Check whether messages are stored into Cassandra with the following command:

docker exec -it cassa cqlsh "-e SELECT * FROM mqtt.mqtt_msg;"