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The KND CNC driver accesses KND K2000, K1000 C/Ci/F/Fi, and K1000TTCi series CNC systems via HTTP protocol, enabling real-time collection of various device operation data, including program name, spindle override, operating status, PLC points, etc.

Device Settings

hostDevice IP address
portDevice port number, default 8000

Supported Data Types

  • uint8
  • int8
  • uint16
  • int16
  • uint32
  • int32
  • uint64
  • int64
  • float
  • double
  • bool
  • bit
  • string

CNC Data


Tag Identifier (Address)DescriptionData TypeParameterRemarks
systemInfo.typeSystem Typestring--
systemInfo.manufacture-timeManufacture Timestring--
systemInfo.soft-versionSystem Software Versionstring--
systemInfo.fpga-versionFPGA Versionstring--
systemInfo.ladder-versionLadder Versionstring--
systemInfo.user-axesUser Axis Listarray string-- Run Statusint32-0: CNC is stopped 1: CNC is paused (feed hold) 2: CNC is running
systemStatus.opr-modeCurrent Operation Modeint32-0: Manual data input mode 1: Automatic mode 2: Invalid mode 3: Edit mode 4: Single step mode 5: Manual mode 8: Handle wheel mode 9: Machine zero return mode 10: Program zero return mode
systemStatus.readyIs Readybool--
systemStatus.not-ready-reasonNot Ready Reason Maskint32-0x1: Emergency stop signal active 0x2: Servo not ready 0x4: IO not ready (remote IO devices, etc.)
systemStatus.alarmsAlarm Listarray string--
alarmsAlarm Description Informationstringmprm-switch: Parameter switch alarm (system parameter switch or servo parameter switch) reboot: Power on/off alarm plc: PLC alarm or prompt (external alarm) ps: PS alarm (operation error) over-travel: Over-travel alarm over-heat: Overheat alarm mem: Memory alarm servo: Servo drive alarm servo-bus: Servo bus alarm over-workarea: Out of work area alarm io-bus: IO bus alarm io-module: IO module alarm manufacture: Machine factory alarm forbid-move: Axis movement not allowed when axis moves
absoluteAbsolute CoordinatesdoublemX Y Z
machineMachine CoordinatesdoublemX Y Z
relativeRelative CoordinatesdoublemX Y Z
cycleTimeProcessing Timeint32mtotal: Processing time (unit: seconds) cur: Cycle time (unit: seconds)
workCountsProcessing Countsint32mtotal: Total processing count batch: Single batch processing count
workCountGoalsTarget Countsint32mtotal: Total target count batch: Single batch target count
feedOverrideCurrent Feed Overridedouble--
jogOverrideCurrent Jog Overridedouble--
rapidOverrideCurrent Rapid Overridedouble--
handleOverrideCurrent Handle/Single Step Overridedouble--
spindleOverrideCurrent Spindle Overridedoublem1: Spindle 1 2: Spindle 2 3: Spindle 3
spSpeedCurrent Spindle Speeddoublem1: Spindle 1 2: Spindle 2 3: Spindle 3
feedrateActual Feedratedouble--
g54G54 Work Coordinate SystemdoublemX Y Z
g55G55 Work Coordinate SystemdoublemX Y Z
g56G56 Work Coordinate SystemdoublemX Y Z
g57G57 Work Coordinate SystemdoublemX Y Z
g58G58 Work Coordinate SystemdoublemX Y Z
g59G59 Work Coordinate SystemdoublemX Y Z
workCoorsCurCurrent Work Coordinate Systemstring--
varsMacro VariablesdoublemMacro variable number
progCurCurrent Programint32--
progExecStatusProgram Execution Statusint32mO: Program O number N: Program N number P: Paragraph number


Spindle numbers start from 1 and increase according to the actual number of spindles.

Macro variables (vars) are readable and writable, others are read-only.

CNC Address Examples

systemInfo.typeRead processing main program number
machine.XRead X-axis coordinate
vars.100Read/write macro variable 100
feedOverrideRead current feed override
alarms.plcPLC alarm or prompt (external alarm)
spindleOverride.1Spindle 1 override
spSpeed.1Spindle 1 speed
cycleTime.curCycle time

PLC Data

Address Format


XDI InputallRead
YDO OutputallRead
FNC -> PLCallRead
GPLC -> NCallRead
RPLC Internal Control RelayallRead/Write
SPLC Internal Special FlagallRead
KPLC Internal Power-On RelayallRead
DData TableallRead
TLLabel Sequence NumberallRead


Currently, only part of the R area can be set, i.e., R17000-R17099, and it requires explicit permission in the ladder diagram. The ladder diagram must set G138 to 181 to allow remote modification of the above R area.

AREA ADDRESS[.cur/conf]



When reading timers and counters, you need to specify whether it is the set value or the current value.

Common PLC Points

X0.0bitDI area, data at address 0
Y0.0bitDO area, data at address 0
D10int32Data table area, data at address 10
R17000floatInternal control relay area, data at address 17000
D20.24stringData table area, data at address 20
T0.confint32Timer area, set value data at address 0
T0.curint32Timer area, current data at address 0