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Add EMQX Clusters

ECP supports adding existing EMQX clusters. ECP supports management for EMQX v4 Enterprise Edition (4.4.6 and above) and EMQX v5 Enterprise Edition (5.6.0 and above).

Add an Existing Cluster

  1. Log in to the ECP platform as a system admin, organization admin, or project admin. In Workspace - Data Integration - Data Access page, click Add Cluster.

  2. Provide a name for the cluster in the Cluster Name field. The name should be between 1-200 characters long and can include "_" and blank spaces.

  3. If you try to add an EMQX v5 cluster, fill in the Cluster Address (i.e. EMQX dashboard access address). You can also input the Cluster Address later by Edit operation.

  4. Click Confirm to finish the adding process. The newly-created clusters will be listed in the Cluster List panel with the status Created.

  5. Click Register Node and follow the instructions on the cluster registration guide page to register the cluster node.

  6. Select the CPU architecture in the CPU Architecture field, amd64, arm, and arm64 are supported. Follow the steps on this page to finish adding the existing cluster.

  7. Log in to the virtual machine hosting the EMQX cluster, execute the commands provided on the registration guide page in sequential order.

    # Download EMQX Agent
    sudo curl -L -f --output /usr/local/bin/emqxee-agent https://[emqxee-agent]
    # Update EMQX Agent permission
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/emqxee-agent
    # Start EMQX Agent
    sudo /usr/local/bin/emqxee-agent start
    # Register on ECP
    sudo /usr/local/bin/emqxee-agent register --url https://[emqxee-agent] --registration-token bf2779e5176446cd8e18fde81d826497
  8. Upon returning to the Workspace - Data Integration - Data Access page, you will find that the newly added existing cluster is now in the Running status.

  9. If an EMQX v4 cluster is added for management, an Enter Dashboard button will display. Click it to view the EMQX v4 dashboard. If the Enter Dashboard button is not visible, please make sure cluster.agent section is correctly configured in ECP configuration file and the MQTT broker configured in it can be accessed by the agent.

  10. If an EMQX v5 cluster is added for management, an Enter Dashboard button will display if the Cluster Address has been configured. Click it to directly view the EMQX v5 dashboard in a new window.

Cluster Status

Managed EMQX cluster can be in the following states:

CreatedCluster with no node registered yet
RegisteringIntermediate state during cluster node registration
RunningNormal running state of the cluster
DeletingIntermediate state before cluster deletion completes
ErrorAbnormal running state of the cluster, or network connection issue between agent and cluster or between agent and ECP

For clusters in the state of Error, you can click the Error status icon to view possible cause.