Functions available in SQL statements
Mathematical functions
function name | Purpose | parameter | Returned value |
abs | Absolute value | Operand | absolute value |
cos | Cosine | Operand | Cosine value |
cosh | Hyperbolic cosine | Operand | Hyperbolic cosine value |
acos | Inverse cosine | Operand | Inverse cosine value |
acosh | Inverse hyperbolic cosine | Operand | Inverse hyperbolic cosine value |
sin | Sine | Operand | Sine value |
sinh | Hyperbolic sine | Operand | Hyperbolic sine value |
asin | Arcsine | Operand | Arcsine value |
asinh | inverse hyperbolic sine | Operand | inverse hyperbolic sine value |
tan | tangent | Operand | tangent value |
tanh | Hyperbolic tangent | Operand | Hyperbolic tangent value |
atan | Arc tangent | Operand | Arc tangent value |
atanh | Inverse hyperbolic tangent | Operand | Inverse hyperbolic tangent value |
ceil | Round up | Operand | Integer value |
floor | Round down | Operand | Integer value |
round | rounding | Operand | Integer value |
exp | Exponentiation | Operand | X power of e |
power | Exponential operation | 1. Left operand x 2. Right operand y | Y power of X |
sqrt | Square root operation | Operand | Square root |
fmod | Floating point modulus function | 1. left Operand 2.right Operand | module |
log | Logarithm to e | Operand | value |
log10 | Logarithm to 10 | Operand | value |
log2 | Logarithm to 2 | Operand | value |
abs(-12) = 12
cos(1.5) = 0.0707372016677029
cosh(1.5) = 2.352409615243247
acos(0.0707372016677029) = 1.5
acosh(2.352409615243247) = 1.5
sin(0.5) = 0.479425538604203
sinh(0.5) = 0.5210953054937474
asin(0.479425538604203) = 0.5
asinh(0.5210953054937474) = 0.5
tan(1.4) = 5.797883715482887
tanh(1.4) = 0.8853516482022625
atan(5.797883715482887) = 1.4
atanh(0.8853516482022625) = 1.4000000000000001
ceil(1.34) = 2
floor(1.34) = 1
round(1.34) = 1
round(1.54) = 2
exp(10) = 22026.465794806718
power(2, 10) = 1024
sqrt(2) = 1.4142135623730951
fmod(-32, 5) = -2
log10(1000) = 3
log2(1024) = 10
Data type judgment function
Function name | Purpose | parameter | Returned value |
is_null | Checks if a variable is null. Note: This function cannot determine the JSON null type; use is_null_var instead. | Data | Returns true if the variable is null (undefined); otherwise, returns false. |
is_not_null | Checks if a variable is not null. Note: This function cannot determine the JSON null type; use is_null_var instead. | Data | Returns false if the variable is null (undefined); otherwise, returns true. |
is_null_var | Checks if a variable is null. | Data | Returns true if the variable is null (undefined); otherwise, returns false. |
is_not_null_var | Checks if a variable is not null. | Data | Returns false if the variable is null (undefined); otherwise, returns true. |
is_str | Judge whether the variable is String type | Data | Boolean data. |
is_bool | Judge if the variable is Boolean type | Data | Boolean data. |
is_int | Judge whether the variable is Integer type | Data | Boolean data. |
is_float | Judge whether the variable is Float type | Data | Boolean data. |
is_num | Judge whether the variable is a numeric type, including Integer and Float types | Data | Boolean data. |
is_map | Judge whether the variable is Map type | Data | Boolean data. |
is_array | Judge whether the variable is Array type | Data | Boolean data. |
is_null(undefined_var) = true
is_null(mget('a', json_decode('{"a": null}'))) = false
is_not_null(1) = true
is_not_null(mget('a', json_decode('{"a": null}'))) = true
is_null_var(undefined_var) = true
is_null_var(mget('a', json_decode('{"a": null}'))) = true
is_not_null_var(1) = true
is_not_null_var(mget('a', json_decode('{"a": null}'))) = false
is_str(1) = false
is_str('val') = true
is_bool(true) = true
is_int(1) = true
is_float(1) = false
is_float(1.234) = true
is_num(2.3) = true
is_num('val') = false
Data type conversion function
function name | purpose | parameter | returned value |
str | Convert data to String type | Data | Data of type String. Failure to convert will cause SQL matching to fail |
str_utf8 | Convert data to UTF-8 String type | Data | UTF-8 String type data. Failure to convert will cause SQL matching to fail |
bool | Convert data to Boolean type | Data | Boolean data. Failure to convert will cause SQL matching to fail |
int | Convert data to integer type | Data | Integer type data. Failure to convert will cause SQL matching to fail |
float | Convert data to floating type | Data | Floating type data. Failure to convert will cause SQL matching to fail |
float2str | Convert a float to string using the given precision | 1. Float Number 2. Precision | String |
map | Convert data to Map type | Data | Map type data. Failure to convert will cause SQL matching to fail |
str(1234) = '1234'
str_utf8(1234) = '1234'
bool('true') = true
int('1234') = 1234
float('3.14') = 3.14
float2str(20.2, 10) = '20.2'
float2str(20.2, 17) = '20.19999999999999928'
String Functions
Function Name | Description | Parameters | Return Value |
lower | Convert to lowercase | 1. Original string | Lowercase string |
upper | Convert to uppercase | 1. Original string | Uppercase string |
trim | Remove leading and trailing spaces | 1. Original string | String with spaces removed |
ltrim | Remove leading spaces | 1. Original string | String with leading spaces removed |
rtrim | Remove trailing spaces | 1. Original string | String with trailing spaces removed |
reverse | Reverse the string | 1. Original string | Reversed string |
strlen | Get the length of the string | 1. Original string | Integer value, character length |
substr | Get a substring of the string | 1. Original string 2. Starting position (Note: 0-based index) | Substring |
substr | Get a substring of the string | 1. Original string 2. Starting position 3. Length of the substring to extract (Note: 0-based index) | Substring |
split | Split the string | 1. Original string 2. Substring for splitting | Array of split strings |
split | Split the string, only find the first leading delimiter | 1. Original string 2. Substring for splitting 3. 'leading' | Array of split strings |
split | Split the string, only find the first trailing delimiter | 1. Original string 2. Substring for splitting 3. 'trailing' | Array of split strings |
concat | Concatenate strings | 1. Left string 2. Right string | Concatenated string |
tokens | Tokenize the string (split by a specified substring) | 1. Input string 2. Delimiter string | Array of tokenized strings |
tokens | Tokenize the string (split by a specified string and ignore line breaks) | 1. Input string 2. Delimiter string 3. 'nocrlf' | Array of tokenized strings |
sprintf | Format a string (see Format section in Erlang's Format documentation for format string usage) | 1. Format string 2, 3, 4... Parameter list. Variable number of parameters | Formatted string |
pad | Pad a string with spaces, add from the end | 1. Original string 2. Total character length | Padded string |
pad | Pad a string with spaces, add from the end | 1. Original string 2. Total character length 3. 'trailing' | Padded string |
pad | Pad a string with spaces, add from both sides | 1. Original string 2. Total character length 3. 'both' | Padded string |
pad | Pad a string with spaces, add from the beginning | 1. Original string 2. Total character length 3. 'leading' | Padded string |
pad | Pad a string with a specified character, add from the end | 1. Original string 2. Total character length 3. 'trailing' 4. Character for padding | Padded string |
pad | Pad a string with a specified character, add from both sides | 1. Original string 2. Total character length 3. 'both' 4. Character for padding | Padded string |
pad | Pad a string with a specified character, add from the beginning | 1. Original string 2. Total character length 3. 'leading' 4. Character for padding | Padded string |
replace | Replace a substring in the string, find and replace all matches | 1. Original string 2. Substring to be replaced 3. String for replacement | Replaced string |
replace | Replace a substring in the string, find and replace all matches | 1. Original string 2. Substring to be replaced 3. String for replacement 4. 'all' | Replaced string |
replace | Replace a substring in the string, find and replace the first trailing match | 1. Original string 2. Substring to be replaced 3. String for replacement 4. 'trailing' | Replaced string |
replace | Replace a substring in the string, find and replace the first leading match | 1. Original string 2. Substring to be replaced 3. String for replacement 4. 'leading' | Replaced string |
regex_match | Check if a string matches a regular expression pattern | 1. Original string 2. Regular expression | true or false |
regex_replace | Replace substrings in the string that match a regular expression pattern | 1. Original string 2. Regular expression 3. String for replacement | Replaced string |
ascii | Get the ASCII code of a character | 1. Character | Integer value, ASCII code |
find | Find and return a substring in the string, search from the beginning | 1. Original string 2. Substring to find | Found substring, empty string if not found |
find | Find and return a substring in the string, search from the beginning | 1. Original string 2. Substring to find 3. 'leading' | Found substring, empty string if not found |
find | Find and return a substring in the string, search from the end | 1. Original string 2. Substring to find 3. 'trailing' | Found substring, empty string if not found |
join_to_string | Concatenate array elements into a string | 1. Array | Concatenated string, comma and space (, ) used as separator |
join_to_string | Concatenate array elements into a string | 1. Separator string 2. Array | Concatenated string |
join_to_sql_values_string | Concatenate array elements into a string, wrapping string elements with single quotes. Useful for building SQL VALUES clauses | 1. Array | Concatenated string, comma and space (, ) used as separator |
lower('AbC') = 'abc'
lower('abc') = 'abc'
upper('AbC') = 'ABC'` `lower('ABC') = 'ABC'
trim(' hello ') = 'hello'
ltrim(' hello ') = 'hello '
rtrim(' hello ') = ' hello'
reverse('hello') = 'olleh'
strlen('hello') = 5
substr('abcdef', 2) = 'cdef'
substr('abcdef', 2, 3) = 'cde'
split('a/b/ c', '/') = ['a', 'b', ' c']
split('a/b/ c', '/', 'leading') = ['a', 'b/ c']
split('a/b/ c', '/', 'trailing') = ['a/b', ' c']
concat('a', '/bc') = 'a/bc'
'a' + '/bc' = 'a/bc'
tokens(' a/b/ c', '/') = [' a', 'b', ' c']
tokens(' a/b/ c', '/ ') = ['a', 'b', 'c']
tokens(' a/b/ c\n', '/ ') = ['a', 'b', 'c\n']
tokens(' a/b/ c\n', '/ ', 'nocrlf') = ['a', 'b', 'c']
tokens(' a/b/ c\r\n', '/ ', 'nocrlf') = ['a', 'b', 'c']
sprintf('hello, ~s!', 'steve') = 'hello, steve!'
sprintf('count: ~p~n', 100) = 'count: 100\n'
pad('abc', 5) = 'abc '
pad('abc', 5, 'trailing') = 'abc '
pad('abc', 5, 'both') = ' abc '
pad('abc', 5, 'leading') = ' abc'
pad('abc', 5, 'trailing', '*') = 'abc**'
pad('abc', 5, 'trailing', '*#') = 'abc*#*#'
pad('abc', 5, 'both', '*') = '*abc*'
pad('abc', 5, 'both', '*#') = '*#abc*#'
pad('abc', 5, 'leading', '*') = '**abc'
pad('abc', 5, 'leading', '*#') = '*#*#abc'
replace('ababef', 'ab', 'cd') = 'cdcdef'
replace('ababef', 'ab', 'cd', 'all') = 'cdcdef'
replace('ababef', 'ab', 'cd', 'trailing') = 'abcdef'
replace('ababef', 'ab', 'cd', 'leading') = 'cdabef'
regex_match('abc123', '[a-zA-Z1-9]*') = true
regex_replace('ab1cd3ef', '[1-9]', '[&]') = 'ab[1]cd[3]ef'
regex_replace('ccefacef', 'c+', ':') = ':efa:ef'
ascii('a') = 97
find('eeabcabcee', 'abc') = 'abcabcee'
find('eeabcabcee', 'abc', 'leading') = 'abcabcee'
find('eeabcabcee', 'abc', 'trailing') = 'abcee'
join_to_string(['a', 'b', 'c']) = 'a, b, c'
join_to_string('-', ['a', 'b', 'c']) = 'a-b-c'
join_to_sql_values_string(['a', 'b', 1]) = '\'a\', \'b\', 1'
Map Function
Function Name | Function Purpose | Parameters | Return Value |
map_new | Creates an empty Map data type | None | An empty Map (Erlang Map type: #{} , equivalent to JSON objects {} ) |
map_get | Retrieves the value of a specific Key in the Map; returns empty if the Key doesn't exist | 1. Key 2. Map | The value of a specific Key in the Map. Supports nested Keys, e.g., "a.b.c" |
map_get | Retrieves the value of a specific Key in the Map; returns a specified default value if the Key doesn't exist | 1. Key 2. Map 3. Default Value | The value of a specific Key in the Map. Supports nested Keys, e.g., "a.b.c" |
map_put | Inserts a value into the Map | 1. Key 2. Value 3. Map | The Map after the insertion. Supports nested Keys, e.g., "a.b.c" |
mget | Retrieves the value of a specific Key in the Map; returns empty if the Key doesn't exist. Similar to map_get but does not support nested Keys | 1. Key 2. Map | The value of a specific Key in the Map |
mget | Retrieves the value of a specific Key in the Map; returns a specified default value if the Key doesn't exist. Similar to map_get but does not support nested Keys | 1. Key 2. Map 3. Default Value | The value of a specific Key in the Map |
mput | Inserts a value into the Map. Similar to map_put but does not support nested Keys | 1. Key 2. Value 3. Map | The Map after the insertion |
map_keys | Retrieves all keys of a Map data type | Map | An array containing all the keys |
map_values | Retrieves all values of a Map data type | Map | An array containing all the values |
map_to_entries | Converts a Map into an array of Key-Value pairs | Map | An array in the format [#{key => Key}, #{value => Value}] , equivalent to JSON [{"key": Key}, {"value": Value}] |
map_new() = #{}
json_encode(map_new()) = '{}'
map_get('a', json_decode( '{ "a" : 1 }' )) = 1
map_get('b', json_decode( '{ "a" : 1 }' ), 2) = 2
map_get('a.b', json_decode( '{ "a" : {"b": 2} }' )) = 2
map_put('c', 1, map_new()) = #{c => 1}
map_put('c.d', 1, map_new()) = #{c => #{d => 1}}
json_encode(map_put('c.d', 1, map_new())) = '{"c":{"d":1}}'
mget('a.b', json_decode( '{ "a.b" : 1 }' )) = 1
mget('a.b', json_decode( '{ "a" : {"b": 2} }' )) = undefined
mput('c.d', 1, map_new()) = #{<<"c.d">> => 1}
json_encode(mput('c.d', 1, map_new())) = '{"c.d":1}'
json_encode(map_to_entries('{"a": 1, "b": 2}')) = '[{"value":1,"key":"a"}, {"value":2,"key":"b"}]'
map_keys(json_decode('{ "a" : 1, "b" : 2 }')) = ['a', 'b']
map_values(json_decode('{ "a" : 1, "b" : 2 }')) = [1, 2]
Array function
function name | purpose | parameter | returned value |
nth | Take the nth element, and subscripts start at 1 | Original array | Nth element |
length | Get the length of an array | Original array | the length of an array |
sublist | Take a sub-array of length len starting from the first element. Subscripts start at 1 | 1. length len 2. Original array | sub-array |
sublist | Take a sub-array of length len starting from the nth element. Subscripts start at 1 | 1. start position n 2. length len 3. Original array | sub-array |
first | Take the first element. Subscripts start at 1 | Original array | 1st element |
last | take the last element | Original array | the last element |
contains | Determine whether the data is in the array | 1. data 2. Original array | Boolean value |
nth(2, [1,2,3,4]) = 2
length([1,2,3,4]) = 4
sublist(3, [1,2,3,4]) = [1,2,3,4]
sublist(1,2,[1,2,3,4]) = [1, 2]
first([1,2,3,4]) = 1
last([1,2,3,4]) = 4
contains(2, [1,2,3,4]) = true
Hash function
function name | purpose | parameter | returned value |
md5 | evaluate MD5 | data | MD5 value |
sha | evaluate SHA | data | SHA value |
sha256 | evaluate SHA256 | data | SHA256 value |
md5('some val') = '1b68352b3e9c2de52ffd322e30bffcc4'
sha('some val') = 'f85ba28ff5ea84a0cbfa118319acb0c5e58ee2b9'
sha256('some val') = '67f97635d8a0e064f60ba6e8846a0ac0be664f18f0c1dc6445cd3542d2b71993'
Compresses and Uncompresses functions
Function | Purpose | Parameters | Returned value |
gzip | Compresses data with gz headers and checksum. | Raw binary data | Compressed binary data |
gunzip | Uncompresses data with gz headers and checksum. | Compressed binary data | Raw binary data |
zip | Compresses data without zlib headers and checksum. | Raw binary data | Compressed binary data |
unzip | Uncompresses data without zlib headers and checksum. | Compressed binary data | Raw binary data |
zip_compress | Compresses data with zlib headers and checksum. | Raw binary data | Compressed binary data |
zip_uncompress | Uncompresses data with zlib headers and checksum. | Compressed binary data | Raw binary data |
bin2hexstr(gzip('hello world')) = '1F8B0800000000000003CB48CDC9C95728CF2FCA49010085114A0D0B000000'
gunzip(hexstr2bin('1F8B0800000000000003CB48CDC9C95728CF2FCA49010085114A0D0B000000')) = 'hello world'
bin2hexstr(zip('hello world')) = 'CB48CDC9C95728CF2FCA490100'
unzip(hexstr2bin('CB48CDC9C95728CF2FCA490100')) = 'hello world'
bin2hexstr(zip_compress('hello world')) = '789CCB48CDC9C95728CF2FCA4901001A0B045D'
zip_uncompress(hexstr2bin('789CCB48CDC9C95728CF2FCA4901001A0B045D')) = 'hello world'
Bit functions
Function | Purpose | Parameters | Returned value |
subbits | Get a given length of bits from the beginning of a binary, and then convert it to an unsigned integer (big-endian). | 1. The binary 2. The length of bits to get | The unsigned integer |
subbits | Get a given length of bits start from the specified offset of a binary, and then convert it to an unsigned integer (big-endian). Offsets are start from 1. | 1. The binary 2. The offset 3. The length of bits to get | The unsigned integer |
subbits | Get a given length of bits start from the specified offset of a binary, and then convert it to a data type according to the arguments provided. Offsets are start from 1. | 1. The binary 2. The offset 3. The length of bits to get 4. Data Type, can be one of 'integer', 'float', 'bits' 5. Signedness, only works for integers, can be one of 'unsigned', 'signed', 6. Endianness, only works for integers, can be one of 'big', 'little' | The data got from the binary |
subbits('abc', 8) = 97
subbits('abc', 9, 8) = 98
subbits('abc', 17, 8) = 99
subbits('abc', 9, 16, 'integer', 'signed', 'big') = 25187
subbits('abc', 9, 16, 'integer', 'signed', 'little') = 25442
Decoding and encoding functions
Function | Purpose | Parameters | Returned value |
base64_encode | BASE64 encode | The binary to be encoded | The encoded base64-formatted string |
base64_decode | BASE64 decode | The base64-formatted string to be decoded | The decoded binary |
json_encode | JSON encode | The data to be encoded | The JSON string |
json_decode | JSON decode | The JSON string to be decoded | The decoded data |
bin2hexstr | Binary to Hex String | The binary | The hex string |
hexstr2bin | Binary to Hex String | The hex string | The binary |
base64_encode('some val') = 'c29tZSB2YWw='
base64_decode('c29tZSB2YWw=') = 'some val'
json_encode(json_decode( '{ "a" : 1 }' )) = '{"a":1}'
bin2hexstr(hexstr2bin('ABEF123')) = 'ABEF123'
Function | Purpose | Parameters | Returned value |
schema_encode | Encode according to schema. The schema should be created before using this function | 1. The Schema ID defined by schema registry 2. The data to be encoded 3..N. The remaining arguments according to the schema type | The encoded data |
schema_decode | Decode according to schema. The schema should be created before using this function | 1. The Schema ID defined by schema registry 2. The data to be decoded 3..N. The remaining arguments according to the schema type | The decoded data |
For examples of schema_encode() and schema_decode(), see schema registry {% endemqxee %}
Time and date functions
Function | Purpose | Parameters | Returned value |
now_timestamp | Return the unix epoch of now in second | - | The unix epoch |
now_timestamp | Return the unix epoch of now, in given time unit | 1. The time unit | The unix epoch |
now_rfc3339 | Create a RFC3339 time string of now in second | - | The time string of format RFC3339 |
now_rfc3339 | Create a RFC3339 time string of now, in given time unit | 1. The time unit | The time string of format RFC3339 |
unix_ts_to_rfc3339 | Convert an unix epoch (in second) to RFC3339 time string | 1. The unix epoch in second | The time string of format RFC3339 |
unix_ts_to_rfc3339 | Convert an unix epoch to RFC3339 time string, using the given time unit | 1. The unix epoch 2. The time unit | The time string of format RFC3339 |
rfc3339_to_unix_ts | Convert a RFC3339 time string (in second) to unix epoch | 1. The time string of format RFC3339 | The unix epoch |
rfc3339_to_unix_ts | Convert a RFC3339 time string to unix epoch, using the given time unit | 1. The time string of format RFC3339 2. The time unit | The unix epoch |
format_date | Timestamp to formatted time | 1. The time unit (refer to The time unit) 2. The time offset (refer to time offset definition) 3. The date format (refer to time string codec format) 4. The timestamp (optional parameter, default is current time) | Formatted time |
date_to_unix_ts | Formatted time to timestamp | 1. The time unit (refer to the following table for definition) 2. The time offset (optional, when not filled, use the time offset in the formatted time string, refer to the time offset definition) 3. The date format (refer to time string codec format) 4. The formatted time string | The unix epoch |
The time unit
Name | Precision | Example |
second | second | 1653557821 |
millisecond | millisecond | 1653557852982 |
microsecond | microsecond | 1653557892926417 |
nanosecond | nanosecond | 1653557916474793000 |
Time string format
Placeholder | Definition | Range |
%Y | year | 0000 - 9999 |
%m | month | 01 - 12 |
%d | day | 01 - 31 |
%H | hour | 00 - 12 |
%M | minute | 00 - 59 |
%S | second | 01 - 59 |
%N | nanosecond | 000000000 - 999999999 |
%3N | millisecond | 000000 - 999999 |
%6N | microsecond | 000 - 000 |
%z | time offset [+|-]HHMM | -1159 to +1159 |
%:z | time offset [+|-]HH:MM | -11:59 to +11:59 |
%::z | time offset [+|-]HH:MM:SS | -11:59:59 to +11:59:59 |
The time offset
Offset | Definition | Examples |
z | UTC Zulu Time | +00:00 |
Z | UTC Zulu Time. Same as z | +00:00 |
local | System Time | Automatic Beijing +08:00 Zulu +00:00 Stockholm, Sweden +02:00 Los Angeles -08:00 |
[+|-]HHMM | %z | Beijing +0800 Zulu +0000 Stockholm, Sweden +0200 Los Angeles -0800 |
[+|-]HH:MM | %:z | Beijing +08:00 Zulu +00:00 Stockholm, Sweden +02:00 Los Angeles -08:00 |
[+|-]HH:MM:SS | %::z | Beijing +08:00:00 Zulu +00:00:00 Stockholm, Sweden +02:00:00 Los Angeles -08:00:00 |
integer() | Seconds | Beijing 28800 Zulu 0 Stockholm, Sweden 7200 Los Angeles -28800 |
now_timestamp() = 1650874276
now_timestamp('millisecond') = 1650874318331
now_rfc3339() = '2022-04-25T16:08:41+08:00'
now_rfc3339('millisecond') = '2022-04-25T16:10:10.652+08:00'
unix_ts_to_rfc3339(1650874276) = '2022-04-25T16:11:16+08:00'
unix_ts_to_rfc3339(1650874318331, 'millisecond') = '2022-04-25T16:11:58.331+08:00'
rfc3339_to_unix_ts('2022-04-25T16:11:16+08:00') = 1650874276
rfc3339_to_unix_ts('2022-04-25T16:11:58.331+08:00', 'millisecond') = 1650874318331
format_date('second', '+0800', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%:z', 1653561612) = '2022-05-26 18:40:12+08:00'
format_date('second', 'local', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%:z') = "2022-05-26 18:48:01+08:00"
format_date('second', 0, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%:z') = '2022-05-26 10:42:41+00:00'
date_to_unix_ts('second', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%:z', '2022-05-26 18:40:12+08:00') = 1653561612
date_to_unix_ts('second', 'local', '%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S', '2022-05-26 18:40:12') = 1653561612
date_to_unix_ts('second', '%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S', '2022-05-26 10:40:12') = 1653561612
Function | Purpose | Parameters | Returned value |
mongo_date | Create a mongodb ISODate type of now | - | the ISODate |
mongo_date | Create a mongodb ISODate type from the given unix epoch in millisecond | 1. unix epoch in millisecond | the ISODate |
mongo_date | Create a mongodb ISODate type from the given unix epoch in given time unit | 1. unix epoch 2. time unit, can be one of 'second', 'millisecond', 'microsecond' or 'nanosecond' | the ISODate |
The time unit can be one of 'second', 'millisecond', 'microsecond' or 'nanosecond'.
mongo_date() = 'ISODate("2012-12-19T06:01:17.171Z")'
mongo_date(timestamp) = 'ISODate("2012-12-19T06:01:17.171Z")'
mongo_date(timestamp, 'millisecond') = 'ISODate("2012-12-19T06:01:17.171Z")'