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Integrate with Redis

This authorizer implements authorization checks by matching publish/subscription requests against lists of rules stored in the Redis database.


Knowledge about basic EMQX authorization concepts

Data Schema and Query Statement

Users need to provide a query template that returns the following data:

  • topic: Specifies the topic that the rule applies to, which can use topic filters and topic placeholders.
  • action: Specifies the actions that the rule applies to, available options are publish, subscribe, and all.
  • qos (Optional) Specifies the QoS levels that the current rule applies to. Value options are 0, 1, 2. It can also be a number array to specify multiple QoS levels. The default is all QoS levels.
  • retain: (Optional) Specifies whether the rule supports retained messages. Value options are true, false. The default is to allow retained messages.

::: The qos and retain fields were introduced in EMQX v5.1.1. :::

For example, rules can be stored as Redis hashes.

Adding permission data for user emqx_u to subscribe to topic t/1:

HSET mqtt_acl:emqx_u t/1 subscribe

Due to Redis structure limitations, when using the qos and retain fields, the field other than topic needs to be placed in a JSON string, for example:

  • Adding permission data for user emqx_u to subscribe to topic t/2 with QoS 1 and QoS 2:
HSET mqtt_acl:emqx_u t/2 '{ "action": "subscribe", "qos": [1, 2] }'
  • Adding permission data to deny user emqx_u from publishing retained messages to t/3:
HSET mqtt_acl:emqx_u t/3 '{ "action": "publish", "retain": false }'

The corresponding config parameters are:

cmd = "HGETALL mqtt_acl:${username}"

Fetched rules are used as permissive ones, i.e., a request is accepted if the topic filter and action match.


All rules added in Redis Authorizer are allow rules, which means Redis Authorizer needs to be used in whitelist mode.

Configure with Dashboard

You can use EMQX Dashboard to configure how to use Redis for user authorization.

  1. On EMQX Dashboard, click Access Control -> Authorization on the left navigation tree to enter the Authorization page.

  2. Click Create at the top right corner, then click to select Redis as Backend. Click Next. The Configuration tab is shown as below.

  3. Follow the instructions below to do the configuration.

    Connect: Fill in the information needed to connect Redis.

    • Redis Mode: Select how Redis is deployed, including Single, Sentinel and Cluster.
    • Server: Specify the server address that EMQX is to connect (host:port).
    • Database: Redis database name.
    • Password (optional): Specify user password.

    TLS Configuration: Turn on the toggle switch if you want to enable TLS.

    Connection Configuration: Set the concurrent connections and waiting time before a connection is timed out.

    • Pool size (optional): Input an integer value to define the number of concurrent connections from an EMQX node to Redis. Default: 8.

    Authorization configuration: Fill in the authorization-related settings:

    • CMD: Fill in the query command according to the data schema.
  4. Click Create to finish the settings.

Configure with Configuration Items

You can configure the EMQX Redis authorizer with EMQX configuration items.

The Redis authorizer is identified by type redis. The authorizer supports connecting to Redis running in 3 types of deployment modes.

Sample configuration:

    type = redis
    enable = true

    redis_type = single
    server = ""

    cmd = "HGETALL mqtt_user:${username}"
    database = 1
    password = public
    server = ""
