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Exclusive Subscription

An exclusive subscription is an extended MQTT feature supported by EMQX. It allows mutually exclusive subscriptions to topics. Only one subscriber is allowed to subscribe to a topic at a time. Other subscribers will not be able to subscribe to the corresponding topic until the current subscriber unsubscribe from the subscription.

To make a subscription exclusive, you need to add a prefix to the topic heading. The table below shows an example:

ExamplePrefixReal Topic Name

When client A subscribes to $exclusive/t/1, other clients will fail to subscribe to $exclusive/t/1 until A cancels the subscription to $exclusive/t/1.


Exclusive subscriptions must be prefixed with $exclusive/, in the above example, other clients can still successfully subscribe via t/1.

Configure Exclusive Subscription via Configuration File


Exclusive subscription can be configurated via the configuration file only. Configuration using the Dashboard is currently not supported.

The exclusive subscription is disabled by default. You can enable this feature in etc/emqx.conf.

mqtt.exclusive_subscription {
    enable = true

Try Exclusive Subscription with MQTTX Desktop


  • Basic publishing and subscribing operations using MQTTX Desktop
  • Exclusive subscription is enabled.
  1. Start EMQX and MQTTX Desktop. Click the New Connection to create a client connection as a publisher.

    • Enter Demo in the Name field.
    • Enter the localhost in Host to use as an example in this demonstration.
    • Leave other settings as default and click Connect.


    More detailed instructions on creating an MQTT connection are introduced in MQTTX Desktop.

  2. Create another 2 MQTT connections. Configure them as Subscriber1 and Subscriber2 respectively.

  3. Select the connection named Subscriber1 in the Connections pane. Click the New Subscription button to create a subscription. Type $exclusive/t/1 in the Topic text box to subscribe to this topic. Click Confirm.

  4. Select the connection named Subscriber2 in the Connections pane. Click the New Subscription button to create a subscription. Type $exclusive/t/1 in the Topic text box to subscribe to this topic. Click Confirm.

    • An error message pops up.

Try Exclusive Subscription with MQTTX CLI


  • Basic publishing and subscribing operations using MQTTX CLI
  • Exclusive subscription is enabled.
  1. Use the following command to make an exclusive subscription.

    mqttx sub -t "$exclusive/t/1"
  2. Use the command in step 1 again to make another subscription to the topic $exclusive/t/1. It will return:

    subscription negated to t/2 with code 135

    Error codes of exclusive subscription:

    0x8FUse $exclusive/ without exclusive subscription enabled.
    0x97A client has already subscribed to this topic.