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Bridge Data into MQTT Broker

The MQTT data bridge is a channel for EMQX to communicate with other MQTT services, including EMQX clusters that use the MQTT protocol. This page introduces how the MQTT data bridge works in EMQX and provides a quick start tutorial on how to create an MQTT data bridge in EMQX Dashboard or using the configuration file.

MQTT Data Bridge Modes

EMQX supports the MQTT data bridge that works in two primary modes: ingress and egress. The following sections explain how each mode works. Also in this section, it introduces the concept of connection pools used in both modes.

Ingress Mode

In ingress mode, the local EMQX subscribes to the topics from the bridged remote MQTT brokers and distributes the received messages within the current cluster. Below is the message flow in ingress direction:


The MQTT data bridge can be used either alone or in conjunction with rules for more powerful and flexible data processing capabilities. In ingress direction, the data bridge can be used as the data source of the rule. The message flow for MQTT data bridge working with rules is as follows:


Egress Mode

In egress mode, the local EMQX forwards messages from the current cluster to the bridged remote MQTT brokers following the rule settings. And this is the message flow in egress direction:


Similar to the ingress mode, the MQTT data bridge can also be used in conjunction with rules. In egress direction, the data bridge can be used as the action of the rule:


Connection Pool

EMQX allows more than one client to connect to the bridged MQTT broker at the same time. When creating the data bridge, you can set a pool of MQTT client connections and configure the pool size indicating the number of the client connections in the pool. Enabling connection pool allows for efficient utilization of server resources, leading to greater message throughput.

Because the MQTT protocol requires that a client connecting to the broker must have its own unique Client ID, EMQX automatically generates the Client ID for each client in the connection pool following the pattern below:

${ClientIDPrefix}Prefix of the client ID as configured. If not set then whole first fragment is omitted.
${BridgeName}User-provided name of the bridge.
${Mode}Either ingress or egress.
${NodeName}Name of the node on which the MQTT client is running.
${N}Number from 1 to the configured size of the connection pool.

Use Connection Pool in Ingress Mode

Although the connection pool applies to both ingress and egress modes, using the connection pool in ingress mode should consider a few caveats. When you have EMQX cluster with more than 1 node, and configures an ingress MQTT bridge to subscribe non-shared topics from the remote broker, clients in the connection pool will receive duplicated messages if they all subscribe to the same topic. In that case, it will bring pressure to the brokers, so it is strongly advised to use shared subscription as a kind of safety measure. For example, you can configure the topic of the remote MQTT Broker to $share/name1/topic1 or $share/name2/topic2/# if topic filter is used. In non-shared subscription cases, the MQTT client connection pool will be downscaled to one client, which means only one client will be started.

Quick Start Tutorial

The following section will use EMQX public MQTT broker as an example to illustrate how to configure a data bridge between EMQX and this public MQTT broker.


Feature List

Create MQTT Data Bridge via Dashboard

  1. Go to EMQX Dashboard, and click Integration -> Data Bridge.

  2. Click Create in the top right corner of the page.

  3. In the Create Data Bridge page, click to select MQTT, and then click Next.

  4. Input a name for the data bridge. The name should be a combination of upper/lower case letters or numbers, for example, my_mqtt_bridge.

  5. Input the connection information. Input for MQTT Broker. As no authentication is required from the server side, you can leave the Username and Password blank. For the other fields in this section, you can keep the default value or set it as the actual condition.

  6. Set the data bridge rules with the Ingress or Egress field.


    You can choose to configure either the Ingress or Egress field or both fields, but at least one field should be set up. Turn on the toggle switch of the corresponding field to start the configuration.

    • Ingress (optional): Set the rules to forward the messages from remote MQTT brokers to local ones. In this example, you forward the messages from remote/topic/ingress to local/topic/ingress, so you first need to subscribe to the remote topic and then specify the local topics to receive the messages:

      • Remote MQTT Broker: Subscribe to the remote topics.

        • Topic: In cluster mode, you can use the shared subscription to avoid repeated messages, therefore you can fill in $share/g/remote/topic/ingress.
        • QoS: Select 0.
      • Local MQTT Broker: Forward the received messages to specific local topics or leave them blank, then these messages will first be processed by the configured rules and then forwarded with the republish action.

        • Topic: Input local/topic/ingress.
        • QoS: Select 0 or ${qos} (to use the QoS of the received messages).
        • Retain: Confirm whether the message will be published as a retained message.
        • Payload: Payload template for the messages to be forwarded, and supports reading data using ${field} syntax.
      • Connection Pool Size: Specifies the size of the pool of MQTT client connections to the local broker. In this example, you can set 8. This is safe as long as shared subscription is used for the remote topic.

    • Egress (optional): Set the rules to publish messages from specific local MQTT topics to remote MQTT brokers. In this example, you publish the messages from local/topic/egress to remote/topic/egress:

    • Local MQTT Broker: Specify the local message topics.

      • Topic: Input local/topic/egress.
    • Remote MQTT Broker: Specify the target topics on the remote broker.

      • Topic: Input remote/topic/egress.
      • QoS: Select 0 or ${qos} (to use the QoS of the received messages).
      • Retain: Confirm whether the message will be published as a retained message.
      • Payload: Payload template for the messages to be forwarded, and Supports reading data using ${field} syntax.
    • MQTT Client Pool Size: Specifies the size of the pool of MQTT client connections to the local broker. In this example, you can set 8.

  7. In Query mode field, you can configure whether to use sync/async mode and your buffer pool size as your business needs.

  8. Before clicking Create, you can click Test Connectivity to test that the bridge can connect to the MQTT broker.

  9. Click Create to finish the creation of the data bridge.

Create MQTT Data Bridge via Configuration File

EMQX also supports to use configuration file to create an MQTT data bridge, and an example is as follows:

bridges.mqtt.my_mqtt_bridge {
  enable = true
  server = ""
  username = "emqx_u"
  password = "public"
  proto_ver = "v4"
  clean_start = true
  keepalive = "60s"

  egress {
    local {topic = "local/topic/egress"}
    remote {
      payload = "${payload}"
      qos = 1
      retain = true
      topic = "remote/topic/egress"
    pool_size = 8
  ingress {
    local {
      topic = "$share/g/remote/topic/ingress"
      qos = 1
      payload = "${payload}"
    remote {qos = 1, topic = "local/topic/ingress"}
    pool_size = 8