Error codes
This document describes the error codes that the data collection function will respond with when calling HTTP API and MQTT API.
API request error codes
- 1000 Common error
- 1001 Internal error
- 1002 Invalid request body
- 1003 Invalid request param
- 1004 Missing token
- 1005 Token decoding error
- 1006 Token expired
- 1007 Token validation error
- 1008 Invalid token
- 1009 Username or password error
- 1010 Server busy
- 1011 File not found
- 1012 Password length too short or too long
- 1013 Password repeated
- 1014 Command execution failed
- 1015 IP address is invalid
- 1016 IP address is already in use
- 1017 Username is invalid
- 1018 Password is invalid
Add/delete/update node/tag/plugin/group error codes
2002 Node already exists
2003 Node does not exist
2004 Node settings are invalid
2005 Node settings not found
2006 Node is not ready
2007 Node is running
2008 Node is not running
2009 Node is stopped
2010 Node name is too long
2011 Node is not allowed to be deleted
2012 Node is not allowed to be subscribed
2013 Node is not allowed to be updated
2014 Node does not support graph
2015 Node name is not allowed to be empty
2101 Group is already subscribed
2102 Group is not subscribed
2103 Group is not allowed
2104 Group already exists
2105 Group parameters are invalid
2106 Group does not exist
2107 Group name is too long
2108 Group exceeds the maximum number under one node
2201 Tag does not exist
2202 Tag name conflict
2203 Tag attributes are not supported
2204 Tag type is not supported
2205 Tag address format is invalid
2206 Tag name is too long
2207 Tag address is too long
2208 Tag description is too long
2209 Tag precision is invalid
2210 Tag already exists
2301 Library not found
2302 Library information is invalid
2303 Library name conflict
2304 Library open failed
2305 Library module is invalid
2306 System library is not allowed to be deleted
2307 Plugin is not allowed to be instantiated
2308 Plugin does not support this architecture
2309 Plugin in using
2310 Plugin add failed
2311 Plugin already exit
2312 Plugin not exist
2313 Plugin type no support
2314 Plugin version not match with core
2315 Plugin name error
2316 Plugin not match with c lib
2317 Plugin update failed
2400 License not found
2401 License is invalid
2402 License is expired
2403 License does not enable the plugin
2404 Reached the maximum number of nodes authorized by the license
2405 Reached the maximum number of points authorized by the license
2406 Hardware does not match the license
2407 License detects an abnormal clock
2408 License module is invalid
2409 License hardware token not found
2500 Template already exists
2501 Template does not exist
2502 Template name is too long
Common plugin error codes
- 3000 Plugin read failed
- 3001 Plugin write failed
- 3002 Plugin is not connected
- 3003 Plugin tag is not allowed to read
- 3004 Plugin tag is not allowed to write
- 3007 Plugin tag type mismatch
- 3008 Plugin tag value is invalid
- 3009 Plugin protocol parsing failed
- 3010 Plugin is not running
- 3011 Plugin tag is not ready
- 3012 Plugin message disorder
- 3013 Plugin name is too long
- 3014 Plugin does not exist
- 3015 Plugin device is not responding
- 3016 Plugin does not support template
- 3017 Plugin does not support writing points
- 3018 Plugin does not support synchronous reading
FILE error codes
- 4100 String is too long
- 4101 Failed to open file
- 4102 Failed to read file
- 4103 Failed to write file
OPCUA error codes
- 10001 opcua tag does not exist
- 10002 opcua connection configuration error
- 10003 opcua access timeout
- 10004 opcua tag is not readable
- 10005 opcua tag is not writable
- 10006 opcua tag is not supported
- 10007 opcua error
- 10008 The value is bad but no specific reason is known
- 10009 There was nothing to do because the client passed a list of operations with no elements
- 10010 The request could not be processed because it specified too many operations
- 10011 User does not have permission to perform the requested operation
- 10012 The timestamps to return parameter is invalid
- 10013 Communication with the data source is defined, but not established, and there is no last known value available
- 10014 The syntax of the node id is not valid
- 10015 The node id refers to a node that does not exist in the server address space
- 10016 The attribute is not supported for the specified Node
- 10017 The syntax of the index range parameter is invalid
- 10018 No data exists within the range of indexes specified
- 10019 The data encoding is invalid
- 10020 The server does not support the requested data encoding for the node
- 10021 The access level does not allow reading or subscribing to the Node
- 10022 The access level does not allow writing to the Node
- 10023 The value was out of range
- 10024 The max age parameter is invalid
- 10025 The server does not support writing the combination of value, status and timestamps provided
- 10026 The value supplied for the attribute is not of the same type as the attribute's value
- 10027 The operation is not permitted over the current secure channel
S7COMM error codes
- 10101 Hardware error
- 10103 Object has no access permission
- 10105 Invalid address
- 10106 Data type is not supported
- 10107 Data types are inconsistent
- 10110 Object does not exist
- 10150 COTP connection disconnected
- 10151 S7 connection disconnected
- 10152 No value
- 10153 Value length is too short
KNX error codes
- 10200 Device does not exist
NONA11 error codes
- 10400 Invalid address
FINS error codes
- 10500 fins connection disconnected
- 10501 fins error
- 10502 Local node error
- 10503 Target node error
- 10504 Controller error
- 10505 Service is not supported
- 10506 Routing table error
- 10507 Command format error
- 10508 Parameter error
- 10509 Cannot read
- 10510 Cannot write
- 10511 Current mode cannot be executed
- 10512 Unit does not exist
- 10513 Cannot start/stop
- 10514 Unit error
- 10515 Command error
- 10516 Access permission error
- 10517 Abort
FOCAS error codes
- 10600 focas error
EtherNet/IP error codes
- 10701 10744 EtherNet/IP error
- 10797 EtherNet/IP has no CIP connection
- 10798 EtherNet/IP data type mismatch
- 10799 EtherNet/IP is not registered session