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Incompatible Changes in EMQX 5.4


  • #11994 Stopped releasing packages for Windows.

  • #11998 Stopped releasing packages for MacOS 11 (BigSur).

  • #12112 Stopped supporting UDP multicast based clustering strategy.

  • #10976 Fixed topic-filter overlapping handling in shared subscription.

    • Hook callback session.subscribed and client.subscribe will now receive shared subscription in its full representation, e.g. $share/group1/topic1/#, and the share property is deleted from subopts.
    • Hook callback session.unsubscribed and client.unsubscribe will now receive shared subscription in its full representation, e.g. $share/group1/topic1/# instead of just topic1/#.
    • ExHook Proto changed. The share field in message SubOpts was deprecated. ExHook Server will now receive shared subscription in its full representation, e.g. $share/group1/topic1/#, and the share property is deleted from message SubOpts.
    • session.subscribed and session.unsubscribed rule-engine events will have shared subscriptions in their full representation for topic, e.g. $share/group1/topic1/# instead of just topic1/#.