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Running with Docker

Get the image

The NeuronEX docker image can be downloaded from the docker hub website.

## pull NeuronEX
$ docker pull emqx/neuronex:latest


## run NeuronEX
$ docker run -d --name neuronex -p 8085:8085 --log-opt max-size=100m emqx/neuronex:latest
  • tcp 8085: Port mapping for accessing web and HTTP API ports.
  • --env NEURONEX_DISABLE_AUTH=1: Optional parameter used to disable authentication.
  • --restart=always: Optional parameter to automatically restart the NeuronEX container when the Docker process restarts.
  • --privileged=true: Optional parameter for troubleshooting purposes. After enabling, NeuronEX will generate a dump file upon crashing (Only one dump file will be stored).
  • -v /host/path:/container/path: Optional parameter for mounting the directory /host/path on the host to the directory /container/path within the container. For example, /host/dir:/opt/neuronex/data would mount the local directory /host/dir to /opt/neuronex/data inside the container.
  • --device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyS0: Optional parameter for mapping a serial port to Docker. /dev/ttyUSB0 is the serial device under Linux, and /dev/ttyS0 is the serial device within Docker.
  • --log-opt: Optional parameter to limit the size of Docker's standard output (stdout), for example, --log-opt max-size=100m.

For more startup parameters, please refer to the Configuration Management.

Docker Container Python Runtime Environment

NeuronEX provides two types of Docker installation packages:

  • neuronex:3.x.x

The installation package of type neuronex:3.x.x integrates the Python runtime environment. If you want to use Python-related algorithm plugins, please use this type of image.

#run NeuronEX by neuronex:3.x.x
docker pull emqx/neuronex:3.3.0
docker run -d --name neuronex -p 8085:8085 --log-opt max-size=100m emqx/neuronex:3.3.0
  • neuronex:3.x.x-slim

The installation package of type neuronex:3.x.x-slim does not integrate the Python runtime environment. It has a smaller package size. If you do not use Python-related algorithm plugins, please use this type of image.

#run NeuronEX by neuronex:3.x.x-slim
docker pull emqx/neuronex:3.3.0-slim
docker run -d --name neuronex -p 8085:8085 --log-opt max-size=100m emqx/neuronex:3.3.0-slim