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Configure and Manage Durable Sessions

This document provides references and instructions for configuring, managing, and optimizing the MQTT Durable Sessions feature within EMQX, including sessions and storage configuration.

Configuration Parameters

MQTT Durable Sessions configuration is divided into 2 main categories:

  • durable_sessions: Contains settings related to MQTT clients' sessions, including how they consume data from durable storage and data retention parameters.
  • durable_storage Manages the settings of the durable storage system holding the MQTT message data.

Durable Sessions Configuration

durable_sessions.enableEnables session durability. Note: Restart of the EMQX node is required for changes to take effect.
durable_sessions.batch_sizeControls the maximum size of message batches consumed from the storage by durable sessions.
durable_sessions.idle_poll_intervalControls the frequency of querying the storage for new messages by durable sessions. If new messages are found, the next batch is retrieved immediately if the client's in-flight queue has space.
durable_sessions.heartbeat_intervalSpecifies the interval for saving session metadata.
durable_sessions.renew_streams_intervalDefines how often sessions query the storage for new streams.
durable_sessions.session_gc_intervalSpecifies the interval for sweeping through sessions and deleting expired ones.
durable_sessions.message_retention_periodDefines the retention period of MQTT messages in durable sessions. Note: this parameter is global.

The following parameters can be overridden per zone:

  • durable_sessions.enable
  • durable_sessions.batch_size
  • durable_sessions.idle_poll_interval
  • durable_sessions.renew_streams_interval

Durable Storage Configuration

The <DS> placeholder stands for "durable storage". Currently, the available parameter for <DS> is message.

durable_storage.<DS>.data_dirDirectory in the file system where EMQX stores the data.
durable_storage.<DS>.n_shardsNumer of shards.
durable_storage.<DS>.n_sitesNumber of sites.
durable_storage.<DS>.replication_factorReplication factor determines the number of replicas for each shard.
durable_storage.<DS>.local_write_bufferContains parameters related to message buffering. See Local Write Buffer Configuration.
durable_storage.<DS>.layoutContains parameters that control how EMQX lays out data on disk. See Storage Layout Configuration.

Local Write Buffer Configuration

EMQX writes MQTT messages from clients to the durable storage in batches to maximize the throughput. Batching is configured using the following parameters under durable_storage.<DS>.layout configuration sub-tree:

max_itemsThe buffer is flushed when its size reaches this value.
flush_intervalThe buffer is also flushed at this interval, provided it contains at least one message.

Storage Layout Configuration

Storage layout determines how EMQX organizes data on disk. Setting durable_storage.<DS>.layout.type parameter can change the layout used by the new generations. This change does not affect existing generations. The configuration of each layout type varies and is contained under the durable_storage.<DS>.layout sub-tree. Currently, the wildcard_optimized layout type is available.

Configuration of wildcard_optimized Layout Type

The wildcard_optimized layout is aimed to optimize wildcard subscriptions matching a large number of MQTT topics. It achieves this by autonomously accumulating knowledge about topic structures over time. Leveraging a lightweight machine learning algorithm, it predicts the wildcard topic filters that clients are likely to subscribe to. Subsequently, it organizes these topics into a unified stream, allowing efficient consumption in a single sweep.

bits_per_topic_levelDetermines the size of the topic level hash.
epoch_bitsDefines the message offset within an epoch, calculated using the least significant bits of the message timestamp (in microseconds). The number of bits comprising the offset is determined by this parameter.
topic_index_bytesSpecifies the size of the stream identifier in bytes.

Epoch Configuration

Wildcard-optimized streams are segmented into time intervals known as epochs. Messages within each epoch can be processed in a single sweep, thereby enhancing efficiency and throughput. However, larger epochs introduce latency as messages from the current epoch cannot be immediately consumed.

The time interval covered by each epoch can be calculated using the formula: epoch length (μs) = 2 ^ epoch_bits.

Epoch BitsEpoch Length
12 μs
24 μs
10~1 ms
17~100 ms
20~1 s
21~2 s
24~17 s

By default, the epoch_bits parameter is configured to 20 (~1 s), striking a balance between latency and efficiency. Adjusting this value can fine-tune the trade-off between latency and throughput.

CLI Commands

The following CLI commands are available for managing the durable storage:

emqx_ctl ds info

Displays an overview of the durable storage state.


$ emqx_ctl ds info


5C6028D6CE9459C7    'emqx@n2.local'        up
D8894F95DC86DFDB    'emqx@n1.local'        up
F4E92DEA197C8EBC    'emqx@n3.local'    (x) down

Shard                             Replicas
messages/0                        5C6028D6CE9459C7
messages/1                        5C6028D6CE9459C7
messages/10                       5C6028D6CE9459C7
messages/11                       5C6028D6CE9459C7
messages/2                        5C6028D6CE9459C7
messages/3                        5C6028D6CE9459C7
messages/4                        5C6028D6CE9459C7
messages/5                        5C6028D6CE9459C7
messages/6                        5C6028D6CE9459C7
messages/7                        5C6028D6CE9459C7
messages/8                        5C6028D6CE9459C7
messages/9                        5C6028D6CE9459C7

This command output includes:

  • THIS SITE: ID of the site claimed by the local EMQX node.
  • SITES: List of all known sites, including EMQX node names and their statuses.
  • SHARDS: List of durable storage shards and site IDs where their replicas are located.

emqx_ctl ds set_replicas <DS> <Site1> <Site2> ...

This command allows to set the list of sites containing replicas of the durable storage in the cluster. Once executed, it creates a plan of operations that leads to fair allocation of the shards between the sites, and then continues to execute it in the background.

Important Notice

Updating the list of durable storage replicas can be costly as it may involve copying large volumes of data between sites.


$ emqx_ctl ds set_replicas messages 5C6028D6CE9459C7 D8894F95DC86DFDB F4E92DEA197C8EBC

After executing this command, the output of ds info may look like this:

$ emqx_ctl ds info


5C6028D6CE9459C7    'emqx@n2.local'        up
D8894F95DC86DFDB    'emqx@n1.local'        up
F4E92DEA197C8EBC    'emqx@n3.local'        up

Shard                             Replicas
messages/0                        5C6028D6CE9459C7      D8894F95DC86DFDB
messages/1                        5C6028D6CE9459C7      D8894F95DC86DFDB
messages/10                       5C6028D6CE9459C7
messages/11                       5C6028D6CE9459C7      D8894F95DC86DFDB
messages/2                        5C6028D6CE9459C7      D8894F95DC86DFDB
messages/3                        5C6028D6CE9459C7
messages/4                        5C6028D6CE9459C7      D8894F95DC86DFDB
messages/5                        5C6028D6CE9459C7      D8894F95DC86DFDB
messages/6                        5C6028D6CE9459C7
messages/7                        5C6028D6CE9459C7      D8894F95DC86DFDB
messages/8                        5C6028D6CE9459C7      D8894F95DC86DFDB
messages/9                        5C6028D6CE9459C7

Shard                         Transitions
messages/0                    +F4E92DEA197C8EBC
messages/1                    +F4E92DEA197C8EBC
messages/10                   +F4E92DEA197C8EBC  +D8894F95DC86DFDB
messages/11                   +F4E92DEA197C8EBC
messages/2                    +F4E92DEA197C8EBC
messages/3                    +F4E92DEA197C8EBC  +D8894F95DC86DFDB
messages/4                    +F4E92DEA197C8EBC
messages/5                    +F4E92DEA197C8EBC
messages/6                    +F4E92DEA197C8EBC  +D8894F95DC86DFDB
messages/7                    +F4E92DEA197C8EBC
messages/8                    +F4E92DEA197C8EBC
messages/9                    +F4E92DEA197C8EBC  +D8894F95DC86DFDB

The new section REPLICA TRANSITIONS lists pending operations. Once all operations are complete, this list will be empty.

emqx_ctl ds join <DS> <Site> / emqx_ctl ds leave <DS> <Site>

These commands add or remove a site from the list of replicas of the durable storage. They are similar to the set_replicas command but update one site at a time.


$ bin/emqx_ctl ds join messages B2A7DBB2413CD6EE

For more detailed information, see Add Sites and Remove Sites.


The following REST API endpoints are available for managing and monitoring the built-in durable sessions:

  • /ds/sites: Lists known sites.
  • /ds/sites/:site: Provides information about a site (status, current EMQX node name managing the site, etc.).
  • /ds/storages: Lists durable storage.
  • /ds/storages/:ds: Provides information about the durable storage and its shards.
  • /ds/storages/:ds/replicas: Lists or updates sites containing replicas of durable storage.
  • /ds/storages/:ds/replicas/:site: Adds or removes a replica of the durable storage on a site.

See EMQX OpenAPI schema for more information.


The following Prometheus metrics are relevant to durable sessions:


Increments each time a batch of messages is successfully written to durable storage.


Counts messages successfully written to durable storage.


Counts the total volume of payload data successfully written to durable storage. Note: This metric only considers message payloads, so the actual volume of data written may be larger.


Increments each time writing data to durable storage fails for any reason.


A rolling average of time (in μs) spent writing batches to durable storage. It's a key indicator of replication speed.


A rolling average of time (in μs) spent writing batches to the local RocksDB storage. Unlike emqx_ds_egress_flush_time, it excludes network replication costs, making it a key indicator of disk I/O efficiency.


A rolling average of time (in μs) spent consuming a batch of messages from durable storage.

emqx_ds_storage_bitfield_lts_counter_seek and emqx_ds_storage_bitfield_lts_counter_next

These counters are specific to the "wildcard optimized" storage layout. They measure the efficiency of consuming data from local storage. The seek primitive is generally slower, so the rate of emqx_ds_storage_bitfield_lts_counter_next should ideally grow faster than seek.

Increasing the durable_storage.messages.layout.epoch_bits parameter can help improve this ratio.