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Deployment FAQs

EMQX supports running on a variety of operating systems and hardware platforms. Considering the stability and reliability of enterprise-level deployment, we generally recommend deploying it on Linux distributions such as CentOS, Ubuntu, and Debian.

We recommend deploying EMQX in a cluster and deploying load balancing (Nginx, HAProxy, etc.) on the front-end of the cluster so that connections are balanced to each node in the cluster.

For users with high communication security requirements, we recommend enabling TLS connections for clients and terminating TLS connections on the LB side, i.e., TLS encrypted communication is used between the client and the LB, while TCP communication is still used between the LB and the EMQX nodes.

Since EMQX nodes do not expose their ports to the public network, it does not reduce the overall security, but by offloading TLS, it can effectively save the resource consumption of EMQX.

I don't have a large number of devices or high message throughput, do I still need to deploy clusters?

Even with a small number of devices and low message throughput, it still makes sense to deploy clustering in a production environment.

Clustering improves system availability and reduces the likelihood of a single point of failure. Even if a node goes down, other healthy nodes within the cluster can continue to provide services, ensuring that business is not affected.

Deployment of EMQX Open Source Core + Repl Cluster Fails

Starting from EMQX v5.8, only the EMQX Enterprise edition supports clusters with Core + Replicant nodes. Therefore, when using the EMQX Operator to deploy an EMQX open-source Core + Repl cluster, you may encounter the issue where the EMQX custom resource remains in the replicantNodesProgressing state, and the EMQX Repl Pod repeatedly crashes.

It is recommended to either deploy an open-source cluster with only Core nodes or deploy a Core + Repl cluster using the Enterprise Edition.

How to troubleshoot when EMQX fails to start?

When EMQX fails to start, you can check emqx.log.N or erlang.log.N under Log Directory to get detailed error prompts.

Or execute emqx console to start EMQX from the console, so that the error log will be output directly to the console. Then, according to the log content, find the corresponding solution in this page, or post on GitHub for support.

EMQX failed to start with log message "logger: command not found"

Just install the following dependency:

  • CentOS/Redhat
$ yum install rsyslog
  • Ubuntu/Debian
$ apt-get install bsdutils

EMQX failed to start with log message "...{on_load_function_failed,crypto}..."

For better security, starting from version 4.3, EMQX runs on openssl-1.1. This may cause some troubles for users running EMQX on some old Linux distributions,

For EMQX version earlier than v4.3.10 and EMQX Enterprise version earlier than e4.3.5, you may see the following error messages:

{application_start_failure,kernel,{{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,kernel_safe_sup,{on_load_function_failed,crypto}}}, ..}

For later versions, you may see the following error messages:

FATAL: Unable to start Erlang.
Please make sure openssl-1.1.1 (libcrypto) and libncurses are installed.

It indicates that the "crypto" application in Erlang/OTP that EMQX depends on failed to start because the required openssl dynamic lib (.so) is not found. The solution is as follows:

Failed to start EMQX with Docker, log prompts "Permission denied"

When you intend to persist EMQX data by mounting the directory:

sudo docker run -d --name emqx -p 18083:18083 -p 1883:1883 -v /emqx/data:/opt/emqx/data -v /emqx/log:/opt/emqx/log emqx:latest

You may encounter a container startup failure with the following error:

mkdir: cannot create directory '/opt/emqx/data/configs': Permission denied

This is because EMQX runs as Linux user emqx in the container, while the directories in your host may be created using the root user, so EMQX cannot create directories or files in these directories.

To solve this problem, you can create an emqx user in the host, and then let the user create the directory to be mounted, or directly change the permissions of the created data and log directories to 777.

Of course, the most recommended way to implement EMQX data persistence is to use named data volume, so you don’t have to worry about permission anymore:

sudo docker volume create --name emqx-data
sudo docker volume create --name emqx-log
sudo docker run -d --name emqx -p 18083:18083 -p 1883:1883 -v emqx-data:/opt/emqx/data -v emqx-log:/opt/emqx/log emqx:latest

What should I do if EMQX prompts that the port is occupied (eaddrinuse) when starting?

By default, EMQX will occupy 7 ports when it starts. They are:

  1. Port 1883, used for MQTT over TCP listener. It can be modified through configuration.
  2. Port 8883, used for MQTT over SSL/TLS listener. It can be modified through configuration.
  3. Port 8083, used for MQTT over WebSocket listener. It can be modified through configuration.
  4. Port 8084, used for MQTT over WSS (WebSocket over SSL) listener. It can be modified through configuration.
  5. Port 18083, the default listening port for the HTTP API service. The dashboard also relies on this port, which can be modified through configuration.
  6. Port 4370, used for remote function calls in the EMQX distributed cluster and Mnesia data synchronization. This port is occupied by default, even if no cluster is formed. The listening port is determined by BasePort (4370) + Offset, where 4370 is fixed and cannot be modified, and Offset is determined by the numeric suffix in the node name (Name@Host). If there is no numeric suffix, it defaults to 0. For example, the Offset for emqx@ is 0, and the Offset for emqx1@ is 1.
  7. Port 5370, the cluster RPC port used for load sharing. It is mainly used for forwarding MQTT messages between nodes. Similar to port 4370, this port is occupied by default, even if no cluster is formed. The actual listening port is BasePort (5370) + Offset, where 5370 is fixed and cannot be modified, and Offset is determined by the Name part of the node name (Name@Host). If there is no numeric suffix, it defaults to 0.

The complete WARNING log is as follows:

WARNING: Default (insecure) Erlang cookie is in use.
WARNING: Configure node.cookie in /usr/lib/emqx/etc/emqx.conf or override from environment variable EMQX_NODE__COOKIE
WARNING: NOTE: Use the same cookie for all nodes in the cluster.

Only EMQX nodes using the same cookie can form a cluster. While a cookie does not secure cluster communication, it prevents a node from connecting to a cluster it did not intend to communicate with. By default, EMQX nodes uniformly use the cookie value emqxsecretcookie. However, we recommend that users change the cookie value when building a cluster to enhance security.

The second warning log indicates two ways to modify the cookie: by editting node.cookie in the emqx.conf configuration file or by setting the environment variable EMQX_NODE__COOKIE.

Why does restarting the EMQX Docker container cause data loss, such as configured rules and resources?

The runtime data of EMQX is stored in the /opt/emqx/data directory, including configuration rules, resources, retained messages, etc. To ensure data persistence during container restarts, it's important to mount the /opt/emqx/data directory to a local host directory or a data volume.

However, even if the /opt/emqx/data directory is properly mounted, data loss may still occur after container restarts. This is because the runtime data of EMQX is stored in the /opt/emqx/data/mnesia/${Node Name} directory, and when the container is restarted, the node name of EMQX changes, leading to the creation of a new storage directory.

EMQX node name consists of Name and Host, with the Host derived from the container's IP address by default. Under the default network configurations, the container's IP may change upon restarting, so you need to maintain a fixed IP for the container.

To address this issue, EMQX provides an environment variable, EMQX_HOST, which allows you to set the Host part of the node name. However, it is crucial that this Host value is reachable by other nodes, so it should be used in conjunction with a network alias. Here is an example command for running the EMQX Docker container with the EMQX_HOST environment variable and a network alias:

docker run -d --name emqx -p 18083:18083 -p 1883:1883 -e EMQX_HOST=alias-for-emqx --network example --network-alias alias-for-emqx --mount type=bind,source=/tmp/emqx,target=/opt/emqx/data emqx:5.0.24