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Listener Configuration

In EMQX, listener is configured to receive requests from MQTT clients. EMQX supports the following message transfer protocols, including:

  • TCP: port 1883
  • SSL: port 8883
  • Websocket listener: 8083
  • Secure websocket listener: 8084


You can also configure listeners via Dashboard by clicking Management -> Listener on the left navigation menu of the Dashboard. However if the listeners are configured from emqx.conf, the changes made from the dashboard will only take effect temporarily until EMQX restart.

EMQX has offered more configuration items to serve customized needs better. For details, see Configuration Manual.

Configure TCP Listener

TCP listener is a network service that listens for incoming TCP connections on a specific network port. It plays an essential role in establishing and managing connections between clients and EMQX over TCP/IP networks.

To configure the TCP listener in EMQX, you can add the listeners.tcp configuration items in the emqx.conf file within the etc folder of the EMQX installation directory.

For example, to enable the TCP listener on port 1883, with a maximum 1,024,000 of concurrent connections allowed by the listener, you can work the code below:

listeners.tcp.default {
  bind = ""
  max_connections = 1024000


  • listeners.tcp.default is to enable the listener, and here default is the name of the listener, you can change it to your own listener name.

  • bind is to set the IP address and port of the listener, here it will listen to all incoming traffic from any IP address on port 1883.

  • max_connection is to set the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed by the listener; default value: infinity.

Configure SSL Listener

SSL listener is a network service that listens for incoming SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connections. In EMQX, it is used to secure network traffic between a client and EMQX by encrypting the data that is transmitted between them.

To configure the SSL listener in EMQX, you can add the listeners.ssl configuration items in the emqx.conf file within the etc folder of the EMQX installation directory.

For example, to enable the SSL listener on port 8883, with a maximum 1,024,000 of concurrent connections allowed by the listener:

listeners.ssl.default {
  bind = ""
  max_connections = 1024000
  ssl_options {
    cacertfile = "etc/certs/cacert.pem"
    certfile = "etc/certs/cert.pem"
    keyfile = "etc/certs/key.pem"
    verify = verify_none
    fail_if_no_peer_cert = false


  • listeners.ssl.default is to enable the listener.

  • bind is the IP address and port of the listener, here it will listen to all incoming traffic from any IP address on port 8883.

  • max_connection is the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed by the listener, default value: infinity.

  • ssl_options is the SSL/TLS configuration option for the listener, it has three properties:

    • cacertfile: PEM file containing the trusted CA (certificate authority) certificates that the listener uses to verify the authenticity of the client certificates.
    • certfile: PEM file containing the SSL/TLS certificate chain for the listener. If the certificate is not directly issued by a root CA, the intermediate CA certificates should be appended after the listener certificate to form a chain.
    • keyfile: PEM file containing the private key corresponding to the SSL/TLS certificate.
    • verify: Set 'verify_peer' to verify the authenticity of the clients' certificates, otherwise 'verify_none'.
    • fail_if_no_peer_cert: If set to true, the server fails if the client does not have a certificate to send, that is, sends an empty certificate. If set to false, it fails only if the client sends an invalid certificate (an empty certificate is considered valid).

Configure WebSocket Listener

WebSocket listener is a network service that receives and processes messages over WebSocket. WebSocket support in EMQX allows clients to use the WebSocket protocol to connect to EMQX and exchange data in real-time.

To configure the WebSocket listener in EMQX, you can add the configuration items in the emqx.conf file within the etc folder of the EMQX installation directory.

For example, to enable the WebSocket listener on port 8083, with a maximum 1,024,000 of concurrent connections allowed by the listener:

bash {
  bind = ""
  max_connections = 1024000
  websocket.mqtt_path = "/mqtt"


  • is to enable the listener.

  • bind is the IP address and port of the listener, here it will listen to all incoming traffic from any IP address on port 8083.

  • max_connection is the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed by the listener, default value: infinity.

  • websocket.mqtt_path is to set the path to the WebSocket’s MQTT protocol, which is /mqtt by default.

Configure Secure WebSocket Listener

A secure WebSocket listener is a WebSocket listener that uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to encrypt the data exchanged between a WebSocket client and the broker. In EMQX, the secure WebSocket listener is an important security measure to protect sensitive data exchanged between WebSocket clients and EMQX>

To configure the secure WebSocket listener in EMQX, you can add the listeners.wss configuration items in the emqx.conf file within the etc folder of the EMQX installation directory.

For example, to enable the Secure WebSocket listener on port 8084, with a maximum 1,024,000 of concurrent connections allowed by the listener:

listeners.wss.default {
  bind = ""
  max_connections = 1024000
  websocket.mqtt_path = "/mqtt"
  ssl_options {
    cacertfile = "etc/certs/cacert.pem"
    certfile = "etc/certs/cert.pem"
    keyfile = "etc/certs/key.pem"


  • listeners.wss.default is to enable the listener.

  • bind is the IP address and port of the listener, here it will listen to all incoming traffic from any IP address on port 8084.

  • max_connection is the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed by the listener, default value: infinity.

  • websocket.mqtt_path is to set the path to the WebSocket’s MQTT protocol, which is /mqtt by default.

  • ssl_options is the SSL/TLS configuration option for the listener, it has three properties:

    • cacertfile: PEM file containing the trusted CA (certificate authority) certificates that the listener uses to verify the authenticity of the client certificates.
    • certfile: PEM file containing the SSL/TLS certificate chain for the listener. If the certificate is not directly issued by a root CA, the intermediate CA certificates should be appended after the listener certificate to form a chain.
    • keyfile: PEM file containing the private key corresponding to the SSL/TLS certificate.

Each listener in EMQX is associated with a zone, which by default is set to a logical zone named default.

When a listener is linked to a specific zone, MQTT clients connected to that listener inherit the settings from that zone.

For more information, see the Zone Override section in the configuration documentation.