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Connect to Q03UDE

PLC Setting

  1. Open the GX Works2 PLC programming software and create a new project, Series select QCPU(Q mode), Type select Q03UDE,Click OK. q03ude1

  2. Click Connection Destination -> Connection1 -> PLC Direct Coupled Setting -> Ethernet, set Adapter and IP Address, Click OK. q03ude2

  3. Click on the menu Online -> Read from PLC -> Select All -> Execute. q03ude3

  4. Click Navigation -> Parameter -> PLC Parameter -> Open Setting, Protocol select TCP, Open System select MC Protocol, Set Host Station Port No., Click End. q03ude4

  5. Click on the menu Online -> Write to PLC -> Execute.

Neuron Setting

  1. Add a Mitsubishi 3E device to Neuron Southbound Device Management.

  2. Change the PLC IP Address to the target device IP address in the device configuration.

  3. Modify PLC Port as the target device port in the device configuration and submit the setup form. q03ude5

  4. Add Group,Add test tag.

Test Data List

NameAddressAttributeData type
DATA1D0Read WriteINT16
DATA2D1Read WriteUINT16
DATA3D2Read WriteINT32
DATA4D4Read WriteUINT32
DATA8Y0Read WriteBIT
DATA10D100.16Read WriteSTRING