EMQ X Broker provides HTTP APIs for integration with external systems, such as querying client information, publishing messages, and creating rules.
EMQ X Broker's HTTP API service listens on port 8081 by default. You can modify the listening port through the configuration file of etc/plugins/emqx_management.conf
, or enable HTTPS listening. All API calls start with api/v4
after EMQ X Broker 4.0.0.
Interface security
EMQ X Broker's HTTP API uses the method of Basic Authentication. The id
and password
must be filled with AppID and AppSecret respectively. The default AppID and AppSecret are: amdin/public
. You can modify and add AppID / AppSecret in the left menu bar of Dashboard by selecting "Manage"-> "Apps".
Response code
HTTP status codes
The EMQ X Broker interface always returns 200 OK when the call is successful, and the response content is returned in JSON format.
The possible status codes are as follows:
Status Code | Description |
200 | Succeed, and the returned JSON data will provide more information |
400 | Invalid client request, such as wrong request body or parameters |
401 | Client authentication failed , maybe because of invalid authentication credentials |
404 | The requested path cannot be found or the requested object does not exist |
500 | An internal error occurred while the server was processing the request |
result codes
The response message body of the EMQ X Broker interface is in JSON format, which always contains the returned code
The possible returned codes are as follows:
Return Code | Description |
0 | Succeed |
101 | RPC error |
102 | unknown mistake |
103 | wrong user name or password |
104 | Empty username or password |
105 | User does not exist |
106 | Administrator account cannot be deleted |
107 | Missing key request parameters |
108 | Request parameter error |
109 | Request parameters are not in legal JSON format |
110 | Plug-in is enabled |
111 | Plugin is closed |
112 | Client is offline |
113 | User already exists |
114 | Old password is wrong |
115 | Illegal subject |
API Endpoints
GET /api/v4
Return all Endpoints supported by EMQ X Broker.
Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array | Endpoints list |
- data[0].path | String | Endpoint |
- data[0].name | String | Endpoint name |
- data[0].method | String | HTTP Method |
- data[0].descr | String | Description |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4"
{"data":[{"path":"/auth_clientid","name":"list_clientid","method":"GET","descr":"List available clientid in the cluster"}, ...],"code":0}
Broker Basic Information
GET /api/v4/brokers/{node}
Return basic information of all nodes in the cluster.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
node | String | False | Node name, such as "emqx@ If not specified, returns all node information |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object/Array of Objects | Returns the information of the specified node when the parameter exists, otherwise, returns the information of all nodes |
data.datetime | String | Current time, in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD HH: mm: ss" |
data.node | String | Node name |
data.node_status | String | Node status |
data.otp_release | String | Erlang/OTP version used by EMQ X Broker |
data.sysdescr | String | Software description |
data.uptime | String | EMQ X Broker runtime, in the format of "H hours, m minutes, s seconds" |
data.version | String | EMQ X Broker version |
Get the basic information of all nodes:
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/brokers"
{"data":[{"version":"develop","uptime":"4 hours, 21 minutes, 19 seconds","sysdescr":"EMQ X Broker","otp_release":"R21/10.3.5","node_status":"Running","node":"emqx@","datetime":"2020-02-19 15:27:24"}],"code":0}
Get the basic information of node emqx@ :
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/brokers/emqx@"
{"data":{"version":"develop","uptime":"1 minutes, 51 seconds","sysdescr":"EMQ X Broker","otp_release":"R21/10.3.5","node_status":"Running","node":"emqx@","datetime":"2020-02-20 14:11:31"},"code":0}
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}
Return the status of the node.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
node | String | False | Node name, such as "emqx@。 If not specified, returns all node information |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object/Array of Objects | Returns node information when node parameter exists, otherwise, returns information about all nodes in an Array |
data.connections | Integer | Number of clients currently connected to this node |
data.load1 | String | CPU average load in 1 minute |
data.load5 | String | CPU average load in 5 minute |
data.load15 | String | CPU average load in 15 minute |
data.max_fds | Integer | Maximum file descriptor limit for the operating system |
data.memory_total | String | VM allocated system memory |
data.memory_used | String | VM occupied system memory |
data.node | String | Node name |
data.node_status | String | Node status |
data.otp_release | String | Erlang/OTP version used by EMQ X Broker |
data.process_available | Integer | Number of available processes |
data.process_used | Integer | Number of used processes |
data.uptime | String | EMQ X Broker runtime |
data.version | String | EMQ X Broker version |
Get the status of all nodes:
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes"
{"data":[{"version":"develop","uptime":"7 seconds","process_used":315,"process_available":2097152,"otp_release":"R21/10.3.5","node_status":"Running","node":"emqx@","memory_used":"96.75M","memory_total":"118.27M","max_fds":10240,"load5":"2.60","load15":"2.65","load1":"2.31","connections":0}],"code":0}
Get the status of the specified node:
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"data":{"version":"develop","uptime":"2 minutes, 21 seconds","process_used":310,"process_available":2097152,"otp_release":"R21/10.3.5","node_status":"Running","node":"emqx@","memory_used":101379168,"memory_total":123342848,"max_fds":10240,"load5":"2.50","load15":"2.61","load1":"1.99","connections":0},"code":0}
GET /api/v4/clients
Returns the information of all clients under the cluster, and supports paging.
Query String Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
_page | Integer | False | 1 | Page |
_limit | Integer | False | 10000 | The number of data displayed per page. If not specified, it is determined by the configuration item max_row_limit of the emqx-management plugin |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | Information for all clients |
data[0].node | String | Name of the node to which the client is connected |
data[0].clientid | String | Client identifier |
data[0].username | String | User name of client when connecting |
data[0].proto_name | String | Features provided by the client |
data[0].proto_ver | Integer | Protocol version used by the client |
data[0].ip_address | String | Client's network IP address |
data[0].port | Integer | Client source port |
data[0].is_bridge | Boolean | Indicates whether the client is connected via bridge |
data[0].connected_at | String | Client connection time, in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" |
data[0].disconnected_at | String | Client offline time, in the formatof "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", This field is only valid and returned when connected is false |
data[0].connected | Boolean | Whether the client is connected |
data[0].zone | String | Indicate the configuration group used by the client |
data[0].keepalive | Integer | keepalive time, with the unit of second |
data[0].clean_start | Boolean | Indicate whether the client is using a brand new session |
data[0].expiry_interval | Integer | Session expiration interval, with the unit of second |
data[0].created_at | String | Session creation time, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" |
data[0].subscriptions_cnt | Integer | Number of subscriptions established by this client |
data[0].max_subscriptions | Integer | Maximum number of subscriptions allowed by this client |
data[0].inflight | Integer | Current length of inflight |
data[0].max_inflight | Integer | Maximum length of inflight |
data[0].mqueue_len | Integer | Current length of message queue |
data[0].max_mqueue | Integer | Maximum length of message queue |
data[0].mqueue_dropped | Integer | Number of messages dropped by the message queue due to exceeding the length |
data[0].awaiting_rel | Integer | Number of awaiting PUBREC packet |
data[0].max_awaiting_rel | Integer | Maximum allowed number of awaiting PUBREC packet |
data[0].recv_oct | Integer | Number of bytes received by EMQ X Broker (the same below) |
data[0].recv_cnt | Integer | Number of TCP packets received |
data[0].recv_pkt | Integer | Number of MQTT packets received |
data[0].recv_msg | Integer | Number of PUBLISH packets received |
data[0].send_oct | Integer | Number of bytes sent |
data[0].send_cnt | Integer | Number of TCP packets sent |
data[0].send_pkt | Integer | Number of MQTT packets sent |
data[0].send_msg | Integer | Number of PUBLISH packets sent |
data[0].mailbox_len | Integer | Process mailbox size |
data[0].heap_size | Integer | Process heap size with the unit of byte |
data[0].reductions | Integer | Erlang reduction |
meta | Object | Paging information | | Integer | Page number |
meta.limit | Integer | Number of data displayed per page |
meta.count | Integer | Total number of data |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients?_page=1&_limit=10"
{"meta":{"page":1,"limit":10,"count":1},"data":[{"zone":"external","recv_cnt":2,"max_mqueue":1000,"node":"emqx@","username":"test","mqueue_len":0,"max_inflight":32,"is_bridge":false,"mqueue_dropped":0,"inflight":0,"heap_size":2586,"max_subscriptions":0,"proto_name":"MQTT","created_at":"2020-02-19 17:01:26","proto_ver":4,"reductions":3997,"send_msg":0,"ip_address":"","send_cnt":0,"mailbox_len":1,"awaiting_rel":0,"keepalive":60,"recv_msg":0,"send_pkt":0,"recv_oct":29,"clientid":"example","clean_start":true,"expiry_interval":0,"connected":true,"port":64491,"send_oct":0,"recv_pkt":1,"connected_at":"2020-02-19 17:01:26","max_awaiting_rel":100,"subscriptions_cnt":0}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/clients/{clientid}
Returns information for the specified client
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | Client information, for details, see GET /api/v4/clients |
Query the specified client
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/example"
{"data":[{"recv_cnt":2,"max_subscriptions":0,"node":"emqx@","proto_ver":4,"recv_pkt":1,"inflight":0,"max_mqueue":1000,"heap_size":2586,"username":"test","proto_name":"MQTT","subscriptions_cnt":0,"send_pkt":0,"created_at":"2020-02-20 13:38:51","reductions":3978,"ip_address":"","send_msg":0,"send_cnt":0,"expiry_interval":0,"keepalive":60,"mqueue_dropped":0,"is_bridge":false,"max_inflight":32,"recv_msg":0,"max_awaiting_rel":100,"awaiting_rel":0,"mailbox_len":1,"mqueue_len":0,"recv_oct":29,"connected_at":"2020-02-20 13:38:51","clean_start":true,"clientid":"example","connected":true,"port":54889,"send_oct":0,"zone":"external"}],"code":0}
DELETE /api/v4/clients/{clientid}
Kick out the specified client. Note that this operation will terminate the connection with the session.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
Kick out the specified client
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/example"
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/clients
similar with GET /api/v4/clients, Returns information about all clients under the specified node, and supports paging.
Query String Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
_page | Integer | False | 1 | page number |
_limit | Integer | False | 10000 | The number of data displayed per page, if not specified, it is determined by the configuration item max_row_limit of the emqx-management plugin |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | Information about all clients, see GET /api/v4/clients for details |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"meta":{"page":1,"limit":10,"count":1},"data":[{"recv_cnt":2,"max_subscriptions":0,"node":"emqx@","proto_ver":4,"recv_pkt":1,"inflight":0,"max_mqueue":1000,"heap_size":2586,"username":"test","proto_name":"MQTT","subscriptions_cnt":0,"send_pkt":0,"created_at":"2020-02-19 18:25:18","reductions":4137,"ip_address":"","send_msg":0,"send_cnt":0,"expiry_interval":0,"keepalive":60,"mqueue_dropped":0,"is_bridge":false,"max_inflight":32,"recv_msg":0,"max_awaiting_rel":100,"awaiting_rel":0,"mailbox_len":1,"mqueue_len":0,"recv_oct":29,"connected_at":"2020-02-19 18:25:18","clean_start":true,"clientid":"example","connected":true,"port":49509,"send_oct":0,"zone":"external"}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/clients/{clientid}
Similar with GET /api/v4/clients/{clientid},return information about the specified client under the specified node.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | Information about all clients, for details, see GET /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"data":[{"recv_cnt":4,"max_subscriptions":0,"node":"emqx@","proto_ver":4,"recv_pkt":1,"inflight":0,"max_mqueue":1000,"heap_size":2586,"username":"test","proto_name":"MQTT","subscriptions_cnt":0,"send_pkt":3,"created_at":"2020-02-20 13:38:51","reductions":5994,"ip_address":"","send_msg":0,"send_cnt":3,"expiry_interval":0,"keepalive":60,"mqueue_dropped":0,"is_bridge":false,"max_inflight":32,"recv_msg":0,"max_awaiting_rel":100,"awaiting_rel":0,"mailbox_len":0,"mqueue_len":0,"recv_oct":33,"connected_at":"2020-02-20 13:38:51","clean_start":true,"clientid":"example","connected":true,"port":54889,"send_oct":8,"zone":"external"}],"code":0}
DELETE /api/v4/nodes/{node}/clients/{clientid}
Similar with DELETE /api/v4/clients/{clientid},kick out the specified client under the specified node.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/clients/username/{username}
Query client information by Username. Since there may be multiple clients using the same user name, multiple client information may be returned at the same time.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
username | String | True | Username |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | Information about clients, for details, see GET /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/username/steve"
{"data":[{"clean_start":true,"awaiting_rel":0,"recv_msg":0,"proto_name":"MQTT","recv_cnt":2,"mailbox_len":0,"node":"emqx@","mqueue_len":0,"max_subscriptions":0,"created_at":"2020-02-20 13:50:11","is_bridge":false,"heap_size":2586,"proto_ver":4,"subscriptions_cnt":0,"clientid":"example","expiry_interval":0,"send_msg":0,"inflight":0,"reductions":4673,"send_pkt":1,"zone":"external","send_cnt":1,"ip_address":"","keepalive":60,"max_inflight":32,"recv_oct":29,"recv_pkt":1,"max_awaiting_rel":100,"username":"steve","connected_at":"2020-02-20 13:50:11","connected":true,"port":56429,"send_oct":4,"mqueue_dropped":0,"max_mqueue":1000}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/clients/username/{username}
Similar with GET /api/v4/clients/username/{username}, query the information of the specified client through Username under the specified node.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
username | String | True | Username |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | Information about clients, for details, see GET /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"data":[{"clean_start":true,"awaiting_rel":0,"recv_msg":0,"proto_name":"MQTT","recv_cnt":6,"mailbox_len":0,"node":"emqx@","mqueue_len":0,"max_subscriptions":0,"created_at":"2020-02-20 13:50:11","is_bridge":false,"heap_size":1598,"proto_ver":4,"subscriptions_cnt":0,"clientid":"example","expiry_interval":0,"send_msg":0,"inflight":0,"reductions":7615,"send_pkt":5,"zone":"external","send_cnt":5,"ip_address":"","keepalive":60,"max_inflight":32,"recv_oct":37,"recv_pkt":1,"max_awaiting_rel":100,"username":"test","connected_at":"2020-02-20 13:50:11","connected":true,"port":56429,"send_oct":12,"mqueue_dropped":0,"max_mqueue":1000}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/clients/{clientid}/acl_cache
Query the ACL cache of the specified client.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | ACL Details |
data[0].access | String | Publish/Scribe |
data[0].topic | String | MQTT Topic |
data[0].result | String | Allow/Deny |
data[0].updated_time | Integer | ACL Cache settling time |
Querying the ACL cache
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/example/acl_cache"
DELETE /api/v4/clients/{clientid}/acl_cache
Delete the ACL cache of the specified client。
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
Delete the ACL cache
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/example/acl_cache"
Subscription Information
GET /api/v4/subscriptions
Returns all subscription information under the cluster, and supports paging mechanism
Query String Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
_page | Integer | False | 1 | Page number |
_limit | Integer | False | 10000 | The number of data displayed per page, if not specified, it is determined by the configuration item max_row_limit of the emqx-management plugin |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | All subscription information |
data[0].node | String | Node name |
data[0].clientid | String | Client identifier |
data[0].topic | String | Subscribe to topic |
data[0].qos | Integer | QoS level |
meta | Object | same as /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/subscriptions?_page=1&_limit=10"
GET /api/v4/subscriptions/{clientid}
Return the subscription information of the specified client in the cluster.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | All subscription information |
data.node | String | Node name |
data.clientid | String | Client identifier |
data.topic | String | Subscribe to topic |
data.qos | Integer | QoS level |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/subscriptions/123"
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/subscriptions
Similar with GET /api/v4/subscriptions,returns all subscription information under the specified node, and supports paging mechanism.
Query String Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
_page | Integer | False | 1 | Page number |
_limit | Integer | False | 10000 | The number of data displayed per page, if not specified, it is determined by the configuration item max_row_limit of the emqx-management plugin |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | All subscription information |
data[0].node | String | Node name |
data[0].clientid | String | Client identifier |
data[0].topic | String | Subscribe to topic |
data[0].qos | Integer | QoS level |
meta | Object | Same as /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/subscriptions/{clientid}
Similar with GET /api/v4/subscriptions/{clientid}, query all subscription information of a clientid under the specified node, and support paging mechanism.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | All subscription information |
data.node | String | Node name |
data.clientid | String | Client identifier |
data.topic | String | Subscribe to topic |
data.qos | Integer | QoS level |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/routes
List all routes, support pagination.
Query String Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
_page | Integer | False | 1 | page |
_limit | Integer | False | 10000 | Page size,default use emqx-management max_row_limit option |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | routes |
data[0].topic | String | MQTT Topic |
data[0].node | String | Node name |
meta | Object | see /api/v4/clients |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/routes"
GET /api/v4/routes/{topic}
List all routes of a topic.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
topic | Integer | True | Topic |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | All routes information |
data.topic | String | MQTT Topic |
data.node | String | Node name |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/routes/a%2fb%2fc"
Publish message
POST /api/v4/mqtt/publish
Publish MQTT message。
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
topic | String | Optional | For topic and topics, with at least one of them specified | |
topics | String | Optional | Multiple topics separated by , . This field is used to publish messages to multiple topics at the same time | |
clientid | String | Required | Client identifier | |
payload | String | Required | Message body | |
encoding | String | Optional | plain | The encoding used in the message body. Currently only plain and base64 are supported. |
qos | Integer | Optional | 0 | QoS level |
retain | Boolean | Optional | false | Whether it is a retained message |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/publish" -d '{"topic":"a/b/c","payload":"Hello World","qos":1,"retain":false,"clientid":"example"}'
Subscribe to topic
POST /api/v4/mqtt/subscribe
Subscribe to MQTT topic
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
topic | String | Optional | For topic and topics, with at least one of them specified | |
topics | String | Optional | Multiple topics separated by , . This field is used to subscribe to multiple topics at the same time | |
clientid | String | Required | Client identifier | |
qos | Integer | Optional | 0 | QoS level |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
Subscribe to the three topics of a
, b
, c
at the same time
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/subscribe" -d '{"topics":"a,b,c","qos":1,"clientid":"example"}'
POST /api/v4/mqtt/unsubscribe
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
topic | String | Required | Topic | |
clientid | String | Required | Client identifier |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
Unsubscribe from a topic
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/unsubscribe" -d '{"topic":"a","qos":1,"clientid":"example"}'
Message publish in batch
POST /api/v4/mqtt/publish_batch
Publish MQTT messages in batch.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
[0].topic | String | Optional | Topic, at least one of which is specified with topics | |
[0].topics | String | Optional | Multiple topics divided by , , which can be used to publish messages to multiple topics at the same time | |
[0].clientid | String | Required | Client identifier | |
[0].payload | String | Required | Message body | |
[0].encoding | String | Optional | plain | The encoding method used in the message body, only plain and base64 are supported currently |
[0].qos | Integer | Optional | 0 | QoS level |
[0].retain | Boolean | Optional | false | Whether it is a retained message or not |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/publish_batch" -d '[{"topic":"a/b/c","payload":"Hello World","qos":1,"retain":false,"clientid":"example"},{"topic":"a/b/c","payload":"Hello World Again","qos":0,"retain":false,"clientid":"example"}]'
Topic subscription in batch
POST /api/v4/mqtt/subscribe_batch
Subscribe to MQTT topics in batch.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
[0].topic | String | Optional | Topic, at least one of which is specified with topics | |
[0].topics | String | Optional | Multiple topics divided by , , which can be used to publish messages to multiple topics at the same time | |
[0].clientid | String | Required | Client identifier | |
[0].qos | Integer | Optional | 0 | QoS level |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
Subscribe to the three topics of a
, b
, and c
at one time
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/subscribe_batch" -d '[{"topic":"a","qos":1,"clientid":"example"},{"topic":"b","qos":1,"clientid":"example"},{"topic":"c","qos":1,"clientid":"example"}]'
POST /api/v4/mqtt/unsubscribe_batch
Unsubscribe in batch.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
[0].topic | String | Required | Topic | |
[0].clientid | String | Required | Client identifier |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
Unsubscribe from a
, b
topics at one time
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/unsubscribe_batch" -d '[{"topic":"a","qos":1,"clientid":"example"},{"topic":"b","qos":1,"clientid":"example"}]'
GET /api/v4/plugins
Returns information of all plugins in the cluster.
Path Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | All routes information |
data[0].node | String | Node name |
data[0].plugins | Array | Plugin information, an array of objects, see below |
data[0] | String | Plugin name |
data[0].plugins.version | String | Plugin version |
data[0].plugins.description | String | Plugin description |
data[0] | Boolean | Whether the plugin is active |
data[0].plugins.type | String | Plug-in type, currently includesauth 、bridge 、feature 、protocol |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/plugins"
{"data":[{"plugins":[{"version":"develop","type":"auth","name":"emqx_auth_clientid","description":"EMQ X Broker Authentication with ClientId/Password","active":false}, ...],"node":"emqx@"}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/plugins
Similar with GET /api/v4/plugins, return the plugin information under the specified node
Path Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | All routes information |
data[0].name | String | Plugin name |
data[0].version | String | Plugin version |
data[0].description | String | Plugin description |
data[0].active | Boolean | Whether the plugin is active |
data[0].type | String | Plug-n type, currently includeauth 、bridge 、feature 、protocol |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
{"data":[{"version":"develop","type":"auth","name":"emqx_auth_clientid","description":"EMQ X Broker Authentication with ClientId/Password","active":false}, ...],"code":0}
PUT /api/v4/nodes/{node}/plugins/{plugin}/load
Load the specified plugin under the specified node.
Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X PUT "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
PUT /api/v4/nodes/{node}/plugins/{plugin}/unload
Unload the specified plugin under the specified node.
Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X PUT "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
PUT /api/v4/nodes/{node}/plugins/{plugin}/reload
Reloads the specified plugin under the specified node.
Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X PUT "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/listeners
Returns information about all listeners in the cluster.
Path Parameters: 无
**Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | List of listeners for each node |
data[0].node | String | Node name |
data[0].listeners | Array of Objects | Listener list |
data[0].listeners[0].acceptors | Integer | Number of Acceptor process |
data[0].listeners[0].listen_on | String | Listening port |
data[0].listeners[0].protocol | String | Plugin description |
data[0].listeners[0].current_conns | Integer | Whether plugin is enabled |
data[0].listeners[0].max_conns | Integer | Maximum number of allowed connections |
data[0].listeners[0].shutdown_count | Array of Objects | Reasons and counts for connection shutdown |
Normal shutdown_count*
Name | Type | Description |
normal | Integer | Number of normally closed connections, only returned when the count is greater than 0 |
kicked | Integer | Number of manually dropped connections, only returned if the count is greater than 0 |
discarded | Integer | Number of connections dropped because Clean Session or Clean Start is true |
takeovered | Integer | Number of connections takeovered because Clean Session or Clean Start is false |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/listeners"
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/listeners
Similar with GET /api/v4/listeners, returns the listener information for the specified node.
**Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | List of listeners for each node |
data[0].acceptors | Integer | Number of Acceptor process |
data[0].listen_on | String | Listening port |
data[0].protocol | String | Plugin description |
data[0].current_conns | Integer | Whether the plugin is enabled |
data[0].max_conns | Integer | Maximum number of allowed connections |
data[0].shutdown_count | Array of Objects | Reasons and counts for connection shutdown |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/metrics
Returns all statistical metrics under the cluster
Path Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | List of statistical metrics on each node |
data[0].node | String | Node name |
data[0].metrics | Object | Monitoring metrics data, see metrics below |
Name | Type | Description |
actions.failure | Integer | Number of failure executions of the rule engine action |
actions.success | Integer | Number of successful executions of the rule engine action |
bytes.received | Integer | Number of bytes received by EMQ X Broker |
bytes.sent | Integer | Number of bytes sent by EMQ X Broker on this connection |
client.authenticate | Integer | Number of client authentications |
client.auth.anonymous | Integer | Number of clients who log in anonymously |
client.connect | Integer | Number of client connections |
client.connack | Integer | Number of CONNACK packet sent |
client.connected | Integer | Number of successful client connections |
client.disconnected | Integer | Number of client disconnects |
client.check_acl | Integer | Number of ACL rule checks |
client.subscribe | Integer | Number of client subscriptions |
client.unsubscribe | Integer | Number of client unsubscriptions |
delivery.dropped.too_large | Integer | The number of messages that were dropped because the length exceeded the limit when sending |
delivery.dropped.queue_full | Integer | Number of messages with a non-zero QoS that were dropped because the message queue was full when sending |
delivery.dropped.qos0_msg | Integer | Number of messages with QoS 0 that were dropped because the message queue was full when sending |
delivery.dropped.expired | Integer | Number of messages dropped due to message expiration on sending |
delivery.dropped.no_local | Integer | Number of messages that were dropped due to the No Local subscription option when sending |
delivery.dropped | Integer | Total number of discarded messages when sending |
messages.delayed | Integer | Number of delay- published messages stored by EMQ X Broker |
messages.delivered | Integer | Number of messages forwarded to the subscription process internally by EMQ X Broker |
messages.dropped | Integer | Total number of messages dropped by EMQ X Broker before forwarding to the subscription process |
messages.dropped.expired | Integer | Number of messages dropped due to message expiration when receiving |
messages.dropped.no_subscribers | Integer | Number of messages dropped due to no subscribers |
messages.forward | Integer | Number of messages forwarded to other nodes |
messages.publish | Integer | Number of messages published in addition to system messages |
messages.qos0.received | Integer | Number of QoS 0 messages received from clients |
messages.qos2.received | Integer | Number of QoS 1 messages received from clients |
messages.qos1.received | Integer | Number of QoS 2 messages received from clients |
messages.qos0.sent | Integer | Number of QoS 0 messages sent to clients |
messages.qos1.sent | Integer | Number of QoS 1 messages sent to clients |
messages.qos2.sent | Integer | Number of QoS 2 messages sent to clients |
messages.received | Integer | Number of messages received from the client, equal to the sum of messages.qos0.received ,messages.qos1.received and messages.qos2.received |
messages.sent | Integer | Number of messages sent to the client, equal to the sum of messages.qos0.sent ,messages.qos1.sent and messages.qos2.sent |
messages.retained | Integer | Number of retained messages stored by EMQ X Broker |
messages.acked | Integer | Number of received PUBACK and PUBREC packet |
packets.received | Integer | Number of received packet |
packets.sent | Integer | Number of sent packet |
packets.connect.received | Integer | Number of received CONNECT packet |
packets.connack.auth_error | Integer | Number of received CONNECT packet with failed authentication |
packets.connack.error | Integer | Number of received CONNECT packet with unsuccessful connections |
packets.connack.sent | Integer | Number of sent CONNACK packet |
packets.publish.received | Integer | Number of received PUBLISH packet |
packets.publish.sent | Integer | Number of sent PUBLISH packet |
packets.publish.inuse | Integer | Number of received PUBLISH packet with occupied identifiers |
packets.publish.auth_error | Integer | Number of received PUBLISH packets with failed the ACL check |
packets.publish.error | Integer | Number of received PUBLISH packet that cannot be published |
packets.publish.dropped | Integer | Number of messages discarded due to the receiving limit |
packets.puback.received | Integer | Number of received PUBACK packet |
packets.puback.sent | Integer | Number of sent PUBACK packet |
packets.puback.inuse | Integer | Number of received PUBACK packet with occupied identifiers |
packets.puback.missed | Integer | Number of received packet with identifiers. |
packets.pubrec.received | Integer | Number of received PUBREC packet |
packets.pubrec.sent | Integer | Number of sent PUBREC packet |
packets.pubrec.inuse | Integer | Number of received PUBREC packet with occupied identifiers |
packets.pubrec.missed | Integer | Number of received PUBREC packet with unknown identifiers |
packets.pubrel.received | Integer | Number of received PUBREL packet |
packets.pubrel.sent | Integer | Number of sent PUBREL packet |
packets.pubrel.missed | Integer | Number of received PUBREC packet with unknown identifiers |
packets.pubcomp.received | Integer | Number of received PUBCOMP packet |
packets.pubcomp.sent | Integer | Number of sent PUBCOMP packet |
packets.pubcomp.inuse | Integer | Number of received PUBCOMP packet with occupied identifiers |
packets.pubcomp.missed | Integer | Number of missed PUBCOMP packet |
packets.subscribe.received | Integer | Number of received SUBSCRIBE packet |
packets.subscribe.error | Integer | Number of received SUBSCRIBE packet with failed subscriptions |
packets.subscribe.auth_error | Integer | Number of received SUBACK packet with failed ACL check |
packets.suback.sent | Integer | Number of sent SUBACK packet |
packets.unsubscribe.received | Integer | Number of received UNSUBSCRIBE packet |
packets.unsubscribe.error | Integer | Number of received UNSUBSCRIBE packet with failed unsubscriptions |
packets.unsuback.sent | Integer | Number of sent UNSUBACK packet |
packets.pingreq.received | Integer | Number of received PINGREQ packet |
packets.pingresp.sent | Integer | Number of sent PUBRESP packet |
packets.disconnect.received | Integer | Number of received DISCONNECT packet |
packets.disconnect.sent | Integer | Number of sent DISCONNECT packet |
packets.auth.received | Integer | Number of received AUTH packet |
packets.auth.sent | Integer | Number of sent AUTH packet |
rules.matched | Integer | Number of rule matched |
session.created | Integer | Number of sessions created |
session.discarded | Integer | Number of sessions dropped because Clean Session or Clean Start is true |
session.resumed | Integer | Number of sessions resumed because Clean Session or Clean Start is false |
session.takeovered | Integer | Number of sessions takeovered because Clean Session or Clean Start is false |
session.terminated | Integer | Number of terminated sessions |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/metrics"
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/metrics
Similar with GET /api/v4/metrics, returns all monitoring indicator data under the specified node.
Path Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Objects | List of statistical metrics on each node, see GET /api/v4/metrics for details |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/stats
Return all status data in the cluster.
Path Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | List of status data on each node |
data[0].node | String | Node name |
data[0].stats | Array | Status data, see stats below |
Name | Type | Description |
connections.count | Integer | Number of current connections |
connections.max | Integer | Historical maximum number of connections |
channels.count | Integer | sessions.count |
channels.max | Integer | session.max |
sessions.count | Integer | Number of current sessions |
sessions.max | Integer | Historical maximum number of sessions |
topics.count | Integer | Number of current topics |
topics.max | Integer | Historical maximum number of topics |
suboptions.count | Integer | subscriptions.count |
suboptions.max | Integer | subscriptions.max |
subscribers.count | Integer | Number of current subscribers |
subscribers.max | Integer | Historical maximum number of subscribers |
subscriptions.count | Integer | Number of current subscriptions, including shared subscriptions |
subscriptions.max | Integer | Historical maximum number of subscriptions |
subscriptions.shared.count | Integer | Number of current shared subscriptions |
subscriptions.shared.max | Integer | Historical maximum number of shared subscriptions |
routes.count | Integer | Number of current routes |
routes.max | Integer | Historical maximum number of routes |
retained.count | Integer | Number of currently retained messages |
retained.max | Integer | Historical maximum number of retained messages |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/stats"
GET /api/v4/nodes/{node}/stats
Similar with GET /api/v4/stats, returns status data on the specified node.
Path Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | List of status data on each node, see GET /api/v4/stats for details |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/alarms/present
Return the current alarm information in the cluster.
Path Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | Alarm list on each node |
data[0].node | String | Node name |
data[0].alarms | Array of Objects | Current alarm list |
data[0].alarms[0].id | String | Alarm identifier |
data[0].alarms[0].desc | String | Detailed description of the alarm |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/alarms/present"
GET /api/v4/alarms/present/{node}
Returns the current alarm information under the specified node. For interface parameters and returns, see GET /api/v4/stats。
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/alarms/present/emqx@"
GET /api/v4/alarms/history
Returns historical alarm information under the cluster.
Path Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | Alarm list on each node |
data[0].node | String | Node name |
data[0].alarms | Array of Objects | List of current alarms |
data[0].alarms[0].id | String | Alarm identifier |
data[0].alarms[0].desc | String | Detailed description of the alarm |
data[0].alarms[0].clear_at | String | Alarm clear time, with the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/alarms/history"
{"data":[{"node":"emqx@","alarms":[{"id":"cpu_high_watermark","desc":"93.27055293970582","clear_at":"2020-02-21 13:50:10"}]}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/alarms/history/{node}
Returns historical alarm information under the specified node. For interface parameters and returns, see GET /api/v4/alarms/history。
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/alarms/history/emqx@"
{"data":[{"id":"cpu_high_watermark","desc":"93.27055293970582","clear_at":"2020-02-21 13:50:10"}],"code":0}
GET /api/v4/banned
Get the blacklist
Query String Parameters:
Same as /api/v4/clients
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array | An array of objects with the same fields as the Request Body in the POST method |
meta | Object | Same as /api/v4/clients |
Get blacklist:
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -vX GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/banned"
POST /api/v4/banned
Add object to blacklist
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
who | String | Required | Objects added to the blacklist, which can be client identifiers, usernames, and IP addresses | |
as | String | Required | Used to distinguish the types of blacklist objects, which can be clientid ,username ,peerhost | |
by | String | Optional | user | Indicate which object was added to the blacklist |
at | Integer | Optional | Current system time | Time added to blacklist, unit: second |
until | Integer | Optional | Current system time+ 5 minutes | When to remove from blacklist, unit: second |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | Same as incoming Request Body |
Add client to blacklist:
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -vX POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/banned" -d '{"who":"example","as":"clientid"}'
DELETE /api/v4/banned/{as}/{who}
Delete object from blacklist
Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
message | String | Return only when an error occurs to provide more detailed error information |
Delete client from blacklist
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/banned/clientid/example"
Query rule engine actions
GET /api/v4/rules/{rule_id}
Get the details of a rule, including the rule's SQL, Topics list, action list, etc. It also returns the value of the statistical index for the current rule and action.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
rule_id | String | False | Optional, Rule ID. If rule_id is not specified then returns all created rules in an array |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | Rule object |
- | String | Rule ID |
- data.rawsql | String | SQL statement, consistent with rawsql in the request |
- data.for | String | Topic list, indicates which topics can be matched by this rule |
- data.metrics | Array | Metrics, see Rule Metrics on Dashboard for details |
- data.description | String | The description of the rule, consistent with the description in the request |
- data.actions | Array | Action list |
- data.actions[0].id | String | Action ID |
- data.actions[0].params | Object | Action parameters, consistent with actions.params in the request |
- data.actions[0].name | String | Action name, consistent with in the request |
- data.actions[0].metrics | Array | Metrics, see Rule Metrics on Dashboard for details |
POST /api/v4/rules
Create a rule and return the rule ID.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Description |
rawsql | String | True | SQL statements of rules |
actions | Array | True | Action list |
- actions[0].name | String | True | Action name |
- actions[0].params | Object | True | Action parameters, that is expressed in key-value form. For details, please refer to the example of adding rules |
description | String | False | Optional, rule description |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | Successfully created rule object with Rule ID |
- | String | Rule ID |
- data.rawsql | String | SQL statement, consistent with rawsql in the request |
- data.for | String | Topic list, indicates which topics can be matched by this rule |
- data.metrics | Array | Metrics, see Rule Metrics on Dashboard for details |
- data.description | String | The description of the rule, consistent with the description in the request |
- data.actions | Array | Action list, and each action is an Object |
- data.actions[0].id | String | Action ID |
- data.actions[0].params | Object | Action parameters, consistent with actions.params in the request |
- data.actions[0].name | String | Action name, consistent with in the request |
- data.actions[0].metrics | Array | Metrics, see Rule Metrics on Dashboard for details |
PUT /api/v4/rules/{rule_id}
Update the rule and return the rule ID.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Description |
rawsql | String | True | Optional, SQL statement of the rule |
actions | Array | True | Optional, action list |
- actions[0].name | String | True | Optional, action name |
- actions[0].params | Object | True | Optional, action parameters, that is expressed in key-value form. For details, please refer to the example of adding rules |
description | String | False | Optional, rule description |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | Successfully created rule object with Rule ID |
- | String | Rule ID |
- data.rawsql | String | SQL statement, consistent with rawsql in the request |
- data.for | String | Topic list, indicates which topics can be matched by this rule |
- data.metrics | Array | Metrics, see Rule Metrics on Dashboard for details |
- data.description | String | The description of the rule, consistent with the description in the request |
- data.actions | Array | Action list, and each action is an Object |
- data.actions[0].id | String | Action ID |
- data.actions[0].params | Object | Action parameters, consistent with actions.params in the request |
- data.actions[0].name | String | Action name, consistent with in the request |
- data.actions[0].metrics | Array | Metrics, see Rule Metrics on Dashboard for details |
DELETE /api/v4/rules/{rule_id}
Delete the rule
Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
Add a rule to print the rule running parameters for all messages matching the topic "t/a".
$ curl -XPOST -d '{
"rawsql": "select * from \"t/a\"",
"actions": [{
"name": "inspect",
"params": {
"a": 1
"description": "test-rule"
}' --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules'
{"data":{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/a\"","metrics":[{"speed_max":0,"speed_last5m":0.0,"speed":0.0,"node":"emqx@","matched":0}],"id":"rule:7fdb2c9e","for":["t/a"],"enabled":true,"description":"test-rule","actions":[{"params":{"a":1},"name":"inspect","metrics":[{"success":0,"node":"emqx@","failed":0}],"id":"inspect_1582434715354188116"}]},"code":0}
Use the rule ID to get the details of the rule just created:
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules/rule:7fdb2c9e'
{"data":{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/a\"","metrics":[{"speed_max":0,"speed_last5m":0.0,"speed":0.0,"node":"emqx@","matched":0}],"id":"rule:7fdb2c9e","for":["t/a"],"enabled":true,"description":"test-rule","actions":[{"params":{"a":1},"name":"inspect","metrics":[{"success":0,"node":"emqx@","failed":0}],"id":"inspect_1582434715354188116"}]},"code":0}
Get all the rules. Note that the data in the returned value is an array of rule objects::
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules'
{"data":[{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/a\"","metrics":[{"speed_max":0,"speed_last5m":0.0,"speed":0.0,"node":"emqx@","matched":0}],"id":"rule:7fdb2c9e","for":["t/a"],"enabled":true,"description":"test-rule","actions":[{"params":{"a":1},"name":"inspect","metrics":[{"success":0,"node":"emqx@","failed":0}],"id":"inspect_1582434715354188116"}]}],"code":0}
Update the SQL statement of the rule to select * from "t/b"
$ curl -XPUT --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules/rule:7fdb2c9e' -d '{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/b\""}'
{"data":{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/b\"","metrics":[{"speed_max":0,"speed_last5m":0.0,"speed":0.0,"node":"emqx@","matched":0}],"id":"rule:7fdb2c9e","for":["t/a"],"enabled":true,"description":"test-rule","actions":[{"params":{"a":1},"name":"inspect","metrics":[{"success":0,"node":"emqx@","failed":0}],"id":"inspect_1582434715354188116"}]},"code":0}
Disable the rule:
$ curl -XPUT --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules/rule:7fdb2c9e' -d '{"enabled": false}'
{"data":{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/b\"","metrics":[{"speed_max":0,"speed_last5m":0.0,"speed":0.0,"node":"emqx@","matched":0}],"id":"rule:7fdb2c9e","for":["t/a"],"enabled":false,"description":"test-rule","actions":[{"params":{"a":1},"name":"inspect","metrics":[{"success":0,"node":"emqx@","failed":0}],"id":"inspect_1582434715354188116"}]},"code":0}
Delete the rule:
$ curl -XDELETE --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules/rule:7fdb2c9e'
Query the actions of the rule engine. Note that actions can only be provided by emqx and cannot be added.
GET api/v4/actions/{action_name}
Get the details of an action, including the action name, parameter list, etc.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
action_name | String | False | Optional, the action name. If you do not specify action_name then return all currently supported actions in an array. |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | Rule object |
- data.types | String | Indicate which resource types the current action belongs to |
- data.title | Object | A brief description of the action, in both English and Chinese. |
- data.params | Object | A list of parameters for the action that are expressed in key-value form. For details, please refer to the following examples |
- data.description | Object | A brief description of the action, in both English and Chinese. |
- | String | Action Provider |
Query the details of the inspect action:
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/actions/inspect'
{"data":{"types":[],"title":{"zh":"检查 (调试)","en":"Inspect (debug)"},"params":{},"name":"inspect","for":"$any","description":{"zh":"检查动作参数 (用以调试)","en":"Inspect the details of action params for debug purpose"},"app":"emqx_rule_engine"},"code":0}
Query all current actions:
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/actions'
{"data":[{"types":[],"title":{"zh":"空动作 (调试)","en":"Do Nothing (debug)"},"params":{},"name":"do_nothing","for":"$any","description":{"zh":"此动作什么都不做,并且不会失败 (用以调试)","en":"This action does nothing and never fails. It's for debug purpose"},"app":"emqx_rule_engine"}, ...],"code":0}
Resource Type
Query the rule engine's resource type. Note that resource types can only be provided by emqx and cannot be added
GET api/v4/resource_types/{resource_type_name}
Get the details of an action, including the action name, parameter list, etc.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
resource_type_name | String | False | Optional, the resource type name. If not specified then returns all the currently supported resource types in an array. |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | Rule object |
- data.title | Object | A brief description of resource types, in both English and Chinese. |
- data.params | Object | A list of parameters for the resource type expressed in key-value form. For details, please refer to the following examples |
- data.description | Object | A brief description of resource types, in both English and Chinese. |
- data.provider | String | Provider of resource type |
Query details for the web_hook resource type:
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/resource_types/web_hook'
{"data":{"title":{"zh":"WebHook","en":"WebHook"},"provider":"emqx_web_hook","params":{"url":{"type":"string","title":{"zh":"请求 URL","en":"Request URL"},"required":true,"format":"url","description":{"zh":"请求 URL","en":"Request URL"}},"method":{"type":"string","title":{"zh":"请求方法","en":"Request Method"},"enum":["PUT","POST"],"description":{"zh":"请求方法","en":"Request Method"},"default":"POST"},"headers":{"type":"object","title":{"zh":"请求头","en":"Request Header"},"schema":{},"description":{"zh":"请求头","en":"Request Header"},"default":{}}},"name":"web_hook","description":{"zh":"WebHook","en":"WebHook"}},"code":0}
Query all current resource types:
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/resource_types'
{"data":[{"title":{"zh":"WebHook","en":"WebHook"},"provider":"emqx_web_hook","params":{"url":{"type":"string","title":{"zh":"请求 URL","en":"Request URL"},"required":true,"format":"url","description":{"zh":"请求 URL","en":"Request URL"}},"method":{"type":"string","title":{"zh":"请求方法","en":"Request Method"},"enum":["PUT","POST"],"description":{"zh":"请求方法","en":"Request Method"},"default":"POST"},"headers":{"type":"object","title":{"zh":"请求头","en":"Request Header"},"schema":{},"description":{"zh":"请求头","en":"Request Header"},"default":{}}},"name":"web_hook","description":{"zh":"WebHook","en":"WebHook"}}, ...],"code":0}
Manage the resources of the rules engine. A resource is an instance of a resource type and is used to maintain related resources such as database connections.
GET api/v4/resources/{resource_id}
Gets the details of the specified resource.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
resource_id | String | False | Optional, the resource ID. If not specified then returns all the currently supported resource in an array. |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | Rule object |
- | String | Rule ID |
- data.type | String | The name of the resource type to which the resource belongs |
- data.config | Object | Configuration of resources, and parameters are expressed in key-value form. For details, please refer to the following examples |
- data.status | Array | Status information for the resource. See the status of resources on the Dashboard for details. |
- data.description | Object | A description of the resource, in both English and Chinese. |
POST /api/v4/resources
Create a rule and return the resource ID.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type | String | True | Resource type name that specify which resource type to use to create the resource。 |
config | Object | True | Resource parameters that should conform to the format specified in the params of the corresponding resource type. |
description | String | False | Optional, resource description |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | Rule object |
- | String | Resource ID |
- data.type | String | The name of the resource type to which the resource belongs |
- data.config | Object | Configuration of resources, and parameters are expressed in key-value form. For details, please refer to the following examples |
- data.description | Object | A description of the resource, in both English and Chinese.。 |
DELETE /api/v4/resources/{resource_id}
Delete the resource
Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
Create a webhook resource with the URL of the webserver :
$ curl -XPOST -d '{
"type": "web_hook",
"config": {
"url": "",
"headers": {"token":"axfw34y235wrq234t4ersgw4t"},
"method": "POST"
"description": "web hook resource-1"
}' --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/resources'
{"data":{"type":"web_hook","id":"resource:b12d3e44","description":"web hook resource-1","config":{"url":"","method":"POST","headers":{"token":"axfw34y235wrq234t4ersgw4t"}}},"code":0}
Query the resource you just created using the resource ID:
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/resources/resource:b12d3e44'
{"data":{"type":"web_hook","status":[{"node":"emqx@","is_alive":false}],"id":"resource:b12d3e44","description":"web hook resource-1","config":{"url":"","method":"POST","headers":{"token":"axfw34y235wrq234t4ersgw4t"}}},"code":0}
Query all resources that was currently created:
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/resources'
{"data":[{"type":"web_hook","id":"resource:b12d3e44","description":"web hook resource-1","config":{"url":"","method":"POST","headers":{"token":"axfw34y235wrq234t4ersgw4t"}}}],"code":0}
Delete the resources:
$ curl -XDELETE --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/resources/resource:b12d3e44'