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PostgreSQL Authorization

Extended authorization supports authorization verification through the integration of PostgreSQL.

Table Structure and Query Statement

The PostgreSQL authorizer can support any table structure, including joint queries across multiple tables or queries from views. Users need to provide a query SQL template, ensuring the query results include the following fields:

  • permission: Specifies the operation permission, with possible values allow and deny.
  • action: Specifies which operations the current rule applies to, with possible values publish, subscribe, and all.
  • topic: Specifies the topic that the current rule applies to, which can use topic filters and topic placeholders.
  • qos: (optional) Specifies the message QoS that the rule applies to, with possible values 0, 1, 2, or a comma-separated string specifying multiple QoS, such as 0,1. Default is all QoS levels.
  • retain: (optional) Specifies whether the current rule supports publishing retained messages, with possible values 0, 1, default allows retained messages.

Example table structure:

CREATE TABLE mqtt_acl(
  id serial PRIMARY KEY,
  username text NOT NULL,
  permission text NOT NULL,
  action text NOT NULL,
  topic text NOT NULL,
  qos tinyint,
  retain tinyint
CREATE INDEX mqtt_acl_username_idx ON mqtt_acl(username);


The example above creates an index. When there is a large volume of permission data in the system, ensure the tables used for queries are optimized and use effective indexes to improve data lookup speed with many connections and reduce EMQX load.

An example rule for adding a user emqx_u with a prohibition on publishing to the topic t/1:

postgres=# INSERT INTO mqtt_acl(username, permission, action, topic) VALUES ('emqx_u', 'deny', 'publish', 't/1');

The corresponding configuration parameter is:

query = "SELECT permission, action, topic, qos, retain FROM mqtt_acl WHERE username = ${username}"

Configure PostgreSQL Authorization

In the deployment, click Access Control -> Authorization -> Extended Authorization, select PostgreSQL Authorization, and click Configure.

You can complete the related configuration according to the following instructions:

  • Server: Enter the PostgreSQL server address (host:port).
  • Database: Enter the PostgreSQL database name.
  • Username (optional): Enter the username.
  • Password (optional): Enter the password.
  • Enable TLS: Configure whether to enable TLS.
  • Connection Pool Size (optional): Enter an integer to specify the concurrent connection count from EMQX nodes to the PostgreSQL database; default value: 8.
  • SQL: Fill in the query SQL according to the table structure, specific requirements can be found at SQL Table Structure and Query Statement.


  • If the current deployment is a dedicated edition, a VPC Peering Connection needs to be created, and the server address should be the internal network address.
  • If the current deployment is a BYOC edition, a VPC Peering Connection needs to be created in your public cloud console, please refer to the Creating BYOC Deployment - VPC Peering Connection Configuration section. The server address should be the internal network address.
  • If you encounter an Init resource failure! please check whether the server address is correct and whether the security group is open.