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EMQX allows users to customize the business logic or implement other protocols using plugins written in Erlang. This page introduces how to develop a customized plugin.

The basic process of plugin development and operation is as follows:

  • Download and install our rebar3 emqx-plugin template.
  • Generate the corresponding plugin tarball using the plugin template provided by EMQX.
  • Install the plugin package via Dashboard or CLI.
  • Start/stop/uninstall your plugin via Dashboard or CLI.


Knowledge of EMQX hooks

Develop EMQX Plugins

This section provides a step-by-step guide on developing custom EMQX plugins, using the creation of an access control plugin as an example.

Download and Install the rebar3 Plugin Template

EMQX offers an emqx-plugin-template to facilitate the creation of custom emqx-plugin projects.

  1. Use the following commands to download the emqx-plugin-template:
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/rebar3/templates
$ pushd ~/.config/rebar3/templates
$ git clone
$ popd
  1. Generate your customized plugin using the template with this command:
$ rebar3 new emqx-plugin my_emqx_plugin

This command creates a standard Erlang application structured as follows, with emqx included as a dependency:

$ tree my_emqx_plugin
├── Makefile
├── erlang_ls.config
├── priv
   ├── config.hocon.example
   ├── config_i18n.json.example
   ├── config_schema.avsc.enterprise.example
   └── config_schema.avsc.example
├── rebar.config
├── scripts
└── src
    ├── my_emqx_plugin_app.erl
    ├── my_emqx_plugin_cli.erl
    ├── my_emqx_plugin.erl
    └── my_emqx_plugin_sup.erl

4 directories, 16 files

Review the rebar.config file and adjust it as necessary for your plugin's requirements.

The project also includes an example module demonstrating how to add custom emqx ctl commands (emqx_cli_demo.erl).

Note: As the template depends on emqx, it requires a custom version of rebar3, which you can install using the included ./scripts/ script.

Test Your Development Environment

Ensure your development environment is correctly set up by referring to the Install from Source Code guide.

Execute the following command to verify if your plugin compiles and packages successfully:

$ make rel

At this stage, no additional coding is required.

Since the example plugin depends on the EMQX core application, you must download and compile it along with its dependencies. This step integrates the plugin into the main EMQX project. Be aware that this compilation process can be time-intensive.

Customize the Example Project

After verifying that your setup works correctly, you can start tailoring the example project to meet your specific requirements. The initial template provides a core module at src/my_emqx_plugin.erl, which includes registration for all currently known hooks. Begin by removing any hooks that are not needed and implement your own logic in the callbacks for the ones you retain.

Example Customization for Authentication and Access Control

For instance, if you need hooks for authentication and access control, modify the my_emqx_plugin:load/1 function as shown:

load(Env) ->
  emqx_hooks:add('client.authenticate', {?MODULE, on_client_authenticate, [Env]}, ?HP_HIGHEST),
  emqx_hooks:add('client.authorize', {?MODULE, on_client_authorize, [Env]}, ?HP_HIGHEST),

Here, on_client_authenticate/3 handles client authentication, while on_client_authorize/5 manages access control.

As one hook function may be mounted by both EMQX and customized plugins, you need to specify the execution order when mounting it to the plugin. HP_HIGHEST specifies that the current hook function has the highest priority and is executed first.

Customize Access Control Code

Consider the following access control implementations:

%% Only allow connections with client IDs that match any of the characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and underscore.
on_client_authenticate(_ClientInfo = #{clientid := ClientId}, Result, _Env) ->
  case re:run(ClientId, "^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$", [{capture, none}]) of
    match -> {ok, Result};
    nomatch -> {stop, {error, banned}}
%% Clients can only subscribe to topics formatted as /room/{clientid}, but can send messages to any topics.
on_client_authorize(_ClientInfo = #{clientid := ClientId}, subscribe, Topic, Result, _Env) ->
  case emqx_topic:match(Topic, <<"/room/", ClientId/binary>>) of
    true -> {ok, Result};
    false -> stop
on_client_authorize(_ClientInfo, _Pub, _Topic, Result, _Env) -> {ok, Result}.

In the provided code example, only clients with a client ID matching the specified pattern can log in. These clients are restricted to subscribing only to the topic /room/{clientid}, effectively creating a simple chat room setup. While clients can send messages to any topic, they are limited to subscribing to topics that directly pertain to their own client ID.


  1. Ensure authorization.no_match is set to deny in your configuration to prevent unauthorized connections.
  2. This example details customizing an access control plugin. Similar authorization rules can be based on files as detailed in the File-Based Authorization documentation.

Pack the Customized Plugin

Modify the version information of the plugin via rebar.config:

{relx, [ {release, {my_emqx_plugin, "1.0.0"}, %% This is the release version, different from app vsn in .app file
            [ my_emqx_plugin
            , map_sets
       , {dev_mode, false}
       , {include_erts, false}

  %% Additional info about the plugin
    [ {authors, ["Your Name"]}
    , {builder,
        [ {name, "Your Name"}
        , {contact, "your_email@example.cpm"}
        , {website, ""}
    , {repo, ""}
    , {functionality, ["Demo"]}
    , {compatibility,
        [ {emqx, "~> 5.0"}
    , {description, "Another amazing EMQX plugin"}

After updating the configuration, re-run the release command:

make rel
===> Release successfully assembled: _build/default/rel/my_emqx_plugin
===> [emqx_plugrel] creating _build/default/emqx_plugrel/my_emqx_plugin-1.0.0.tar.gz

This generates a new tarball, my_emqx_plugin-1.0.0.tar.gz, which you can upload and deploy to your EMQX cluster.

Write Configuration Schema for the Plugin (Optional)

EMQX version 5.7.0 introduced REST API for plugin configuration management and Avro Schema for configuration validation, enhancing the ability to update plugin configurations dynamically during runtime. In addition, if you write an Avro Schema to validate the plugin's configuration, you are required to provide a default configuration file that matches the Avro Schema rules. This file should be located at priv/config.hocon.

Configuration updates made at runtime will be written in HOCON format to data/plugins/<PLUGIN_NAME>/config.hocon, and the old configuration file will be backed up each time the configuration is updated.


Check out the example files in your project directory: priv/config.hocon.example, priv/config_schema.avsc.example, priv/config_schema.avsc.enterprise.example and priv/config_i18n.json.example. Plugins that support configuration and configuration validation can be written based on these files.

Note that priv/config_schema.avsc.enterprise.example and priv/config_i18n.json.example contain the UI declarations and their internationalization configurations. Using UI declarations to render plugin configuration form pages is an enterprise edition feature.

Your plugin package needs to include an Avro Schema configuration file, located at the relative path priv/config_schema.avsc. This file must adhere to the Apache Avro specification.

Declarative UI Usage Reference (Optional)


EMQX Enterprise Edition features. EMQX Enterprise Edition provides comprehensive coverage of key business scenarios, rich data integration, product-level reliability, and 24/7 global technical support. Experience the benefits of this enterprise-ready MQTT messaging platform today.

Declarative UI components enable dynamic form rendering within the Dashboard, accommodating a variety of field types and custom components. Below is a description of the available components and their configurations.

UI declarations are used for dynamic form rendering, allowing the EMQX Dashboard to dynamically generate configuration forms, making it easier to configure and manage plugins. Various field types and custom components are supported. Below are the available components and their configuration descriptions.

There is also an optional internationalization (i18n) config file, located at priv/config_i18n.json. This file is structured as key-value pairs, for example: { "$msgid": { "zh": "消息", "en": "Message" } }. To support multiple languages in field names, descriptions, validation rule messages, and other UI elements in the $ui configuration, use $msgid prefixed with $ in the relevant UI configurations.

Configuration Item Descriptions

  • component
    Required. Specifies the component type for displaying and configuring data of different values and types. Supported components include:

    Component NameDescription
    inputText input box for short texts or strings
    input-passwordPassword input box that conceals input
    input-numberNumeric input box allowing only numeric input
    input-textareaText area for longer text entries
    input-arrayArray input box for comma-separated values, supporting string and numeric arrays
    switchToggle switch for boolean values
    selectDropdown selection box for enumerated types
    code-editorCode editor for specific formats (e.g., SQL, JSON)
    key-value-editorEditor for editing key-value pairs in Avro maps
    maps-editorEditor for editing object arrays in Avro objects
  • label
    Required. Defines the field's label or name, supports $msgid for internationalization. If i18n is not configured, the original text will be displayed directly.

  • description
    Optional. Provides a detailed description of the field, supports $msgid for internationalization. If i18n is not configured, the original text will be displayed directly.

  • flex
    Required. Defines the proportion of the field in the grid layout; a full grid (24) spans an entire row, while a half grid (12) covers half a row.

  • required
    Optional. Indicates whether the field is mandatory.

  • format (Applicable only for code-editor component)
    Optional. Specifies the supported data formats, such as sql or json.

  • options (Applicable only for select component)
    Optional. Lists the selectable options, aligned with the symbols in the Avro Schema. Example:

        "label": "$mysql",
        "value": "MySQL"
        "label": "$pgsql",
        "value": "postgreSQL"
  • items (Applicable only for maps-editor component)
    Optional. When using the maps-editor component, specify the field name and description of the items in the form. For example:

      "items": {
        "optionName": {
          "label": "$optionNameLabel",
          "description": "$optionDesc",
          "type": "string"
        "optionValue": {
          "label": "$optionValueLabel",
          "description": "$optionValueDesc",
          "type": "string"
  • rules
    Optional. Defines validation rules for the field, where multiple rules can be configured. Supported types include:

    • pattern: Requires a regular expression for validation.
    • range: Validates numeric input within a specified range. This validation can be configured with both a minimum value (min) and a maximum value (max), which can be set either together or independently.
    • length: Validates the character count of input, ensuring it falls within a specified range. This validation rule allows for the configuration of both a minimum length (minLength) and a maximum length (maxLength), which can be set either together or individually.
    • message: Specifies an error message to display when validation fails. This supports internationalization using $msgid to accommodate multiple languages.

Example Validation Rules:

The following are several example snippets. For more detailed examples, refer to priv/config_schema.avsc.example:

    "rules": [
      "type": "pattern",
      "pattern": "^([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\\-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])(\\.([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\\-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]))*$",
      "message": "$hostname_validate"
    "rules": [
      "type": "range",
      "min": 1,
      "max": 65535,
      "message": "$port_range_validate"
    "rules": [
      "type": "length",
      "minLength": 8,
      "maxLength": 128,
      "message": "$password_length_validate"
      "type": "pattern",
      "pattern": "^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)[a-zA-Z\d]*$",
      "message": "$password_validate"

Including Avro Schema and i18n files in your plugin package ensures they are incorporated during plugin compilation and packaging. You can use the emqx_plugins:get_config/1,2,3,4 function in your plugin code to retrieve configuration settings.

Install and Launch the Plugin

To install the compiled plugin package, use the command line interface (CLI) as follows:

./bin/emqx ctl plugins install {pluginName}

Uninstall the Plugin

When the plugin is no longer needed, you can uninstall it using the CLI with this command:

./bin/emqx ctl plugins uninstall {pluginName}