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Configuration Management

NeuronEX supports modifying Neuron's configuration parameters through command line, environment variables, and configuration files, which can provide a more flexible way of starting and running. If command line, environment variables, and configuration files are configured at the same time, the priority relationship between the three is: command line > environment variable > configuration file

Command Line

run command

The run command is used to run NeuronEX on the console.This command starts NeuronEX as a process and displays its output in the terminal.

-c, --config string   config file path (default "etc/neuronex.yaml")
-k, --disable_kuiper    select whether to disable ekuiper


./bin/neuronex run -c etc/neuronex.yaml -k true

This command starts NeuronEX as a process and displays its output in the terminal. The NeuronEX will not manage the lifecycle of Ekuiper.

start command

The start command is used to start NeuronEX in daemon mode.This command starts NeuronEX as a daemon and runs it in the background.


./bin/neuronex start

This command starts NeuronEX as a daemon and runs it in the background. The NeuronEX will not manage the lifecycle of Neuron and Ekuiper and will not turn on privilege authentication.

stop command

The stop command is used to stop running NeuronEX. This command will kill the NeuronEX process.

./bin/neuronex stop

install command

The install command is used to register the NeuronEX service configuration file in /etc/systemd/system path.

./bin/neuronex install

uninstall command

The uninstall command is used to unregister the NeuronEX service configuration file in the /etc/systemd/system path.

./bin/neuronex uninstall

reset-password command

The reset-password command is used to change the default user's (admin) password to the default password 0000.

./bin/neuronex reset-password

Environment Variable

NeuronEX supports reading environment variables during the startup process to configure startup parameters. The currently supported environment variables are as follows:

Configuration nameConfiguration function
NEURONEX_DISABLE_AUTHSet to 1, NeuronEX turns off Token authentication and authentication; set to 0, NeuronEX turns on Token authentication and authentication
NEURONEX__SERVER__ADMIN__PASSWORDModify the default password of the admin user
NEURONEX__SERVER__VIEWER__USERNAMEThe username of the newly added viewer user
NEURONEX__SERVER__VIEWER__PASSWORDThe password of the newly added viewer user
NEURONEX__LOG__MODEset to console, neuronex will print log into the console
KUIPER__BASIC__CONSOLELOGset to true, ekuiper will print log into the console
NEURON__LOG__MODEset to console, neuron will print log into the console

Environment variables mapping to configuration file

NeuronEX supports overwriting configuration file through environment variables. When modifying configuration through environment variables, environment variables need to be set in the specified format. The mapping relationship is as follows:

NEURONEX__SERVER__DISABLEAUTH => server.disableAuth in etc/neuronex.yaml
NEURONEX__LOG__MODE => log.mode in etc/neuronex.yaml

Environment variables are separated by "__". The first part of the content matches the file name of the configuration file, and the rest of the content matches configuration items at different levels.

Configuration File

NeuronEX provides a YAML format file located at /opt/neuronex/etc/neuronex.yaml to configure personalized parameters related to NeuronEX.


The server section defines the port number of the NeuronEX server.

  • port: port number of the NeuronEX server, default value is 8085.
  • disableAuth: whether to disable TOKEN authentication.
  • disableKuiper: whether to disable eKuiper.
  • tls:
    • certFile: the certificate file location when enable TLS.
    • keyFile: the key file location when enable TLS.
  • admin: administrator user
    • password: administrator password
  • viewer: viewer user
    • username: viewer username
    • password: viewer password


The neuron section defines the version number and reverse proxy configuration for Neuron.

  • version: the version number of Neuron.
  • reverseProxies: list of reverse proxy configurations for Neuron. Each reverse proxy configuration consists of two key-value pairs, location and proxyPath.
    • location: Neuron's path.
    • proxyPath: path to Neuron's backend server.


The ekuiper section defines the version number and reverse proxy configuration of Ekuiper.

  • version: the version number of eKuiper.
  • reverseProxies: list of reverse proxy configurations for Ekuiper. Each reverse proxy configuration is the same as the neuron.reverseProxies configuration.
    • location: eKuiper's path.
    • proxyPath: path to Ekuiper's backend server.
    • location: eKuiper's ws service.
    • proxyPath: path to eKuiper's ws server.


The log section defines the logging configuration of the NeuronEX server.

  • mode: log output mode, options are console (output to console) and file (output to file).
  • level: log level, options are debug, info, warn, error and fatal.
  • file: path to the log file.
  • maxSize: maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated.
  • maxBackups: the maximum number of old log files to retain.
  • syslogForward: log remote forwarding configuration.
    • enable: whether to enable log remote forwarding.
    • priority:options are emerg,alert,crit,err,warning,notice,info,debug now.
    • network: now only support udp4
    • remoteAddr: log remote forwarding address.
    • tag: log remote forwarding tag.


The official section defines ecosy license official server address information.

  • url: ecosy license official server address.

The default configuration is as follows:

  port: 8085
  disableAuth: false
  disableKuiper: false
  # tls:
  #   certFile: "etc/certs/neuronex.crt"
  #   keyFile: "etc/certs/neuronex.key"
#  admin:
#    password: "0000"
#  viewer:
#    username: "test"
#    password: "0000"

    - location: /api/neuron

    - location: /api/ekuiper
    - location: /ws/ekuiper
      proxyPath: ws://

  mode: file
  level: error
  file: log/neuronex.log
  maxSize: 20  # maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated
  maxBackups: 5 # MaxBackups is the maximum number of old log files to retain
    enable: false
    # fatal/error/warning/notice/info/debug
    priority: "info"
    # now only support udp4
    network: "udp4"
    remoteAddr: ""
    # syslog protocol tag field, used for syslog server to identify which neuronex client send the syslog message
    tag: "neuronex"


HTTPS Functionality Usage

NeuronEX now supports HTTPS functionality, providing a more secure communication method. This feature allows users to access the dashboard and API through encrypted connections, enhancing the security and privacy of data transmission. NeuronEX supports both HTTP and HTTPS on the same port (8085).

Enable HTTPS Functionality

Uncomment the following fields in the configuration file and place your certificate and private key in the corresponding directory.

  certFile: "etc/certs/neuronex.crt"
  keyFile: "etc/certs/neuronex.key"

Access Methods

Client Configuration

  • Method 1: If using a self-signed certificate, add the certificate file (neuronex.crt) to the client's trust store.
  • Method 2: Disable certificate verification on the client.

JWT Token Authentication

By default, the REST API exposed by NeuronEX requires JWT Token authentication. NeuronEX supports users to place the authentication public key in the etc folder in the NeuronEX installation directory to achieve JWT Token authentication.

If NeuronEX is deployed using Docker, you need to map the local directory to the etc directory of NeuronEX in the container. Note that the local directory cannot be empty when mapping for the first time, and must have a neuronex.yaml configuration file and a public key file.

When upgrading or migrating NeuronEX software, you need to consider the backup and recovery of the etc directory.

Dump File

By default, NeuronEX does not generate dump files upon crashing after installation and startup. If dump files are required for troubleshooting purposes, you need to execute the following command to enable dump file storage.


set -e

sudo echo $target_pattern | sudo tee $core_pattern_path

sudo echo $target_pid | sudo tee $core_pid_path

core_pattern=$(cat $core_pattern_path)
core_pid=$(cat $core_pid_path)

if [ "$core_pattern" = "$target_pattern" ] && [ "$core_pid" = "$target_pid" ];then
  echo "setting success"
  echo "setting failed"