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Ingest Data into ClickHouse

ClickHouse is a high-performance distributed database management system designed for processing large-scale data. It features excellent query performance, a flexible data model, and scalable distributed architecture, making it suitable for various data analytics scenarios.

EMQX supports integration with ClickHouse so you can save messages and events data to ClickHouse.


The ClickHouse bridge is an EMQX Enterprise Edition feature. EMQX Enterprise Edition provides comprehensive coverage of key business scenarios, rich data integration, product-level reliability, and 24/7 global technical support. Experience the benefits of this enterprise-ready MQTT messaging platform today.


  • Knowledge about EMQX data integration rules

  • Knowledge about data bridges

  • Basic knowledge of UNIX terminal and commands

Feature List

Quick Start Tutorial

This section introduces how to use the ClickHouse bridge with a practical tutorial, covering topics like how to create a ClickHouse server, how to set up a bridge, and how to set up a rule for forwarding data to the bridge and testing that it all works.

This tutorial assumes that you run both EMQX and ClickHouse on the local machine. If you have ClickHouse and EMQX running remotely, please adjust the settings accordingly.

Start a ClickHouse Server

This section introduces how to start a ClickHouse server using Docker.

  1. Create a file called init.sql with the following initialization SQL statements, which will help to initialize the database when the container starts up.

    cat >init.sql <<SQL_INIT
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mqtt_data.messages (
        data String,
        arrived UnixTimestamp
    ) ENGINE = MergeTree();
  2. Then, start a ClickHouse server using the following command, which defines the database name, port number, user name and password. And it will also mount the init.sql file in the current directory to the docker directory.

    docker run \
    --rm \
    -e CLICKHOUSE_DB=mqtt_data \
    -e CLICKHOUSE_USER=emqx \
    -p 18123:8123 \
    -p 19000:9000 \
    --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 \
    -v ./init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql \

You can find more information about running ClickHouse in docker on dockerhub.

Create a ClickHouse Data Bridge

Then you can start to create an EMQX data bridge to ClickHouse.

  1. Go to EMQX Dashboard, click Integration -> Data Bridge.

  2. Click Create on the top right corner of the page.

  3. In the Create Data Bridge page, click to select ClickHouse, and then click Next.

  4. Input a name for the data bridge. The name should be a combination of upper/lower case letters and numbers.

  5. Input the connection information:

    • Server URL: Input, or the actual URL if the ClickHouse server is running remotely.
    • Database Name: Input mqtt_data.
    • Username: Input emqx.
    • Password: Input public
  6. Batch Separator (optional): In this example, you can keep the default value ",". This setting only needs to be changed if you enable batching for the bridge and if you specify an alternative format with ClickHouse's FORMAT syntax.

  7. Insert the following text in the SQL Template text area (You can use Rule Engine to ensure that strings in the specified SQL statement are escaped so the SQL statement is not vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.):

    INSERT INTO messages(data, arrived) VALUES ('${data}', ${timestamp})

    The ${data} and ${timestamp} are placeholders for the data and timestamp of the message coming from the rule you will configure later. The placeholders will be replaced by the actual data before the message is sent to the ClickHouse server.

  8. Advanced settings (optional): Choose whether to use sync or async query mode etc, or batch mode. For details about these advanced features, see the general data bridge documentation.

  9. Before clicking Create, you can click Test Connection to test that the bridge can connect to the ClickHouse server.

  10. Then click Create to finish the creation of the data bridge.

Now the ClickHouse data bridge should appear in the data bridge list (Integration -> Data Bridge) with Resource Status as Connected. You can continue to create a rule to forward data to the new ClickHouse bridge.

Create a Rule for the ClickHouse Bridge

  1. Go to EMQX Dashboard, click Integration -> Rules.

  2. Click Create on the top right corner of the page.

  3. Input, for example, my_rule as the rule ID.

  4. Input the following statement in the SQL editor, which will forward the MQTT messages matching the topic pattern t/#.

      payload as data,
      now_timestamp() as timestamp
  5. Then click the Add Action button, select Forwarding with Data Bridge from the dropdown list and then select the data bridge you just created under Data bridge.

  6. Click the Add button to finish the setup.

  7. Click the Create button at the page bottom to finish the setup.

Now a rule to forward data to ClickHouse via a ClickHouse bridge is created. You can click Integration -> Flows to view the topology. It can be seen that the messages under topic t/# are sent and saved to ClickHouse.

Test the Rule and Bridge

You can use the built-in WebSocket client in the EMQX dashboard to test our rule and bridge.

Click Diagnose -> WebSocket Client in the left navigation menu of the Dashboard to access the WebSocket Client. Follow the steps below to set up a WebSocket client and send a message to the topic t/test:

  1. Fill in the connection information for the current EMQX instance. If you are running EMQX locally, you can use the default values unless you have changed EMQX's default configuration (for example, you might have configured authentication which may require you to type in a username and password).
  2. Click Connect to connect the client to the EMQX instance.
  3. Scroll down to the publish area and type in the following:
    • Topic: t/test
    • Payload: Hello World Clickhouse from EMQX
    • QoS: 2
  4. Click Publish to send the message.

If everything has gone according to the plan, an entry should have been inserted in the table messages in the database mqtt_data in the ClickHouse server. You can check this by running the following command from a terminal:

curl -u emqx:public -X POST -d "SELECT * FROM mqtt_data.messages" http://localhost:18123

If everything is working correctly the command above should print something like this (obviously, the timestamp will be different):

Hello World Clickhouse from EMQX        1679932005