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License Configuration

You can update your license file and configure the settings for the license connection quota usage the configuration file emqx.conf. After the configuration, you can run emqx ctl license reload in EMQX command line tool to reload the license.

Below is an example of configuring the EMQX Enterprise license settings:

license {
  key  =  "MjIwMTExCjAKMTAKRXZhbHVhdGlvbgpjb250YWN0QGVtcXguaW8KZGVmYXVsdAoyMDIzMDEwOQoxODI1CjEwMAo=.MEUCIG62t8W15g05f1cKx3tA3YgJoR0dmyHOPCdbUxBGxgKKAiEAhHKh8dUwhU+OxNEaOn8mgRDtiT3R8RZooqy6dEsOmDI="
  connection_low_watermark  =  "60%"
  connection_high_watermark  =  "80%"


  • key is the field contains a license key encoded in base64 format.
  • connection_low_watermark is to set a threshold below which license connection quota usage alarms are deactivated; default: "75%"
  • connection_high_watermark is to set a threshold above which license connection quota usage alarms are activated; default: "80%"

After execution, you can run emqx ctl license info to confirm that the new license file has taken effect.

EMQX has offered more configuration items to serve customized needs better. For details, see Configuration Manual.


You can also configure the license file through the EMQX Dashboard. For how to configure the license via Dashboard, see Work with License. Once you configured these items with the Dashboard, your settings will override the same configuration items in emqx.conf.