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Rule Engine

EMQ X Broker Rule Engine (Hereinafter referred to as rule engine) is used to configure EMQ X Broker message flow and device event processing and response rules. The rule engine not only provides a clear and flexible "configuration-style" business integration solution, simplifies the business development process, improves ease of use for user, and reduces the coupling between the business system and EMQ X Broker, but also provides a better infrastructure for the private function customization of EMQ X broker.


EMQ X Broker will trigger the rule engine when publishing message or triggering event, and the rules that meet the triggering conditions will execute their own SQL statements to filter and process the context information of messages and events.


Applicable version:EMQ X Broker v3.1.0+

Compatibility Tip: EMQ X Broker v4.0 makes major adjustments to the SQL syntax of the rule engine. For v3.x upgrade users, please refer to Migration Guide for compatibility.

Publish message

The rule engine can store the message processing results of a specific topic to the database with the response action, send it to the HTTP server, forward it to the message queue of Kafka or RabbitMQ, and republish to a new topic or even another Broker cluster. Each rule can be configured with multiple response actions.

Select the message published to the t/# topic and filter out all fields:


Select the message posted to the t/a topic, and filter out the "x" field from the message content in JSON format:

SELECT payload.x as x FROM "t/a"

Event trigger

The rule engine uses a virtual topic beginning with $events/ to process EMQ X Broker built-in events. The built-in events provide finer message control and client action processing capabilities, which can be used in the business of QoS 1 QoS 2 messages arrival recording, device online and offline recording.

Select the client connection event, filter the device whose Username is emqx and obtain the connection information:

SELECT clientid, connected_at FROM "$events/client_connected" WHERE username = 'emqx'

For rule engine data, SQL statement format and event topic list, please refer toSQL manual for detailed tutorials.

Minimum rule

The rule describes the three configurations of where data comes from , how to filter and process data, and where to processed results goes, which means an available rule contains three elements:

  • Triggered event: The rule is triggered by an event. When triggered, the event inputs the context information (data source) of the event into the rule, and the event type is specified through the FROM clause of SQL;
  • Processing rules (SQL): Use SELECT clause and WHERE clause and built-in processing functions to filter and process data from context information;
  • Response action: If there is a processing result output, the rule will perform the corresponding action, such as persisting to the database, republishing the processed message, forwarding the message to the message queue, etc. A rule can configure multiple response actions.

The following figure is a simple rule, which is used to process the data at the time of message publishing, filter out the msg field, messages topic, qos of all topic messages, and send them to the Web Server and /uplink topics:


Examples of typical application scenarios for rule engine

  • Action listening: In the development of intelligent door lock for smart home, the function of the door lock will be abnormal because of offline resulting by the network or power failure, man-made damage and other reasons. Through using rule engine configuration to monitor offline events, it can push the fault information to the application service and realize the ability of first time fault detection in the access layer.
  • Data filtering: Truck fleet management of vehicle network. Vehicle sensors collect and report a large amount of operational data. The application platform only focuses on data with a vehicle speed greater than 40 km/h. In this scenario, the rule engine can be used to conditionally filter messages to the service, and data that satisfies the condition can be written to the business message queue .
  • Message routing: In the intelligent billing application, the terminal device distinguishes the service type by different topics. The message of billing service can be connected to the billing message queue by configuring the rule engine, and the non-billing information can be connected to other message queues to realize the routing configuration of business messages.
  • Message encoding and decoding: In the application scenarios such as public protocol/proprietary TCP protocol access and industrial control, the encoding and decoding of binary/special format message body can be done through the local processing function of the rule engine (which can be customized and developed on EMQ X). Relevant messages can also be routed through the rule engine to external computing resources such as function computing for processing (processing logic can be developed by users), and the messages can be converted into JSON format that is easy for business processing, which simplifies the difficulty of project integration and improves the ability of rapid development and delivery of applications.

Migration Guide

In version 4.0, the SQL syntax of the rule engine is easier to use. In version 3. X, the event name needs to be specified after the FROM clause. After 4.0 version, we introduce the concept of event topic . By default, the message publish event no longer needs to be specified.

## 3.x 
## Event name needs to be specified for processing
SELECT * FROM "message.publish" WHERE topic =~ 't/#'

## 4.0 and later
## The message.publish event is processed by default, and MQTT topics are filtered directly after FROM
## The above SQL is equivalent to:

## Other events are filtered by event topics
SELECT * FROM "$events/message_acked" where topic =~ 't/#'
SELECT * FROM "$events/client_connected"


The old version of SQL syntax conversion function is provided in Dashboard to complete SQL upgrade and migration.

Rule engine composition

EMQ X Broker's rule engine can be used to flexibly process messages and events. By using the rule engine, it can easily achieve such function as converting the message into a specified format, and then stored in a database table, or sent to the message queue.

The concepts related to the EMQ X Broker rule engine include: rules, actions, resources, and resource-types.

The relationship between rules, actions and resources:

    Rule: {
        SQL statement
        Action list: [
                action 1,
                Action parameters,
                Bind resources: {
                    Resource configuration
                action 2,
                Action parameters,
                Bind resources:  {
                    Resource configuration
  • Rule: Rule consists of SQL statements and action list. The action list contains one or more actions and their parameters.
  • SQL statements are used to filter or transform data in messages.
  • The action is the task performed after the SQL statement is matched, which defines an operation for data. Actions can be bound to resources or unbound. For example, the "inspect" action does not require binding resources, which simply prints the data content and action parameters. The "data_to_webserver" action needs to bind a web_hook type resource, and a URL is configured in this resource.
  • Resource: A resource is an object instantiated through a resource type as a template, and saves the configuration related to the resource (such as database connection address and port, user name and password, etc.).
  • Resource Type: Resource type is a static definition of a resource and describes the configuration items required for this type of resource.


Actions and resource types are provided by emqx or plugin code and cannot be created dynamically through API and CLI.

SQL statement

SQL syntax

FROM, SELECT, and WHERE clauses:

The basic format of the SQL statement of the rule engine is:

SELECT <fields> FROM <topic> [WHERE <any>]
  • The FROM clause mounts rules to a topic
  • The SELECT clause is used to select fields in the output
  • The WHERE clause is used to filter messages based on conditions

FOREACH, DO and INCASE clauses:

If you want to perform some operations and actions for each element of an array data, you need to use the FOREACH-DO-INCASE syntax. The basic format is:

FOREACH <Field name> [DO <Condition>] [INCASE <Condition>] FROM <Topic> [WHERE <Condition>]
  • The FOREACH clause is used to select the field that needs to perform foreach operation. Note that the selected field must be an array type
  • The DO clause is used to transform each element in the array selected by FOREACH and select the field of interest
  • The INCASE clause is used to apply conditional filtering to a field selected by DO

The DO and INCASE clauses are optional. DO is equivalent to the SELECT clause for objects in the current loop, while INCASE is equivalent to the WHERE statement for objects in the current loop.

Events and event topics

The SQL statements of the rule engine can handle both messages (message publishing) and events (client online and offline, client subscription, etc.). For messages, the FROM clause is directly followed by the topic name; for events, the FROM clause is followed by the event topic.

The topic of the event message starts with "$events/", such as "$events/client_connected", `"$events/session_subscribed". If you want emqx to publish the event message, you can configure it in the emqx_rule_engine.conf file.

For all supported events and available fields, please see rule event.

SQL statement example:

Basic syntax examples

  • Extract all fields from the messages with a topic of "t/a":

    SELECT * FROM "t/a"

  • Extract all fields from the messages with a topic of "t/a" or "t/b":

    SELECT * FROM "t/a","t/b"

  • Extract all fields from the message with a topic that can match 't/#'.

    SELECT * FROM "t/#"

  • Extract the qos, username, and clientid fields from the message with a topic that can match 't/#' :

    SELECT qos, username, clientid FROM "t/#"

  • Extract the username field from any topic message with the filter criteria of username = 'Steven':

    SELECT username FROM "#" WHERE username='Steven'

  • Extract the x field from the payload of message with any topic and create the alias x for use in the WHERE clause. The WHERE clause is restricted as x = 1. Note that the payload must be in JSON format. Example: This SQL statement can match the payload {"x": 1}, but can not match to the payload {"x": 2}:

    SELECT payload as p FROM "#" WHERE p.x = 1

  • Similar to the SQL statement above, but nested extract the data in the payload, this SQL statement can match the payload{"x": {"y": 1}}`:

    SELECT payload as a FROM "#" WHERE a.x.y = 1

  • Try to connect when clientid = 'c1', extract its source IP address and port number:

    SELECT peername as ip_port FROM "$events/client_connected" WHERE clientid = 'c1'

  • Filter all clientids that subscribe to the 't / #' topic and have a subscription level of QoS1 :

    SELECT clientid FROM "$events/session_subscribed" WHERE topic = 't/#' and qos = 1

  • Filter all clientids that subscribe to the 't/#' topic and subscription level is QoS1. Note that the strict equality operator '=~' is used here, so it does not match subscription requests with the topic 't' or 't/+/a' :

    SELECT clientid FROM "$events/session_subscribed" WHERE topic =~ 't/#' and qos = 1


  • Topic after the FROM clause need to be enclosed in double quotes "".
  • The WHERE clause is followed by the filter condition. If a string is used, it needs to be enclosed in single quotes ''.
  • If there are multiple topics in the FROM clause, they need to be separated by commas ",". For example, SELECT * FROM "t / 1", "t / 2".
  • You can use the "." Symbol to nest select payloads
  • :::


Suppose there is a message with ClientID of c_steve and topic of t/1. The message body is in JSON format, and the sensors field is an array containing multiple Objects:

    "date": "2020-04-24",
    "sensors": [
        {"name": "a", "idx":0},
        {"name": "b", "idx":1},
        {"name": "c", "idx":2}

Example 1: It is required that each object in sensors is re-published as a data input to the topic of sensors/${idx} with the content of ${name}. That means the final rule engine will issue 3 messages:

  1. Topic: sensors/0 Content: a
  2. Topic: sensors/1 Content: b
  3. Topic: sensors/2 Content: c

To complete this rule, we need to configure the following actions:

  • Action type: message republish
  • Target topic: sensors/$ {idx}
  • Target QoS: 0
  • Message content template: $ {name}

And the following SQL statement:

FROM "t/#"

**Example analysis: **

In this SQL, the FOREACH clause specifies the array sensors that need to be traversed, then the selection result is:

    "name": "a",
    "idx": 0
    "name": "b",
    "idx": 1
    "name": "c",
    "idx": 2

The FOREACH statement will perform a "message republish" action for each object in the result array, so the republish action will be performed 3 times.

Example 2: It is required that each object in sensors with ids value greater than or equal to 1 is re-published as a data input to the topic of sensors/${idx} with the content of clientid=${clientid},name=${name},date=${date}. That means the final rule engine will issue 2 messages:

  1. Topic: sensors/1 Content: clientid=c_steve,name=b,date=2020-04-24
  2. Topic: sensors/2 Content: clientid=c_steve,name=c,date=2020-04-24

To complete this rule, we need to configure the following actions:

  • Action type: message republish
  • Target topic: sensors/$ {idx}
  • Target QoS: 0
  • Message content template: clientid=clientid,name={name},date=${date}

And the following SQL statement:

    clientid, as name,
    item.idx as idx
    item.idx >= 1
FROM "t/#"

**Example analysis: **

In this SQL, the FOREACH clause specifies the array sensors that need to be traversed; the DO clause selects the fields required for each operation, and we select the outer clientid field here, and the two fields of name and idx of the current sensor object. Note that item represents the object of this loop in the sensors array. The INCASE clause is a filtering condition for the fields in the DO statement, only if idx> = 1 meets the condition. So the selection result of SQL is:

    "name": "b",
    "idx": 1,
    "clientid": "c_emqx"
    "name": "c",
    "idx": 2,
    "clientid": "c_emqx"

The FOREACH statement will perform a "message republish" action for each object in the result array, so the republish action will be performed twice.

In DO and INCASE statements, you can use item to access the object of the current loop, or you can customize a variable name by using the as syntax in FOREACH. So the SQL statement in this example can be written as:

    payload.sensors as s
    clientid, as name,
    s.idx as idx
    s.idx >= 1
FROM "t/#"

Example 3: Based on Example 2, remove the c_ prefix of c_steve in the clientid field

Various SQL functions can be called in the FOREACH and DO statements. If you want to change c_steve into steve, you can change the SQL in Example 2 into:

    payload.sensors as s
    nth(2, tokens(clientid,'_')) as clientid, as name,
    s.idx as idx
    s.idx >= 1
FROM "t/#"

In addition, multiple expressions can also be placed in the FOREACH clause, as long as the last expression specifies the array to traverse. For example, we can change the message body, and there is one more layer of Object outside the sensors:

    "date": "2020-04-24",
    "data": {
        "sensors": [
            {"name": "a", "idx":0},
            {"name": "b", "idx":1},
            {"name": "c", "idx":2}

Then FOREACH can select data before deciding which array to be traversed:

FOREACH as data
    data.sensors as s

CASE-WHEN Syntax example

Example 1: Limit the value of the x field in the message to the range of 0 ~ 7.

  CASE WHEN payload.x < 0 THEN 0
       WHEN payload.x > 7 THEN 7
       ELSE payload.x
  END as x
FROM "t/#"

Suppose the message is:

{"x": 8}

Then the above SQL output is:

{"x": 7}

Event topic available for FROM clause

Event topic nameExplanation
$events/message_deliveredmessage delivery
$events/message_ackedmessage acknowledged
$events/message_droppedMessage dropped
$events/client_connectedConnection complete

Available fields in SELECT and WHERE clauses

The fields available in the SELECT and WHERE clauses are related to the type of event. Among them, clientid, username and event are common fields that is contained by each type of event.

Message Publish

eventEvent type, fixed at "message.publish"
idMQTT message ID
clientidClient ID
payloadMQTT payload
peerhostclient IPAddress
topicMQTT topic
qosEnumeration of message QoS 0,1,2
headersAdditional data related to proces within the MQTT message
timestamptimestamp (ms)
publish_received_atTime when PUBLISH message reaches Broker (ms)
nodeNode name of the trigger event


eventEvent type, fixed at "message.delivered"
idMQTT message ID
usernameCurrent MQTT username
payloadMQTT payload
peerhostclient IPAddress
topicMQTT topic
qosEnumeration of message QoS 0,1,2
timestampEvent trigger time(millisecond)
publish_received_atTime when PUBLISH message reaches Broker (ms)
nodeNode name of the trigger event


eventEvent type, fixed at "message.acked"
idMQTT message id
usernameCurrent MQTT username
payloadMQTT payload
peerhostclient IPAddress
topicMQTT topic
qosEnumeration of message QoS 0,1,2
timestampEvent trigger time(millisecond)
publish_received_atTime when PUBLISH message reaches Broker (ms)
nodeNode name of the trigger event


eventEvent type, fixed at "message.dropped"
idMQTT message id
usernameCurrent MQTT username
payloadMQTT payload
peerhostClient IPAddress
topicMQTT topic
qosEnumeration of message QoS 0,1,2
timestampEvent trigger time(millisecond)
publish_received_atTime when PUBLISH message reaches Broker (ms)
nodeNode name of the trigger event


eventEvent type, fixed at "client.connected"
usernameCurrent MQTT username
mountpointMountpoint for bridging messages
peernameIPAddress and Port of terminal
socknameIPAddress and Port listened by emqx
proto_nameprotocol name
proto_verprotocol version
keepaliveMQTT keepalive interval
clean_startMQTT clean_start
expiry_intervalMQTT Session Expiration time
is_bridgewhether it is MQTT bridge connection
connected_atTerminal connection completion time (s)
timestampEvent trigger time(millisecond)
nodeNode name of the trigger event


eventEvent type, fixed at "client.disconnected"
reasonReason for disconnection of terminal
clientidclient ID
usernameCurrent MQTT username
peernameIPAddress and Port of terminal
socknameIPAddress and Port listened by emqx
disconnected_atTerminal disconnection completion time (s)
timestampEvent trigger time(millisecond)
nodeNode name of the trigger event


eventEvent type, fixed at "session.subscribed"
clientidClient ID
usernameCurrent MQTT username
peerhostclient IPAddress
topicMQTT topic
qosEnumeration of message QoS 0,1,2
timestampEvent trigger time(millisecond)
nodeNode name of the trigger event


eventEvent type, fixed at "session.unsubscribed"
clientidClient ID
usernameCurrent MQTT username
peerhostclient IPAddress
topicMQTT topic
qosEnumeration of message QoS 0,1,2
timestampEvent trigger time(millisecond)
nodeNode name of the trigger event

SQL Keywords and symbols


The SELECT statement is used to determine the fields in the final output. such as:

The following SQL output will have only two fields of "a" and "b":

SELECT a, b FROM "t/#"

The WHERE statement is used to conditionally filter the fields available in this event or the fields defined in the SELECT statement. such as:

# Select the message from the terminal whose username is 'abc', and the output will be all available fields:

SELECT * FROM "#" WHERE username = 'abc'

## Select the message sent from the terminal whose clientid is 'abc', and the output will have only one field of cid.
## Note that the cid variable is defined in the SELECT statement, so it can be used in the WHERE statement:

SELECT clientid as cid FROM "#" WHERE cid = 'abc'

## Select the message sent from the terminal whose username is 'abc', and the output will have only one field of cid.
## Note that although only one field of cid is selected in the SELECT statement, all available fields in the message publishing event (such as clientid, username, etc.) can still be used in the WHERE statement:

SELECT clientid as cid FROM "#" WHERE username = 'abc'

## But the following SQL statement will not work, because the variable xyz is neither an available field in the message publishing event nor defined in the SELECT statement:

SELECT clientid as cid FROM "#" WHERE xyz = 'abc'

The FROM statement is used to select the source of the event. If the message is published, fill in the topic of the message, if it is an event, fill in the corresponding event topic.

Operational symbol

FunctionPurposeReturned value
+addition, or string concatenationSum, or concatenated string
divInteger divisionInteger quotient
=Compare whether the two are completely equal. It can be used to compare variables and topicstrue/false
=~Compare whether the topic can match the topic filter. It can only be used for topic matchingtrue/false

Functions available in SQL statements

Mathematical functions

function namePurposeparameterReturned value
absAbsolute value
  1. Operand
absolute value
  1. Operand
Cosine value
coshHyperbolic cosine
  1. Operand
Hyperbolic cosine value
acosInverse cosine
  1. Operand
Inverse cosine value
acoshInverse hyperbolic cosine
  1. Operand
Inverse hyperbolic cosine value
  1. Operand
Sine value
sinhHyperbolic sine
  1. Operand
Hyperbolic sine value
  1. Operand
Arcsine value
asinhinverse hyperbolic sine
  1. Operand
inverse hyperbolic sine value
  1. Operand
tangent value
tanhHyperbolic tangent
  1. Operand
Hyperbolic tangent value
atanArc tangent
  1. Operand
Arc tangent value
atanhInverse hyperbolic tangent
  1. Operand
Inverse hyperbolic tangent value
ceilRound up
  1. Operand
Integer value
floorRound down
  1. Operand
Integer value
  1. Operand
Integer value
  1. Operand
X power of e
powerExponential operation
  1. Left operand x 2. Right operand y
Y power of X
sqrtSquare root operation
  1. Operand
Square root
fmodFloating point modulus function
  1. left Operand 2.right Operand
logLogarithm to e
  1. Operand
log10Logarithm to 10
  1. Operand
log2Logarithm to 2
  1. Operand

Data type judgment function

Function namePurposeparameterReturned value
is_nullJudge if the variable is null
  1. Data
Boolean data.if it is empty (undefined), return true, otherwise return false
is_not_nullJudge if the variable is not null
  1. Data
Boolean data.if it is empty (undefined), return false, otherwise return true
is_strJudge whether the variable is String type
  1. Data
Boolean data.
is_boolJudge if the variable is Boolean type
  1. Data
Boolean data.
is_intJudge whether the variable is Integer type
  1. Data
Boolean data.
is_floatJudge whether the variable is Float type
  1. Data
Boolean data.
is_numJudge whether the variable is a numeric type, including Integer and Float types
  1. Data
Boolean data.
is_mapJudge whether the variable is Map type
  1. Data
Boolean data.
is_arrayJudge whether the variable is Array type
  1. Data
Boolean data.

Data type conversion function

function namepurposeparameterreturned value
strConvert data to String type
  1. Data
Data of type String. Failure to convert will cause SQL matching to fail
str_utf8Convert data to UTF-8 String type
  1. Data
UTF-8 String type data. Failure to convert will cause SQL matching to fail
boolConvert data to Boolean type
  1. Data
Boolean data. Failure to convert will cause SQL matching to fail
intConvert data to integer type
  1. Data
Integer type data. Failure to convert will cause SQL matching to fail
floatConvert data to floating type
  1. Data
Floating type data. Failure to convert will cause SQL matching to fail
mapConvert data to Map type
  1. Data
Map type data. Failure to convert will cause SQL matching to fail

String functions

Function namePurposeparameterreturned value
lowerconvert to lowercase
  1. input string
Lowercase string
upperconvert to uppercase
  1. input string
uppercase string
trimRemove left and right space
  1. input string
output string
ltrimRemove the left space
  1. input string
output string
rtrimRemove the right space
  1. input string
output string
reverseString inversion
  1. input string
output string
strlenstring length
  1. input string
Integer value
substrTake a substring of characters
  1. input string 2. Start position. Note: Subscripts start at 1
substringTake a substring of characters
  1. input string 2. Start position 3. End position. Note: Subscripts start at 1
splitString splitting
  1. input string 2. split string
Split string array
splitString splitting
  1. input string 2. split string 3. Find the first separator on the left or right, optional value is 'leading' or 'trailing'
Split string array
splitsplit string
  1. input string 2. split string 3. Find the first separator on the left or right, optional value is 'leading' or 'trailing'
Split string array

Map function

function namepurposeparameterreturned value
map_getTake the value of a Key in the Map, or return a null value if failed
  1. Key 2. Map
The value of a Key in the Map. Support nested keys, such as "a.b.c"
map_getTake the value of a Key in the Map, if failed, return the specified default value
  1. Key 2. Map 3. Default Value
The value of a Key in the Map. Support nested keys, such as "a.b.c"
map_putInsert value into Map
  1. Key 2. Value 3. Map
The inserted Map. Support nested keys, such as "a.b.c"

Array function

function namepurposeparameterreturned value
nthTake the nth element, and subscripts start at 1
  1. Original array
Nth element
lengthGet the length of an array
  1. Original array
the length of an array
sublistTake a sub-array of length len starting from the first element. Subscripts start at 1
  1. length len 2. Original array
sublistTake a sub-array of length len starting from the nth element. Subscripts start at 1
  1. start position n 2. length len 3. Original array
firstTake the first element. Subscripts start at 1
  1. Original array
1st element
lasttake the last element
  1. Original array
the last element
containsDetermine whether the data is in the array
  1. data 2. Original array
Boolean value

Hash function

function namepurposeparameterreturned value
md5evaluate MD5
  1. data
MD5 value
shaevaluate SHA
  1. data
SHA value
sha256evaluate SHA256
  1. data
SHA256 value

Schema Registry function

function namepurposeparameterreturned value
base64_encodeBASE64 encode
  1. data
BASE64 string
base64_decodeBASE64 decode
  1. BASE64 string
json_encodeJSON encode
  1. JSON string
internal Map
json_decodeJSON decode
  1. internal Map
JSON strubg
schema_encodeSchema encode
  1. Schema ID 2. internal Map
schema_encodeSchema encode
  1. Schema ID 2. internal Map 3. Protobuf Message name
schema_decodeSchema decode
  1. Schema ID 2. data
internal Map
schema_decodeSchema decode
  1. Schema ID 2. data 3. Protobuf Message name
internal Map

Test SQL statements in Dashboard

The SQL statement test function is provided in the Dashboard interface, and the SQL test results are shown through the given SQL statement and event parameters.

  1. On the rule creating interface, enter rule SQL and enable the SQL test switch:


  2. Modify the field of the simulated event, or use the default configuration, and click the Test button:


  3. The result of SQL processing will be displayed in the Test Output text box:
