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Integrate with MongoDB

EMQX supports integrating with MongoDB for password authentication. EMQX MongoDB authenticator currently supports connecting to MongoDB running in three different modes, which are Single, Replica Set and Sharding. This page gives detailed instructions on the data schema supported and on how to configure with EMQX Dashboard and configuration file.

Data Schema and Query Statement

EMQX MongoDB authenticator supports storing authentication data as MongoDB documents. Users need to provide a query statement template and ensure the following fields are included:

  • password_hash: required; password (in plain text or hashed) stored in the database; this field supports renaming;
  • salt: optional; salt = "" or just remove this field to indicate no salt value will be added; this field supports renaming;
  • is_superuser: optional; flag if the current client is a superuser; default: false; this field supports renaming.

For example, if we want to add a document for a superuser (is_superuser: true) with username user123, password secret, suffixed salt slat_foo123, and password hash sha256, the query statement should be:

> db.mqtt_user.insertOne(
      "username": "emqx_u",
      "salt": "slat_foo123",
      "is_superuser": true,
      "password_hash": "44edc2d57cde8d79c98145003e105b90a14f1460b79186ea9cfe83942fc5abb5"
  "acknowledged" : true,
  "insertedId" : ObjectId("631989e20a33e26b05b15abe")


When there is a significant number of users in the system, please optimize and index the tables to be queried beforehand to shorten the query response time and reduce the load for EMQX.

For this MongoDB data schema, the corresponding Dashboard configuration parameters are:

  • Password Hash: sha256
  • Salt Position: suffix
  • Collection: mqtt_user
  • Filter: { username = "${username}" }
  • Password Hash field: password_hash
  • Salt Field: salt
  • is_superuser Fieldis_superuser

Configure with Dashboard

You can use EMQX Dashboard to configure how to use MongoDB for password authentication.

In the EMQX Dashboard, click Access Control -> Authentication from the left navigation menu. On the Authentication page, click Create at the top right corner. Click to select Password-Based as Mechanism, and MongoDB as Backend to go to the Configuration tab, as shown below.

Authenticate with MondoDB

Follow the instructions below on how to configure the authentication:

Connect: Enter the information for connecting to MongoDB.

  • MongoDB Mode: Select how MongoDB is deployed, including Single, Replica Set and Sharding.

  • Server: Specify the MongoDB server address that EMQX is to connect, if MongoDB Mode is set to Replica Set or Sharding, you will need to input all MondoDB servers (separated with a ,) that EMQX is to connect.

  • Replica Set Name: Specify the Replica Set name to use; type: strings; only needed if you set MongoDB Mode to Replica Set.

  • Database: MongoDB database name; Data type: strings.

  • Collection: Name of MongoDB collection where authentication rules are stored; Data type: strings.

  • Username (optional): Specify MongoDB user name.

  • Password (optional): Specify MongoDB user password.

  • Read Mode (optional): Only needed if you set MongoDB Mode to Replica Set; Default: master; Options: master, slave_ok.

    • master: Indicate each query in a sequence must only read fresh data (from a master/primary server). If the connected server is not a master, the first read will fail, and subsequent operations will be aborted.
    • slave_ok: Allows queries to read stale data from a secondary/slave server or fresh data from a master.
  • Write Mode (optional): Only needed if you set MongoDB Mode to Replica Set; Options: unsafe, safe; Default: safe.

TLS Configuration: Turn on the toggle switch if you want to enable TLS. For more information on enabling TLS, see Network and TLS.

Connection Configuration: Set the concurrent connections and waiting time before a connection is timed out.

  • Pool size (optional): Specify the number of concurrent connections from an EMQX node to a MongoDB server. Default: 8.
  • Connect Timeout (optional): Define the duration to wait before considering a connection as timed out. Supported units: milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours.

Authentication configuration: Configure settings related to authentication:

  • Password Hash Field: Specify the field name of the password.
  • Password Hash: Select the hashing function for password storage, such as plain, md5, sha, bcrypt, or pbkdf2. Additional configurations depend on the selected function:
    • For plain, md5, sha, sha256, or sha512:
      • Salt Position: Define how salt (random data) is added to the password. Options aresuffix, prefix, or disable. You can keep the default value unless you migrate user credentials from external storage into the EMQX built-in database. Note: Set Salt Position to disable if plain is selected.
    • For bcrypt:
      • Salt Rounds: Set the number of hash function applications, expressed as 2^Salt Rounds, also known as the "cost factor". Default: 10; Range: 5-10. Higher values are recommended for better security. Note: Increasing the cost factor by 1 doubles the necessary time for authentication.
    • For pbkdf2:
      • Pseudorandom Function: Specify the hash functions to generate the key, such as sha256.
      • Iteration Count: Specify the iteration times; Default: 4096.
      • Derived Key Length (optional): Specify the generated key length. You can leave this field blank, then the key length will be determined by the pseudorandom function you selected.
  • Salt Field: Specify the salt field in MongoDB.
  • is_superuser Field: Determine if the user is a super user.
  • Filter: A map interpreted as MongoDB selector for credential lookup. Placeholders are supported.

After you finish the settings, click Create.

Configure with Configuration Items

You can configure the EMQX MongoDB authenticator with EMQX configuration items.

Below are code examples you may refer to: