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Introduction and Usage of DL/T645-2007

Module Description

The dlt645 protocol supports serial and tcp connection.

Parameter Configuration


timeoutTimeout for sending requests to the device
intevalread instruction interval(ms)
deviceUse a serial device, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0
stopstopbits, default 1
parityparity bit, default 2, which means even parity
baudbaudrate, default 9600
databytesize, default 8


timeoutTimeout for sending requests to the device
intevalread instruction interval(ms)
hostWhen neuron is used as a client, host means the ip of the remote device. When used as a server, it means the ip used by neuron locally, and can be filled in by default
portWhen neuron is used as client, port means the tcp port of the remote device. When used as a server, it means the tcp port used by neuron locally
connection modeThe way the driver connects to the device, the default is client, which means that the neuron driver is used as the client

Supported data types

  • UIN8
  • UINT16
  • UINT32
  • UIN64

Usage of Address Format

Address format


  • mail_address represents the mailing address of the meter.
  • DI3-DI2-DI1-DI0 represents the data identification, and all points only support read attributes, and expressed in hexadecimal.

E.g 123456789012#02-01-01-00, represents the value of the A-phase voltage of the meter device with the mailing address 123456789012.


Support a node to configure multiple mailing addresses, that is a single serial port multi-device connection.

Please refer to the DL/T645-2007 industry standard data coding table for the specific data item name corresponding to the data identifier.

  • The data length is 1, and the data type is UINT8.
  • The data length is 2, and the data type is UINT16.
  • The data length is 3 or 4, and the data type is UINT32.
  • The data length is 5 or 6 or 7 or 8, and the data type is UINT64.
  • Set the value of Decimal according to the data format, e.g, if the data format is XXX.X, then Decimal is set to 0.1.
DI3DI2DI1DI0DescriptionType of dataDecimal valueExample
0000 ~ 0A00 ~ 3F00 ~ 0CDI3= 00, representing the electrical energy
DI0, representing the settlement date
UINT640.0100-00-00-00 Representative (current) combined active total energy
00-00-00-01 Representative (last settlement date) combined active total energy
0000 ~ 0CDI3= 00, representing the electrical energy
DI0, representing the settlement date
UINT640.0100-80-00-00 Representative (current) total associated power
00-80-00-01 Representative (last 1 settlement date) associated total power
00-15-00-01 Representative (last 1 settlement date) A-phase positive Active energy
00-15-00-01 represents (last 2 settlement days) A-phase forward active energy
00-29-00-02 represents (last 2 settlement days) B-phase forward active energy
0201 ~ 0901 ~ 0300DI3= 02, representing the variableUINT16
02-01-01-00 Represents A-phase voltage
02-02-01-00 Represents A-phase current
020A ~ 0B01 ~ 0301 ~15DI2= 0A, representing the voltage harmonic content
DI2 = 0B, representing the current harmonic content
DI1, representing A, B, C phase
DI~0~, representing the th order of harmonic content
UINT160.0102-0A-01-01 Represents the 1st harmonic content of A-phase voltage
02-0A-02-02 represents the 2nd harmonic content of B-phase voltage
02-0B-01-01 represents the 1st harmonic content of A-phase current
02-0B-02-02 represents the second harmonic content of phase B current
02800001 ~ 0ADI3= 02, representing the variableUINT160.0102-80-00-01 Represents zero line current
02-80-00-02 Represents grid frequency
040001 ~ 0E01 ~ 0CDI3= 04, representing the parameterUINT8
04-00-01-01 Represents date and time
04-00-01-03 represents maximum demand period
04-00-04-01 represents communication address
04-00-05-01 represents meter running status word 1
0600 ~ 060000 ~ 02DI3= 06, representing the load recordUINT8
006-00-00-00 Represents the oldest recorded block
06-06-00-00 represents the earliest recorded block of class 6 loads