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Ingest Data into Apache IoTDB

Apache IoTDB is a high-performance and scalable time series database that is designed to handle massive amounts of time series data generated by various IoT devices and systems. By ingesting data into Apache IoTDB through the data bridge, you can forward data from other systems to Apache IoTDB for storage and analysis.

EMQX supports data integration with Apache IoTDB, allowing you to forward time series data to Apache IoTDB using their REST API V2.


The Apache IoTDB bridge is an EMQX Enterprise Edition feature. EMQX Enterprise Edition provides comprehensive coverage of key business scenarios, rich data integration, product-level reliability, and 24/7 global technical support. Experience the benefits of this enterprise-ready MQTT messaging platform today. ::: {% endemqxce %}


  • Knowledge about EMQX data integration rules

  • Knowledge about data bridges

  • Basic knowledge of UNIX terminal and commands

Feature List

Quick Start Tutorial

This section introduces how to use the Apache IoTDB data bridge with a practical tutorial, covering topics like creating an Apache IoTDB instance, creating a data bridge, setting up a rule for forwarding data to the data bridge, and testing the data bridge and rule.

This tutorial assumes that you have an IoTDB instance running on the local machine. If you have Apache IoTDB running remotely, please adjust the settings accordingly.

Start an Apache IoTDB Server

This section introduces how to start an Apache IoTDB server using Docker. Make sure to have enable_rest_service=true in your IoTDB's configuration.

Run the following command to start an Apache IoTDB server with its REST interface enabled:

docker run -d --name iotdb-service \
              --hostname iotdb-service \
              -p 6667:6667 \
              -p 18080:18080 \
              -e enable_rest_service=true \
              -e cn_internal_address=iotdb-service \
              -e cn_target_config_node_list=iotdb-service:10710 \
              -e cn_internal_port=10710 \
              -e cn_consensus_port=10720 \
              -e dn_rpc_address=iotdb-service \
              -e dn_internal_address=iotdb-service \
              -e dn_target_config_node_list=iotdb-service:10710 \
              -e dn_mpp_data_exchange_port=10740 \
              -e dn_schema_region_consensus_port=10750 \
              -e dn_data_region_consensus_port=10760 \
              -e dn_rpc_port=6667 \

You can find more information about running IoTDB in Docker on Docker Hub.

Create an Apache IoTDB Data Bridge

This section introduces how to create an EMQX data bridge to Apache IoTDB through Dashboard.

  1. Go to the Dashboard, and click Integration -> Data Bridge from the left navigation menu.

  2. Click Create on the top right corner of the page.

  3. In the Create Data Bridge page, click to select Apache IoTDB, and then click Next.

  4. Input a name for the data bridge. The name should be a combination of upper/lower case letters and numbers.

  5. Input the connection information:

    • Base URL: Input http://localhost:18080, or the actual hostname/IP if the IoTDB server is running remotely.

    • Username: Input the IoTDB username; The default value is root.

    • Password: Input the IoTDB password; The default value is root.

    • Device ID (optional): A fixed device id used as the name of the device from which the timeseries data is forwarded and inserted into the IoTDB instance.


      When left empty, the device id can also be specified in the publishing message, configured in the rule, or extracted from the topic to which these messages are being sent by converting '/' into '.'. For example, publishing a message to root/sg27 will result in sending a device name of root.sg27. However, the fixed device id configured in this field takes precedence over any methods mentioned previously.

  6. Advanced settings (optional): Choose whether to use sync or async query mode as needed.

  7. Before clicking Create, you can click Test Connectivity to test that the bridge can connect to the Apache IoTDB server.

  8. Click Create to finish the creation of the data bridge.

    A confirmation dialog will appear and ask if you like to create a rule using this data bridge, you can click Create Rule to continue creating rules to specify the data to be saved into Apache IoTDB. For detailed steps, refer to Create Rules for Apache IoTDB Data Bridge.

Now the Apache IoTDB data bridge should appear in the data bridge list (Integration -> Data Bridge) with Resource Status as Connected.

Create a Rule for Apache IoTDB Data Bridge

You can continue to create a rule to forward data to the new Apache IoTDB bridge.

  1. Go to the EMQX Dashboard, and click Integration -> Rules.

  2. Click Create on the top right corner of the page.

  3. Input a rule ID, for example, my_rule.

  4. Input the following statement in the SQL editor, which will forward the MQTT messages matching the topic pattern root/#:


    If you need to specify your own rule, you need to include the required contextual information in the MQTT message in the SELECT part of the rule. For example, the client is sending a message with the payload in JSON format as follows:

      "measurement": "temp",
      "data_type": "FLOAT",
      "value": "32.67",
      "device_id": "root.sg27" // optional

    You can use the following rule to present the fields measurement, data_type and value.

      payload.measurement, payload.data_type, payload.value, clientid as payload.device_id

    If the payload is structured differently, you can use the rule to rewrite its structure like the following:

      payload.measurement, payload.dtype as payload.data_type, payload.val as payload.value
  5. Click the Add Action button, select Forwarding with Data Bridge from the dropdown list, and then select the data bridge you just created under Data Bridge.


    You can skip this step and the next step if you chose Create Rule when creating the bridge itself, it will be pre-configured in that case.

  6. Click the Add button to finish the setup.

  7. Click the Create button at the bottom of the page to finish the setup.

Now a rule to forward data to Apache IoTDB via the data bridge is created. You can click Integration -> Flows to view the topology. It can be seen that the messages under the topic root/# are sent and saved to Apache IoTDB.

Test the Data Bridge and Rule

You can use the built-in WebSocket client in the EMQX dashboard to test your rule and bridge.

  1. Click Diagnose -> WebSocket Client in the left navigation menu of the Dashboard.

  2. Fill in the connection information for the current EMQX instance.

    • If you run EMQX locally, you can use the default value.
    • If you have changed EMQX's default configuration. For example, the configuration change on authentication can require you to type in a username and password.
  3. Click Connect to connect the client to the EMQX instance.

  4. Scroll down to the publish area. Specify the device id in the message and type the following:

    • Topic: root/test

    • Payload:

        "measurement": "temp",
        "data_type": "FLOAT",
        "value": "37.6",
        "device_id": "root.sg27"
    • QoS: 2

  5. Click Publish to send the message.

  6. Publish another message with the device id specified in the topic:

    • Topic: root/sg27

    • Payload:

        "measurement": "temp",
        "data_type": "FLOAT",
        "value": "37.6"
    • QoS: 2


    If your topic does not start with root it will automatically be prefixed. For example, if you publish the message to test/sg27 the resulting device name will be root.test.sg27. Make sure your rule and topic are configured correctly, so it forwards messages from that topic to the bridge.

  7. Click Publish to send the message.

    If the data bridge and rule are successfully created, the messages should have been published to the specified time series table in the Apache IoTDB server.

  8. Check the messages by using IoTDB's command line interface. If you're using it from docker as shown above, you can connect to the server by using the following command from your terminal:

        $ docker exec -ti iotdb-service /iotdb/sbin/ -h iotdb-service
  9. In the console, continue to type the following:

    IoTDB> select * from root.sg27

    You should see the data printed as follows:

    |                    Time|root.sg27.temp|
    |2023-05-05T14:26:44.743Z|          37.6|
    |2023-05-05T14:27:44.743Z|          36.6|