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Introduction and Usage of Siemens S7 ISOTCP

The s7comm plugin is used for Siemens PLCs with network port, such as s7-200/300/400/1200/1500.

Parameter Configuration

hostremote plc ip
portremote plc port, default 102
rackplc rack number, default 0
slotplc cpu slot, default 1


When using the S7COMM plugin to access the S7 1200/1500 PLC, you need to use Siemens software(TIA16) to make some settings for the PLC.( For detailed settings, please refer to plc-settings. )

  • The optimized block access must be turned off.
  • The access level must be "full" and the "connection mechanism" must allow GET/PUT.

Support Data Type

  • INT16
  • UINT16
  • INT32
  • UINT32
  • BIT

Usage of Address Format

Address Format



Iint16/uint16/bitreadinputInput I、E
Oint16/uint16/bitread/writeoutputOutput Q、A
Fint16/uint16/bitread/writeflagFLAG Memory M
Tint16/uint16read/writetimerTimer T
Cint16/uint16read/writecounterCounter C
DBint16/uint16/bit/int32/uint32/float/double/stringread/writeglobal DB blockVariable Memory V, DB index 1


AddressData TypeDescription
I0int16I area, address is 0
I1uint16I area, address is 1
O2int16O area, address is 2
O3uint16O area, address is 3
F4int16F area, address is 0
F5int16F area, address is 0
T6int16T area, address is 0
T7int16T area, address is 0
C8uint16C area, address is 0
C9uint16C area, address is 0
DB10.DBW10int16In a data block of 10 , the starting data word is 10
DB12.DBW10uint16In a data block of 12 , the starting data word is 10
DB10.DBW10floatIn a data block of 10 , the starting data word is 10
DB11.DBW10doubleIn a data block of 11 , the starting data word is 10


Optional, referring to a bit of an address.


When the data type is a string type, it is required and indicates the length of the string.

Address Examples

AddressData TypeDescription
I0.0bitI area, address 0, bit 0
I0.1bitI area, address 0, bit 1
O1.0bitO area, address 1, bit 0
O1.2bitO area, address 1, bit 2
F2.1bitF area, address 2, bit 1
F2.2bitF area, address 2, bit 2
T3.3bitT area, address 3, bit 3
T3.4bitT area, address 3, bit 4
C4.5bitC area, address 4, bit 5
C4.6bitC area, address 4, bit 6
DB1.DBW10.1bitIn a data block of 1 , the starting data word is 10, bit 0
DB2.DBW1.15bitIn a data block of 2 , the starting data word is 1, bit 15
DB1.DBW12.20stringIn a data block of 1 , the starting data word is 12, string length is 20