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Metrics provide key data states and changes in deployments over a period of time. You can view them on the deployment details page by clicking Monitor->Metrics in the left navigation menu.

Real Time Metrics

Here you can observe the real-time metrics of your deployment.

SessionsThe total number of clients currently connected to the deployment, including offline clients with retained sessions.
Total TPSThe total number of messages processed per second by the current deployment, including the total rate of messages received and sent per second.
Total message sentThe number of messages per second currently flowing out of the deployment.
Total message receivedThe number of messages per second currently flowing into the deployment.
Retained messagesThe total number of retained messages in the deployment.
For an introduction to retained messages, see The Beginner's Guide to MQTT Retained Messages.
TopicsThe total number of topics currently subscribed to by all clients.
SubscriptionsThe total number of subscribed topics in each client.
Shared subscriptionsThe total number of shared subscriptions in the deployment.
For an introduction to shared subscriptions, see MQTT Shared Subscriptions: Practical Guidelines and Use Cases .


Subscription count is calculated per client. If 2 different clients are subscribed to the same topic, the subscription count is considered as 2.


CIick the Timeline tab, you can see the metrics data of the deployment within a period of time.

Serverless Timeline Metrics

The Timeline page for serverless deployment provides 5 types of metrics: sessions, subscriptions, messages, packets, and dropped messages. You can view the corresponding graphical charts for each type of metric and detailed information at a specific point in time.


The Sessions chart displays the number of clients connected to the deployment within the selected time period. The number of sessions also includes offline clients that have enabled persistent sessions. Persistent sessions refer to sessions that remain active and store offline messages even when the client disconnects until the session times out and is cleared.



The Subscriptions chart displays the total number of subscriptions within the selected time period.



The Messages chart displays the number of messages received and sent by the deployment within the selected time period.

  • Inbound messages are the messages received from the device or application.
  • Outbound messages are messages sent to the device or application.


The Packets chart shows the traffic of the messages received and sent by the deployment during the selected time period, including the following three types of data:

  • Total packets: Total traffic of packets received and sent.
  • Sent packets: The traffic of packets sent to the device or application.
  • Recieved packets: The traffic of packets recieved from the device or application.

Dropped Messages

The Dropped Message chart shows the messages that are discarded during the sending phase within the selected time period. The reasons for messages being dropped can be that messages are too large in size, the message queue is full, or the message expires.


Dedicated / BYOC Timeline Metrics

The Timeline metrics for Dedicated and BYOC deployment provides 5 types of metrics: sessions, subscriptions, messages, packets, and dropped messages. You can view graphical charts corresponding to each type of metric and detailed information at a specific time. For some metrics, the corresponding metrics in the API are indicated. If you need to learn and view more metrics, you can retrieve more metrics through the API.


If there is no corresponding API metric in the table, it means that the metric cannot be retrieved from the API.


The Sessions chart displays the number of concurrent sessions within a selected time period. The number of sessions includes offline clients that have enabled persistent sessions. The chart provides 3 metrics:

Metrics in APIDescription
-Concurrent sessions.
client.connectedThe number of connected sessions at the moment.
client.disconnectedThe number of disconnected sessions at the moment.


The Subscriptions chart provides 3 metrics to display the subscription status within the selected time period.

Metrics in APIDescription
-Total number of subscriptions.
client.subscribeThe number of subscriptions at the moment.
client.unsubscribeThe number of unsubscriptions at the moment.


The Messages chart provides 3 metrics, showing the number of messages received and sent by the deployment during the selected time period, and the messages with no subscribers.

Metrics in APIDescription
messages.receivedThe number of messages received from the device or application at the moment.
messages.sentThe number of messages sent to the device or application at the moment.
messages.dropped.no_subscribersThe number of messages will be dropped because of no subscribers.


The Packets chart provides 2 metrics, showing the traffic of messages received and sent by the deployment during the selected time period.

Metrics in APIDescription
bytes.receivedKilobytes of message packets received from the device or application at the moment.
bytes.sentKilobytes of message packets sent to the device or application at the moment.

Dropped Messages

The Dropped Messages chart shows the number of messages that are dropped during delivery due to either expiration or the message queue reaching its capacity within the selected time period.

Metrics in APIDescription
delivery.dropped.expiredMessages dropped due to message expiration.
delivery.dropped.queue_fullMessages dropped due to a full message queue.