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Stream management

Streaming is the main mode of operation for data source access in NeuronEX. Users can define how to connect to external resources by selecting the data source type and configuration parameters. Whenever data flows into the data stream, calculations in the rules will be triggered.

Stream type

Currently, the following stream types are supported built-in:

stream typedescription
NeuronRead data from NeuronEX's data collection module
MQTTRead data from MQTT topic
HTTP pullPull data from HTTP server
HTTP pushPush data to NeuronEX via HTTP
MemoryRead data from the NeuronEX memory to form a rule pipeline
SQLQuery data from the database
FileRead data from a file
VideoQuery data from video stream

Create stream

On the NeuronEX page, click Data Processing -> Sources. On the stream management page, click the Create Stream button to create a stream.


Stream parameter configuration

  • Whether the schema stream

    NeuronEX supports structured/unstructured streams, with the default being unstructured. That is, when Sources -> Create Stream, the Whether the schema stream option is not checked. Please refer to data structure for detailed description.

    • unstructured streams

    Schemaless, users do not need to define any form of schema, mainly used for weakly structured data flow, or when the data structure changes frequently.

    • Structured streams

    Users define data schema at the data source (Source) layer. Data applicable to users has a fixed or approximately fixed format.


    Some data formats have data structures themselves, such as the protobuf format. When creating a source, users can define a stream format to point to the data structure definition in the Schema Registry. At this time, the data structure of the data source will be overwritten by the definition in the schema registry. For a detailed introduction to modes, see the Mode chapter.

  • Stream Type

    NeuronEX supports multiple stream types. For details, please refer to Streaming Data Source.

  • data source

    Depends on different data source types; if it is an MQTT source, it is the MQTT data source topic name; for other sources, please refer to the relevant documentation.

  • Configuration Key

    Define related configuration items for each type of data source. For details, please refer to the relevant documents. Each data source provides a default configuration key for reference.

  • Streaming Format

    Used to define the incoming data type, supporting json, protobuf, binary, delimited and custom, the default is json. The following is an introduction to other streaming formats:

    • delimited

      For CSV file data source, you need to select the delimited format, and also specify a delimiter to distinguish the data fields, such as ","

    • protobuf

      Protobuf is a way to serialize structured data. When the stream format is set to protobuf, the mode used when decoding should also be configured. Modes can be defined in Data Processing -> Configuration -> Schema. For a detailed introduction to modes, see the Mode chapter.

    • Binary

      For binary data streams, such as images or video streams, the data format needs to be specified as binary.

    • custom

      custom is a data format customized by the user.


    By default, the SHARED attribute is set to false . If the user wants multiple rules to share the same data source instance, the SHARED attribute can be set to true.

    • When shared data source is false, each rule will start an independent data source runtime, and data sources with the same name in different rules are completely isolated.
    • When shared data source is true, the same data source instance is shared in multiple rules.


If you need to use the exact same input data or improve performance, the shared field of the data source can be defined with true.


In some scenarios, users need different rules to handle the exact same data flow. For example, when processing sensor temperature data, the user may need a rule to trigger a warning when the average temperature over a period of time is greater than 30 degrees; and another rule to trigger a warning when the average temperature over a period of time is less than 0 degrees. When using the default configuration, both rules instantiate the source instance independently. Due to reasons such as network delays, rules may get data streams in different orders or even have missing data, thus calculating averages in different data dimensions. By configuring a shared source instance, users can ensure that both rules process the exact same data.

data structure

When you create a data source, you can define the data structure of the data source. When NeuronEX runs, it performs data validation and type conversion based on the defined structure. Data structure validation is not enabled by default. If you want to enable it, you can check the "Whether the schema stream" field when creating a data source and fill in the field information.

Currently NeuronEX supports the following field types:

#data typedescription
1bigintbigint type
2floatfloat type
3stringText value consisting of Unicode characters.
4datetimeDatetime type
5booleanboolean type
6byteaA byte array used to store binary data. If you use this type in a stream formatted "JSON", the incoming data needs to be a base64-encoded string.
8structComplex type


If the data accessed by the data source is inconsistent with the defined data schema, the message will be discarded and no rule processing will be performed.


Example 1

   (id bigint, name string, score float)
WITH (datasource = "topic/temperature", FORMAT = "json", KEY = "id");

The stream will subscribe to the MQTT topic topic/temperature and the server connection uses the server key in the default section of the configuration file $ekuiper/etc/mqtt_source.yaml.

Example 2

demo (

The stream will subscribe to the MQTT topic test/ and the server connection uses the settings in the demo section of the configuration file $ekuiper/etc/mqtt_source.yaml.

Example 3

demo () WITH (DATASOURCE="test/", FORMAT="protobuf", SCHEMAID="proto1.Book");

The stream will subscribe to the MQTT topic test/, using the PROTOBUF format, decoding the incoming data according to the Book definition in the $ekuiper/data/schemas/protobuf/schema1.proto file. For details on mode management, see Mode.