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Sparkplug B


Schema Registry is an EMQX Enterprise feature. Currently, only the EMQX Enterprise supports the encoding and decoding of the Sparkplug B data format.

Sparkplug is an open-source specification developed by the Eclipse Foundation's TAHU project, designed to provide a well-defined payload and state management system for MQTT. The primary aim is to achieve interoperability and consistency within the industrial IoT sector.

Sparkplug encoding scheme version B (Sparkplug B) defines the MQTT namespace for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, real-time control systems, and devices. It ensures standardized data transmission by encapsulating a structured data format that includes metrics, process variables, and device status information in a concise and easy-to-process format. By using Sparkplug B, organizations can improve their operational efficiency, avoid data silos, and enable seamless communication between devices within an MQTT network.

This page guides you through the implementation of Sparkplug B in EMQX including data format, functions, and practical examples.

Sparkplug B Data Format

Sparkplug B utilizes a well-defined payload structure to standardize data communication. At its core, it employs Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) for structuring Sparkplug messages, resulting in lightweight, efficient, and flexible data interchange.

EMQX offers advanced support for Sparkplug B through the Schema Registry feature. With the Schema Registry, you can create custom encoders and decoders for various data formats, including Sparkplug B. By defining the appropriate Sparkplug B schema in the registry, you can use the schema_decode and schema_encode functions in EMQX's rule engine to access and manipulate data adhering to the specified format.

Additionally, EMQX offers built-in support for Sparkplug B, eliminating the need for the schema registry for this specific format. The sparkplug_encode and sparkplug_decode functions are readily available in EMQX, simplifying the encoding and decoding of Sparkplug B messages within the rule engine.

Sparkplug B Functions

EMQX provides two rule engine SQL functions for encoding and decoding Sparkplug B data: sparkplug_encode and sparkplug_decode. The Practical Examples section helps you to understand how to use these functions in different scenarios.

The Sparkplug B encoding and decoding functions can be used to perform a wide variety of tasks due to the flexibility of the rule engine and its jq function. To learn more about the rule engine and its jq function, refer to the following pages:


The sparkplug_decode function is used to decode Sparkplug B messages, for example, if you want forward a message to a specific topic based on the contents of a Sparkplug B encoded message or change the Sparkplug B message in some way. It converts the raw Sparkplug B encoded payload into a more user-friendly format that can be further processed or analyzed.

Example usage:

  sparkplug_decode(payload) as decoded
from t

In the example above, payload refers to the raw Sparkplug B message that you wish to decode.

The Sparkplug B Protobuf schema can provide further insights into the structure of messages.


The sparkplug_encode function is used to encode data into a Sparkplug B message. This is particularly useful when you need to send Sparkplug B messages to MQTT clients or other components of your system.

Example usage:

  sparkplug_encode(json_decode(payload)) as encoded
from t

In the example above, payload refers to the data that you wish to encode into a Sparkplug B message.

Practical Examples

This section provides practical examples for handling Sparkplug B messages using the sparkplug_decode and sparkplug_encode functions. Note that the examples given are just a small subset of what you can do.

Consider scenarios where you have a Sparkplug B encoded message with the following structure:

  "timestamp": 1678094561521,
  "seq": 88,
  "metrics": [
      "timestamp": 1678094561525,
      "name": "counter_group1/counter1_1sec",
      "int_value": 424,
      "datatype": 2
      "timestamp": 1678094561525,
      "name": "counter_group1/counter1_5sec",
      "int_value": 84,
      "datatype": 2
      "timestamp": 1678094561525,
      "name": "counter_group1/counter1_10sec",
      "int_value": 42,
      "datatype": 2
      "timestamp": 1678094561525,
      "name": "counter_group1/counter1_run",
      "int_value": 1,
      "datatype": 5
      "timestamp": 1678094561525,
      "name": "counter_group1/counter1_reset",
      "int_value": 0,
      "datatype": 5

Extract Data

Suppose you get messages from a device on the topic my/sparkplug/topic and want to forward just the counter_group1/counter1_run metric to another topic called intresting_counters/counter1_run_updates as a JSON formatted message. The instructions below demonstrate how to achieve this task by creating a rule in EMQX Dashboard and testing the rule using MQTTX client tool.

Create Rule in Dashboard

  1. Go to EMQX Dashboard. Click Integration -> Rules from the left navigation menu. Click + Create to enter the Create Rule page.

  2. Enter the following SQL statement in SQL Editor:

          .metrics[] |
          select(.name == "counter_group1/counter1_run")
       sparkplug_decode(payload)) AS item
    DO item
    FROM "my/sparkplug/topic"

    Here, jq function is used to iterate over the array of metrics and filter out the one with the name "counter_group1/counter1_run".


    The Sparkplug B specification recommends sending data only when it changes, leading to payloads where only a subset of metrics are present. If there is no item in the array with the specified name, this rule will not output anything.

  3. Click + Add Action on the right side of the page. SelectRepublish from the Action drop-down list. Enter intresting_counters/counter1_run_updates as the republish topic and enter ${item} in the Payload field for the action. Click Add.

  4. Back on the Create Rule page, click Create. You can see a rule is created in the Rule list.

Test the Rule

You can simulate an MQTT client using the MQTTX client tool to publish the Sparkplug B message to the topic my/sparkplug/topic. Then, you can verify that the message is transformed and forwarded to the topic intresting_counters/counter1_run_updates as a JSON formatted message:

  1. Open MQTTX client desktop and connect to the EMQX broker. For detailed information on working with the MQTTX, refer to MQTTX Client.

  2. Create a new subscription and subscribe to the topic intresting_counters/counter1_run_updates.

  3. In the message-sending area at the lower right corner, enter my/sparkplug/topic as the topic. Select Base64 as the payload type.

  4. Copy the following Base64 encoded Sparkplug B message and paste it into the payload field. The message corresponds to the encoded Sparkplug message example given previously. CPHh67HrMBIqChxjb3VudGVyX2dyb3VwMS9jb3VudGVyMV8xc2VjGPXh67HrMCACUKgDEikKHGNvdW50ZXJfZ3JvdXAxL2NvdW50ZXIxXzVzZWMY9eHrseswIAJQVBIqCh1jb3VudGVyX2dyb3VwMS9jb3VudGVyMV8xMHNlYxj14eux6zAgAlAqEigKG2NvdW50ZXJfZ3JvdXAxL2NvdW50ZXIxX3J1bhj14eux6zAgBVABEioKHWNvdW50ZXJfZ3JvdXAxL2NvdW50ZXIxX3Jlc2V0GPXh67HrMCAFUAAYWA

  5. Click the send button to send the message.

    If everything has worked as expected, you should receive a message in JSON format like the following:


Update Data

Consider a scenario where you discover an incorrect metric named counter_group1/counter1_run and want to remove it from the Sparkplug B encoded payload before forwarding the message.

Similar to the demonstration in Extract Data, you can create the following rule with a republish action in EMQX Dashboard.

   # Save payload
   . as $payload |
   # Save name of metric to delete
   "counter_group1/counter1_run" as $to_delete |
   # Filter out metric with name $to_delete
   [ .metrics[] | select(.name != $to_delete) ] as $updated_metrics |
   # Update payload with new metrics
   $payload | .metrics = $updated_metrics
   sparkplug_decode(payload)) AS item
DO sparkplug_encode(item) AS updated_payload
FROM "my/sparkplug/topic"

In this rule, sparkplug_decode is used to decode the message and then jq is used to filter out the metric with the name counter_group1/counter1_run. Then, sparkplug_encode in the DO clause is used to encode the message again.

In the republish action, use ${updated_payload} as the payload because it is the name assigned to the updated Sparkplug B encoded message.

Similarly, you can also use sparkplug_decode and sparkplug_encode to update the value of a metric. Consider a scenario where you want to update the value of the metric with the name counter_group1/counter1_run to 0. You can achieve this by using the following rule:

   # Save payload
   . as $payload |
   # Save name of metric to update
   "counter_group1/counter1_run" as $to_update |
   # Update value of metric with name $to_update
     .metrics[] |
     if .name == $to_update
        then .int_value = 0
        else .
   ] as $updated_metrics |
   # Update payload with new metrics
   $payload | .metrics = $updated_metrics
   sparkplug_decode(payload)) AS item
DO sparkplug_encode(item) AS item
FROM "my/sparkplug/topic"

Or consider a scenario where you want to add a new metric with the name counter_group1/counter1_new and value 42. You can achieve this by using the following rule:

   # Save payload
   . as $payload |
   # Save old metrics
   $payload | .metrics as $old_metrics |
   # New value
     "name": "counter_group1/counter1_new",
     "int_value": 42,
     "datatype": 5
   } as $new_value |
   # Create new metrics array 
   ($old_metrics + [ $new_value ]) as $updated_metrics |
   # Update payload with new metrics
   $payload | .metrics = $updated_metrics
   sparkplug_decode(payload)) AS item
DO sparkplug_encode(item) AS item 
FROM "my/sparkplug/topic"

Filter Messages

Consider a scenario where you want to forward only the messages where the value of the metric with the name counter_group1/counter1_run is greater than 0. You can achieve this by using the following rule:

   # Save payload
   . as $payload |
   # Save name of metric to filter on
   "counter_group1/counter1_run" as $to_filter |
   .metrics[] | select(.name == $to_filter) | .int_value as $value |
   # Filter out messages where value of metric with name $to_filter is 0 or smaller
   if $value > 0 then $payload else empty end
   sparkplug_decode(payload)) AS item
DO sparkplug_encode(item) AS item 
FROM "my/sparkplug/topic"

In the above rule, the jq function outputs an empty array if the value of the metric with the name counter_group1/counter1_run is 0 or smaller. This means that the message will not be forwarded to any of the actions connected to the rule, if the value is 0 or smaller.

Split Messages

Consider a scenario where you want to split a Sparkplug B encoded message into multiple messages, with each metric in the metrics array is republished as a separate Sparkplug B encoded message. This can be accomplished with the following rule:

   # Save payload
   . as $payload |
   # Output one message for each metric
   .metrics[] |
        . as $metric |
        # Let the current metric be the only one in the metrics array
        $payload | .metrics = [ $metric ]
   sparkplug_decode(payload)) AS item
DO sparkplug_encode(item) AS output_payload
FROM "my/sparkplug/topic"

In the above rule, the jq function outputs an array with multiple items (given that there is more than one item in the metrics array). All the actions connected to the rule will be triggered for each item in the array. With the rule above you need to set the payload in the republish action to ${output_payload} as output_payload is the name we assigned to the Sparkplug B encoded message in the DO clause.

Split Messages and Send to Topics Based on Content

Consider a scenario where you want to split a Sparkplug B encoded message but you also want to send each message to a different topic based on, for example, the metrics name. Suppose that the output topic name should be constructed by concatenating the strings "my_metrics/" with the name of the metric contained in the message. You can accomplish this with the following slightly modified code:

   # Save payload
   . as $payload |
   # Output one message for each metric
   .metrics[] |
        . as $metric |
        # Let the current metric be the only one in the metrics array
        $payload | .metrics = [ $metric ]
   sparkplug_decode(payload)) AS item
sparkplug_encode(item) AS output_payload,
first(jq('"my_metrics/" + .metrics[0].name', item)) AS output_topic
FROM "my/sparkplug/topic"

To configure the republish action, set the topic name to ${output_topic} as it is the name assigned in the DO clause to the output topic and set the payload to ${output_payload}.

The jq function call is wrapped in the DO clause using the first function to obtain the first and only output object.