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Smart Data Hub


The Smart Data Hub is only available in the EMQX Dedicated and Premium editions.

The EMQX Platform's Smart Data Hub is an all-in-one solution for intelligent data processing. It is designed to simplify and efficiently manage MQTT data streams. With the Smart Data Hub, you can easily manage schemas, validate data, and perform real-time data transformations as needed. Whether for data validation or message transformation, this platform enables automated and efficient data management.

Key Features

The Smart Data Hub provides the following key features:

  • Schema Registry: Create, modify, and delete data schemas to ensure consistency in data formats and standards.
  • Schema Validation: Validate incoming data against predefined schemas to prevent formatting errors and data inconsistencies.
  • Message Transformation: Transform data messages in real-time, formatting or mapping MQTT data as needed to suit various application scenarios.

Please note that these features are available only after enabling the Smart Data Hub service.


How to Enable

You can enable the Smart Data Hub service through the following methods:

  • New Deployments: When creating a v5 Dedicated or Premium deployment, you can choose to enable the Smart Data Hub service.
  • Existing Deployments: To enable the service for already-created deployments, click the Smart Data Hub from the left menu of the deployment. Alternatively, click Subscribe Now in the Smart Data Hub section on the deployment overview page.

After enabling the service, you can view the statistic numbers of schemas, schema validations, and data transformations. You can also delete the service at any time.


The Smart Data Hub is available for EMQX versions 5.8.3 and later in the Dedicated and Premium editions. If the Smart Data Hub does not appear in your deployment console, please contact technical support to enable it manually or upgrade your deployment to a higher EMQX version.

Billing Information

The billing strategy for the Smart Data Hub is as follows:

  • Premium Deployments: No additional charges; the cost is included in the annual subscription fee for Premium deployments.
  • Non-Trial Dedicated Deployments: Additional charges apply when enabling the Smart Data Hub. Pricing details will be displayed in the console interface.
  • Trial Dedicated Deployments: The Smart Data Hub service can be used for free during the trial period, which aligns with the trial duration of the deployment.

Subaccount Permissions

The Smart Data Hub provides detailed permission controls, ensuring that different roles can access and manage its features according to their permissions. Specific permission allocations are as follows:

  • Enable/Delete the Service: Only the primary account, administrators, and project administrators can enable or delete the Smart Data Hub service.
  • Schema Registry, Schema Validation, and Message Transformation: When the Smart Data Hub service is enabled, the following roles have specific permissions:
    • Root Users, Administrators, Project Administrators, and Project Users: Can perform create, delete, modify, and view operations.
    • Accountants and Auditors: Can view only, with read-only access.

For more details on subaccount roles and permissions, refer to Roles and Permissions.