System Topic
EMQX periodically publishes its running status, message statistics, client online and offline events to the system topic starting with $SYS/
The $SYS
topic path begins with $SYS/brokers/{node}/
, where {node}
is the name of the node where the event/message is generated, for example:
The $SYS
system message publish interval is configured via Dashboard‘s Management/MQTT Setting/System Topic
By default, only MQTT clients on localhost are allowed to subscribe to the $SYS
topic. Please refer to File Authorization to modify the ACL rules for publish and subscribe.
Most of the data of the $SYS
topic in EMQX can be obtained through other methods with lower Couplings. The device online and offline status can be captured and processed in the Rule Engine.
Cluster Status Information
Topic | Description |
$SYS/brokers | cluster node list |
$SYS/brokers/${node}/version | EMQX version |
$SYS/brokers/${node}/uptime | EMQX startup time |
$SYS/brokers/${node}/datetime | EMQX time |
$SYS/brokers/${node}/sysdescr | EMQX description |
Client Online and Offline Events
Those events is enabled by default, please refer to sys_topics.sys_event_messages
to turn it off.
topic prefix: $SYS/brokers/${node}/clients/
Topic | Description |
${clientid}/connected | Online event. This message is published when a client goes online |
${clientid}/disconnected | Offline event. This message is published when a client is offline |
The Payload of the connected
event message can be parsed into JSON format:
"username": "foo",
"ts": 1625572213873,
"sockport": 1883,
"proto_ver": 4,
"proto_name": "MQTT",
"keepalive": 60,
"ipaddress": "",
"expiry_interval": 0,
"connected_at": 1625572213873,
"connack": 0,
"clientid": "emqtt-8348fe27a87976ad4db3",
"clean_start": true
The Payload of the disconnected
event message can be parsed into JSON format:
"username": "foo",
"ts": 1625572213873,
"sockport": 1883,
"reason": "tcp_closed",
"proto_ver": 4,
"proto_name": "MQTT",
"ipaddress": "",
"disconnected_at": 1625572213873,
"clientid": "emqtt-8348fe27a87976ad4db3"
Client Subscribed and Unsubscribed Events
Those events is disenabled by default, please refer to sys_topics.sys_event_messages
to turn it on.
topic prefix: $SYS/brokers/${node}/clients/
Topic | Description |
${clientid}/subscribed | Subscribed event. This message is published when a client subscribes a topic |
${clientid}/unsubscribed | Unsubscribed event. This message is published when a client unsubscribes a topic |
The Payload of the subscribed
event message can be parsed into JSON format:
The Payload of the unsubscribed
event message can be parsed into JSON format:
System topic prefix : $SYS/brokers/${node}/stats/
Client Statistics
Topic | Description |
connections/count | Total number of current clients |
connections/max | Maximum number of clients |
Subscription Statistics
Topic | Description |
suboptions/count | number of current subscription options |
suboptions/max | total number of maximum subscription options |
subscribers/count | number of current subscribers |
subscribers/max | maximum number of subscriptions |
subscriptions/count | total number of current subscription |
subscriptions/max | maximum number of subscriptions |
subscriptions/shared/count | total number of current shared subscriptions |
subscriptions/shared/max | maximum number of shared subscriptions |
Topic Statistics
Topic | Description |
topics/count | total number of current topics |
topics/max | maximum number of topics |
Routes Statistics
Topic | Description |
routes/count | total number of current Routes |
routes/max | maximum number of Routes |
The topics/count and topics/max are numerically equal to routes/count and routes/max.
Throughput (Bytes/Packets/Message) Statistics
System Topic Prefix : $SYS/brokers/${node}/metrics/
Sent and Received Bytes Statistics
Topic | Description |
bytes/received | Accumulated received bytes |
bytes/sent | Accumulated sent bytes |
Sent and Received MQTT Packets Statistics
Topic | Description |
packets/received | Accumulative received MQTT packets |
packets/sent | Accumulative sent MQTT packets |
packets/connect/received | Accumulative received packets of CONNECT |
packets/connack/sent | Accumulative sent packets of CONNACK |
packets/publish/received | Accumulative received packets of PUBLISH |
packets/publish/sent | Accumulative sent packets of PUBLISH |
packets/publish/error | Accumulative handling packets of PUBLISH error |
packets/publish/auth_error | Accumulative denied packets of PUBLISH |
packets/publish/dropped | Accumulative dropped packets of PUBLISH |
packets/puback/received | Accumulative received packets of PUBACK |
packets/puback/sent | Accumulative sent packets of PUBACK |
packets/puback/inuse | Accumulative dropped packets of PUBACK |
packets/puback/missed | Accumulative missed packets of PUBACK |
packets/pubrec/received | Accumulative received packets of PUBREC |
packets/pubrec/sent | Accumulative sent packets of PUBREC |
packets/pubrec/inuse | Accumulative dropped packets of PUBREC |
packets/pubrec/missed | Accumulative missed packets of PUBREC |
packets/pubrel/received | Accumulative received packets of PUBREL |
packets/pubrel/sent | Accumulative sent packets of PUBREL |
packets/pubrel/missed | Accumulative missed packets of PUBREL |
packets/pubcomp/received | Accumulative received packets of PUBCOMP |
packets/pubcomp/sent | Accumulative sent packets of PUBCOMP |
packets/pubcomp/inuse | Accumulative dropped packets of PUBCOMP |
packets/pubcomp/missed | Accumulative missed packets of PUBCOMP |
packets/subscribe/received | Accumulative received packets of SUBSCRIBE |
packets/subscribe/error | Accumulative handling packets of SUBSCRIBE error |
packets/subscribe/auth_error | Accumulative denied packets of SUBSCRIBE |
packets/suback/sent | Accumulative sent packets of SUBACK |
packets/unsubscribe/received | Accumulative received packets of UNSUBSCRIBE |
packets/unsuback/sent | Accumulative sent packets of UNSUBACK |
packets/pingreq/received | Accumulative received packets of PINGREQ |
packets/pingresp/sent | Accumulative sent packets of PINGRESP |
packets/disconnect/received | Accumulative received packets of DISCONNECT |
packets/disconnect/sent | Accumulative sent packets of DISCONNECT |
packets/auth/received | Accumulative received packets of AUTH |
packets/auth/sent | Accumulative sent packets of AUTH |
MQTT Sent and Received Messages Statistics
Topic | Description |
messages/received | Accumulative received messages |
messages/sent | Accumulative sent messages |
messages/qos0/received | Accumulative received messages of QoS 0 |
messages/qos0/sent | Accumulative sent messages of QoS 0 |
messages/qos1/received | Accumulative received messages QoS 1 |
messages/qos1/sent | Accumulative sent messages QoS 1 |
messages/qos2/received | Accumulative received messages of QoS 2 |
messages/qos2/sent | Accumulative sent messages of QoS 2 |
messages/publish | Accumulative PUBLISH messages |
messages/dropped | Total number of dropped messages |
messages/dropped/expired | Total number of dropped messages (Expired) |
messages/dropped/no_subscribers | Total number of dropped messages (No subscriber) |
messages/forward | Total number of messages forwarded by the node |
messages/retained | Accumulative retained messages |
messages/delayed | Accumulative delayed messages |
messages/delivered | Accumulative delivered messages |
messages/acked | Accumulative acknowledged messages |
Alarms - System Alarms
System Topic Prefix: $SYS/brokers/${node}/alarms/
Topic | Description |
activate | newly generated alarm |
deactivate | cleared alarm |
Sysmon - System Monitoring
System Topic Prefix: $SYS/brokers/${node}/sysmon/
Topic | Description |
long_gc | Garbage collection takes too long |
long_schedule | Process scheduling takes too long, taking up too many time slices of the scheduler |
large_heap | Process memory usage is too high |
busy_port | The process sends a message to a busy port and the process is hung |
busy_dist_port | The distributed communication port used for inter-node communication is busy and the process is hung |