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Create a Serverless Deployment

EMQX Serverless Plan offers a cost-effective and efficient way for developers or small businesses to test and develop IoT applications. This plan is based on secure and scalable clusters and can be easily deployed in just a few simple steps.

One of the biggest advantages of using Serverless deployment is that it is billed based on actual usage. For more detailed information on the billing system, see the Pricing section in Pricing and Billing.

Create a Deployment

  1. Log in to the EMQX Platform console.

  2. To initiate a new deployment for your project, navigate to either the Console's homepage or the Deployment List page. Here, click + New Deployment.

  3. In Choose Plan, select Serverless.


  4. Specify the monthly Spend Limit for your Serverless deployment. This feature helps manage usage and prevent incurring charges beyond the complimentary resources. By default, it is set to 0 but can be adjusted after creation.

  5. Under Deployment Name & Project, provide a name for your deployment and select the appropriate project.

  6. Click the Deploy button on the right to launch the deployment. This stage will prompt you to review and accept the EMQX Platform Services Agreement. It's important to thoroughly read the agreement and accept its terms to proceed.

  7. Upon accepting the terms, the deployment will begin. The deployment's progress can be tracked on the Projects page. Once the status updates to Running, your deployment is successfully established and is now operational.

View Deployment Information

After the deployment is created, it will appear on the EMQX Platform console home page. Click the Serverless deployment card to enter the deployment overview page. On the overview page, you can check the real-time status and connection information for your deployment.


Basic Information

  • Instance Status: Running status and duration of operation.
  • Sessions: Current number of connections and maximum connection limits.
  • Pub&Sub TPS: Current messages sent and received per second, as well as the TPS limit.
  • Session Minutes: Total number of session minutes used this month. The count of this value has a delay of 1 hour.
  • Traffic: Usage information for the deployed traffic, including monthly usage and free quota.
  • Rule Actions: The number of rule actions executed this month. The count of this value has a delay of 1 hour.
  • Spend Limit: The maximum spending limit set for the deployment in the current month. For more information, see the Spend Limit settings.

Connection Information

  • Address: The address for the client/terminal device to connect to EMQX Platform.

  • Ports: 8883 (mqtts) and 8084 (wss) are enabled by default. Check out the connection guide to learn more.

  • CA Certificate: If the client needs to verify the server's CA, click to download this certificate.

Connect to Serverless Deployment Using MQTTX

EMQX Platform recommends using MQTTX to test the connection to the deployment, but you can also use your preferred SDK or other tools for connection. Before connecting to the deployment using MQTTX, you first need to obtain the deployment connection address (Host) and port (Port) and user authentication information.

  1. Get the connection information. Click Overview on the left navigation menu to find the deployment connection address and port.

  2. Add client authentication information. Click on Access Control -> Authentication in the left menu, click the Add button, enter the username and password for the client or device, and then click Confirm.


  3. Set up the connection information in MQTTX and connect to the deployment.


  4. After a successful connection, you can publish and subscribe to messages.


Deployment Stopping and Deletion

Stopped by the system: If there are no active client connections to the deployment for 30 consecutive days, the deployment will be stopped by the system. If you wish to continue using it, please manually enable it in the console.

Deleted by the system: If the deployment is not activated within 30 days after being stopped, it can be deleted.