Release history
Release Date: 2025-03-12
- FINS TCP/UDP optimized read size
- Modbus driver data processing optimization
- SparkplugB write tag adaption neuron core rule
- Data processing module adds sync cache metrics
- Fix CNC License display abnormality
- Fix SparkplugB node DBIRTH trigger incorrect issue after startup
- Fix SparkplugB NDEATH and DDEATH trigger incorrect issue
- Fix DLT645 driver crash issue
- Fix FINS TCP/UDP driver crash issue
- Fix sink bufferLength configuration not taking effect
- Fix last_agg_hit_time() not updating value when used alone in having
- Fix change deletion connection rule failure text, clearly indicate that there is a rule in use
- Fix sink omitEmpty property not taking effect when send single, non-nil but no data
Release Date: 2025-02-25
- Added new southbound driver: KND CNC driver
- Added new southbound driver: Mitsubishi 4E
- MQTT driver supports customizable data upload formats
- MQTT driver supports a new data reporting format:ECP-format
- MQTT driver supports parameter configuration for reporting tag error code
- IEC61850 driver updates:
- Supports three reporting modes: general interrogation, scheduled interval reporting, and data change reporting
- Supports CID file import (automatically generates tags for sp and sg type)
- Adjusted data reporting format, with each tag including timestamp and quality fields
- Northbound application supports configuration of static tags
- OPC UA driver supports extended object type
- OPC UA driver supports BIT data type
- OPC UA driver optimizes tag browser functionality, allowing directly scanned OPC UA Server tags to be added to southbound group
- ModbusTCP driver supports configuration of primary and backup ModbusTCP Servers
- FINS TCP/UDP driver adds a parameter to configure the maximum number of bytes read at once
- Video data source adds video format and encoding configuration options
- Data processing functionality supports ONNX plugin integration
- SQL editor supports keyword suggestions
- MQTT Sink supports MQTT version 5 and includes tracing functionality
- File data source adds support for raw type data
- Rule functionality adds support for incremental window calculation
- Rule general configuration supports SendNilField configuration
- Timeout for external function calls in rules is configurable
- License page supports license reset
- Fix the display error of the CNC License on the license page.
- Fix the abnormal export issue of the backup function.
Release Date: 2025-01-02
- Refine OPCUA driver error code 10007-10027, indicating that the tag quality is in bad state
- Mitsubishi 3E and Mewtocol drivers support trace function
- Fix the timeout error caused by importing tags exceeding the license limit
- Fix the OPCUA driver maxAge parameter setting is too large, causing individual OPCUA Servers to not refresh data.
- Fix the OPCUA driver Array type tag write empty array, reporting an error tag type mismatch
- Fix the Modbus driver response duplication problem
- Fix the Mewtocol driver tag merging error
- Fix security scan related vulnerability issues
- Fix the problem that file sink ignoreEndline is easy to cause confusion when it is large
- Solve the problem that the shared stream stops some rules and causes the buffer of the remaining running rules to be full
- Solve the problem that when slidingWindow(ss, 5, 10) triggers to obtain the previous and next data, the timer unit error makes it difficult to trigger
- Delete the log on the SQL source hot path to prevent high CPU during high throughput
- Fix the sink cache initialization problem to prevent the disk cache from being loaded incorrectly
- After configuring to close the log, no console or other logs will be output
- TLS certificate initialization, configure skip secure verify to still perform certificate parsing
- Solve the error handling problem of parallel nodes (codec, encryption and other attributes), the error is reflected in metrics and prints logs
- Solve the problem that REST sink dynamic headers are only parsed once
- REST sink "No connection" error is identified as a recoverable error (if resend is configured, the resend process will be entered)
- Adjust the sqlite version and fix the arm v7 deployment error
Release Date: 2024-12-03
- OPCUA driver supports reading BIT type
- OPCUA supports array type reading and writing
- MQTT driver relaxes port restrictions
- Modbus RTU/TCP driver supports tracing
- SRTP driver optimizes timeout processing
- Siemens S7 driver supports string array reading and writing
- SparkplugB supports ddeath after southbound driver disconnection and dbirth after reconnection
- Tag list page displays group name
- Kafka sink supports compression configuration
- Httppull source supports configuration of access header
- Neuron no longer sends errors continuously after the connection is disconnected. It only sends once when connected to disconnection, and does not send when reconnection fails to prevent excessive log/exception
- Duration related configurations are migrated at startup, for example, cacheTTL numbers are automatically migrated to duration strings
- Conf configures key verification to prevent XSS attacks
- Neuron Sink supports calling multi-tag write API
- fixed decimal verification failed
- OPCUA driver reads Kepserver and intermittent data expires
- When MQTT reports data in tags-format, the transferPrecision field appears incorrectly
- Fixed the writing problem of String type tag with decimal configuration
- SQL Source supports reading Null fields
- Data source page translation error
- Occasional connection status lock acquisition problem, NPE may occur
- Clear status after shared stream configuration fails
- Fixed Kafka sink, key/headers dynamic template attribute ineffective problem
Release Date: 2024-10-31
- Fix neuronStream buffer overflow error
- Fix the error that the neuronStream data could not be obtained during rule debugging
- Support parameter sendError in rule options
- Fixed the error when ECP manage NeuronEX with https enabled
Release Date: 2024-10-24
- Added southbound driver DNP 3.0
- Added southbound driver HollySys Modbus TCP
- Added southbound driver HollySys Modbus RTU
- Added southbound driver Allen-Bradley 5000 EtherNet/IP
- Added southbound driver Allen-Bradley DF1
- MQTT driver supports reporting southbound driver status to MQTT topics
- MQTT driver supports MQTT 5.0 version
- Focas driver PMC read optimization
- DLT645 driver supports reading data from address area 05
- ModbusTCP and Inovance Modbus TCP drivers added parameter
Check Header
- ModbusTCP and ModbusRTU drivers support device degradation
- Southbound driver and northbound application pages support pagination display of node information
- Added environment variable
and configuration parametersub_filter_error
, which can configureSubscribe
attributes to only detect normally reported values - Data processing module adds connection management function, supporting configuration of MQTT and SQL connectors, with automatic reconnection support
- File source supports reading CIME files in the power industry
- Split source/sink operators
- Added rule statistics indicators
- Rule running indicators can still be viewed after the rule is stopped
- Portable plugin adds status and error information display
- Supports complete backup and recovery of NeuronEX
- UI supports password hiding
- Supports choosing whether to start the data processing engine when starting NeuronEX
- NeuronEX supports HTTPS API
- Supports modifying the admin password and Viewer account in the configuration file
- Parameters in the configuration file
support mapping for use as environment variables - Added OpenTelemetry tracing function, supporting the following features:
- API and downstream MQTT control command tracing
- Data collection link tracing
- Rule calculation link tracing
- Supports outputting logs to the console via environment variables
- The time-related configuration items of the data processing module now use the go duration string format
- Add judgment conditions when deleting a Source, and the Source referenced by the rule cannot be deleted
- SQL Source no longer supports reading null data
- Fixed the issue of reading data errors in the Panasonic Mewtocol driver
- Adjusted Docker installation package system parameter
= 1024 - Fix SQL source scan for some column type for different databases
- Window accomodate time shift back
- Fix metrics for batch operator
- Fix csv format output to avoid e-notation for float
- Operand nil in an operation always return nil (e.g. a + b, if a == nil, result is nil)
- Fix random memory source failure when restarting rule
- Fix log rotate count when logs rotate too much
- Neuron connection remove size limit (may drop when payload is bigger than 1MB)
Release Date: 2024-10-22
- DLT645 driver supports reading data from address area 05
- SparkplugB supports southbound driver disconnection ddeath, and reconnection after dbirth
- SparkplugB supports ndeath for device power failure
- Fixed the issue of reading data errors in the Panasonic Mewtocol driver
- Fixed the issue of reading Decimal type data errors in SQL source
Release Date: 2024-09-02
- Southbound device and northbound application pages support driver paging and total number display.
- Source and rule action support custom source and sink types in portable plugins.
- Delete offline cache data when delete MQTT node.
- Optimize the disk usage of NeuronEX docker image.
- Fixed Mitsubishi 3E plugin reading incorrect value of bit tag.
- Fixed Mitsubishi plugin filter unexpected reponse.
- Fixed the problem of duplicate names in fields of rule action.
- Fixed the front-end prompt error of Modbus TCP plugin Check Header parameter.
- Fixed the problem that the prompt information of file source Columns parameter was not fully displayed.
- Fixed the invalid source type filtering function on the source configuration key page.
- Fixed the problem that the portable plugin customized source and configuration group page displayed incomplete information.
- Fixed BatchOp metric: calculate time batch outputs
- Fixed BatchOp metrics: do not calculate empty time batch outputs
Release Date: 2024-07-31
- Focas driver PMC reading optimization
- Data monitoring page optimization
- Optimize data collection core module log
- Add dataField and Field fields to action property configuration items
- File source supports cime file type
- When logging into NeuronEX for the first time, the browser language is used as the default language
- Tag subscribe attribute, triggers subscribe to report data only when normal data changes.
- Dataprocessing node communication error after NeuronEX starts
- Southbound driver imports API, and the error caused by importing points exceeding the license limit
- When northbound application contains Chinese, garbled characters appear in the downloaded log file
- The style of the drop-down multi-select input box on the action page is messy
- Fix the ECP update portable plugin package is invalid
- Fix some issues with the single sign-on function
- Fix the problem of REST Sink when the Content-type is application/
Release Date: 2024-06-24
- Added Modbus ASCII southbound driver
- Added XINJE Modbus RTU southbound driver
- Added Codesys V3 southbound driver
- Added IEC 60870-5-101 southbound driver
- Added IEC 60870-5-102 southbound driver
- Added IEC 60870-5-103 southbound driver
- Added AWS IOT northbound application
- Added Azure IOT northbound application
- OPCUA driver supports data tag discovery
- OPCUA driver supports localizedtext data type
- IEC 61850 driver supports asynchronous read and write
- IEC 60870-5-104 driver adjusted to standard version, and supports providing private - customized version
- DLT645 supports multi-data reading
- Supports uploading CNC files
- Data tag supports offset
- Support tag test when adding data tags (currently only supports Modbus TCP driver)
- Data monitoring page supports filtering to display only error tags
- Data monitoring page supports tags paging display
- Optimize decimal display of floating data tags
- Add CAN Source
- Support for Javascript custom functions
- Add Image Sink
- Neuron Sink supports writing multiple tags in data template
- Data source redis, influxdb v1/v2 support connection test
- Add RBAC user management, support two roles of administrator and viewer
- Support network connection test
- Support display of system CPU and memory load
- Optimize SQL Source parameter configuration
- Optimize time display on rule status page
- Optimize SSO function
- Optimize MQTT Northbound applications generate default clientid and topic
- In the default configuration of rule retry, the delay is changed to 5000ms, and the - multiplier is changed to 1
- Add some rules SQL usage examples
- Support custom hiding of left and top menu bars
- Fix the growth of ekuiper log after NeuronEX Log Level is set to debug
- Fix the names of southbound drivers, resulting in configuration export errors
- Fix the tag descriptions that all become the last edited content when adding multiple tags
- Fix the problem of inaccurate statistics of southbound driver nodes
- Fix the driver exception caused by modbus batch writing tags
Release Date: 2024-06-28
- Inovance Modbus supports coil area merge reading and writing
- Optimize Siemens S7 driver performance
- Optimize neuron core module log
- Display of floating point data, remove invalid suffixes
- In the default configuration of rule retry, the delay is changed to 5000ms, and the - multiplier is changed to 1
- opc ua cannot correctly connect to the third-party opc server
- Inaccurate display of group tags in driver statistics
- Issuing wrong configuration causes neuron to exit
- Too many "tag not changed" logs
- Issue of inconsistency between rule status and import configuration after rule import
- Using non-existent httppull lookuptable address, the rule still runs normally
- Kafka sink writes to multiple partitions when the same key pub is used
- Add multiple points at one time, and when adding descriptions, all become the last edited content.
- After the northbound application is stopped, the trans_data_message statistical indicator does not return to 0
- Incorrect display of floating point numbers on the data monitoring page
Release Date: 2024-04-26
- Focas driver supports more function
- SECS/GEM driver tag resolution to specific values
- Inovance Modbus driver supports collecting TIME and DATA_AND_TIME data types
- Siemens S7 driver supports collecting DATA_AND_TIME data type
- Modbus driver configuration items support configuration endian
- Modbus driver configuration items support configuring the starting address 0 or 1
- Added file upload function
- Optimize the creation page of northbound node
- Optimize sources, extensions and configuration pages
- The default log collection level is adjusted to error
- Add some SQL examples
- When creating a rule, generate a random Rule ID
- When copying drivers and rules, a default name is generated
- Adjust the operation position of rule status statistics
- On the southbound driver data statistics page, the timestamp of the collection error information is displayed as local time.
- Remove clock check for trial license
- NeuronEX server optimizes 100-continue response
- MQTT sink password is hidden and not displayed
- Fixed the issue where after the rules are imported, the page needs to be refreshed to see the new rules.
- Fixed the issue where the portable plugin list display is empty and the list interface returns data.
- Fixed data template multi-line display error during rule testing.
- Fixed the problem that the portable plugin re-upload function is invalid.
- Fixed the issue where influxdb v2 line protocol selects true and submits sink error.
- Fixed the issue where OPCUA driver bool value would fail when writing false.
- Fixed OPCUA driver, memory growth problem.
- Fixed cli reset password function.
- Fixed ECP managed NeuronEX by agent being unable to use the log monitoring function
Release Date: 2024-03-18
- Added MTConnect southbound driver.
- Added Siemens MPI southbound driver.
- Added Heidenhain CNC southbound driver.
- Added import and export functionality for southbound driver.
- Added data processing Kafka Sink.
- Added support for calling third-party AI algorithm services.
- Added southbound driver replication.
- Added Single Sign-On (SSO) support.
- Added agent connection to ECP platform.
- Added support for
type in OPCUA driver. - Optimized asynchronous read/write performance in OPCUA driver.
- Inovance Modbus TCP driver supports AM series and AC series medium-sized PLCs.
- Added function features to Focas driver.
- Added support for
type in S7 driver. - Enhanced data collection plugin update, replacement, and deletion functionality.
- MQTT, SQL, Kafka Source/Sink support for connection testing.
- Source and Sink configurations support direct import of certificate files.
- Redesigned and optimized UI pages.
- Optimized southbound driver creation page.
- Optimized rule debugging page.
- Optimized data statistics page for drivers and rules.
- Optimized data processing Sink configuration page.
- Enhanced search and query functionality for multiple UI pages.
- UI supports downloading portable plugin examples.
- Optimized Dump file generation.
- Adjusted built-in license functionality; data processing functionality is available, but rules will stop after 60 minutes.
- Changed docker installation package naming convention;
- standard installation packages include Python basic environment, whileneuronex:3.2.0-slim
lightweight version does not include Python environment. - Removed southbound driver template functionality.
- Fixed an issue where the default timeout for Mitsubishi drivers was too short, causing abnormal disconnection when the data volume was large.
- Fixed an issue where the .so file and .json file did not match when uploading plugins.
- Fixed an issue where the connection status of Mitsubishi PLC 3E was inaccurate.
- Fixed an issue where spaces and carriage returns were transmitted to the backend in rule debugging data templates.
Release Date: 2024-03-06
- Increased the data tag name length limit to 128 bits.
- Added support for single-point and multi-point reading and writing in the Inovance Modbus TCP driver's I address area.
- Modified the default byte order in the Inovance Modbus TCP driver to match with the device.
- Enhanced OPC UA asynchronous read and write performance.
- Added support for Q/M named address input specification in the S7 driver.
- Fixed abnormal disconnection issue in the Mitsubishi driver when handling large amounts of data.
- Fixed error 3008 in the 104 protocol.
- Addressed the problem of excessive dump file generation.
Release Date: 2024-01-12
- Added Redis source.
- Optimized the log monitoring page.
- Implemented password change validation to ensure old and new passwords cannot be the same.
- Added filter search and pagination for the North Apps page and North Group List page.
- Stored ECP related data (liveness, syslog, password) into SQLite.
- Set the
option totrue
by default when creating a rule.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed SQL database password validation error.
- Fixed node/group display error in Data Monitoring page.
- Fixed error that occurred when creating rules while rule testing is in progress.
- Fixed hexadecimal writing data tag error.
- Fixed TLS certificates validation error.
- Fixed rule exception for multiple operators.
- Fixed syslog body validation.
- Fixed eKuiper liveness check when setting log level.
- Fixed liveness report to ECP not working except reboot NeuronEX.
Release Date: 2023-12-22
Support for Centos 7, Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian-10 operating systems
Support for ARM V7
Support for RPM and DEB installation
Support for Inovance Modbus TCP southbound driver
Support for HOSTLINK southbound driver
Support for adding and replacing southbound and northbound drivers
The driver template adds the Interval field of group
New source in the data processing module: HTTP Pull, HTTP Push, SQL, File, Video, Simulator
New sink in the data processing module: REST, SQL, InfluxDB V1, InfluxDB V2, File
Added rule testing function
Optimize Add Sink page
Optimize rule options UI and Sink configuration UI
Optimize the configuration process between data collection and data processing modules
NeuronEX logs, metrics, alarms support docking with ECP
Add log monitoring
Support for downloading single southbound and northbound driver log
Support for downloading data processing module log
Support for starting and stopping data processing module
UI displays system architecture information
Support for command line to reset login password
Optimize NeuronEX storage directory
Release Date: 2023-11-3
Added configuration function to limit the size and quantity of log files.
Added the function of modifying the log level, and added the log configuration function on the page.
Added password restrictions when changing passwords on the UI page.
- Fixed log-related issues such as garbled logs and format errors.
Release Date: 2023-10-24
Realize functional integration of data collection and data stream processing
Added unified authentication service
Added unified API
Added support for syslog service (Support syslog server)
Added support for yaml format configuration files
Added support for environment variables and command line settings to run
Added support for large-scale hardware bundling license distribution
Added floating license
Optimize front-end display