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Rules, also known as the rule engine, are an SQL-based data processing component built into EMQX. They are used in conjunction with Connectors to enable code-free IoT data extraction, filtering, transformation, storage, and processing, accelerating application integration and business innovation.

How Rules Work

Rules specify how to retrieve data from a data source, perform data transformations, and the actions that should be applied to the results.


  • Data Source: The data source of a rule can be a message, event, or external data system. The FROM clause in the rule's SQL specifies the data source, while the WHERE clause adds additional constraints on which messages the rule processes.

    For more information on the various types of supported data sources and fields that can be referenced in the WHERE clause, see SQL Data Sources and Fields.

  • Data Transformation: Data transformations describe the process of transforming an input message. The SELECT part of the SQL extracts and transforms data from the input message. Embedded SQL sample statements can be used to implement advanced transformations, such as adding a timestamp to the output message.

    For a detailed explanation of the syntax and built-in SQL functions, see Rule SQL Reference and Built-in SQL Functions. To learn more about SQL functions, you can also refer to jq Functions.

  • Actions: Actions solve the problem of "where to send the processed data". They tell EMQX Platform how to handle the data produced by the rule. After the input is processed according to the specified rules, one or more actions can be defined to process the SQL execution results. The rule engine will sequentially perform corresponding actions. Currently, rules support the following two types of actions:

    • Built-in Actions: Currently, you can republish the processing results to another MQTT topic through Message Republish.
    • Store the processing results in a database: Send data to various target services through predefined Connectors.

Rule SQL Example

SQL statements are used to specify the data source of a rule and define data processing. Here's an example of an SQL statement:

    clientid = "foo"

In the above SQL statement:

  • Data Source: Messages from topics t/#;
  • Data Processing: If the client ID of the message sender is foo, select the data field from the message content and assign it to the new variable d.


The "." syntax requires the data to be in JSON or Map format. If it is in another data type, SQL functions must be used for data type conversion.

For detailed information on the format and usage of Rule SQL statements, refer to the SQL Manual.

Create Rules

Go to your deployment and click Data Integration from the left-navigation menu to enter the Data Integration page. When you first access the initial page of data integration, you can select the type of data integration as needed, and create a connector to connect to the target service by clicking the corresponding icon. For specific steps on creating a connector, refer to Create a Connector and specific data integration instructions in the Data Integration section.


You can return to the data integration initial page by clicking New Connector.

When you have created a Connector for connecting to the cloud resources, click New Rule in the upper left corner of the Rule List to enter the New Rule page. You can also create a new rule by clicking the rule creation button in the Connector list.


If you want to create a rule for message republish, click Republish from the Data Forward category to start the rule creation process.


You can also click Do Nothing (debug) under the Debug category to enter the rule creation process. An empty action is configured only with rules and does not associate with any actions, which can be used specifically for debugging rules. For more details, refer to Empty Action (Debug).

Define a Data Source

On the New Rule page, enter a name for your rule and add a note to facilitate future management.

In the SQL Editor, you can customize the statements to add a data source that suits your business needs. For this demonstration, enter the SQL statement below:

  timestamp as up_timestamp, clientid as client_id, payload.temp as temp, payload.hum as hum

By specifying this SQL statement, the rule reads the reported timestamp, clientid, and temperature and humidity contained in the payload of the message published to the temp_hum/emqx topic.

Test the SQL Statements

Click the Enable Test toggle switch to create a new test SQL. Fill in the appropriate test parameters, and click the Test button.

In the Output Result, you can see the expected data processing results.


Add Actions

After you have created the rule, click the Next button on the New Rule step page to proceed to the New Action step page. On the New Actions step page, select the associated Connector from the Connector dropdown box. The page will display different action configuration options based on the type of associated Connector selected. See the detailed action configuration examples in Add Republish Action and Add Action for Forwarding Data to Target Services.

A rule can be associated with multiple actions. When you click Confirm to complete the action creation, a Successful new rule pop-up appears. If you want to add another action, you can click Continue to proceed and select another Connector. For example, one action can forward data to Kafka while another action sends data to an HTTP service.

Add Republish Action

The following steps demonstrate how to add an action to republish the original messages received from the topic temp_hum/emqx to another topic a/1.

  1. Select Republish from the Connector dropdown box.

  2. Configure the following settings:

    • Topic: Set the target topic, a/1 in this example;
    • QoS: Set the QoS of the republished message, 0 in this example;
    • Retain: Set whether to forward this message as a retained message, for this tutorial, keep the default setting, false;
    • Payload: Enter ${payload}, indicating the republished message will have the same payload as the original message, without any modifications.
    • MQTT 5.0 Message Properties: Click the toggle switch to configure the user properties and MQTT properties as necessary. The properties options allow you to add rich message metadata descriptions for the republished message.
      • Payload Format Indicator: Enter a value to indicate whether the payload of the message is in a specific format. When the value is set to false, the message is considered as undetermined bytes. When set to true, it indicates that the payload within the message body is UTF-8 encoded character data. This will help MQTT clients or MQTT servers parse message content more efficiently without the need for explicit formatting or type identification for the message body.
      • Message Expiry Interval: Enter a value (in seconds) to specify a time interval after which the message should expire and be considered invalid if it hasn't been delivered to the intended recipient.
      • Content Type: Enter a value to specify the type or format of the payload content within the republished message (MIME type), for example, text/plain represents a text file, audio/aac represents an audio file, and application/json signifies an application message in JSON format.
      • Response Topic: Enter the specific MQTT topic to which you want the response message to be published. For example, if you want responses to be sent to a topic named "response/my_device," you would enter: response/my_device.
      • Correlation Data: Enter a unique identifier or data to correlate a response message with the original request message. For example, you could enter a unique request identifier, a transaction ID, or any other information that is meaningful in your application context.
  3. Click Confirm to complete the action creation.

  4. In the Successful new rule pop-up, click Back to Rules to complete the rule creation.

Add Action for Forwarding Data to Target Services

You can also add actions to forward the processed results to target services using associated Connectors. On the New Action step page, select the target Connector from the Connector drop-down list. For details on the action configuration, see Ingest MQTT Data into HTTP Server and Stream MQTT Data into Apache Kafka.

View Rule Statistics

Send a message to the temp_hum/emqx topic for verification.

  "temp": "27.5",
  "hum": "41.8"

Click the rule ID in the rule list to view the rule's statistics and the statistics of all actions under this rule on the run statistics page.


View Action Statistics

You can click the action ID in the action list. On the Action Statistics page, you can view the Metrics and Rate Indicators for this action.


Currently, only the Dedicated version v5 deployment supports viewing the metrics of individual actions.


Edit Rule

You can directly click the edit icon on the Rules list to edit the rule, or you can click on the rule ID and then select the Settings tab to edit the rule. On the settings page, you can edit the SQL template of the rule, and also edit or add actions.


Enable and Disable Rules

You can enable and disable rules in the rule list. Click the toggle switch in the Enable column to activate or deactivate the rule.

Delete Rules

You can delete rules in the rule list. Click the delete button and enter the rule ID to delete the rule.

Edit and Delete Actions

In the Actions area, you can click the name in the Action Name column or the edit button in the Actions column to edit the action. Click the Delete button to delete the action.